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月亮氣功 Moon ChiGong

With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.

不 如 念 佛


回復 2# 謙遜就是美德

Q:"磨磚既然不能成鏡,那坐禪豈能成佛? "

Om Amidewa Hrih
With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


本帖最後由 joeyjoy 於 2012-12-15 17:02 編輯

Fun stuff, but still, kind of inspiring!


YouTube: Meditator Boys 4
With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


回復 1# joeyjoy

   Dear joeyjoy
          I kind find your sharing interesting, it seemed pretty similar to 吸取日月精華
   我想這是真的存在的. 包括我這陣子練習RH我都發現 原來這就是擴大對氣場與能量的需求.
      RH的那個不設限理論使得有一些不穩定的因素存在, 因為我們連到了哪裡不知道.....

 我發現到了戶外 或是到了山明水秀之處  再連結有吸納採氣的作用在... 就是當您 用你的手在感受的時候 聆聽” 然後有感覺以後便強烈就是不斷在吸取

小弟我是新手.... 這若有甚麼牴觸或是形容的不當的地方 還請海涵...


本帖最後由 joeyjoy 於 2012-12-18 01:43 編輯

回復 5# angelhigh


如果有人問你,生命中最珍貴的是什麼? 你會如何回答??


Answers to the question above: some might say family, wealth, romance, health, career, etc...
When you sum it up, it's all in your "awareness"; so here is how life/healing/and everything really worked:

Whatever in your awareness, it manifest.

Once you realize and accept that you are the creator of your own reality, you see
only fun in all different healing modalities. Things happen for its own best spontaneously
& effortlessly if there is no resistance or blockage in your awareness.

Above all, rejoice is the fountain of youthfulness! Enjoy the ride!
With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


回復 6# joeyjoy

   Appreciate for your prompt reply, you have brought piece and piece all together,

certainly"  the index of one's awareness" will demonstrate all, since TR experience, i become a better being

it kind drags me back to my best state of being, therefore my sense transform into a best status since my being a human being experience,

its a old saying from the elderly, being positive, but how hard ? with a broken piece of mind, its real real difficult for an ordinary human being to disregard the
inner self issues, and sit them self cool down  to act peaceful  and positive, in reality the problems still exist.

I hold your sharing with high regards,
sustain consciousness towards our awareness, keep it up and up.... and it will goes on and on.

by the way, have you actually practice the moon qi gong thingy, mind you share the experience of what you have gained or experienced..
since we could barely see the moon in Taipei due to the raining and sleepy days..



本帖最後由 joeyjoy 於 2012-12-18 02:22 編輯

回復 7# angelhigh

being positive

I prefer "being proactive & positive", always leave the option of "I don't know" open!

I hold your sharing with high regards,

Thank you for your understanding, I appreciate that. We are all cocreating our own reality!

by the way, have you actually practice the moon qi gong thingy, mind you share the experience of what you have gained or experienced.. since we could barely see the moon in Taipei due to the raining and sleepy days

Actually I was practicing my own newly invented self healing method and found this picture, which is quite similar to my practice. So I think it might be good to share it here with someone like you or others whom has this simultaneous responsiveness to whatever happening in current "amazing in everyway" time-space-mutiple-dimensional reality. Just remember, just be aware, whatever is needed, even the moon, would come to its focus and take part in your creation. I always found it fun to do things free-style with free will. Whatever you found appropriate, and you will, it will be it!
With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


本帖最後由 joeyjoy 於 2012-12-23 18:50 編輯

回復 7# angelhigh

非常正向的訊息,影片中講到很多"點",either you got it already,
or it could still serve as a good reminder!

YouTube:Panache Desai: we are now in a vibrational paradigm
With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


YouTube影片: {Tibetan Mind-Body Reboot}

With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


YT影片{How to fully activate Pineal Gland antennas (Drunvalo Melchizedek)}

A must see for anyone seeking enlightenment, raising their DNA's vibration, or activating their electromagnetic Merkaba. A lot of supporting evidence compiled for free, in an info-graphic format: www.Lightactive.org


*Before attempting to create this electromagnetic field in your Pineal chakra it is highly recommend that you first follow these guidelines [youtube "water droplet cymatics" and "water intent" and you will understand what kind of EM field we are trying to produce energy for by activating these vortexes] -
1. You should first be able to pull chi from your organs, Heart chakras and the Earth/Sky fields. Beginners may need a month or two of resensitization to achieve this level of awareness with their Nervous System. Getting your internal body more resonant (Nervous System and organs) will in turn make your entire aura highly resonant. This will also help your body get into shape faster and grow more proportional if you live an active lifestyle.

2. If you have resensitized your nervous system and can move energy as described in #1, then next you need to learn how to open and use your Pineal chakra and Heart chakras for the first time. (Using your Pineal is the step that may require a few weeks of detoxing, but I first recommend mastering #1 before doing a detox, you may not need it because the energy flow in the Nervous System will still arise despite toxins, and only then can you know if your Pineal isn't working. If you cannot use your Pineal chakra after doing all this then you should detox for a few weeks. If you do the exercise below, with the energy flow you have gained by resensitizing, it may also help loosen the crust on your Pineal gland to speed up your detox, which is another reason to hold off on this until mastering #1).

Pineal chakra/Heart chakra exercises to master before activating the cymatic vortex:

--Pull energy into the middle of your head with each inhale and then try to send it out into a small sphere around your head, or send the gathered energy to any part in your brain or body that has damage to be healed. I like to do two sets of six, with a minute or two of rest between. !!You must be able to hold/pulse the energy in your Pineal chakra before trying to use this gathered energy to form beams which give structure to the vortex!
--That is also a great exercise to work on opening your Heart chakra. Gather energy in the center of your chest on your inhale and then expand it into a sphere around your body, or better, Ankh it as the Egyptians would do. (step by step tutorials for the Egyptian practice of Ankhing at Lightactive.org)

3.IF YOU ARE A BEGINNER JUST SEEKING WELLBEING, resensitizing your body and then balancing your organs by sending energy to each of them, one at a time about 6 times each per session, will heal you faster and prevent disease better than just opening your Pineal chakra vortex. You don't even have to say any of the affirmations I suggest on the organ balancing MP3 at lightactive.org, you can just tell it to heal while you feel the energy going in and out with each breath. Unlike the antenna beams, you can start this routine right away along with resensitizing.

4. Do not do this on your children or other people unless you have completed steps 1 and 2, and have then proceeded to successfully activate the beams on yourself every day for a week straight.

This is the most recent personal reassurance i've received that D's teachings are realruntime 1 minute 46 seconds) Youtube.com/watch?v=LPn2vGo1DXU

Video compilation of mainstream science that supports the ancient secrets of the Flower of Life: Youtube.com/watch?v=BzNH_LZPNgg

Tips on decalcifying your pineal gland: youtube.com/watch?v=92qmQFkYILM

It feels amazing when everything is connected properly. If you are new to this stuff, feel in need of help, or do it and end up with a headache don't fear to ask your angels, guardian, and guides for help. Even if you don't know who yours are ask from a space of love for help from them and as you go through the process they will help you connect everything properly. And from personal experience I can say that if your vibration is high enough and intentions are pure, the angels will apear if you truly believe and pray for reassurance.
With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


本帖最後由 joeyjoy 於 2013-5-3 20:39 編輯

天然的驅蚊器。是真的??! 檸檬上面放的是丁香(Cloves)

With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.

