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本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2017-4-19 10:19 編輯
; b& H; S+ _! a8 e* l* i
6 K6 c7 p+ p8 l# ^1 V回復 1# sanmartin $ x* K% r# [- T8 _6 c# c8 x

+ y# C4 a+ A% n' C; j) E0 A( ?; d% j發覺一個現象,提供廠商參考," l  k+ R- J/ [) v7 U/ J! W

& t) x0 B4 R& E+ Y* i9 h導覽器用 Microsoft 的 internet explorer, 就可以正常進入區塊。
7 y0 K5 n0 d9 G; X2 B( k) U但是用火狐狸 Firefix, 就不能進入區塊,會到到這樣的訊息 》》+ q! N) |% X  A6 l$ w
& @% s- u6 ]9 ]* D" J( k' [! h
Discuz! info: Can not connect to MySQL server
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) K% t- H9 M+ C. }: _Time: 2017-4-18 1:47am- a+ O8 z' D- v5 {: _) b8 ]8 c
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1 j7 f( b. g9 Q2 \' \3 k2 W4 I. d  Z1 a6 @) d3 d0 P; V0 Z' d5 ~7 W' ]3 y
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Similar error report has been dispatched to administrator before. $ v4 T+ |( m1 f. U, U/ X) f

+ M1 D, f2 @+ Y6 v0 U到 [url=http://faq.comsenz.com/]http://faq.comsenz.com 搜索此错误的解决方案[/url]
' k* ~* r( }- h: z( B
! F7 U3 r5 p) g9 n7 P, h  Q5 E沒在用Google 的 Chrome, 所以不知。
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


Firefox 火狐還是一樣進不去各區塊 .....
* E2 S) d6 T- o6 @( D
1 F7 B+ Y6 i! Z4 T( j& |Discuz! info: Can not connect to MySQL server  w& h& _4 l* ~; M/ S
4 k, O% D* z/ h" X9 q% R& u
Time: 2017-4-18 1:47am
; j! H2 g+ v5 G% S, \0 P3 FScript: /forumdisplay.php+ w3 o/ ?2 d; p4 a4 N- Y6 o% R
4 H7 J6 \4 A* g/ j0 G9 {, t
Error: Too many connections$ }* v# Z6 Z( r) U+ t; w' A
Errno.: 1040
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# L# |& n5 Y) |Similar error report has been dispatched to administrator before.
1 v6 p1 j4 C6 }2 x# B# W8 d" r& d7 h; b+ Q
http://faq.comsenz.com 搜索此错误的解
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


我個人感覺網站好像已回復正常,) h" _: ]4 a9 R9 A
請同學們多加測試,及反應問題 !!
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!

