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Electromedicine 電子醫學

Electromedicine 電子醫學
由 admin » 2010年 3月 26日 16:31

...有關磁場變化對人的影響 and 地球....難以想像是快40年前寫的
..其中講到的electro-medicine...用LED 光and bone marrow growth

已有一個新的光帶進到太陽系且已經影響地球的磁場進而改變人的生理運行的韻律..光帶近而改變地球的本身電磁場.這進一步會改變腦內的磁場使得腦運作的頻率會提高, 如此一來我們會被強迫去適應更寬廣的磁場頻譜.這股新的電磁頻率本質是屬於宇宙生物學而非屬於地球本身.. 新電磁場進來後會有進一步的人體突變.何時會有這種突變?當新磁場線把質子-電子-質子網絡的能量配合模式轉變成電子-質子-電子網絡模式.如此一來人體內的生物能量場會有新的電子和正子對. 血液循環系統也會有新的磁場線力量. 血球周圍的離子場會逐漸失去質子-電子-質子網絡的能量配合模式而轉變成電子-質子-電子網絡模式
換句話說,血球的分子密度會改變, 血紅素的的四個鏈會從原本alpha –beta 型態轉變成alpha-delta型態.alpha-delta型態的攜氧能力是最好的. 在這層面上,分子的密度會便少,且會更透明如此得以參與多層次元空間的運作.
次單元可以自動組裝成α2β2 的形態(
chain)及β-血蛋白鏈(β-globin chain)。人體第16 及第11 條染色體上就分
別有2 個控制製造α及1 個製造β的基因點。人體染色體都是成對存在,因
此正常總共有4 個α基因點及2 個β基因點,當這些基因點發生遺傳缺陷時
Delta, Gamma, Epsilon 等羅馬字母命名,Zeta 與Alpha 基因在同一染色體上,
Delta, Gamma 則與Beta 同在第11 染色體上,所以實際上地中海貧血並非只
分為α,β型而已。Delta, Gamma 基因亦可與Beta 基因同時突變,因而又有δβ
及γδβ型貧血,只是出生後正常血色素A 只由α及β鏈構成,其他類型的地中
(mutation)。有興趣的人去找看看是不是alpha+delta chain binding氧氣能力更強

