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本版必修 5 - 癌症救星 (非主流療法) Rick Simpson 大麻油膏

本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2016-7-23 23:22 編輯


本版必修 5 - 癌症救星(非主流療法)Rick Simpson Oil大麻油膏

家母數年前淋巴癌化療中過世﹐促成找查研究之動機。在所見眾多的非主流療法中﹐以瑞克.辛普森(Rich Simpson)的大麻油膏(Cannabis Oil)﹐癌症療癒證詞證人為最多﹐讓我不得不正視﹐並為大家介紹。

ricksimpson.jpg Simpson oil.jpg Oil.jpg
自己用過 - 瑞克.辛普森自己有病﹐得過皮膚癌﹐用大麻油膏治好
不為謀利 - 他不用此謀利﹐公開熬治方法﹐分享大眾﹐因此被打壓

易做價廉 - 不需是專家﹐大麻花苞+藥物萃取+電鍋蒸﹐自己可以搞定
沒副作用 - 與吸食不同﹐瘁取油膏不會讓人High﹐外敷內服均可﹐無致死案例

醫生背書 - 療癒事實引起不少醫生重視研究﹐寧違背主流﹐不懼打壓﹐為之背書
病人背書 - 無數主流棄死的癌症患者﹐走投無路捨命一博﹐而獲療癒的自發證詞

其它功效 - 對一些慢性病﹐重病也有功效﹐但主流醫藥打壓﹐無法作系統性的研究
市面買不到 - 主流打壓仍甚嚴﹐市面上買不到﹐網上也找不到﹐患者都是自己設法取得

本帖大綱 -
(二)緣起 -瑞克.辛普森
(四)醫療理論 醫生見證及相關資料


● 大麻的用途很廣泛-
主要用於紡織、造紙、制繩等。耐貧瘠,抗逆性強,適生性廣、喜光照、光合作用效率高、不需施肥。人類長久以來,種植這種草本植物,作為工業纖維,植物油脂、宗教用途以及藥用之上。它的種子,為大麻籽,去瞉處理後,被稱為火麻仁或大麻仁,中醫使用它來治療便秘腹瀉,可以被用來作成大麻籽油(Hemp oil)。根據其用途,可概分為藥用大麻、纖維用大麻、油用大麻等三大類 ....

● 大麻 (藥用)
大麻中四氫大麻酚(Tetrahydrocannabinol, THC)的功能非常複雜,既可以作為止疼藥使用,又可以和中樞神經中的大麻受體(Cannabinoid Receptor)相結合,增加
醫學上,大麻常用作促進癌症愛滋病患者的食慾、減輕疼痛,對慢性疼痛有不錯效果,亦可用來降低青光眼患者的眼壓,及減輕化療病人的噁心嘔吐的症狀 .....

● 認識大麻 (加拿大的官方大麻中文解釋)
大麻(Cannabis)是麻科植物(hemp plant)的學名。麻科植物具有根、莖、葉、花及種子,而麻科植物有
火麻(Cannabis sativa)、印度大麻(Cannabis indica)及野生大麻(Cannabis ruderalis)三個品種。

● 印度大麻(Cannabis Indica) 與火麻(Cannabis Sativa) 的區別

A. 葉片外觀       寬闊 vs 細長

B. 花蕾差異       體積較小 密度高 重實  vs  體積大 密度低 鬆輕

C. 從準備開花到可以採收       45~60天  vs  60~90天

D. 植物外觀及高度      3~4尺 矮胖密(宜室內)  vs  6~25尺 高鬆(宜室外)
原產地區: 印度大麻 緯度30~50間(中亞﹐北印度﹐阿富汗﹐巴基斯坦﹐西藏﹐尼泊爾)
火麻 緯度0~30間 (泰國﹐南印度﹐牙買加﹐墨西哥等)
注: 圖右最小株的為野生大麻(Cannabis ruderalis)﹐只有少量在俄國﹐醫療成份很低﹐不予討論。
3 plants.jpg

E. 效果  一般而言
Benefits of Indica: 印度大麻的好處
1. Relieves body pain - 減輕身體疼痛
2. Relaxes muscles - 緩和肌肉
3. Relieves spasms, reduces seizures - 緩和痙攣,減低抽搐
4. Relieves headaches and migraines - 緩和頭痛及偏頭痛
5. Relieves anxiety or stress - 緩和焦慮或壓力

Benefits of Sativa: 火麻的好處
1. Feelings of well-being and at-ease - 感到安樂及自在  
2. Up-lifting and cerebral thoughts - 振奮及樂觀
3. Stimulates and energizes - 激勵及充能
4. Increases focus and creativity - 注意力擊中及創造力
5. Fights depression - 抗沮喪

印度大麻 - 鎮靜﹐鬆弛﹐ 用於治療失眠及疼痛。(夜間)
火麻 - 精力充沛﹐振奮﹔用於治療沮喪及疲倦。(日間)

F. 種類 :
   (雜交大麻 - 30%印度70%火麻﹐或50/50﹐或80/20)    純火麻
目前最流行印度大麻種類是 - Kush, Northern Lights and White Widow,

另一家則的種類則是 - GA Grape Age, NL Northern Lights , and GDP Granddaddy Purple,
目前最流行的火麻種類是 - Purple Haze, and Mauwie Wauwie.
另一家則是 - SD Sour Diesel, JH Jack Herer, and LH Lemon Haze,

G. 成份 :

資訊來源 :

● 美國大麻 近代史小百科
- 原毫無限制﹐被廣泛的種植及使用﹐後在政治壓力下
- 1937年﹐聯邦毒品局制訂了大麻稅法﹐對大麻苛以重稅 (
Marihuana Tax Act of 1937)
- 國會在1952年及1956年分別制定了法律﹐對處理大麻者強制苛以重罪。
- 1960年代﹐吸食大麻廣為流行﹐民眾告官說違反憲法第五修正案勝訴。
- 1972年﹐國會通過管制品法案﹐將大麻列管﹐但後來一些地方政府將它除罪化。
- 1980年代﹐雷根政府時期﹐保守主義盛行﹐加強"對毒品宣戰"
- 1984年的綜合犯罪法案(
Comprehensive Crime Control Act)﹐將收割﹐持有﹐
- 1996年﹐加州投票通過醫療用大麻合法化﹐有一些州也跟進。

- 現行法律﹐持有大麻者﹐處一年一下有期圖形﹐及罰金(初犯者至少也要罰1千美金)

大麻真是危險毒物嗎 ﹖檯面上有哪些人在用﹖

● 曾種植大麻的美國總統
班傑明富蘭克林 - Benjamin Franklin 1706–1790
湯瑪斯 傑佛遜 - Thomas Jefferson 1743–1826
詹姆斯 麥迪遜 - James Madison 1751–1836
喬治 華盛頓 - George Washington 1732–1799

● 在大麻被禁後仍用過大麻的美國政客
Bruce Babbitt, 1938生 - 亞歷山大桑那州長
Michael Bloomberg, 1942生 - 紐約市長
Bill Bradley, 1943生 - 紐澤西州參議員
George W. Bush, 1946生 - 美國總統
Jack Conway, 1969生 - 肯塔基州司法總長
Paul Cellucci, 1948–2013 - 麻州州長
Lincoln Chafee, 1953生 - 羅德島州參議員﹐州長
Lawton Chiles, 1930–1998 - 佛羅里達參議員﹐州長
Bill Clinton, 1946生 - 美國總統
Steve Cohen, 1949生 - 眾議員
Andrew Cuomo, 1957生 - 紐約州長
Howard Dean, 1948生 - 維蒙特州州長
Joseph DeNucci, 1939生 - 麻州審計長
Mary Donohue, 1947生 - 紐約州副州長
John Edwards, 1953生 - 北卡羅萊那州參議員
Newt Gingrich, 1943生 - 眾議院議長
Al Gore, 1948生 - 美國副總統
Gary Johnson, 1953生 - 新墨西哥州州長
Joseph P. Kennedy II, 1952生 - 眾議員
John Kerry, 1943生 - 美國國務卿
Ed Koch, 1924–2013 - 眾議員﹐紐約市長
Richard Lamm, 1935生 - 科羅拉多州長
Connie Mack III, 1940生 - 佛羅里達州參議員
Kyle E. McSlarrow, 1960生 - 能源部副部長
John Miller, 1938生 - 眾議員
Susan Molinari, 1958生 - 眾議員
Jim Moran, 1945生 - 眾議員

Evelyn Murphy, 1940生 - 麻州副州長
Richard Neal, 1949生 - 眾議員
Barack Obama, 1961生 - 美國總統
Sarah Palin, 1964生 - 阿拉斯加州長
George Pataki, 1945生 - 紐約州長
David Paterson, 1954生 - 紐約州長
Edward W. Pattison, 1932–1990 - 眾議員
Claiborne Pell, 1918-2009 - 羅德島參議員
Dana Rohrabacher, 1947生 - 眾議員
Rick Santorum, 1958生 - 賓州參議員
Arnold Schwarzenegger, 1947生 - 加州州長
William Scranton III, 1947生- 賓州副州長
Clarence Thomas, 1948生 - 最高法院大法官
Bill Thompson, 1953生 - 紐約州財務長
Peter G. Torkildsen, 1958生 - 眾議員
Jesse Ventura, 1951生 - 明尼蘇達州長
List of United States politicians who admit to cannabis use

● 11位吸大麻的美國總統
YES #44任 - Barack Obama
YES #43任 - George W. Bush
YES #42任 - Bill Clinton
YES #35任 - John F. Kennedy
YES #14任 - Franklin Pierce
YES #12任 - Zachary Taylor
YES #7任 - Andrew Jackson
YES #5任 - James Monroe
YES #4任 - James Madison
YES #3任 - Thomas Jefferson
YES #1任 - George Washington

11 US Presidents Who Smoked Marijuana

美前50名最有影響力的大麻使用者 - 政客﹐企業家﹐運動員﹐革星﹐明星﹐導演
人數太多﹐不一一列舉﹐僅略舉一些知名人士 -

Oprah Winfrey  歐普拉·溫芙蕾
George Soros 喬治·索羅斯
Bill Gates 比爾·蓋茨
Ted Turner 泰德·透納 (CNN創辦人)
Tom Brokaw 湯姆.布洛考(名電視主播)
Michael Phelps 邁可.菲爾普斯(奧運金牌泳將)
Hugh Hefner 休.海夫納(花花公子創辦人)

"Top 50 Most Influential Marijuana Users
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!

本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2015-8-3 09:08 編輯


(後補) 終於 瑞克2008年的影片現在有中譯了
~ 原汁原味

亡命天涯的救命藥方(藥用大麻油)- 里克•辛普森真人真事!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vv9SHKNuKjE   May 5, 2015

Caravan To Midnight - Episode 88 Rick Simpson on Hemp Oil    Jul 17, 2014   2:02:34

一般訪談時間不常﹐難以得知全貌﹐這是兩小時的訪談﹐加拿大人瑞克辛普森 ﹐詳述了他發現的經過
- 大麻種類很多﹐政府粗分兩類﹐藥用含量多的﹐叫Marijuana(藥用大麻)﹐少的叫Hemp(工業用大麻)
- (7分鐘起)開始研究大麻油膏是因為自己48歲時頭部受了傷(Post Casting Syndrome)﹐腦內成天在作響﹐血壓昇高﹐1997年12月開始主流醫療﹐多種藥物均無效﹐1年後無意從電視看到Dr.Suzuki用大麻醫療病患的正面報導﹐他以前有用過大麻﹐於是請他的醫生開處方以便合法使用﹐即便是加拿大有藥用大麻取得計劃﹐醫生還是不開給他﹐說大麻對肺不好﹐還在研究中云云。

"這藥已經被用來5千年之舉久﹐而這些傻瓜告訴我還在研究中?" 他身體情況越來惡化越壞﹐在1999年絕望得差點想自殺﹐有抽大麻可以緩解症狀﹐但仍然痛苦﹐不禁在想﹐是不是把精華淬取出來更有用﹖問醫生﹐醫生說這樣效果可能會更好﹐但還是不開給他。他在醫藥系統內工作了25年﹐對系統還是有點信心﹐繼續用藥﹐到2001年﹐那些化學藥物把他的腦子搞到幾乎記不住自己的名字。醫生告訴他現代醫學對他無能為力﹐只能靠自己了﹐還是不給他大麻處方。


2002年﹐去醫生那看皮膚﹐鼻旁﹐臉頰及胸前各有一處皮膚損傷﹐數年不痊癒﹐懷疑是皮膚癌﹐醫生也認為是。醫生先在鼻旁動手術﹐等看病理報告結果。他堂兄在1972年25歲時死于癌症﹐3年後某天從醫院下班時﹐在收音機裡聽到一則嘲諷播報﹐說科學報導科學家發現大麻的THC成份能幫忙治癒癌症 。術後一星期在照鏡子時﹐想到了這報導﹐如果THC能治癌﹐他已經服用了近一年﹐為什麼他還會有皮膚癌﹖



- 16'30"起﹐從開始服用油膏後﹐體重掉了40磅﹐心想若體重掉到150磅﹐就不敢再用了﹐因為不知後果會如何﹐結果到160磅後穩定了。我有很多病人﹐有的超重的最多有掉過100磅﹐這油會把你過多的脂肪/毒素排除﹐回復健康。20年沒做伏地挺身了﹐肚子跟洗衣板般可看到肌肉﹐這油在很多方面都有神奇的效果。

- 17‘45“ 這跟吸食大麻不同﹐吸食是用燃燒的﹐這油是用溶劑把成份弄出來﹐過濾後把溶劑加熱揮發掉﹐稍精煉即可。非常簡單﹐任何人會燒咖啡就能做這個﹐沒有什麼複雜的。(解釋大麻被禁是權貴的陰謀)

