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erwincdw發表於 7 天前 10:10  
回復 74# PinoZen




sana_weng發表於 6 天前 10:00  
回復 74# PinoZen






PinoZen發表於 6 天前 16:08
現在他說的意思是……中國打算主導揭露的程度嗎? => Corey不是這樣的意思,現在還在談判中。

他說 SSP (秘密太空計劃) 聯盟和五角大廈支持完全的揭露,但"地球聯盟"中很多團體,主要是強國(有被直接提到),想要有有限制的揭露,地球聯盟是否等於金磚聯盟Corey沒詳細說過。

為什麼強國想要部份的揭露? 原因很簡單強國幹過哪些事大家都知道。揭露是所有事情都揭露不是專揭露某國家而已。

但是SSP (秘密太空計劃) 聯盟和五角大廈還在努力促使全面揭露。所以也不用過度擔心。

另外David Wilcock 認為只要有一點揭露後,會像滾雪球一樣擋也擋不了。


http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=%BB%C6%BD%F0%D0%C2%BC%CD%D4%AA  黃金紀元吧的人看的,我看他們滿認真也滿有熱情的在討論,但是他們那都沒有人能完整的翻譯,所以我就幫他們翻了,然後也貼到這。

We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2015-11-12 13:38 編輯

PinoZen發表於 6 天前 16:10  

There has been quite a lot going on in the background. More and more of the various bits of info from the data that is proposed to be dumped at a certain point is leaking out to secret earth governments, their syndicates as well as some of the general members of the ground or earth alliance.
在背後有非常多的事正在進行。越來越多小部份訊息被建議揭露依據特定的水準,揭露出秘密地球政府,他們的財團(syndicate是財團或犯罪集團的意思,我不知道為什麼很多人要翻成辛迪加 = =||| ),以及地表/地球聯盟的主要成員。

The Russians (Or Russian groups) have pushed a disclosure ultimatum on the west and they appear to have a quiet nod and backing by China in this. More and more negotiations have been going on over what sort of disclosure to give instead of the old negotiations on whether disclosure of any sort would occur at all.

So now it appears that there will be some sort of disclosure forced on the world population. What is not know is if it will be a full disclosure event or a disclosure program that will start of with some shocking info that will unfold in a gradual way and most likely favor the narrative of the group who negotiated the disclosure.

Even if these groups push a partial disclosure there are too many people that know how much more info there is to be released for a partial disclosure to much of a chance.

Once you pop the cork on that bottle I don't think the cork will fit back close it. It has been disappointing for quite a few people to see many of the Earth Alliance groups begin to buckle to the partial disclosure and 100 year financial system reset//transition that they then want to use to unfold the rest of our history as we are re-conditioned to live in this new system as well as transition into the use of the new technologies so we can fully take over the infrastructure of the solar system that has been built out by the various SS Programs.

I have had quite a pickup or a cluster in recent high level meetings on top of some very annoying everyday issues that seem to be popping up quite a lot to make documenting the experiences important to do because of the constant distractions.

I will be getting back to the many artists that contacted me this coming week.
There were a few that stood out to us in a very big way. There are a couple of others that I am already working with and we just need to figure out some details and then we are going to get down to work.
我會開始與畫家們連系在接下來的星期,很多人願意付許出幫助,至於其他已經在合作的團體,我們只需要把細節確認清楚,就可以開始進行了。( Corey 請人幫忙畫與 SSP,地外文明,SSP蓋的基礎設施有關的圖畫。)

There was an amazing follow up meeting between the Priestess Ancient Breakaway groups and the Sphere Being Alliance. We have also had a couple of other meetings that were briefings/debriefings as well as discussions with other beings. The number of negative greetings we have been receiving are also very interesting and obvious. I know there are a lot of people waiting for some updates and I am getting to those ASAP.