接下來紫外線會有對人體DNA有重新重組的功能.紫外線在某種強度下一般被認為會傷害DNA 造成DNA無法轉譯,但其實如果把感光酵素加入可見光的光子則會使DNA再度重組而再度運作.這樣的先破壞再重組的模式對於進化是有必要的
電能醫學領域包括導入電流或電磁能到受傷的器官而促成: 軟骨增生, 部份斷肢增生,骨頭增生. 甚至在電能或電磁能的導入後抑制腫瘤增生也屬於電能醫學.
(目前已有人研究electromedicine: Drs. Roger Palmer and Rene Havenstein is a good example of the advances now being made in electromedicine with monochromatic infrared energy and the inner membrane of mitochondria. The red LED (Light Emitting Diode) is based on NASA technology being researched for plant growth in space. Now it has shown promise as a treatment in the healing of bone marrow transplant patients. Biologists have found that cells exposed to near-infrared light from LEDs grow 150 to 200 percent faster than cells not stimulated by this form of light, which increases the energy inside cells, speeding up the healing process.此外如果把電磁能流導入胚胎 , 會導致舊有的胚胎生長引導的磁場線改變.上述的電磁能流是來自第五次元的能量循環系統.如此一來,小孩在仍是胚胎時就可以被提前規劃好適應新的地球環境.
因此地球常有自己的磁場轉變週期.而這種轉變可以在幾小時內發生並造成物種的斷絕. 上述話可從磁場轉變時間和不連貫的微生物演化和海床底沉澱層三者的關係中找到證據..此外西伯利亞的長毛象的瞬間冰凍也反映出地球常有自己的磁場轉變週期. 長毛象的瞬間冰凍也證明了”heat sinks”的存在(長毛象的瞬間冰凍須在負150 華氏,而熱能是由相對熱的地方跑到相對冷的地方,既然已經負150 華氏,那這時地球一定有某個地方比負150華氏更冷的地方,那就是大氣層以外的外太空.而負150華氏如何來的呢?就是當地球的水瞬間被蒸發到大氣層外, So當地球的大量水被蒸發或任何方式被放到大氣層外..過程中會有一半的當時水會變氣體,另一部份在過程中會結成冰…..這是為什麼找到大量冰凍死亡長毛象肚中來不及消化的食物…..so是甚麼造成大量水被移到大氣層外?????)
因此,人類必須面對磁場的轉變的事實. 來自宇宙中的週期能量波撞擊是造成磁場轉變的由來.撞擊後會使熔鐵化的地心會導電並加強磁場變化,進一步打斷地心的能量平衡.地心之熔鐵接下來會變成 液體塑膠狀使得地心會像潤滑劑一樣進而造成地殼滑動.這是地理磁場的轉變和人生理的電磁場密度的轉變為必經過程.這是沒時間表的
The keys to future luminaries are electromagnetic forces which affect the rhythm of life and the appearance and extinction of species within the Earth’s magnetic field. The higher evolution will give a better understanding of how electric forces alter biological rhythms and will allow man in this consciousness time zone to receive wholelight being who will give instruction of the next ordering of evolution in our universe
The key speak of how the Earth’s species has a direct light arc, a direct light focus which controls its biological rhythm .Man will soon learn that his life system is not directly dependant upon the solar magnetic field paradigm to regenerate his biological rhythm.
A new source of Light is now reaching our solar system and interpenetrating Earth’s magnetic field, altering the biological rhythm. This is forcing the specie to leave behind
its old time cell of perception on physical , emotional, mental and spiritual levels.
As the arcs of light beging to change, a different light source is beginning to work with the electromagnetic forces. This is causing the magnetic fields of the brain cavity to be sufficiently raised to a higher mental frequency.
Thus having the brain of an electromagnetic computer, we will be forced to adapt to an enlarged electromagnetic spectrum. The new electromagnetic frequency is an astrobiological threshold by itself and yet attached to a plurality of other astrobiological thresholds of many suns.. Accordingly we will go beyond this present threshold where we have been kept by old solar paradigm. Our sun will be seen as having great limitation for future evolutions. This will be observable by a visible exchange of the solar polarity fields and by the magnetic mapping of inner-solar magnetic lines rotating faster than the surface of the sun.These changes are necessary to prepare our human evolution to overlap with whole light Beings of advanced creation in the evolving of new astro-mutation.
New astro-mutation will take place where new magnetic line bring about balances in the energy coupling from a proton-electron-proton grid to an electron-proton-electron grid. Here, the bioenergy field of the body inherits new electron and position pair and the blood circulatory system inherits new magnetic lines of force. The ionized field around the blood cell loses its proton-electron-proton relationship to a new electron-proton-electron fields as the life form is moved into the next phase of electromagnetic spectrum. The former proton orientation is dropped and a new recombination process results.
In the other words, molecular density level work with certain frequencies of light radiation and when the light source is changed in this manner , the molecular density level is changed to reveal the next electron orbital level. In the other words, man will be able to participate in higher evolutionary worlds because his hemoglobin chain will shift to with his phylogenic tree to a new system of balance whereby singular group and vaccum ultraviolet waves will combine to allow for a quantum relocation. The combination of these three types of waves will allow the organic form of life to pass through the old molecular density into a new molecular density.
The change of the phylogenic tree will allow for restructuring of the blood circulatory system. As part of this overall change, the alpha and delta chains will allow for a unique coupling , whereby the beta chain will be eliminated through quantized changes.
Presently, the two alpha chain and the 2 delta chain binds with oxygen better than the 2 alpha and the 2 beta. Therefore in the quantum change of the human evolution, the beta chain will be eliminated and the delta will become the penultimate. In order for man to work with the next electron orbital level, our molecular density level will have to become less dense and grow more transparent in order to participate in multidimentional realities.
When man goes through these energy grids, he will activate the new magnetic fields and displace his old planetary biorhythm.
First, the lateral displacement of the solar particles , creating time lapse cosmodistics, will be corrected allowing the historical time line of motion to be harmonized with the spiritual grid of infinite patterns that we are to be aligned with..
Then UV light sensitivity will have a special reprogramming function with our DNA.It will establish a recombination of the element of the life chemistry. Contrary to what present day geneticists feel, the UV radiation will be controlled and will not destroy the genetic code. UV radiation when applied to the DNA at specific intensities cause thymine to dimerise. This causes the hydrogen double bonds to break and create a cyclobutane ring between the dimmer. In consequence bulge arises which does not allow the DNA to bind or transcribe. However , it has also been found that a photosensitive enzyme plus one photon of visible light breaks this bulge and allows for the proper coding to take place.
This recombination model is necessary in the development of a replication model which is the key to the rearrangement of genes on chromosomes for the control of biological aging and degenerate changes during our species evolution.
And before the larger electromagnetic change happens, man will also understand how new growth effects will be the result of electromedicine which uses electromagnetism. Man by using the light surgery of electromagnetic penetration into bone marrow will be able to create new bone growth.The stimulation of cartilage regeneration by current magnetic injection, the restoration of partial limb regeneration by small direct current, the stimulation of bone growth by electrical fields, the inhibition of growth of implanted tumors in mammal by electrical currents, are all part of of electromedicine, which is the science harnessing electrophysiological energies using the right electromagnetic field..