(主持人:以前說是禁大麻﹐因為吸食會High﹐現在又說﹐可以High﹐但是我們要抽稅 Why?)
- 21’10” 大麻被禁是因為對棉花﹐化學﹐能源﹐製藥工業產生威脅。人們不知道的是﹐在18世紀﹐大麻被廣泛使用﹐像禮萊(製藥)等一些老牌廠家都在製造﹐很多以大麻為基礎的藥物﹐公然出售﹐來治療很多疾病﹐那時從植物中提取製藥是很普遍的。他認為這些藥廠最大的恐懼是﹐當農夫知道大家都能種﹐這些藥廠不能專利的大麻(天然品不能專利)﹐居然有這麼多的功效﹐那藥廠將來吃什麼﹖所以在18世紀末﹐開始用這些化學合成的藥物﹐這樣他們就可以專利獲利。



- 31‘15“ 我看過這油膏治癒嚴重的3度燒傷﹐11天完全痊癒﹐沒有傷疤﹐看現在的燒燙傷醫療單位用什麼來醫病。及眼科醫生﹐18世紀就知道用大麻來指青光眼﹐現在眼醫用雷聲射在你眼球上鑽洞﹐再給你一些藥膏﹐眼睜睜看病人變瞎﹐卻仍然不用大麻醫。我有處理過很多青光眼的病人。


只要用1昂斯(30克)的Bud(花蕾)﹐到我的網站 (這裡)﹐照著指示做出油膏﹐30克的花蕾可以做出3~4克高品質油膏﹐找些3度燒燙﹐皮膚癌的人用用看﹐敷油膏加繃帶蓋住﹐每3~4天換藥﹐看會怎麼樣﹖

(主: 會不會像一些藥物﹐有掉髮的副作用﹖)
- 33’43” 幾年前﹐有個因化療掉髮禿頂的癌友﹐我們給他用油膏﹐結果頭髮開始長回來﹐甚至禿掉的部份也有跡象頭髮長回來。我雖有跟朋友說﹐但認為這事沒那麼重要。2009年困在歐洲﹐那時頭髮已經很少﹐一個的朋友說﹐你跟人家講這事(頭髮復生)﹐為什麼不自己用用看﹖我為這油膏太寶貴﹐要給有需要的人用﹐但朋友逕自把一個棒球帽裡塗了油膏﹐戴在我頭上﹐又在帽上澆了些酒精﹐這樣油膏成份才能浸潤頭皮。5天後﹐朋友坐在對面說可以看見我頭髮在長﹐我想如果再繼續戴一個月﹐可能所有的頭髮都會長回來了。

- 提到醫界一些荒謬的例子﹐18世紀的匈牙利產科醫師 塞麥爾維斯 (Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis)﹐主張醫護及器材要消毒﹐卻不為主流接受﹐飽受評擊﹐含恨意終。及美國父喬治華盛頓之死﹐是喉嚨感染﹐當時最好的醫生作法是﹐給他放了一半的血﹐沒用後給他用水銀﹐被整死了。他自己種的是可以治癒他的大麻 ...

- 大麻可以治癒各種的感染﹐我們在治癒愛滋上有很大地成功﹐對食肉性疾病(Flesh Eating)很有效。人們要知道﹐並不是所有的大麻效果都是一樣的﹐雖然是適當處理﹐對治療癌症都有效﹐但有的對止痛特佳﹐有的是對血壓﹐糖尿病的控制血糖最好﹐這是我們需要進一步研究之處﹐ 若果他們不找我麻煩﹐兩年內我可把這這油膏做的更完美﹐研究不同種類的特佳成份﹐來針對治癒特定病症。他們不喜歡我對公眾說﹐如果讓我研究﹐大量生產﹐我可以做出完整的癌症療方﹐第一流的大麻油膏﹐費用很可能低于100美元。

- 39‘ 因為醫生能夠看到(醫療數據)失敗率﹐既然知道無效﹐何必要用在自己身上﹖ 這就是腫瘤科醫生所做的﹐從這些治療上賺大錢。就是這麼一回事﹐公眾健康不重要﹐利潤第一﹐全世界都是這樣。我們長久以來就知道政府是腐敗的﹐腐敗是對大眾的犯罪﹐我們為什麼要忍受﹐全體因此付出了代價。人們的骨氣哪裡去了﹖大家馴服的說﹐我們照著法規行事﹐如果你照法規﹐用化療及其它來自殺﹐那是你自己的決定﹐但是像我們這樣的人﹐更清醒更理智﹐如果要違法來自救﹐或救我所愛的人﹐我就會去做。

(大麻成份強弱對大麻油膏有有關 ﹖)
- 41‘ 我總是盡可能找最強的﹐在加拿大﹐人們會驚奇說從未看過這麼強效的大麻﹐抽兩口就矇了﹐那還只是用原料﹐你可以想像(精煉的)油膏能如何了。醫療用當然是越強越好。當人們來找我﹐我都是免費贈送﹐因為沒人真正相信﹐我要收費也沒人會買(笑)﹐我很享受看到人們的表情﹐很多人來找我﹐醫療系統已經把他們勾銷﹐回家等死﹐然後他們來找我﹐我說照指示服用油膏﹐生還的機會還是不小。一個月後﹐很多人回來﹐你可以看到健康﹐他們的面色﹐體重回來﹐整體狀況的改變﹐他們自己也知道﹐說上帝啊﹐這個開始生效了。通常90天後﹐就無癌了。肺癌﹐腦癌﹐子宮癌﹐攝護腺癌 ...不管是哪種癌﹐這就是解方。

- 過去數十年﹐醫療系統在實驗室用老鼠﹐天竺鼠研究﹐讓它們致癌﹐用大麻物質注射到癌腫瘤﹐殺死腫瘤﹐但從來沒有用在人們身上﹐為什麼不 ﹖當人們在那兒躺著等死﹐還有什麼好損失的 ﹖就注射那些該死的腫瘤吧﹐但是醫療系統不幹﹐這對公眾來說是個笑話。電視﹐廣播﹐報紙﹐都是一樣的有錢人擁有的媒體﹐只給人們看它們認為該讓我們知道的。

(Sativa 跟 Indica有什麼不同 ?) 兩者俱為大麻種類
- 44‘30“ Sativa (尋常大麻) 長的很高﹐多為工業用﹐用它的長纖維﹐藥效也非常強﹐如果用來作油膏服用﹐可以讓你像球從牆上彈回來一樣。我認為這是該注意的﹐Sativa會有潛在危險﹐如果你給心臟有問題的人服用﹐我想他的心臟可能爆炸﹐我看過人們服用Sativa Oil﹐我不推薦用它。

- Indica (印度大麻) 有很強的鎮靜效果﹐我常告訴人們﹐如果要自己種植﹐儘量用超過20%THC 的 Indica﹐它讓你休息及睡眠﹐而這正是療癒中很重要的過程。我剛開始服用時﹐用的非常少﹐只有1/4滴﹐早午晚各一次﹐4天後加倍﹐再4天後加倍﹐直到每次1/3克﹐一天3次﹐這樣你每天總量就是一克﹐保持這樣服用到你痊癒。

- 我有不少癌末等死病患﹐一個月內因此痊癒﹐這藥是無害的﹐第一個來找我的人﹐是快死的人﹐50多歲與16歲的兒子一起﹐我問他以前抽過大麻嗎﹖他說有﹐我說通常我建議人們從少量開始﹐但是你沒有多少時間可活﹐我要是你的話﹐就大量用它﹐他說OK﹐我免費給了他油膏。

- 28天後﹐他打電話說要來看我﹐我說OK﹐當我應門的時候﹐我認不出來是他﹐體重增了20磅﹐很健康。我終於認出來他是誰﹐問他到底是服用了多少量﹐他說全用完了﹐我不可置信﹐"你在28天內用了60克?"﹐他反問說"我有什麼地方做的不對嗎?"﹐我說你顯然做的很好﹐是怎麼服用的﹖﹐他說每6小時服一次﹐但每次都加多一點﹐前一個半星期﹐幾乎都在恍惚﹐很難行動﹐一個半星期後﹐服用開始沒事了﹐因他的耐藥量可接受了。

- 我看過不少人在一個月內癌症療癒。但對大部份分﹐標準療癒時間是大約90天。我是希望人們能夠在服用時﹐仍然在他們的舒適區﹐但是如果你能接受更多﹐那就療癒更快。

(療癒後仍然要持續維護嗎 ? )
- 48'35" 沒有什麼癌症復發的危險﹐但有些案例﹐病人接受化療"或"放射時﹐一般是在90天內服用60克﹐但是對同時接受化療與放射的人﹐我是建議在5個月用180克﹐因為那些損害跟嚴重。在只是診斷﹐沒有那些治療的情形下﹐用油膏90天治癒的高達96%~99%﹐幾乎都能治癒。對於那些已經用化療放射的﹐適當的服用油膏﹐痊癒率也有80%﹐那些20%已經被毒害的太嚴重的﹐救不回的﹐使用油膏可以讓他們活的超過預期﹐過有品質的生活﹐不必倚賴嗎啡類的東西來止痛﹐因為那會使你的尊嚴盡失。而他們最終﹐通常是在睡眠中過世﹐沒有痛苦。

- 我們終究都會死﹐年過50後﹐後面各式老年病接踵而來﹐不是死讓人害怕﹐而是這過程中所受的痛苦﹐是大多數人所害怕的。如果一個小小的的油膏﹐能使我們的生活品質﹐我們為什麼不做﹖人們為什麼不要求﹖這是已經被證明的﹐到網上搜索一下"大麻與癌症"﹐數百個影片已經在那裡﹐這麼多的人在說﹐大麻對他們的成效﹐我們難道要相信這些人是在說謊嗎 ﹖他們只想讓大麻合法化﹐讓他們能抽的爽嗎 ﹖

- 我們應該用這個作為預防性的醫藥﹐我人為所有的大人小孩每天都該服用一點﹐讓他們的身體去毒﹐因為我們的環境已經完全的被毒害了﹐毒物充斥在我們的四週﹐我們沒有任何東西保護﹐現在我們有這油膏了﹐我在想不久的將來﹐這東西會變成我們的必需品﹐如果我們要保持健康的話。

- 10035 當我在做著事的時候﹐有病人告訴我﹐遲早有一天﹐他們會來控告你無照行醫﹐看在老天的份上﹐我免費幫忙他們﹐因此而受懲罰﹐難以置信。我情願救狗勝過救人﹐狗不會問那麼多愚蠢的問題﹐乖乖吃藥﹐你幾乎是眼看著它們復原﹐我看過最快的癌末的狗﹐只要一周半就復原了。

- 醫藥公司怕的是﹐這藥幾乎可替代所有他們銷售的藥品﹐我有病人日服30顆藥﹐一個月內﹐他不需要服任何藥丸了。我告訴他們﹐這些藥是毒素﹐如果與油膏同時服用﹐油膏會視他們為毒素﹐可能會讓肚子不舒服。有了這油膏﹐你幾乎不需要醫生了﹐只有當你摔斷骨頭時才需要。將來這油膏若普及﹐10個醫生有9 個會失業﹐因為人們不需要了。

(你知道Ty Bolinger吧 ﹖他家族裡很多人死于癌症﹐極力鼓吹另類療法。你們倆該認識一下﹐他說絕對是大麻油膏﹐極強的抗癌劑。我的問題是﹐我們不在科羅拉多州﹐在德州﹐所以我們若帶了大麻油膏﹐會被處罰 ?)
- 10508 聽過Ty; 是的在德州會被處罰﹐德州在那方面是聞名的。我有一個德州年輕人數年前與我聯絡﹐他有很嚴重的糖尿病﹐他去加州﹐取得醫生處方﹐搞到了一些油膏﹐回德州被警察攔下﹐就我所知﹐還在牢裡。他尊循醫療系統﹐但是他們不能控制他的病情﹐他用油膏情況變好﹐警察卻因此把他關起來﹐我們是或在什麼樣的世界裡﹖

- 10759 這麼多年來﹐人們告訴我說﹐他們會來吧我殺掉這類的事﹐但我連一個生命威脅都沒有﹔回想起來﹐在最初我接觸政府﹐(想叫他們)做對的事情﹐他們從來沒有把我當一回事﹐當他們知道這是真的﹐是很嚴重的(擋主流醫療財路)﹐已經太遲了﹐因為我已為人們所知﹐如果我發生不幸﹐那就是有關謀殺的事了。

- 談到一些主流對他的詆毀﹐他說他不在呼那些口水﹐他可隨時接受挑戰﹐實際讓病患服用油膏來證明。

(所以你親眼見到垂死的病人 服用油膏 治好癌症﹖)
- 11918 是的我們看過幾千次了﹐證據並不匱乏。以前在加拿大時﹐在哈利法克斯廣播電臺﹐一個醫療節目訪談時﹐我告訴他們﹐找12個癌症患者﹐6個用醫療系統醫﹐6個服用大麻油膏﹐來實證看看﹐沒有人接受挑戰。

- 大麻其實被污名化了﹐在70年代與毒品連在一起﹐其實吸大麻反而有益﹐幾年前﹐多倫多一個大學做了個研究﹐以一群人做路駕測試﹐1)正常狀況﹐2)喝4杯酒後﹐很多標示被撞倒﹐3)吸食大麻後﹐與正常狀況唯一不同的是﹐測試時間多了兩秒﹐因為他們開車更小心。難道這不是我們所想要的﹖人們服用止痛藥開車的危險性更大﹐因為止痛藥像酒精般會影響到駕車技巧﹐大麻不會。

- 13500 所謂的"打擊毒品戰爭War on drugs"口號﹐有80%的人是因藥物過量致死﹐是藥廠的化學藥物殺了大多數人﹐CIA將毒品飛進來﹐讓人民上癮﹐部隊在阿富汗保護著罌粟田(鴉片)﹐政府是最大的藥頭﹐而他們卻將人們關在牢裡﹐只因為他們種大麻﹐這真是荒謬﹐這些政府才應該被關在牢裡。(兩人接著談論很多陰謀論的事情)