There is also quite a lot going on right now as it seems the recent energy tsunamis have had quite a wide range of very extreme effects on "people" (All beings & dependent on if they are - or + polarity) in our Solar system. Pay close attention... people are revealing themselves for what they really are more now than I have ever seen. Focusing on the inner work right now is the most important thing we can do IMHO. CG
還有許多事情正在發生,似乎最近的能量潮流對在這太陽系中的很多人都有很大的影響(所有生命,不論正面或負面的種族)。要保持警覺,人們在現在會更加顯露出他們真正的意圖(或他們是怎樣的人)相比以前。作好內在的工作是我們所能作的最重的事,依據本人愚見,Corey Goode .
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


PinoZen發表於 6 天前 16:27


there is no Nibiru though there are several dwarf-planet X's and planet X's in the Kuiper Belt region. The works of Z. Sitchen were fabricated and were full of data from one syndicates occult belief system/secret religion that they wanted to inject into the esoteric community and have them make it apart of their belief systems (An operation that was very successful). Channellers then came in behind and were in contact with deceptive beings (Some honestly were skitsofrantic & very convincing). The ancient aliens theory is very much rooted in fact and our true history, however much of what people use as a foundation for their belief systems about ancient aliens currently comes from a very well orchestrated psyop... No one wants to admit that they have been deceived or fallen for a deception in this community where ironically people pride (ego) themselves on being more spiritually advanced than everyone else. Many will refuse to admit this until a full disclosure event and even then will be reluctant to let go of their UFO Religions just as mainstream people will be of letting go of their belief systems... I have been to several locations in the Kuiper Belt (Recently) and observed what is being tracked in that region of our Sol System... The Annunaki and Nibiru memes are so ensconced in this field and peoples belief systems that it is going to take quite a bit to "Deprogram" them of belief systems that have been imposed on them from the complete infiltration of the Ufology and Esoteric Communities since the late 1940s and early 1950's... Even teams of people that made major differences ended up falling prey to infiltrators who have gained their trust and become handlers with out them suspecting a thing... EVERYONE in this field that is a researcher ends up forming a UFO Religion/Belief System and it in turn directly effects their direction and work (Only accepting what agrees with their UFO Religion as "truth" and all opposing information as "govt. disinfo".)... I have seen the behind the scenes of the Ufology Field clearer than most who comment about it on forums and postings... I can tell you the amount of unethical behavior and corruption (while hiding behind the "lightworker" name) in extremely rampant and was extremely disappointing to witness. The saying "you will know them by their deeds" is very apt. Some of the people that I once looked up to in the field have ended up being opportunists and egocentric narcissists who are more interested in preserving the narratives they have developed in videos/books than they are in looking at all info and finding a truth. There are a number of people in this field that are good hearted and trying to make a difference though... MANY others have been compromised either knowingly or unknowingly by those sent to infiltrate their inner circles. There is one such handler from Australia that has done more damage in corrupting researchers than just about any other. This field is a mess and I joke that it needs an enema... The fact that the ufology/esoteric communities have been COMPLETELY INFILTRATED from the beginning and seeded with disinformation that also was designed to cause fractures and rifts in these communities is something that many will reject and refuse to believe... At their own peril... So, where do we go from here if we accept this as true? How do we undo the damage of infiltrators who have made a complete mess out of this field/movement? So many psyops have been done recently and disinfo campaigns executed (All that I warned about in advance) that researchers now don't believe ANY whistleblowers (Even though some of them made hundreds of videos with them, who had zero evidence and got their start that way & were burned a few times by Illuminati Insiders). Now that some Illuminati Whistle blowers (Almost always "Illuminati Insiders") have been exposed as fakes or as taking advantage of some of the people they charge for healing traumas... Those who have been following them in an almost cult like manner are completely disillusioned and reject everything right now... A pretty successful operation by the opposition if you ask me. Those that have played with the minds and emotions of some very fragile people with either making up stories or planting planned disinfo have done a huge amount of damage to the community and those future whistleblowers who are on the fence about coming forward... The Forums of course should be ignored for the most part because they have been infiltrated and made a den of vipers and lunatics for a while now... I do not even visit them anymore once I say how negative and neurotic they have become in the last year... We have people that want to come forward but know the minute they do well known researchers who used to be quite respected in the field will come out and call them MKUltra Mind controlled, liers or skitsofrantic when these same people 5 years ago would be beating down their doors to get an interview to post to up their donations. I know this is pretty obvious to most people, the ufology field is a complete mess... What to do about it? We have to let time play itself out, let service to self and mentally ill people try to acclimate to the energetic changes that will cause them to act more and more bizarre/reactionary and stop focusing on all of the outside drama and focus on the inside drama, doing the inner work that everyone does their best to shy away from. The Blue Avians have instructed me not to give detailed reports on my meetings with them (unless needed) because so many people are now praying to them and reaching out with their minds to them and being intercepted by trickster beings... They want to remove themselves from the focal point (something I was supposed to do more to prevent) and have us focus more on "The Message" and changing ourselves by doing the inner work. I have had recent meetings with the Subterranean group who requested a meeting with the "guardians" aka SBA (attended that meeting) as well as meetings with the Committee of 200, SSP Alliance Council and representatives of the Earth Alliance. Here i haven't even released part 2 of my report and have now had these meetings that have equally blown my mind and left me pondering for hours... There is so much to document and release and to do so with recent and major security threats around my home and other distractions that seem to pop up out of no where on an almost daily basis it has been extremely difficult. I have this week off for the most part so I will be spending quite a lot of time alone in a backroom with my computer getting it all organized to be published. This has turned into a monumental task and is holding me back from the Art Project that I had hoped to begin this week with artists (Some I haven't had time to respond to yet). Resistance is to be expected when you are disclosing information that at one point would get others killed quickly. I am lucky to have the little protection that I do as well as that if anything happened to me it would validate all I have said (Or make people look a bit closer at it.)... So I haven't been looking at emails the past couple of weeks very closely and will remain that way until I get some of these action items completed. Sorry for my lack of response to emails and postings/updates recently... There is quite a lot going on in the background right now (Both above and here below). TY CG
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2015-11-12 13:43 編輯

