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本帖最後由 malakhz 於 2016-1-17 21:59 編輯

Kerry回忆对Mark Richard的第三次采访中说,

Earth is home planet (homeworld) to the Raptors. 65 million years ago they left Earth to colonize space using stolen technology. They didn’t totally understand the tech they were using. They ended up in the Draco galaxy because they lost communication with their homeworld. They were caught on the edge of the inner ring of the Galactic Center or Sag A and stayed there in a ship poised on the edge for thousands of years (our time) ... finally figured out they needed to voyage further...

—Their homeworld now in Draco constellation is called by us Dragonworld... we haven’t “found” the actual planet yet.

或許能夠提供一些線索,我個人認為,Shane被告知1.3w年前的那筆交易,無法確定真假,緊能作為思考的材料,Bill Ryan在http://projectavalon.net/forum4/ ... 8c4d559&t=85651中說天龍人嘗試在第四次take over人類,我想不懂的是,他們科技先進和武力比人類強,為什麼就不直接降落在地球上,直接外星侵略?不可能因為現在的人類數量太多吧?肯定有什麼我不知道的原因,求各位壇友提供意見。

kerry則說天龍人與人類合作,長遠來說,對天龍人女王有好處,而不是消滅人類,這是其中一個派系的想法,另一個派系堅持消滅人類,shane知道一些,但不是全部,但和mark richard的知識有異。