- 15400 他認識的一個朋友 Max Igen﹐他們倆同在克羅地亞出席了3次演講會﹐在 Rick 回加拿大後數星期﹐Max用skype跟他聯絡﹐說他的前妻患了癌症﹐Max給她做了些大麻油膏﹐但是前妻不肯用﹐就留在手邊﹐沒多久﹐一個友人瘦小的12歲女兒有著嚴重的糖尿病問題﹐身體無法處理﹐Max給了他油膏﹐一個星期就有顯著的改善﹐後來Max把油膏給了他一些有需要的朋友﹐有天打電話給他說 - "我的上帝啊﹐這東西真能治癒癌症 !".Rick說﹐你我同參加過3次演說會﹐你以為我那是在撒謊胡說嗎﹖

- 15526 人們很難相信這事﹐因為它實在是太簡單了﹐我做了什麼﹖我只不過是把世上最有藥效的植物﹐用溶劑把成份洗出來﹐再過濾精煉﹐把溶劑融掉﹐你就得到了這神奇療品﹐我是天才嗎﹖這是胡說﹐任何人應該都可以想出來。

(為什麼你將網站命名為鳳凰的眼淚? phoenixtears.ca)
- 我在看哈利波特電影時﹐忘了是哪一集﹐一條大蛇咬了哈利波特﹐哈利垂死﹐一支鳳凰來﹐滴了眼淚在哈利傷口﹐英雄就獲救了﹐我那時不禁說鳳凰的眼淚﹐兩分鐘後哈利說﹐鳳凰的眼淚能治癒任何事﹐我跟鄰居Harry 說﹐我們就取名叫 phoenix tears﹐他說沒什麼道理﹐沒什麼聯繫﹐但是還是最終到現在﹐這名字已為人所熟知。

- 我常跟人說﹐這東西能對人們的膚色有神奇的效果﹐女士們常化錢有在很多的化妝品上讓皮膚更好﹐這油膏還能治癒傷疤﹐如果女士們真正這油膏是如此有效﹐那麼明天一早﹐這東西就會完全合法了﹐沒有人能夠阻止她們﹐似乎人們更關心自己的外貌﹐超過關心其他人的健康。

(你的書﹖有3本 Phoenix Tears﹐Rick Simpson's Oil﹐Natual 's Answer For Cancer﹐第4本快要出來了﹖)
- 15576 出了3本電子書﹐第4本大概再在2﹐3個星期就會出來了﹐我們將會印兩本實體書﹐我要看看系統會怎麼做﹐這是赤裸裸的事實﹐沒有辦法去迴避它﹐證據都擺在那裡。我想這次我們將會獲勝﹐當足夠的人知道真相﹐全部事態就會改變﹐我認為會在最近的將來發生。

(這是很好的結尾﹐有什麼話要跟人們說嗎﹐儘管講 )
- 我要跟全美及全世界的人說﹐只需看看將來﹐我們的孩子會有什麼樣的將來﹖它們在殺害這個星球﹐換句話說也就是在殺害我們。我請求世界的人們團結起來﹐團結一致對抗這個暴政﹐阻止它﹐該是我們自己決定命運的時候了。我們被這些財勢聯盟領導太久了﹐眼見它們所造成的損害﹐如果讓它們繼續﹐那麼不會有將來﹐因為我們不能在這樣充滿毒害的環境中生存。

- 我們必須把地球清乾淨﹐我們必須除掉腐敗﹐請大家支持我﹐讓我們在這方面做些事﹐給人類一個將來。我們可以有個更好的將來﹐就看我們行不行動﹐請大家支持這個號召﹐讓我們自救及 救這個世界。

~ 完 ~
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2015-1-19 11:41 編輯

(三) 大麻有關新聞

● 開放大麻合法 UN控美國違反國際公約
簡嘉宏 2014年11月22日 19:06 941 點擊數


2014年的美國期中選舉,除了選出國會議員以及州長之外,在阿拉斯加州、奧勒岡州以及哥倫比亞特區都另外舉行了大麻合法的公投,根據投票結果,3個地區的居民都贊成大麻合法,卻招致聯合國主管麻醉藥物官員的提醒,認為美國身為的簽署國,放任所屬各級地方政府對採取大麻合法的程序,已違反 國際法。


經過這次期中選舉之後,美國已有包括阿拉斯加、奧勒岡、科羅拉多、華盛頓等4州成功取得合法使用大麻的地位,加上美國首都華盛頓(Washington)所在的哥倫比亞特區(District of Columbia, DC)進行的「71號提議」 (Initiative 71)投票,結果也是贊成大麻的合法使用,但都有可能遭到國會覆議進而推翻。

根據《國會研究報告》(Congressional Research Service)引用聯合國國際麻醉品管制局International Narcotics Control Board, INCB)的質疑,美國身為1961年《麻醉藥品單一公約》(Single Convention of Narcotic Drugs)的簽署國之一,但自2013年放任包括哥倫比亞特區等地逕行開放大麻合法的「不作為」(inaction),已違反公約的實質精神。

此外,聯合國毒品和犯罪問題辦公室(The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes, UNODC)主 任費多托夫(Yury Fedotov)上周也指出,「我不能理解的是,為什麼新的立法可以抵觸舊規範」,國會研究報告主要執筆人賈爾威(Todd Garvey)指出,《麻醉藥品單一公約》本身具有約束力,不論如今大麻的用途為何,簽署國當初決定簽署的前提,「即是同意條約的約束內容」,因此,美國應該檢討大麻合法政策,否則確實已違反公約。


對此抨擊,美國國務院主管國際麻醉藥品與執法的助卿布朗菲德(William Brownfield)認為,《麻醉藥品單一公約》已是半世紀前的產物,當時的時空環境與現在已不相同,許多規定也應該進行修正,只要妥善規範大麻的誤用與濫用,就可以「賦予時代意義」。

布朗菲德的意見獲得美國「毒品政策聯盟」(Drug Policy Alliance)創辦人納德曼(Ethan Nadelmann)的聲援,他表示,現今全球所討論大麻的議題中,「違反公約」不是重點,重點在於如何針對大麻使用設計出合理的稅收與規範,不可因噎廢食,恐嚇各國違反公約並「不會得到來自反對大麻合法化的聲援」。

去年,聯合國也曾警告全球第1個監督全國大麻生產和銷售的烏拉圭違反《麻醉藥品單一公約》,該公約目前的簽署國家共計186國。2016年,聯合國大會將召開針對毒品的特別會議(2016 UN General Assembly Special Session on drugs),希望廣納各方意見後,訂定出符合實際狀況的相關毒品規範,納德曼希望屆時,與大麻合法化的所有爭議都能劃下句點。

● 大麻合法化 - 美國概況

● 目前總共有5地(4州1特區)選民投票將大麻合法化 - 前通過的的華盛頓州及科羅拉多州﹐加上11月4日美國期中選舉結果﹐有奧勒崗州﹐阿拉斯加州﹐及首都DC特區﹐投票通過。但DC特區並非州﹐國會有權否定﹐所以還是未定之數。



● 紐約大麻新法: 不逮捕  不准公開抽     2014/11/11

● 智利媽媽團救兒 自栽大麻惹議
台灣醒報台灣醒報 – 2014年11月25日 下午6:38
儘管在智利可以合法使用大麻,但自栽大麻可能要吃上15年的牢飯。(photo …







● FBI 2013年度報告 -全美有69萬3千大麻違規被捕案
FBI Reports Approximately 693,000 Arrests for Marijuana Offenses in 2013 - See more at: http://blog.mpp.org/prohibition/fbi-reports-approximately-693000-arrests-for-marijuana-offenses-in-2013/11122014/


● 不呼麻 買大麻股更High
記者胡毓玲卅綜合報導 世界日報 December 04, 2014

今年一月娛樂用大麻在科羅拉多州誕生以來,銷售一路強強滾,當地更趁感恩節推 出「綠色星期五」促銷大麻,零售價下殺至兩折,大批人潮排隊搶購。

華府、奧勒岡與阿拉斯加剛於11月公投通過大麻除罪化,隨娛樂與藥用大麻擴大開放,相關概念股的前景讓人好奇。其中生技藥廠GW Pharmaceuticals製造大麻提煉品Sativex,3日股價飆升10%,雖然該公司過去的股價起伏大,仍有分析師看好成長空間。

相較於藥用大麻軟件公司MediSwipe、大麻配藥裝置服務公司Medbox與工業大麻企業Hemp等概念股,GW Pharmaceuticals是真正研發醫療用大麻藥品的企業,而且藥廠源自英國,美國法律對其約束力較低。

藥廠旗下的Sativex口噴劑專門治療多發性硬化症(multiple sclerosis)痙攣症狀,已在全球26國上市,另外一支專治藥物反應不佳的罕見癲癇疾病「Dravet孤兒 症」Epidiolex(大麻二酚)已進入第三期臨床試驗,具相當成長潛能。


丹佛大麻工業理市長埃利奧特(Michael Elliott)預測,今年藥用與娛樂大麻整 體銷售可達7億元。外界甚至估計,大麻產業規模將在2018年前達到近百億,相關 類股未來潛力不可小覷。

● 法國大麻電子煙將上市
French marijuana e-vaporizer to go on sale     December 15, 2014

廠商 KANAVAPE 說不寒而含讓神經興奮的THC﹐但有5%的大麻二酚﹐對慢性病有助益﹐使用在捷克﹐法國及西班牙種植的﹐有機印度大麻﹐預計12月中上市﹐並銷售其它歐洲國家。


● 不忍夜夜哀號 兒勒死癌母
記者黃宣翰、綦守鈺卅台南報導 世界新聞網 December 28, 2014










● 17歲女孩拒絕化療  被政府強迫托管並化療
17-Year-Old Girl Forcefully Taken From Her Parents By Govt Agents for Refusing Chemotherapy

● 其它大麻新聞報導

CBS"60分鐘"節目 對科羅拉多開放大麻一年後的特別採訪   2015/01/11
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2016-7-23 23:26 編輯


A. 醫療文獻﹕大麻治癌的醫學研究報告

Cures Brain Cancer 腦癌

● THC及大麻素用于多形性膠質母細胞瘤的研究
A pilot clinical study of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme
(出版單位) British Journal of Cancer英國癌研期刊/半月刊  1947創刊
(研究人員) M Guzmán1, M J Duarte2, C Blázquez1, J Ravina2, M C Rosa2, I Galve-Roperh1, C Sánchez1, G Velasco1 and L González-Feria2
(研究部門1) Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology I, School of Biology, Complutense University, Madrid 28040, Spain
(研究部門2) Department of Neurosurgery, Hospital Universitario de Canarias, La Laguna, Tenerife 38320, Spain
(報告日期) Revised 15 May 2006; Accepted 5 June 2006 Advance online publication 27 June 2006
摘要: THC及其它大麻素在動物實驗中證明能禁止腫瘤成長及腫瘤的血管新生﹐但未曾試用在癌症病人上。他們在9位復發的﹐手術及輻射治療後失敗的﹐癌症增生的﹐多形性膠質母細胞瘤(腦瘤)病人﹐使用THC及大麻素治療﹐測試的結果是肯定的﹐能禁止腫瘤細胞成長及減低癌細胞的免疫染色。

● 在活體內選擇啟動CB(2)大麻素受體禁止神經膠質瘤
Inhibition of glioma growth in vivo by selective activation of the CB(2) cannabinoid receptor.
(出版單位) NCBI 國家生化科技資訊中心 National Center for Biotechnology Information
(出版日期) Cancer Res. 2001 Aug 1;61(15):5784-9.
(研究人員) Sánchez C1, de Ceballos ML, Gomez del Pulgar T, Rueda D, Corbacho C, Velasco G, Galve-Roperh I, Huffman JW, Ramón y Cajal S, Guzmán M.
摘要: 神經膠質瘤是最凶殘的腦癌﹐將大麻素CB2用在患神經膠質瘤的老鼠身上研究﹐同時與以前實驗的CB1作用比較﹐結果是有效的。
(研究全文) http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/61/15/5784.full
(出版單位) Cancer Research   月刊
(出版日期) August 1, 2001

● 活體實驗 THC對神經的保護
Neuroprotection by Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, the Main Active Compound in Marijuana, against Ouabain-Induced In Vivo Excitotoxicity
(出版單位) The Journal of Neuroscience 神經科學期刊 1981創半月刊﹐1996改為週刊。
(出版日期) 1 September 2001, 21(17): 6475-6479;
(研究人員) M. van der Stelt1, W. B. Veldhuis2,3, P. R. Bär3, G. A. Veldink1, J. F. G. Vliegenthart1, and K. Nicolay2
摘要: 活老鼠實驗﹐THC及CB1能保護腦神經對抗神經退化。

● 非精神或性 大麻素抗癌效果 在人類神經膠質瘤細胞
Antitumor Effects of Cannabidiol, a Nonpsychoactive Cannabinoid, on Human Glioma Cell Lines
(出版單位) Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 藥理學期刊﹐1909起﹐月刊
(出版日期) November 14, 2003, jpet.103.061002 JPET March 2004 vol. 308 no. 3 838-845
(研究人員) Paola Massi, Angelo Vaccani, Stefania Ceruti, Arianna Colombo, Maria P. Abbracchio and Daniela Parolaro
Published online before print November 14, 2003,
(研究部門) Department of Pharmacology, Chemotherapy and Toxicology (P.M., A.C.), and Department of Pharmacological Sciences, School of Pharmacy, and Center of Excellence for Neurodegenerative Diseases, University of Milan, Milan, Italy (S.C., M.P.A.); and Department of Structural and Functional Biology, Pharmacology Unit and Center of Neuroscience, University of Insubria, Busto Arsizio (Varese), Italy (A.V., D.P.)
摘要: 24小時即見到顯著效果﹐老鼠實驗﹐在活體及活體外均有巨大抗腫瘤能力﹐意味著CBD在防腫瘤上的效用。

● 結合大麻素與帝盟多的臨床前治療 對抗神經膠質瘤
A Combined Preclinical Therapy of Cannabinoids and Temozolomide against Glioma
(出版單位) Molecular Cancer Therapeutics  2001年起﹐月刊
(出版日期) January 2011 10; 90
(研究人員) Sofía Torres1, Mar Lorente1, Fátima Rodríguez-Fornés1, Sonia Hernández-Tiedra1, María Salazar1,2, Elena García-Taboada1, Juan Barcia3, Manuel Guzmán1,2 and Guillermo Velasco1,2
摘要: 帝盟多TMZ在治療癌症時會受到排斥﹐將THC及其它大麻素合用﹐則TMZ也能其作用﹐能將癌細胞殺死。

● 大麻素禁止 神經膠質瘤血管內壁增生要素通道
Cannabinoids Inhibit the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Pathway in Gliomas
(出版單位) Cancer Research 月刊   
(出版日期) August 15, 2004
(研究人員) Cristina Blázquez 1 , Luis González-Feria 4 , Luis Álvarez 2 , Amador Haro 1 , M. Llanos Casanova 3 , and Manuel Guzmán 1
注: 此為研究全文及圖片。   

Cures Mouth and Throat Cancer 口腔癌及喉癌

Cures Breast Cancer 乳癌

Cures Lung Cancer 肺癌

Cures Uterine, Testicular, and Pancreatic Cancers 子宮癌﹐睾丸癌﹐及胰臟癌

Cures Prostate Cancer 攝護腺癌

Cures Colorectal Cancer 直腸癌﹐結腸癌

Cures Ovarian Cancer 卵巢癌

Curse Blood Cancer 血癌

Cures Skin Cancer 皮膚癌

Cures Liver Cancer 肝癌

Cures Biliary Tract Cancer 膽道癌

Cures Bladder Cancer 膀胱癌

Cures Cancer in General 一般癌症

*Reprint from thejointblog.com - See more at:

Cannabis-derived substances in cancer therapy and anti-tumour properties.