sana_weng發表於 4 天前 10:41
回復 79# PinoZen




erwincdw發表於 4 天前 15:27
回復 76# sana_weng



sana_weng發表於 昨天 09:41
回復 81# erwincdw





We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


wensbon發表於 昨天 16:12  
回復 55# dkcapital

dk老大, 一個建議:可以將Corey與David Wilcock的訪談影片另設一個主題嗎?

dk: 如擬 & Done ﹗﹗
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 wensbon 於 2015-11-14 04:59 編輯






本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2015-11-15 07:34 編輯

回復 1# dkcapital

抓盜文賊 >> 覺醒的米死乾淨又來偷我這篇文了

We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


回復 22# dkcapital




看『揭露宇宙』以及聽 Corey Goode 的眾多訪談,目前為止的感覺是他的資料很能與其他研究員的發現串聯起來,特別是在古代建築族群留下的文明、以及遠古以前涉及整個太陽系的宇宙大戰。我曾根據 Dr. Farrell 的《宇宙大戰 The Cosmic War》一書寫過一篇文章,論點差不多:

http://www.reconnectiontaiwan.tw ... &extra=page%3D1

Dr. Farrell 的論點是,遠古之前太陽系內的『眾神之戰』,涉入的有 Tiamat (位於現今小行星帶上的淡水大行星)、火星、月球、地球、以及幾個土星的奇特衛星 (Mimas, Iapetus),四處留下遺跡與戰爭的破壞痕跡,然後敵對的兩方暫時達成和解,遷到地球,建造了種種令人驚嘆的巨大建築來保存科學知識。開羅 (Cairo) 這個名字的意義是“火星”,回教聖城麥加供奉的是代表“土星”的黑色立方體,其實都是某種線索。這暫時停火的兩方殘眾數百萬年來在地球上一直想辦法發展到他們在『眾神之戰』的科技水平,但也持續在暗中較勁,如今他們的科技已經幾乎達到原先水平,所以近幾年來我們看到兩方的暗鬥有白熱化的趨勢。




本帖最後由 sana_weng 於 2015-11-17 11:26 編輯

回復 24# skywalker






本帖最後由 skywalker 於 2015-11-23 14:50 編輯

回復 25# sana_weng

?? 我也看完了第七集,沒看到大衛威爾考克說:我知道你不想談這個....之類的話啊!

而且,字幕有不少翻錯的地方。12 分鐘時柯瑞說火星一半因為遠古時代被戰爭撞擊的關係,礦石成分石英化變成帶正電,另一半球則帶負電,使得火星基本上變成一個巨大的電容。這段字幕完全不知所云。還有火衛一 Phobos,24 分鐘柯瑞說有一端有個開口,然後 NASA 會把許多圖像 PS 處理過或模糊掉。大衛則說網路上研究火星的人認為,火星的兩個月亮距離火星太近,在軌道上又運行得太快,霍格蘭也提過火衛一似乎是中空的,他問柯瑞,到底這兩個是真的月亮還是什麼東西?這整段字幕都亂翻。



