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本帖最後由 joeyjoy 於 2012-11-17 21:35 編輯


A general view of a circle-shaped landscape architecture on November 15, 2012 in Fushun, Liaoning province of China. Decorated by 12,000 LED lights, the 157 meters high building named 'Ring of Life' cost around a hundred million RMB and 3,000 tons of steel.

With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


本帖最後由 joeyjoy 於 2012-12-14 18:34 編輯

35 km??

1) 有無任何從植物、礦物、地面竄出對腦神經產生毒性的物質?

2) 當地段geopathic stress指數很高?
(一英國人因自己的在大學就讀而且是運動健將的兒子莫名其妙身上長滿癌細胞,於最短時間病逝,於是開始找原因,他歸納出一結論:八成的重症、疑難雜症、不治之症,都跟geopathic stress有直接關連。之前有一段時間,我還蠻常建議旁邊有認識有嚴重症狀的人,可以試著搬家,但很有可能因地磁線的牽引,通常都搬離不了,真的不行至少搬離每天長時間睡覺、或工作、或休閒的那個區域,當然也不建議家中其他人長時間使用那一區域,有時這會牽涉到可能同一個neighborhood都有蠻多有嚴重的身體症狀,此時真的得下定決心,走為上策!)
With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


本帖最後由 joeyjoy 於 2013-1-10 06:56 編輯

回復 35# dkcapital

    Did you drive on "interstate 60" at that moment?? Just kidding!

太棒了!YouTube居然有這部回到未來導演編寫的電影Interstate 60(中文名:神采公路),
還沒看過的大德有福了!Highly recommended! 這個Interstate 60跟百慕達公路還真的有異曲同工之處。

YouTube: 神采公路
With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.