Cannabinoids in intestinal inflammation and cancer:

Cannabis use and cancer of the head and neck: Case-control study:

Cannabis THC at high doses in area, inhibits cholangiocarcinoma cancer:

Targeting CB2 cannabinoid receptors as a novel therapy to treat malignant lymphoblastic disease

marijuana kills cancer cells

Cannabis Treatment in Leukemia

Cannabinoids and the immune system.

Cannibas partially/fully induced cell death in Cancer

Cannabis treatment of translocation-positive rhabdomyosarcoma

Cannabis Induces apoptosis of uterine cervix cancer cells

Cannabis treatment in lymphoma

Cannabis kills cancer cells

Cannabis regulator of Neural Cell Development

Cannabis treatment of Melanoma

Cannabis treatment for Thyroid Carcinoma

Cannabis treatment in Colon Cancer

Cannabinoids in intestinal inflammation and cancer.

Cannabinoids in health and disease

Cannabis a neuroprotective after brain injury

Cannabis inhibits Cancer Cell Invasion

A. 醫療理論

大麻油膏是如何工作 - 殺死癌細胞
Dennis Hill.jpg (生化學家 Dennis Hill)
(簡歷) 德州休士頓大學及Baylor醫學院畢業﹐從事癌症研究。
(見證) 2010年檢查發現激進前列腺癌第3期﹐但因有看過醫學報告說大麻療法的助益甚大﹐放棄主流化療輻射﹐朋友幫他做了"大麻奶油"﹐三個月見效﹐但是還有些新陳代謝功能損害﹐那時找到辛普森油膏的供應﹐再3個月完全修復﹐現在還是用本地產的大麻油作養身用。聯結內有他的醫療紀錄﹐及當時自己的醫療筆記。

How Cannabis Oil Works to Kill Cancer Cells

First let’s look at what keeps cancer cells alive, then we will come back and examine how the cannabinoids CBD (cannabidiol) and THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) unravels cancer’s aliveness.
首先我們來看是什麼使癌細胞存活﹐然後我們來檢視大麻素 cannabinoids CBD (cannabidiol 大麻二酚) 及四氫大麻酚(THC-tetrahydrocannabinol)如何破壞癌的活性。

In every cell there is a family of interconvertible sphingolipids that specifically manage the life and death of that cell. This profile of factors is called the “Sphingolipid Rheostat.” If endogenous ceramide(a signaling metabolite of sphingosine-1- phosphate) is high, then cell death (apoptosis) is imminent. If ceramide is low, the cell is strong in its vitality.
每個細胞都有"鞘脂變阻器"(sphingolipid-rheostat)﹐決定細胞的存活或死亡。如果內生神經醯胺(endogenous ceramide)高的話﹐細胞死亡是不可避免的﹐如果低的話﹐細胞有活力。

Very simply, when THC connects to the CB1 or CB2 cannabinoid receptor site on the cancer cell, it causes an increase in ceramide synthesis which drives cell death. A normal healthy cell does not produce ceramide in the presence of THC, thus is not affected by the cannabinoid.
當四氫大麻酚(THC)與CB1或CB2大麻素受體聯結起來﹐見到癌細胞﹐會增加神經醯胺合成酶脂筏(ceramide synthesis)﹐讓細胞死亡。正常細胞在遇到四氫大麻酚(THC)時﹐不會產生神經酰胺﹐如此將不會受大麻素的影響。

The cancer cell dies, not because of cytotoxic chemicals, but because of a tiny little shift in the mitochondria. Within most cells there is a cell nucleus, numerous mitochondria (hundreds to thousands), and various other organelles in the cytoplasm. The purpose of the mitochondria is to produce energy (ATP) for cell use. As ceramide starts to accumulate, turning up the Sphingolipid Rheostat, it increases the mitochondrial membrane pore permeability to cytochrome c, a critical protein in energy synthesis. Cytochrome c is pushed out of the mitochondria, killing the source of energy for the cell.
癌細胞的死因﹐不是因為細胞毒素的化學物﹐而是因為粒線體內小小的移位。大多數細胞內有個細胞核﹐裡面有數十萬個粒線體﹐及無數個細胞器在細胞質內﹐粒線體的功能是產生能量給細胞使用。當神經酰胺開始累積﹐使鞘脂變阻器變高﹐在粒線體內膜孔道通透性增加細胞色素C - 一個能量合成的關鍵性蛋白質﹐細胞色素C被擠出粒線體﹐殺死細胞能量的來源。

Ceramide also causes genotoxic stress in the cancer cell nucleus generating a protein called p53, whose job it is to disrupt calcium metabolism in the mitochondria. If this weren’t enough, ceramide disrupts the cellular lysosome, the cell’s digestive system that provides nutrients for all cell functions. Ceramide, and other sphingolipids, actively inhibit pro-survival pathways in the cell leaving no possibility at all of cancer cell survival.
神經醯胺也會產生一種p53蛋白質﹐對癌細胞核引起遺傳毒性壓力﹐它的工作是瓦解粒線體內的鈣代謝作用。如果這個還不夠﹐神經醯胺瓦解細胞溶酶體 -提供養份讓細胞運作的細胞消化系統。神經醯胺和其它的鞘脂質﹐主動的禁止了細胞內的生存通道﹐讓癌細胞絕無生機。

The key to this process is the accumulation of ceramide in the system. This means taking therapeutic amounts of CBD and THC, steadily, over a period of time, keeping metabolic pressure on this cancer cell death pathway.

How did this pathway come to be? Why is it that the body can take a simple plant enzyme and use it for profound healing in many different physiological systems? This endocannabinoid system exists in all animal life, just waiting for its matched exocannabinoid activator. This is interesting. Our own endocannabinoid system covers all cells and nerves; it is the messenger of information flowing between our immune system and the central nervous system (CNS). It is responsible for neuroprotection, and micro-manages the immune system. This is the primary control system that maintains homeostasis; our well being.

Just out of curiosity, how does the work get done at the cellular level, and where does the body make the endocannabinoids? Here we see that endocannabinoids have their origin in nerve cells right at the synapse. When the body is compromised through illness or injury it calls insistently to the endocannabinoid system and directs the immune system to bring healing. If these homeostatic systems are weakened, it should be no surprise that exocannabinoids are therapeutic. It helps the body in the most natural way possible.

To see how this works we visualize the cannabinoid as a three dimensional molecule, where one part of the molecule is configured to fit the nerve or immune cell receptor site just like a key in a lock. There are at least two types of cannabinoid receptor sites, CB1 (CNS) and CB2 (immune). In general CB1 activates the CNS messaging system, and CB2 activates the immune system, but it’s much more complex than this. Both THC and anandamide activate both receptor sites. Other cannabinoids activate one or the other receptor sites. Among the strains of Cannabis, C. sativa tends toward the CB1 receptor, and C. indica tends toward CB2. So sativa is more neuroactive, and indica is more immunoactive. Another factor here is that sativa is dominated by THC cannabinoids, and indica is predominately CBD (cannabidiol).
要看它是如何工作﹐我們想像大麻素是三度空間分子﹐這分子的一部分是設定﹐與神經或免疫細胞受體處相稱﹐像是鎖的鑰匙。大麻素受體上有兩處 CB1(中樞神經系統)及CB2(免疫系統)。大體上說CB1啟動中樞神經的訊息系統﹐CB2啟動免疫系統﹐但實際上比這更複雜。四氫大麻酚(THC)及大麻素受體(anandamide)啟動雙邊的受體。其它的大麻素啟動其它的受體。在不同的大麻種類中﹐Sativa(工業用大麻)傾向於CB1(中樞神經系統)受體﹐Indica(印度大麻)傾向CB2(免疫系統)受體。所以工業大麻更刺激神經活性﹐印度大麻則更具免疫療癒活性。另外一個要素是工業用大麻是由四氫大麻酚主導﹐印度大麻是被大麻二酚 CBD主導。

It is known that THC and CBD are biomimetic to anandamide, that is, the body can use both interchangeably. Thus, when stress, injury, or illness demand more from endogenous anandamide than can be produced by the body, its mimetic exocannabinoids are activated. If the stress is transitory, then the treatment can be transitory. If the demand is sustained, such as in cancer, then treatment needs to provide sustained pressure of the modulating agent on the homeostatic systems.

Typically CBD gravitates to the densely packed CB2 receptors in the spleen, home to the body’s immune system. From there, immune cells seek out and destroy cancer cells. Interestingly, it has been shown that THC and CBD cannabinoids have the ability to kill cancer cells directly without going through immune intermediaries. THC and CBD hijack the lipoxygenase pathway to directly inhibit tumor growth. As a side note, it has been discovered that CBD inhibits anandamide reuptake. Here we see that cannabidiol helps the body preserve its own natural endocannabinoid by inhibiting the enzyme that breaks down anandamide.
典型的大麻素受脾臟內稠密的CB2受體吸引 - 身體的免疫系統發源地。從那裡﹐免疫細胞出尋並摧毀癌細胞。有趣的是﹐有顯示四氫大麻酚(THC)及大麻素(CBD)有能力直接殺死癌細胞﹐而不須經由免疫系統的媒介。THC及CBD綁架了脂氧化酶的通路﹐直接禁止了癌細胞的成長。順帶一提﹐大麻素禁止大麻感受體的再吸收已被發現。我們可以看到大麻二酚借由禁止酵素分解大麻受體﹐而幫忙身體保存了自己的天然內生大麻素。

This brief survey touches lightly on a few essential concepts. Mostly I would like to leave you with an appreciation that nature has designed the perfect medicine that fits exactly with our own immune system of receptors and signaling metabolites to provide rapid and complete immune response for systemic integrity and metabolic homeostasis.  

- 四氫大麻酚(THC)如何完全殺死癌細胞
Sanchez.JPG (內有訪談短片)
Molecular Biologist Explains How THC Completely Kills Cancer Cells

Below is a video of Dr. Christina Sanchez, a molecular biologist at Compultense University in Madrid, Spain, clearly explaining how THC (the main psychoactive constitute of the cannabis plant) completely kills cancer cells.
下面一段影片是馬德裡大學的分子生化學家Dr.Christina Sanchez﹐清楚解釋THC(大麻植物的主要精神藥物成份)是如何完全殺死癌細胞。

Cannabinoids refer to any group of related compounds that include cannabinol and the active constituents of cannabis. They activate cannabinoid receptors in the body. The body itself produces  compounds called endocannabinoids and they play a role in many processes within the body that help to create a healthy environment. I think it’s also important to note that cannabis has been shown to treat cancer without any psychoactive effects.

Cannabinoids have been proven to reduce cancer cells as they have a great impact on the rebuilding of the immune system. Although not every strain of cannabis has the same effect, more and more patients are seeing success in cancer reduction in a short period of time by using cannabis. Contrary to popular belief, smoking cannabis does not assist a great deal in treating disease within the body as therapeutic levels cannot be reached through smoking. Creating oil from the plant or eating the plant is the best way to go about getting the necessary ingredients, the cannabinoids.

The world has come a long way with regards to accepting this plant as a medicine rather than a harmful substance. It’s a plant that could benefit the planet in more ways than one. Cannabis is not something offered in the same regard as chemotherapy, but more people are becoming aware if it, which is why it’s so important to continue to spread information like this. Nobody can really deny the tremendous healing power of this plant.