本帖最後由 sana_weng 於 2015-11-22 10:46 編輯

回復 26# skywalker










本帖最後由 erwincdw 於 2015-11-23 15:07 編輯





AMBASSADOR現在的世界有一個最高委員會suprem council,委員會裡有一定數量的龍族,有一些虎族(Tigers),一些長老可能不是100%人類,有著ET血統。在當今的委員會裡有人提出少數派意見,有人有其他的議程,在我所來自的家族派系,我們大多數人是一致的。



AMBASSADOR我的主人,他的父親是其中一個。除了他,這個世界其他地方也存在其他那種實體。你可以稱他們武僧Warrior Monks或者Liamas或者其他名字。曾見過其他年齡很大的,在形態上是外星人的長老。(Rob:采訪後大使說他主人的父親是人類/蜥蜴人混血種,叫阿努那奇。)也遇到一個所謂武僧Liama的人,他是Nordic...他看起來很像我,唯一不同的是比我高


AMBASSADOR:關於本傑明那個中國要求100年的控制權,那是虛假的信息。那是一個70年的週期,上一個70年週期時,中國有簽字授權給Barak Sheis,洛克菲勒,摩根和士丹利,英女王,舊集團已擁有授權140年。在2012會議中陰謀集團沒有簽字,以致轉變開始拖著,目前授權仍在舊集團手上而不在中國手上。


本帖最後由 skywalker 於 2015-11-25 10:06 編輯

回復 27# sana_weng

對,第六集講到定居在土耳其的負面外星族群時,科瑞不想談太多,因為讓人不安;個人猜測因為馬杜克是巴比倫的主神,是神話中摧毀『女神』提亞馬特(Tiamat, 淡水大行星)的神,應該就是遠古宇宙大戰壞的那一方的殘眾盤據在土耳其,是現今控制地球的菁英之一,所以科瑞不想講太明白。除了藍鳥人,科瑞對其他外星族群的來源與模樣並沒有太詳細的描述,也許他有被告知不要透露太多這種事。

Plasma 大陸翻成等離子,不是電漿,所以『電子太陽』中的字幕寫等離子。科瑞講的科學部份跟我所知道的非主流科學盡皆符合,包括 SSP 早就在開採小行星,SSP 內部與地球完全隔離的生活形態,太陽是個巨大的撓場等等,因此我認為他的可信度很高。

題外話:電影鋼鐵人中,東尼史塔克胸前用來驅動鋼鐵衣的永續能源就是電漿,電影中稱作『電弧反應爐 arc reactor』(電弧就是電漿,台灣錯翻成方舟反應爐 ark,完全牛頭不對馬嘴)。雷神索爾的槌子 Mjolnir 也是個像宙斯的武器 thunderbolt 一樣的東西,可以放出/導出閃電,因為閃電就是電漿態,也因此在復仇者聯盟第1集裡,鋼鐵人碰上索爾,兩人在樹林裡大打出手時,索爾用雷神槌向天引閃電後打向史塔克,不但沒有電死他,鋼鐵衣的電力存量還達到了 400%,因為性質一樣。還有同一集中,洛基通過魔立方來到地球時帶的權杖也是運用電漿,因為電漿的顏色就是藍色,這也說明這些外星『神』的武器基本上以電漿為主,能在遠古宇宙大戰中在月球和火星上留下巨大傷痕。洛基的權杖被史塔克稱作『命運之矛 Spear of Destiny』(史塔克的實際用詞是"glowing stick of destiny"),而命運之矛卻真有其物,號稱是耶穌在十字架上受刑時,羅馬士兵用來刺穿耶穌側腹確認死亡的聖物。二戰時希特勒派人從奧地利皇宮中奪得此矛,戰後又被美軍找到『歸還』原處。

有趣的是,在遠古宇宙大戰中,眾神同意停戰後,協議將能摧毀的可怕武器盡皆摧毀(例如毀滅 Tiamat 的純量武器 scalar weapon),其中有一樣武器是不能被摧毀的,因此雙方同意將它藏起來,這個武器叫做『命運石板 The Tablets of Destiny』。法洛博士說,這個武器可能的埋藏地點有三:伊拉克、月球、火星,而且他認為,中國的易經是這個命運石板的一部份。



本帖最後由 sana_weng 於 2015-11-25 09:23 編輯

回復 29# skywalker