More over the embryonic growth is placed in an artificial environment which is subject to prolonged current-magnetic injection, the former embryonic “magnetic line of growth in the body can be changed. Through this process, the whole body can biomagnetically be recoded to adapt to a new biological environment. This process uses a fifth circulatory system which opens the pain coding mechanism and properly realigns the blood, lymphatic and nervous circulatory system to function in different biological environment. In the other words, the child which is being carried in spatial environment can be preprogrammed while in the embryonic state to be prepared for special planetary environments.
Merkabah mechanism give the cue for the timing of biological change by he Earth’s magnetic cycles. These changes can take place in a matter of hours and remove whole species that have evolved in geological time frame. The evidence for this can be revealed in the correlation between fields reversals and discontinuities of micro-fauna and deep sea sediment cores.
The Bereskova mammoths in Siberia establish the existence of “heat sinks” which must have occurred in order to perfectly preserve their molecular structure. These heat sinks are necessary to account for a perfect state of preservation and could not only have occurred as a result of very rapid changes, whereby the mammoths were quickly buried under tons of ice and tundra .This process of rapid extinction extends even to smallest one celled marine animal life. Which became extinct simultaneously throughout the world.
Thus, man must face the fact that magnetic field reversal , contributing to the rise and fall of species and civilizations, can occur very rapidly as a result of triggering events set in motion by cosmic oscillation in combination with the Earth’s magnetic field..
During the geomagnetic change, The Earth’s core, composed mostly of molten iron, conducts electric current which amplify accompanying magnetic fields when energy wave bombardment pours in through the polar areas of the earth. Excessive cosmic wave bombardment transforms the iron core into a liquid plastic-like field which disrupt the state of energy equilibrium within the core of the Earth. These unique energy transformation are the causes of some of the larger magnetic reversals throughout the galaxy. These massive cosmic wave bombardment are caused by changes in the vibration rate of star grids in relationship to fundamental periods of activities within the Milky Way. Furthermore, the transformation of the Earth’s core into a liquid plastic-like fields causes the core dynamo to act like an inner lubricant. This allow the shell of the planet to slide when the proper torque force on the shell of the Earth are Thrown into geomagnetic reversal.. We must under stand that the geomagnetic reversal and the changing of the electromagnetic density are necessary part of the recycling of human biochemical processes. IN all of these fundamental changes, we must under stand that there is no fixed “time scale”.The time factor is determined by a sliding criteria of event on a galactic and planetary scale matched with the spiritual activity of a universe directing the blueprint of causal fertility. .