- 但不觸及健康細胞
WATCH as compound in Cannabis oil (THC) kills cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone

B. 醫生臨床見證

奇跡嬰孩 - 8月大腦腫瘤嬰  4個月後腫瘤消失

Dr. Confirms Cannabis Oil Cures Brain Tumor & Brain Cancer !!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a6iba3sEUIg#t=77     Mar 14, 2013

Dr. William Courtney接受採訪說﹐5~6年前他還相當懷疑﹐他目前最年幼的病人是8個月大有大片中央腦腫瘤﹐無法動手術的孩子﹐父親說服了某人﹐開始治療(大麻油膏)﹐成功了避免了主流療法﹐不開刀﹐不輻射﹐不化療﹐4個月後﹐腦腫瘤基本上降至0﹐避免了主流療法早成的損害。

照片的白點是腦腫瘤﹐他們在孩子的奶嘴上塗上大麻油膏﹐一天兩次﹐增加用量﹐3.8%的CBD高成份成份油膏﹐兩個月後顯著的改進﹐讓腫瘤兒科大夫﹐允許繼續﹐4個月後﹐幾乎等於零了﹐8個月後﹐腦袋恢復成長﹐爾就為避免MRI(核磁共振成像)電磁波對孩子腦部造成影響﹐就不在照了。目前這孩子被叫做"奇跡小孩" Miracle Baby。



C. 其它

大麻治癌 ﹖迷你紀錄片
Kenneth Welker.JPG
Cannabis Cures Cancer? (Full Mini-Doc)

一位醫生的醫學解釋(基本上與上面Dennis Hill生化學說的差不多)﹐及位癌症療患者的親身見證﹐中間穿插短暫的製作過程。

- 他治療病人的模式﹐沒照醫學要求﹐置病人與不需要的危險。像是使用 chelation therapy 螯合療法hydrogen peroxide infusions 氧份療法﹐及幹細胞注射。
- 在許多案例中﹐沒有適當的調查嚴重病情。
- 沒有與病人的主治醫生協調。
- 某些例子中﹐他叫病人停服一些重要藥物。
- 在1案例﹐他做了38個獨特的診斷﹐及29項營養補充建議。
- 在一些案例中﹐他開給病人睾丸素處方﹐卻沒有適當的保護措施。

但也有人質疑﹐他因積極推動大麻療癒﹐影響醫藥主流的收入﹐而被以莫須有罪名吊照。雖是如此﹐在吊照後﹐他仍積極推動大麻治癌法。  http://lifeability.net/2014/03/12/free-medicinal-marijuana-education-symposium/

大麻二酚cannabidiol (CBD): 上帝賜給人類的長生不老藥 抗癌防癌 .


CNN 特別節目 - 大麻探討  Aug 19, 2014
CNN帶你探討美國醫療大麻的情況還有大麻的真相. Dr Sanjay Gupta 是美國著名的神經外科醫生, 在一年多前改變了他對大麻的看法, 從堅決否決大麻的醫療效用到最後改變他的想法並且做出這部紀錄片.

大麻油膏如何殺死癌 How Cannabis oil Kills Cancer

SETH集團  大麻素對癌細胞的作用

The Action of Cannabinoids in Cancer Cells-The SETH Group
SETH Group 對大麻素如何治癌的短暫說明

The Real Nancy Botwin From 'Weeds' .

Cannabis oil cures cancer. (SEE more at cureyourowncancer.org)

內生大麻系統: 大麻油膏如何作用
The Endocannabinoid System: How cannabis oil works

D. 中文大麻素醫療資訊

大麻酚受體激化物WIN 55212-2誘導人類肺腺癌細胞氧化壓力與凋亡之分子機轉研究
博碩士論文   湯鳳儀  醫事技術系碩士班 2010 第一學期

詹東榮 副教授   國立臺灣大學獸醫專業學院獸醫學系  2009.12

臺灣大學: 獸醫學研究所    博碩士論文   吳欣穎  2013-03-21

臺灣大學: 獸醫學研究所    博碩士論文    李繼雅  2010-05-04

1,2 吳欣穎  3 廖美秀  1,2 蘇淑婷  * 1,2 詹東榮    2010/05/18


藥學論文   論文作者: 胡博 陳紹洋 王強   2008/7/21

「麻」的醫療用途    2013年11月25日

褚志斌 (芝加哥大學博士後研究員) 2007-07-26

原文日期:2014/11/22  作者:Medical Daily By Chris Weller  譯者:Ellen

Dec. 26, 2007 -- 試管研究顯示,四氫大麻酚(THC)和另一個大麻中的化合物減緩子宮頸癌和肺癌擴散。

大麻提取物對腦瘤有驚人影響  2014-11-18


GW PHARMA 這公司各種對大麻治癌的申請專利

屏科大 2012/03/19

藥業會刊 392期 11頁 2014/03/31
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2016-7-23 23:33 編輯


A. 瑞克.辛普森 製作大麻油膏的方法
The Rick Simpson Process of Producing Hemp Oil

"I usually work with a pound or more of bud from very potent high quality indica or indica dominant sativa. An ounce of good bud will usually produce 3 to 4 grams of high-grade oil and the amount of oil produced will vary from strain to strain. You are never really sure how much oil you will get until you have processed the material you are working with. On average, a pound of good bud will usually produce about 60 grams of high-grade oil and sometimes you may even get substantially more from some varieties.

*1 ounce(盎司) = 28.3495231 grams(克) >> 可製出3~4克油膏
*1 pound(磅) = 453.59237 grams(克)  >> 可製出60克油膏

Many seem to believe the oil must be amber and that you should be able to see through it. Often the oils I produced did exhibit these but not always. The color and texture of the oil you are producing depends a great deal on the strain, method, and solvent that you are using to produce the oil. Don't be concerned if the oil you produce happens to be darker in color, this does not mean that such an oil is not a potent medicine. Indeed some of the strongest oils I have ever produced were dark in color, but they still had the desired medicinal effects.

I think these instructions should make producing this oil quite easy for anyone, but before you start, make sure that you have everything you will need to do it properly. All one requires is the starting material, solvent, a length of wood, two plastic buckets, a few small containers with funnels and coffee filters, an electric rice cooker, a fan, a stainless steel measuring cup, a coffee warmer and syringes.
我認為這方法能讓每個人都能輕易的製作﹐在開工前﹐請把所需的材料備好 - 大麻原料﹐溶劑﹐一長條木頭﹐兩個塑膠桶﹐幾個小容器及漏斗﹐還有咖啡濾紙﹐1個電飯鍋﹐1個風扇﹐1個不鏽鋼量杯﹐1個咖啡保溫器﹐一個注射器(無針針筒)。

The process I am about to describe involves washing the starting material twice with a good solvent such as pure light aliphatic naphtha or 99% isopropyl alcohol to remove the available resin from the plant material. Light naphtha has proven itself to be a very good solvent to produce the oil, it is also quite cheap to purchase when compared to the cost of other solvents. It comes in different forms and under different names but the solvent I used is called light naphtha in Canada, and in Europe it is often called benzin(e). It is sold under many names but if you go to a fuel supplier, you should not have too much trouble tracking some down if you ask for hydrotreated light aliphatic solvent naphtha/petroleum ether/benzine/hydrocarbon solvent with a boiling point anywhere from 40 to 100°C (140 – 212°F), CAS number 64742-49-0.
處理方式是用好的溶劑﹐如純輕脂揮發油(pure light aliphatic naphtha)﹐或99%的異丙醇藥用酒精(Isopropyl Alcohol)﹐將植物倆來裡的樹脂分離出來。輕脂揮發油已實際證明是製作油膏的極佳溶劑﹐跟其它溶劑來比﹐價錢也便宜。 輕脂揮發油有不同的形式及名稱﹐我在加拿大用的名叫輕揮發油(light naphtha)﹐在歐洲通常叫揮發油benzin(e)﹐它以很多不同的名稱出售﹐但是當你向燃料商洽詢﹐說要加氫輕脂揮發油(hydrotreated light aliphatic solvent naphtha)/石油醚(petroleum ether)/揮發油(benzine)/燃點在40~120°C的烴;碳氫化合物溶劑﹐化學物質編號(CAS)64742-49-0﹐應該不難找到它。

Light naphtha has many industrial uses, and is often used to degrease engine parts or thin paints etc., so I’m sure you should have little trouble finding what you need. Just to give you an idea of its many uses, it is the same substance used to fuel Coleman lamps and stoves. But, unfortunately, rust inhibitors are added to Coleman fuel, so I do not recommend that this fuel be used to produce oil. There is also medical-grade naphtha (hexane) available in many countries in the world, but it is a bit more expensive and usually harder to get and I have not found any significant difference between pure light naphtha and the medical-grade version of it.

Butane can produce oil but I do not recommend its use as a solvent to produce this medication, since it is very volatile and would require the use of expensive equipment to neutralize the danger. In addition, using butane to produce the oil does not decarboxylate the finished product, so oils produced in this manner would be less effective for medicinal use, unless the extra time is taken to decarboxylate them properly.

The only solvents that I have direct experience with so far are ether, light aliphatic naphtha, and 99% isopropyl alcohol. Ether is my personal favorite and it is a very effective solvent but it is expensive and can be quite hard to get. I think the use of ether is better suited for closed distilling devices, since it is very volatile and its fumes make it dangerous to work with.
我目前直接使用的溶劑經驗是乙醚(ether)﹐輕脂揮發油(light aliphatic naphtha)﹐及99%的異丙醇藥用酒精(Isopropyl Alcohol)。乙醚是我個人最愛﹐最有效﹐但價貴難取得。我認為乙醚最適用在封閉蒸餾器具裡﹐因為揮發性高的油氣危險。

Both ether and light naphtha are more selective solvents in nature, which means alcohol is not quite as effective as a solvent but still it does work well. Alcohol will dissolve more chlorophyll from the starting material and due to this, oils produced with alcohol will usually be more noticeably dark in color.

For a solvent to be effective, it should be 100% pure and 100% pure alcohol is expensive and can be quite hard to find. Light naphtha on the other hand is quite cheap to acquire and is usually not too hard to locate. Next to the use of ether, pure light aliphatic naphtha is my solvent of choice.

All these solvents including alcohol are poisonous in nature but if you follow these instructions, solvent residue in the finished oil is not a concern. After the finished product cools to room temperature, it is a thick grease-like substance rather than an oil and it is about as anti-poisonous as you can get. Even if there was a slight trace of solvent residue remaining, the oil itself would act upon it to neutralize any harmful poisonous effect. In essence, all you are doing is washing the medicinal resins off the bud material. Then, after the solvent oil mix has been filtered and the solvent has been boiled off, you are left with the resins in their most medicinal form.

For best results, the starting material must be as dry as possible. Be sure where you are working is well ventilated and there are no sparks, open flames, or red-hot elements in the area.

Place the starting material in a container of good depth to prevent the oil solvent mix from splashing out during the washing process. Then, dampen the bud with the solvent being used and the bud material is then crushed using a length of wood such as a piece of 2×2.

After it has been crushed, add more solvent until the material is completely immersed in the solvent. Work the bud material for about three minutes with the length of wood you used to crush it. Then slowly pour the solvent oil mix off into another clean container, leaving the starting material in the original container, so it can be washed for the second time.

Again add fresh solvent to the starting material until it is once more immersed in the solvent, and then work it for three more minutes with the length of wood you have been using. Then, pour the solvent oil mix into the same container that is holding the solvent oil mix from the first wash you did.

Trying to do a third wash on the plant material produces very little oil and it would be of little or no benefit as a medicine. The first wash dissolves 70 to 80% of the available resin off the starting material; the second wash then removes whatever resin that is of benefit, which remains.

Oils produced from the first wash are the most potent medicinally but if high-grade starting material is used, oil from the second wash also has benefits. If, for some reason, you have to work with material that is not as potent as it should be, it is best to use the oil from the first wash only for internal use and then start to grow or look for starting material that is of better quality. Remember, quality is more important than quantity and the better the starting material, the better the medicine.

Use something such as clean water containers with a small opening at the top and insert funnels into the openings, then put large coffee filters in the funnels. Pour the solvent oil mix from the first and second washes into the coffee filters and allow the solvent oil mix to drain through the filters to remove any unwanted plant material. The more funnels and containers you use, the faster it will be filtered. Once the solvent oil mix has been filtered, it is now ready to have the solvent boiled off.

you do not already own one, you can purchase an inexpensive larger rice cooker with an open top that has both high and low heat settings to boil the solvent off the oil. Make sure that the rice cooker is set up in a well-ventilated area and place a fan nearby to blow away the fumes as the solvent boils off. This will prevent the fumes from condensing and posing a danger.

Rice cookers are designed not to burn the rice as it cooks. The temperature sensors that are built in will automatically switch the cooker back on the low heat setting if the temperature within the cooker begins to get too high.

When producing oil, if the temperature gets a little over 300°F (148°C), it will begin to vaporize the cannabinoids off the oil and, of course, you do not want this to occur. If a rice cooker is working properly, it will automatically come off the high heat setting at roughly 230°F (110°C), which is above the temperature where decarboxylation is said to occur and is still well below the point that THC and other cannabinoids will vaporize. This is why I strongly recommend the use of a rice cooker to those who have never produced oil before, since it eliminates any danger of harming the oil in question. Plus the resulting oil is decarboxylated, which is also important, so it can achieve its full medicinal effects.

I suggest that people should not try to use crock-pots and similar appliances to produce oil. When I first tried to produce the oil, I used a crock-pot and since I did not know how much heat these devices can generate, the oil overheated and was ruined. So I think it’s only sensible that a beginner should start out by using a rice cooker and follow our instructions carefully. Doing so could save them a lot of grief.

A distilling device can also be used to produce this medication and reclaim the solvent that is being used. This method really does make more sense than using a rice cooker, but stills that are designed to boil off solvents safely are expensive and most people do not know how to operate one of these devices properly. If one is available, I prefer to use a still myself, but, in some countries, owning a still is against the law. If one is serious and wants to produce large amounts of oil, look into distilling and educate yourself in the proper use of this equipment.

Always make sure there are no sparks, open flames, or red-hot elements in the area while you are filling the rice cooker or boiling the solvent off because the fumes produced from solvents are very flammable and toxic. I have used this same process thousands of times and have never had a mishap, but for your own safety, please follow the instructions and make sure the area is well ventilated. I also caution you to avoid breathing in the fumes that solvents produce since they can have unpleasant effects on anyone nearby.

Make sure that the fan is running and produces enough airflow to blow away the fumes, then fill the rice cooker until it is about three quarters full. This allows room for the solvent oil mix to boil off without spilling over. Put the rice cooker on its high heat setting and begin boiling the solvent off. Never attempt to do this without the use of a fan, since the fumes could condense and if they come in contact with the heating element, it might cause a fire.

As the level in the rice cooker drops, continue to carefully add the solvent oil mix you have remaining, until you have nothing left. When the level in the rice cooker comes down for the last time and has been reduced to about two inches of solvent oil mix remaining, add about 10 to 12 drops of water to the solvent oil mix that remains. This small amount of water allows the remaining solvent to boil off the oil that remains in the cooker more readily.

When there is very little remaining in the cooker, I usually put on a pair of gloves and then pick up the cooker and begin swirling its contents. This is done with the airflow from the fan still taking the fumes away and it can speed up the finishing process slightly. In a short time, the cooker automatically kicks off its high heat setting and then goes to low heat. As the last of the solvent is being boiled off, you will hear a crackling sound from the oil that is left in the cooker and you will see quite a bit of bubbling taking place in the oil that remains.

Also, you will notice what looks like a small amount of smoke or steam coming off the oil in the rice cooker, but don’t be concerned, as this is mostly just steam produced from the few drops of water that you added. After the rice cooker has automatically switched to its low heat setting, I usually let it cool until it can be switched to the high heat setting again. After the cooker has automatically switched itself to the low heat setting for the second time, I then take the inner pot out of the cooker and pour its contents into a stainless steel measuring cup.
同時你也會看到煙/水氣飄出﹐不要在乎﹐那是最後加進去掉誰蒸發的水氣。在開關跳起後﹐我通常讓電鍋降冷一下﹐然後再把開關打開(再讓電鍋煮一遍) 到第二次開關跳起後﹐把內鍋拿出﹐將完成的油膏倒入不鏽鋼量杯。

There will be a small amount of oil remaining in the pot that you will find almost impossible to get out, unless you use something like dry bread to absorb the oil, while it is still warm. Then, small amounts of this bread can be eaten as a medicine, but remember it can sometimes take an hour or more before you feel its effects. So be careful how much bread like this you consume, because even a very small amount may put you to sleep for quite a few hours just the same as the raw oil will do itself. Another good way to clean up whatever oil remains in the pot is to wash the pot out with a small amount of alcohol to produce a hemp oil tincture.

A tincture such as this can be very effective in the treatment of skin conditions and just a little can go a long way, which can save you money. Since I often like to mix oil from several strains anyway, I usually simply leave the remaining oil in the pot until next time. By mixing oils from different strains, you receive the medicinal benefits from all these different types of oil and I have found such oils to be effective in the treatment of everything. If you have many different varieties of good hemp at your disposal, I think mixing the oils is a good idea, but if you do not, I believe the oil from just one strain will probably satisfy your needs.

Take the oil that you poured into the stainless steel measuring cup and put it on a gentle heating device such as a coffee warmer to evaporate off whatever water remains in the oil. Quite often, it only takes a short time to evaporate the remaining water off, but also some strains produce more natural terpenes than others. These terpenes can cause the oil you now have on the coffee warmer to bubble for quite some time and it may take a while for such oils to cease this activity. When the oil on the coffee warmer has stopped bubbling and there is little or no activity visible, take the oil off the coffee warmer and allow it to cool a bit.

Another way to finish the oil without the use of a coffee warmer is to put the oil in an oven set at 130°C (266°F) for about an hour. Both of these methods will decarboxylate the finished oil and solvent residue should not be an issue.
Then, using plastic applicators or syringes with no needles that are available in your local drug store, use the plunger to slowly draw the warm oil up into the syringes and allow it to cool. In a short time, the resin will become a thick grease-like substance.


Sometimes the resin is so thick that it can be hard to force it out of the syringes when cooled. If such a thing happens, simply put the syringe in a cup of hot water in a short time you will be able to squeeze your dosage out more easily. Sometimes a patient will force out too much oil, but if this happens, just pull back on the plunger of the syringe and the excess oil can usually be drawn back into the syringe without too much difficulty.

On average, a dry pound of material will require about 2 gallons (8-9 liters) of solvent to do the two washes that are required. If you plan to produce the oil from more or less starting material, simply do the math to determine roughly how much solvent you will require. From start to finish, it usually takes three to four hours to accomplish the whole process, and then the medicine is sitting there ready to be used.

It should also be mentioned that this oil has an extremely long shelf life. But for long-term storage, I would put it in a dark bottle with a tight lid or a stainless steel container. If kept in a cool dark place when stored, it can maintain its medicinal potency for years.

At first, it may seem daunting for some to try to produce their own medicine but in reality, this process is extremely simple. All you have to do is carefully follow the instructions and after you produce this medication a couple of times, you will find that it is not much harder to make than a cup of coffee. Once you have produced your own medication, it takes all the mystery out of medicine and you no longer have to rely on doctors in most cases, for now you have become your own doctor.”

Rick Simpson - 瑞克.辛普森

瑞克的示範 (大量﹐用1磅來做出約60克油膏﹐3個月的療程﹐一般就可治好)
How to Make Rick Simpson's Medicinal Hemp Oil Safely

1. 搗弄花蕾與溶劑混合﹐洗出大麻素(兩次﹐各3分鐘)。
1 smash.JPG

2. 所得出之溶劑再用咖啡濾紙過濾。
2 filter.JPG

3. 飯鍋煮﹐不加蓋﹐旁用風扇吹走油氣。
3 rice cooker.JPG

4. 水位低時﹐繼續補充洗出的溶劑。
4 refill.JPG

5. 最後一鍋﹐加8滴水(水沸點比溶劑高﹐這樣可讓溶劑蒸出)
5 water.JPG

6. 搖晃電鍋﹐加速蒸發時間﹐直到少量濃稠狀。
6 shake.JPG

7. 放入小鍋﹐在咖啡保溫墊上加熱﹐直到不再有泡泡。
7 coffee warmer.JPG

8. 成品油膏﹐用注射器吸入(用注射器是因為上有刻度﹐知數量)
8 oil.JPG

Dr T. H. Hunt DNM示範 (家裡廚房做少量﹐1盎司做出3~4克油膏﹐簡單快速)
How to Make a Small Batch of Rick Simpson Oil

1. 用1盎司的花蕾(她是在大麻店購買﹐品質比較保險﹐有成份標示)
1 ounce.JPG

2. 她用"Everclear"100%的穀物自然酒精﹐無化學物﹐可完全揮發。
2 everclear.JPG

3. 用大碗杯混合花蕾與穀物酒精﹐將花蕾捏碎小﹐以便洗出成份。洗兩次﹐每次各3分鐘
3 big bowl.JPG

4. 她用布袋過濾﹐可以再使用﹐亦便將汁液擠出。
4 bag.JPG

5. 擠汁。汁呈深綠色。
5 juice.JPG

6. 她用間接加熱法﹐用2個平底鍋﹐一深也淺。深鍋盛水﹐燒開關火﹐
6 double pan.JPG

7. 若溫度降低﹐就重開火﹐將水加熱﹐汁液變少變黑﹐濃稠﹐到沒有氣泡為止。
7 boiling.JPG

8. 得到油膏﹐趁還熱暖時﹐裝入容器。
8 oil.JPG

B. 如何製出最高質量的油膏
Producing The Highest-Quality Oil

In the interest of allowing the common man to produce the highest quality and most medicinal oils possible, I have discovered a simple method that will enable just about everyone to produce oils with even more effective medicinal values than I have showed the public in the past. All you actually have to do is add a few more steps to the process we have already showed you, but after you produce oil in this manner I think you will agree that it does make a tremendous difference.

If you have high quality medicinal bud to work with, you should be able to manufacture oils with very high cannabinoid levels, simply by using a good solvent and a rice cooker. Oils that I produced in this manner usually showed THC levels of 95% or more along with varying levels of other cannabinoids and plant waxes. The healing power of oils such as this are what has finally given the cannabis hemp plant the medical recognition it deserves, but still I have found that the healing power of this substance can be taken to a whole new level without much difficulty.

All you have to do is take the oil and put it in a heating unit that can catch the cannabinoids as they vaporize off and this will produce oils of higher quality and purity. Although an ordinary vaporizer can accomplish this task, in truth they are not designed properly to fulfill this role, since it would take so long to produce any amount of medication and most vaporizers which are available tend to leak.

To produce oil on a larger scale one would require a much larger vaporizing unit which was airtight and it would also necessitate the use of a much larger collection dome that is set on an angle, so that once the cannabinoids started to collect they would begin to run down to the dome’s lowest point, where they could be collected from a small drain hole in the form of a highly purified oil. Anyone who is mechanically inclined should not have too much trouble putting together a unit to perform this task, but it will take a little time and effort to assemble the device.

The amount of oil which can be collected after it has been vaporized depends on what cannabinoid percentage by weight that the original starting oil had. If the oil you are using had 99% cannabinoids by weight, then you should get roughly that amount back after it has been vaporized.

I should also mention that this is a great way to improve the quality of lower grade oils which have a lot of impurities, so they may be used as a more powerful and effective medication. Even a starting oil with much lower cannabinoid content may produce a decent medication, if the cannabinoids are vaporized off and the impurities are left behind in the bowl. You may not get out as much as you put in, but at least you will end up with an oil that is much more medicinal than what you started out with. When it comes to healing, a medicine’s purity and effectiveness mean everything to the patient, so if you wish to produce the most medicinal oils possible, I think you should give what I am saying some serious consideration.

As yet, I cannot explain why oils produced in this manner are so much more medicinally active than even the best oils which have been produced using other methods. Since the oils that I have vaporized had been decarboxylated before they even went into the vaporizer, that should mean they were already as medicinally active as possible, so one would expect to see little difference in potency after the oil has been collected from the vaporizer. When the cannabinoids are vaporized off these high quality oils, all that is left in the bowl of the vaporizer are unwanted plant waxes and other contaminants. By leaving these unwanted substances behind in the bowl, the oil that you collect will be much purer, but since these oils had few impurities before they were even put in the vaporizer, this does little to explain why the oil is now so much more potent.

Cannabinoids vaporize off the oil between 300 and 400 degrees Fahrenheit and these temperatures are much higher than those which we have been told are required to accomplish decarboxylation. Either there is something that we do not as yet understand about decarboxylation that is causing this amazing increase in potency, or all this extra heat required to vaporize the cannabinoids off may be doing something to the oil that we have never been aware of in the past.

I have been talking about this new process for the last few weeks when I do interviews and now there are some individuals, who have begun to manufacture oils in this manner and from what I have been told they were shocked at the difference in potency. From my experience, even the highest grade oils produced with the use of distilling equipment or a rice cooker cannot be compared with oils that are collected after the cannabinoids have been vaporized off. They may look somewhat the same, but I think the vaporized oils are many times stronger and indeed this should make them even more suited to treat individuals with serious conditions.

Some people simply put plant material in a vaporizer and then collect the cannabinoids in oil form from the dome of the vaporizer, after the plant material has been heated. By using the raw plant material one can produce a decent oil, but testing has shown that these oils do not equal the potency of oils produced in a rice cooker and that is the reason why I instruct people to produce the oil using my methods. If you put high quality oil in a vaporizer, the resulting oil which will be produced after the cannabinoids have vaporized off, will be much stronger than even the best oils that can be vaporized off high quality bud material. So if you want to see great results, they can be achieved simply by vaporizing the best oil possible and this will give you a medicine, which I feel is beyond compare.

No matter if governments like it or not, in the near future many of us will be producing our own medicines and since these oils are so effective for such a large range of medical problems, I expect to see this simple folk medicine manufactured everywhere, by those who do not have the money to play games with drug companies. In the future I am sure the drug companies will be trying to say that they are the only ones qualified to produce this medication, but we all know that anything these criminals are willing to provide would come at a very high price; and since just about anyone can produce this substance, I see no need for drug companies to even play a role. After we do the simple research that is required, we will be able to blend the different natural cannabinoids and produce oils specifically designed to treat different illnesses, but even though these new oils will have amazing healing abilities, oils which we ourselves can produce will always have their place in our medicine cabinets. I have never tried to patent any of the methods I have discovered, since I feel that this knowledge should be available to anyone who chooses to use it and no one has the right to hold anything back that can save someone’s life and, as a matter of fact, I think it would be a much better world if we had no such thing as patents at all.

Although those who wish to prohibit this medication’s use, like drug companies, have proven in the past that they are more than happy to poison and kill us with the trash which they have been providing, I am sure they will try to tell us that they are the only ones who can produce this medication properly. Using the new method I have just described, anyone can manufacture medications that are just as pure as anything a drug company could provide. In addition, I think medications that we can produce ourselves will be much more effective than what a drug company would offer, because unlike them we are not in this for the money and our aim is simply to heal ourselves.

There is now no sensible reason as to why we cannot produce our own medicines and when our bought and paid for governments try to prevent us from doing so, it will be just one more example of why we must rid ourselves of their corruption and once and for all, free humanity from their clutches. By now it should be more than obvious that drug companies and our governments care little or nothing about our health and well-being, so let’s give common sense and Mother Nature a chance to see what they can do to improve our overall health, and once we do so, I am sure that we will no longer accept what has gone on in the past.
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2016-7-23 23:40 編輯

C. 油膏能做什麼及如何工作的 (What it does & How it works)

I am not going to talk about the corruption that is holding this plant's medicinal use back. I am here today to simply speak about the healing power of the hemp plant that I have personally witnessed and what I think causes it.

From my experience all forms of disease and conditions are treatable and often curable with the use of high grade hemp oil as a treatment.

Due to its harmless nature as a medicine, hemp oil is in a class all by itself. Even something like aspirin tablets that is looked upon as being harmless by the public causes thousands of deaths worldwide each year.

If you are looking for a safe medication, look no further than what the hemp plant can provide. On top of all that it’s a medicine we can all grow and produce ourselves. Also there is no need for a doctor’s supervision with its use.

When the hemp plant is grown for medicinal use, you now have your own medical system that is much safer and effective than anything our current medical system provides. You still may require a doctor to set your broken leg, but you will no longer need the chemicals they have been pushing upon us.

Hemp is medicine for the masses and no one has the right to control its use. We are all different and we all have different tolerances for practically everything. So it is up to each and every one of us to determine for ourselves how much oil we require to maintain good health.

Over the years people have come to me who after years of treatment by the medical system did not even have a diagnosis for their conditions. But the oil exercised its amazing healing power and their medical problems were solved.

Another aspect of the use of hemp as medicine is its anti-aging properties. As we age, our vital organs deteriorate and of course this impairs the function of these organs.

Hemp oil rejuvenates vital organs even in small doses it is very common for people to report to me that they feel 20 to 30 years younger after only ingesting the oil for a short time.

Now let’s take it to the next level. What about people who ingest larger quantities of oil over a longer period of time like myself? After 9 years on the oil my body does not appear to be that of a 60 year old man. Instead, my body has the appearance of someone who is a great deal younger. When I have the oil at my disposal I like to take about a quarter of a gram a day. Of course, due to short supply, quite often I must go without so my own treatment has been erratic to say the least.
現在讓我們更進一步﹐像我這樣長時間的大量服用呢﹖在用油膏9年後﹐我的身體不像是60歲的老人﹐我的身體看起來像更年輕的人﹐當我手上有油膏時﹐我日服1/4克﹐當手上短缺沒有時﹐我 會感覺不太規律。

From my own experience with the oil I cannot help but wonder what would happen if a person was to ingest larger quantities of oil over a longer period of time. If a person were to do this, can they actually reverse the aging process and grow younger instead of aging.

From the oils effect on my own body by all appearances this seems to be the case. Someday soon when I have enough oil I intend to start taking a gram a day for a year to see what effect it has on my body.

Many people who have taken the oil have stated that they thought it to be the fountain of youth. From my own experiences with the oil I believe this to be true.

Throughout our lives the system has told us they want preventative medicine. Now what greater preventative medicine could there possibly be than hemp oil? Judging from what I have seen, if children were given tiny doses of oil each day like a supplement, diseases like cancer diabetes MS and many other conditions could be eliminated entirely.

Now I am not talking about getting the kiddies high for once a person gets accustomed to this medication, they do not even feel or exhibit effects from the oil they are ingesting.

Hemp oil is a safe and harmless medication that all age groups can benefit from by ingesting it and that goes for our children too. So if the system truly wants preventative medicine, here it is now why are they refusing to use it.
大麻油膏是安全無害的﹐所有年齡層服用都能獲益﹐對孩子亦然﹐如果醫療系統真的想要預防性的藥物﹐這裡已經有了﹐為什麼他們拒絕它 ﹖

I know the words cure all is a hard pill to swallow. When I worked in the medical system, such terms were thought of as a joke. But when you see for yourself what this oil can do like I did, what else could it be called?

What other medicine works on everything and in many cases can cure thought-to-be incurable conditions. What else can heal diabetic ulcers, skin cancers or heal third degree burns in no time leaving no scars?

I will tell you what other medicine – no other medicine. So why on god’s green earth is it not being used? As a medication to ease our suffering and to heal us. For there is nothing better.
沒有其它的藥能做這樣的事﹐為什麼在上帝的綠地球上我們不用它 ﹖來作為減低我們痛苦﹐並療癒我們的醫藥﹐沒有比這更好的東西了。

Myself and many others have gone through realms of so-called scientific studies which I found to be mostly double-talk and most of these studies were about synthetic THC which bears little resemblance to natural THC and its associated cannabinoids found in the hemp plant.

After studying all this scientific jargon, I had learned what amounted to nothing. But the oil continued to work the miracles so who was I to question it.

I had just about given up hope that we would ever find out why the oil worked so well for all these different medical conditions. But recently a lady named Batya Stark has provided me with what I think is all the missing pieces to the puzzle.
我幾乎放棄了希望﹐在想了解為什麼油膏對這些不同的醫療狀況﹐都表現的這麼好。但是最近﹐一位名叫Batya Stark 的女士﹐提供了我這謎題中﹐遺漏的片段。

She has sent me a great deal of information about melatonin and the pineal gland which produces it. It seems that the pineal gland is in the driver’s seat when it comes to healing our bodies.
她給了我大量有關退黑激素(melatonin)﹐及產生激素的松果體(pineal gland)的資訊﹐看起來是在治療身體的過程中是由松果體主控。

The melatonin it produces is an essential part of healing. When the function of the pineal gland is impaired, it produces much less melatonin and therefore we become sick and diseased.

Studies have been released that show people suffering from cancer have low levels of melatonin in their bodies. Also studies have shown that just smoking hemp can raise the melatonin levels in our bodies. So one can only imagine what the oil that is in a concentrated state can do to increase melatonin levels.

As we age we acidify and cancer thrives in an acidic environment. So bringing the body´s PH level up is very important when you are suffering from cancer and many other conditions. The oil works to do this but also other things can be of great benefit. Simple things like baking soda and lemon juice can raise the body´s PH very rapidly.
當我們上了年紀﹐我們酸化﹐癌在酸性環境會興旺﹐當你為癌及很多其它狀況所苦﹐把身體的PH值提高是非常重要的﹐這油膏在這方面工作。同時其它事也有很大的助益。簡單的像是小蘇打粉(Bakiing soda)及檸檬汁﹐能快速的提高身體的PH值。
(注: H值在0-14之間,PH值7時是中性,大於7時為鹼性,小於7時為酸性。)

Tumors are simply the symptom of an underlying condition that is present in the bodies of people who are suffering from cancer. Indeed this underlying condition must be treated to cure the cancer and prevent it from returning.

Melatonin travels to every cell in our bodies and is the key to good health. And I am not just talking about treating cancer, it seems that melatonin levels are important to treat all conditions. Now all you have to do is connect the dots like Batya and I have; it all adds up.

Hemp oil promotes full body healing and raises melatonin levels thousands of times higher than normal. When the pineal gland produces vast amounts of melatonin, it causes no harm to the body but it is very hard on the condition you are suffering from and indeed can eliminate it. From what I can gather, all this along with your PH being raised while the oil is detoxifying your body we think causes the healing effect of this medication.

Now myself and those around me are not doctors or scientists and I like you can only wonder at why it is not them bringing this to the public. But after years of research on our part, this is the only thing we have found that connects all the dots and explains in a simple way why this medicine can do what it does.

Now we must look at what could be causing the function of our pineal gland to become impaired. Much of the time it is caused by our own lifestyles and things like cell phones that we come in contact with everyday.

Companies that produce cell phones do not like to talk about it and would prefer that we did the same. But our bodies run on electrical impulses. Now do you think it’s a good idea to put something against your head that produces an electromagnetic field which can interfere with the electrical impulses in our bodies that keep us healthy?

Cell phones are just one of the culprits. Look at studies of cancer rates of people who live near and around high tension power lines. I myself did not understand the importance of all this until a friend of mine cured his heart condition by having two electrical problems in his home repaired.

It´s frightening that so many things we come into contact with frequently can harm our health. But still there are a number of other things that do the same.

Can someone out there give me a rational explanation as to why fluoride seems to be in everything these days and please do not call me and try to tell me it’s to prevent tooth decay? Did Hitler not use fluoride in his death camps to keep the inmates calm so they would not try to escape or revolt?

I wonder what possible purpose it serves our system to be giving us so much fluoride. Does what´s going on currently not smell a little like a death camp to you? I can only wonder what effect all this fluoride is having on our brains and our pineal glands.

What about the effects of all those chemicals the doctors have been feeding to us? Would these chemicals interfere with the function of our pineal glands and could they also acidify our bodies more quickly?

I will leave that one for all you medical experts out there to figure out.

Now what about our food supply. The meat that is sold to the public in Canada and some other countries cannot even be sold in Europe. It seems that Canadian beef is looked down upon by Europeans because it has too many contaminates like antibiotics and growth hormones. Do you not find it strange that our meat is deemed unhealthy in Europe? Yet it is freely sold to anyone that is dumb enough to eat it back in Canada.

Now what about fruits and vegetables and all the other fare we find in supermarkets in North America. Pesticides, additives, preservatives, genetic modification – does this not all sound just yummy and possibly somewhat deadly?
再說到水果蔬菜及北美所有超市販售的食品﹐各種殺蟲劑﹐添加物﹐防腐劑﹐基音改造 - 出來聽起來好吃外﹐是否可能某種致命﹖

But of course no one in authority has stood up to do something about this situation, so I guess the food they are selling the public must be good for us. Trust your government because they would never allow anyone to sell us something that was not good for us would they.

So as you can plainly see, practically everything that we come into contact with can have an effect on our health and wellbeing. And of course many things I have just mentioned could have a devastating effect on the pineal gland´s ability to function properly.

It’s almost as if they knew that by interfering with the function of the pineal gland, they could cause us to become unhealthy and in need of their wonderful chemical medications. But of course only someone who is a conspiracy nut could think in such a way. Do you think the same as I do about all this? If so, then welcome to the asylum.

Rick Simpson 瑞克.辛普森 May 23, 2010

D. 使用劑量(Dosage nformation)

It takes the average person about 90 days to ingest the full 60 gram treatment. I suggest that people start with three doses per day, about the size of a half a grain of short grained rice. A dose such as this would equal about ¼ of a drop. After four days at this dosage, most people are able to increase their doses by doubling the amount of their dose every four days.

It takes the average person about 5 weeks to get to the point where they can ingest a gram per day. Once they reach this dosage they can continue at this rate until the cancer disappears.

By using this method it allows the body to build up its tolerance slowly, in fact, I have many reports from people who took the oil treatment and said they never got high. We all have different tolerances for any medication. Your size and body weight have little to do with your tolerance for hemp oil. Be aware when commencing treatment with hemp oil that it will lower your blood pressure, so if you are currently taking blood pressure medication, it is very likely that you will no longer need it.

When people are taking the oil, I like to see them stay within their comfort zone, but the truth is, the faster you take the oil the better the chance of surviving. At the end of their treatment most people continue taking the oil but at a much reduced rate. About one gram a month would be a good maintenance dose. I do not like to see people overdosing on the oil, but an overdose does no harm. The main side effect of this medication is sleep and rest which plays an important role in the healing process. Usually, within an hour or so of taking a dose, the oil is telling you to lay down and relax. Don’t fight the sleepy feeling, just lay down and go with it. Usually within a month, the daytime tiredness associated with this treatment fades away but the patient continues to sleep very well at night.

The only time I would recommend that people start out with larger doses would be to get off addictive and dangerous pain medications. When people who are using such medications begin the oil treatment, they usually cut their pain medications in half. The object is to take enough oil to take care of the pain and to help the patient get off these dangerous pharmaceutical drugs. Taking the oil makes it much easier for the patient to get off these addictive chemicals.

I simply tell people the oil will do one of two things; it will either cure your cancer or in cases where it is too late to affect a cure, the oil will ease their way out and they can at least die with dignity.

Hemp oil has a very high success rate in the treatment of cancer. Unfortunately, many people who come to me have been badly damaged by the medical system with their chemo and radiation etc. The damage such treatments cause have a lasting effect and people who have suffered the effects of such treatments are the hardest to cure.

It should also be mentioned that the oil rejuvenates vital organs like the pancreas. Many diabetics who have taken the oil find that after about six weeks on the oil that they no longer require insulin since their pancreas is again doing its job.

Properly made hemp medicine is the greatest healer on this planet bar none. Once you experience what this medication can do you will understand why history and I call hemp medicine a cure all.

治療皮膚癌 (Treating Skin Cancer)
If you can get some properly made oil, it will definitely work to cure skin cancer and usually it only takes a few grams of oil to accomplish the task. Take about 30 grams of good Indica bud, this amount of starting material should produce 3 to 4 grams of high grade oil. Apply the oil to the skin cancer and cover it with a bandage, apply fresh oil and a new bandage every 3 or 4 days and the cancer should soon disappear. I always tell people to continue treatment until the cancer is gone, then they should continue to treat the area for about two more weeks just as if the cancer was still there.

Doing this will ensure that all the cancer cells are dead and I have never seen a cancer return if my instructions are followed. If you’ve had skin cancer for quite some time and the cancer is well established, it may take some time to cure. But usually even in quite severe cases the cancer will disappear in less than three weeks. In an extreme case it may take longer but if so, then just keep up the treatment until it is gone. Many people can cure their skin cancer in no time, but it all depends on your own rate of healing and how deeply embedded the cancer has become.

其它自然自助方式 Other Natural Things You Can Do That Could Help
When people came to me for oil to treat their cancer, the first thing I told them to do is change their diets. Try to stay away from animal protein as much as possible, since such protein promotes cancer growth. Get a juicing machine and start eating as many raw fruits and vegetables as possible, since plant protein fights the growth of cancer. Stop using sugar and replace its use with natural sweetener’s like raw honey. Get the patient’s PH up as quickly as possible, cancer likes an acidic environment and when you raise the body’s PH it makes it hard for cancer cells to survive. Also start eating the seeds from two apples everyday, this will give you a good daily dose of B17 also known as laetrile. B17 in its own right has a pretty good track record in the treatment of cancer and there are other natural things such as wheat grass, that you may find of benefit as well. Many people who have used the oil to treat their cancers did not change a thing, but the oil still worked its magic and they were healed.
當人們找我要油膏治癌時﹐我叫他們做的第一件事﹐是改變飲食﹐盡可能的遠離動物蛋白質﹐因其會促進癌的成長。搞個榨汁機﹐開始盡可能的吃未加工的水果蔬菜﹐因為植物蛋白能對抗癌成長。停止使用糖﹐用天然甜物取代﹐像是未加工的蜂蜜。盡快的讓病人的PH值增加﹐癌喜歡酸性環境﹐當體內PH值增高﹐癌細胞就很難生存。同時開始每天吃兩顆蘋果裡面的種子﹐這能提供你每天需要的B17﹐又名杏素(laetrile)。B17在治療癌症上有良好的紀錄﹐其它的自然物像是麥草(wheat grass)﹐擬會發覺也有幫助。雖然很多用油膏治癌的人﹐(對上述提到的)什麼都沒做﹐但是油膏仍然像魔術般的治癒了他們。

But if you have a serious condition like cancer I think its a good idea to take other natural things that may help the oil eradicate the cancer and give you a better chance to survive. But the most important thing of all is, people have to realize that for the most part, what the medical system provides does much more harm than good. That is the reason I tell people who contact me, if they want to survive its best to stay as far away from the medical system as possible. That is the sad state, the medical system we have today is in and it will not change until people who work within this system finally realize that chemicals and poison do not heal. As far as I’m concerned what most doctors today practice is madness and not medicine.

Rick Simpson - 瑞克.辛普森
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2015-1-5 08:26 編輯


肝癌4期療癒 ~ 患者艾德(ED) 的療癒經歷
Cannabis oil and 4 stage primary liver cancer

兩個來訪的朋友給他帶來大麻油膏(Phoenix Tears),叫他一定要用這東西。這是由大麻精煉的油膏﹐他受不了嗎啡﹐用這個來逐步取代嗎啡﹐其它沒想這麼多﹐一個半月後﹐完全取代了嗎啡﹐身體逐漸變好﹐可以在屋內走動﹐再週後﹐可以開車。

太太說是半年後才開車﹐她上網研究了Rcik Simpson的資訊﹐及加強其它輔助營養﹐像是大量的維他命C。他剛開始還是認為最終會死﹐所以在家裡每週舉辦音樂聚會﹐打算辦到過世。

在過了6~8個月後﹐做了電腦斷層掃描(CAT Scan)﹐以前太太有要他打過感冒預防針﹐肺積水差點奪命﹐這次掃描顯示﹐腫瘤從11.5公分變成5公分﹐癌標恢復至正常範圍﹐肺部沒積水﹐身體系統顯示乾淨無癌。現仍服少量養生。




她說很驚異的是﹐儘管人們自做油膏﹐雖然不見得全能做的到地 - 火候雜質成份﹐不見的都能完善﹐但沒有見到說用這藥而致死的。

他們已身為祖父母﹐但居然為此建了他們自己的網站分享 >
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2015-2-22 12:28 編輯

肺癌4期療癒 ~ Sharon  Kelly 的故事 (英國)



Cannabis Killed My Terminal Stage IV Lung Cancer    Oct 30, 2014





在網路上找到了大麻葉﹐我先生和我浸泡﹐從2月開始﹐我服用大麻油膏﹐一直服用至今。9月做了電腦斷層掃描(CAT Scan)﹐肺腫瘤不見了。





注: 影片下有更細的文字說明經過﹐但此翻譯是從影片口白翻之。

The Sharon Kelly Story: How She Beat Her Lung Cancer with Cannabis Oil

2014/01/14   P1 & P2
20140114-1.jpg 20140114-2.jpg

2014/01/17   P1 & P2
20140117-1.jpg 20140117-2.jpg

2014/03/09   P1 & P2
20140309-1.jpg 20140309-2.jpg

前/後  對照
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2015-1-7 10:22 編輯

腦癌及肺癌療癒 ~ 史坦如特(Stan Rutner)的故事


Cannabis Oil Cures Lung & Brain Cancer: The Stan Rutner Story
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT8ryvvdSto     Jun 7, 2014



(太太芭芭拉Barbara)食慾恢復﹐話多起來﹐有時話多煩﹐哈哈 ... ; 今年作MRI腦掃描﹐腫瘤沒有了﹔肺癌的症狀也沒有了﹐上下樓一點問題都沒有﹐還在做生意﹐談生意。(退休牙醫﹐現做小倉儲生意)


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


太太20年前得過乳癌治好﹐先生在1989年得到這個non-Hodgkin lymphoma(非何杰金氏淋巴瘤﹐癌症的一種)當時用輻射及化療止住﹐2011年捲土重來。


直到女兒及女婿提出大麻油膏後﹐毫不猶豫採用﹐用後1~2週﹐能吃能睡﹐體重增加。2013/1/27 腫瘤專家電郵給他們MRI掃描結果﹐腦瘤沒有了。


● 史坦去年80歲﹐現在仍過的很健康 ~
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2015-1-5 13:12 編輯

前列腺癌療癒 ~ 達斯提.富蘭克(Dusty Frank)的故事


201310 orig.jpg

2014/01/23 的MRI無癌報告
(影片訪問)Dusty Frank's Story: Beating Prostate Cancer with Cannabis Oil

(文字報導)Dusty Frank's Story: Beating Prostate Cancer with Cannabis Oil  


朋友建議大麻油膏療法﹐以前從未聽過﹐也從未用過大麻﹐上網研究﹐看過Rick的影片 - “Run from cure”﹐及其它很多療癒證詞﹐覺得不仿一試。告訴醫生他要自行先試另類療法3個月﹐醫生不建議如此﹐說3個月後若無效﹐那癌可能已發的不可收拾了﹐但他執意行之。

他設法找到了一個大麻圈內的朋友﹐雖然不是很熟近﹐但在幫助之下﹐居然有了自己的大麻油膏。剛開始服用時還覺得很荒謬﹐服這麼一點點﹐就能對抗邪惡的癌症﹐如果真如此﹐那麼主流醫藥早該知道了﹐為什麼沒人提 ﹖

他照用量﹐開始是只服米粒大小﹐一日三次(見post#7 D:使用劑量)﹐僅4日到一周﹐他就感覺到身體其它方面的復原 ~

1. 血壓降低﹐他從1998年開始就在吃降血壓藥﹐從此不再需要。
2. 右大腳趾15年前受損﹐發展成風濕﹐痛風﹐紅腫﹐無法伸直﹐跛行避痛﹐僅4日﹐就覺舒服許多﹐3月後﹐腳能打直﹐那些症狀都不再現。
3. 直腸出血多年﹐不到一週﹐不再出血腫脹疼痛。
4. 過去數度車禍﹐脊椎受損﹐站坐行走都不能持久﹐經常持續的疼痛﹐甚至惡化到無法成眠﹐吃過各種止痛藥及其它藥物﹐也用過針灸﹐都無效。服用大麻油膏3週後﹐從1998年來第一次﹐所有疼痛消失。
5. 油膏治癒了他一生所苦的鼻竇炎問題。
6. 車禍的安全帶導致他肩膀手傷﹐未能好好愈合﹐肩手活動範圍受限﹐不能側睡壓肩﹐灼熱痛感輻射到脖子。服用約3週﹐疼痛全消﹐肩膀活動幾乎完全恢復到360°。
7. 過去15年來服用各種抗憂鬱要﹐因為這些長期病﹐此後完全不需要了。
8. 還有各種止痛藥及常年藥物 - pain (oxycontin, oxycodone), anxiety (Xanax), sleep (Ambien), nerve pain (Lyrica, Neurontin), antidepressant (Cymbalta), blood pressure (Tarka)等﹐現在都不需要了。現每天只服一丸 - 多種維他命。

在大麻油膏的3個月療程後﹐他去醫生那兒檢查﹐醫生用DRE(digital rectal examination)觸診﹐認為還在﹐仍建議他要做輻射或動手術。他提及用MRI掃描。2014/01/23做了掃描﹐前列腺癌沒有了(報告附在網頁裡)。但是醫生沒有為他痊癒而高興﹐反因他用另類療法而不悅。


We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2015-1-6 14:42 編輯

胰臟癌療癒 ~ 瓦勒斯.柔斯(Wallace Rose)的故事




Tumor Marker.JPG

Happy Cry.JPG
Amazing Hemp oil cured man's stage 4 pancreatic cancer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b6_dpWpg2oI   Nov 26, 2014





在聖誕節後的那天﹐他開始化療。他是如此絕望﹐所以在聖誕節前舉行一個聖誕派對﹐邀請了全國親朋好友來﹐對他們說再見。從科羅拉多州來的親朋中﹐有人在他太太的聖誕襪裡留了一堆大麻油膏(Phoenix Tears)﹐他說不知道是誰。(太太在旁偷笑﹐其實是知道不能說﹐因為政府在打壓這藥物)


他每天服用2~3克﹐並尋求了解大麻的醫生幫忙﹐很幸運的找到了Dr. Catherine Smith﹐她幫他取得了醫療用大麻的許可證。他在12月末的幾天開始服用﹐包括整個一月份﹐心裡一直不相信﹐直到2月底化驗報告來﹐顯示他的癌細胞減少﹐他認為是搞錯了﹐仍然相信醫生及腫瘤專科的話﹐仍然不相信﹐到底是Phoenix Teas的效果﹐還是神跡 ﹖


他不知道是大麻油膏(Phoenix Teas)加兩種化療藥的效果(因為他同時在服這些藥物)﹐還是僅是Phoenix Teas的功用﹖但他相信是大麻油膏的功勞。所有的癌蔓延都不見了﹐唯一存留的是胰臟裡面一點小小的部分。

他事件經過的癌標(Tumor Marker - 血液裡每單位的癌細胞數)數據是 ~
(正常值是 35)

2013/09/19【287 H】  
2012/11/21【1406.7 H】
2013/12/18【4587.8 H】
2013/12/26【5006.8 H】
2017/02/06【312.2 H】
2014/03/06【80.1 H】   

他說已決定要一直服用大麻油膏﹐但腫瘤消失後會停止服用化療藥物(這是廢話﹐沒腫瘤還吃那些化學藥幹嘛)。太太說﹐他健康恢復很好﹐可以開車﹐一週上5天班﹐可以與孩子們玩耍﹐感謝上帝﹐這是個奇跡 ... (喜極而泣)

2014/05/28 CT掃描顯示瓦勒斯無癌﹐體內癌細胞數是正常值。
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2015-1-9 12:19 編輯

回復 13# fengshen




不過大陸也有些膽大妄為的人﹐殺頭生意照樣有人做﹐像地溝油等﹐我的奇想是﹐如果這些人能知道這藥這麼有效﹐那麼他們就能搞出個市場﹐而官方也知道西人不是善與之輩﹐不時在鯨吞蠶食/操控大陸經濟﹐當時機成熟﹐官方定調﹐全面開放藥用大麻﹐那麼全世界都會向大陸購買大麻油膏 .... 前/錢景一片大好。





We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2015-4-22 04:51 編輯

肛門癌及皮膚癌療癒 ~ 寇琳耶蘭(Corrine Yelland)的故事
(注:昔霹靂嬌娃影視紅星法拉佛西Farrah Fawcett就是得此癌而逝)

Corrine Yelland.jpg

2011/06/29 證實有癌

2012/09/24 醫生通知 初檢無癌

2012/10/29 最終報告 無癌確定
Corrie Yelland's Story: Beating Anal and Skin Cancer with Cannabis Oil - See more at: http://www.cureyourowncancer.org/corrie-yellands-story-beating-anal-and-skin-cancer-with-cannabis-oil.html

嗨﹐我的名字叫寇琳耶蘭(Corrine Yelland)﹐55歲﹐在2007年5月﹐我心臟病發動手術﹐兩根血管繞道。其後的4年多﹐深受胸骨疼痛之苦﹐每天吃大量的止痛藥﹐無法入眠。

到了2011年7月﹐在原有的胸骨上兩處皮膚癌之外﹐我又被診斷出有肛門癌(與法拉佛西Farrah Fawcett致死的同樣癌症)﹐經過兩次手術後﹐醫生說未能完全清除﹐要再做輻射治療。我被告知﹐這是身體上最難做輻射的區域﹐放射線會打到尾椎及恥骨﹐會有永久損壞的危險﹐他們說儘量不打到我的脊椎。此外﹐陰道直腸會有2~3度的灼傷﹐很可能愈合(黏)在一起。


一天﹐有人寄了一個影片給我﹐是瑞克辛普森的"Run from cure"(逃離'主流'療癒)﹐花了幾天﹐終於看完﹐非常驚訝﹐開始第一次覺得﹐自己有了希望。此後兩星期﹐什麼事都沒做﹐只在研究藥用大麻。我非常震驚的看到﹐公共領域的醫學研究報告也說大麻有效。(寇琳與辛普森一樣﹐也是加拿大人)



過去我每天要吃10~15顆止痛藥Tylenol 3﹐外加其它藥物當開胃小菜﹐現在我一天24小時﹐只要吃半顆止痛藥。大麻(油膏)救了我。




因為這癌不是這醫生的專業﹐在2012/09/20我去看了我的專科醫生﹐已有6個月沒見了。他檢查了一次﹐兩次﹐及第三次﹐我膽感期望的消息傳來 - "癌不見了﹐我找不到任何東西﹐若不是那些傷疤組織﹐我根本不知道妳曾經有過癌症" 我不可置信的看著他﹐眼淚從雙頰留下。




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPpU-tSyOxI   58分鐘
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ix_P0lapYEA    19分鐘

演講會上介紹辛普森 - 救命恩人
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIGSYT4RxdE  3分鐘
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2015-1-16 12:16 編輯

髮指 ﹗﹗

澳洲父用大麻油膏救2歲女  被捕將受審

Cannabis oil: Man facing criminal charges over dying daughter's treatment   Jan. 8, 2015
澳洲父 Adam Koessler 2015/01/02 在布里斯班醫院被捕﹐原因是持有及提供年幼這危險藥品。他的2歲女兒Rumer﹐得了第4期兒童神經母細胞瘤癌症(neuroblastoma)﹐他說只是盡所有可能的方法來增加女兒的生存機會。


我們看到了大麻油膏對女兒做的奇跡﹐她被癌症摧殘的身體再度有了活力﹐生活品質幾乎恢復﹐她說 - 爸爸﹐肚子不痛了﹔像冠軍一樣能吃﹐體重增加 膚色回復﹐眼睛再度閃亮”





世界第一個無心人 ~
因情況危急  未經人體臨床實驗的心臟幫浦直接用于病人 (2011年3月)  
Heartless Lewis.jpeg
幫浦用在牛身上成功(50次) 但尚未人體實驗。                             
Meet The World’s First Heartless Human (Literally) Able To Live Without A Pulse


憤怒 ﹗﹗
可以讓主流賺錢的東西﹐拼死都要做﹔不能讓主流賺錢的治療﹐卻見死不救 ﹖﹖
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2015-1-20 12:31 編輯

皮膚癌療癒 ~ David Triplett 的故事

David Triplett.JPG (片上中文)
沒聽錯,完全治癒癌症藥草 大麻Cannabis

(原英文)Cured Too : A Cannabis Story (A Film By David Triplett)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZlLjqG1jf8  May 20, 2012



Michael Mcshane 的見證
michael mcshane.JPG
Marijuana Oil Cured My Skin Cancer

Michael McShane's Story: Skin Cancer cured with cannabis oil

We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!

