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2012 即使什麼事都沒發生
2013 還是會有太陽風暴



回復 3# dkcapital

也很高興 I am not alone .




就像一些政客 天天拿著"我愛台灣","我們做事都是為人數著想"的種種口號來騙選票.....唉


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2015-4-14 06:40 編輯

~ 毋忘羅伊 ~

Remembering RoyBy Blake Hall Sunday, August 29, 2010
As U.S. troops leave Iraq, an officer honors the memory of a young interpreter

毋忘羅伊 - 一位軍官對一個年輕譯員的緬懷尊敬。(華盛頓郵報))

A teenage Iraqi interpreter, code name "Roy," served with a reconnaisance platoon in Iraq in 2007. (Blake Hall)



I met Roy in early 2007. I was the leader of a reconnaissance platoon of scouts and snipers in Iraq and was just back from a two-week leave in the United States. Roy was our new interpreter.
That night, my platoon was sent out on a raid. Our target was an al-Qaeda suicide-attack coordinator. Scanning the intelligence report, I learned that previous attempts to capture him had ended with his bodyguards detonating suicide vests and killing 16 Iraqi police officers. An image of my lead scout team entering a house in southern Baghdad and vanishing in a ball of fire flashed through my mind.
I gave my platoon a 30-second rundown of the situation and the mission, and we scattered to our vehicles. As I pulled on my night-vision goggles and the pitch blackness turned a glowing green, it hit me that less than 24 hours before, I was eating lunch at a Panera in Atlanta's Hartsfield
Airport. Life is full of surprises.


But that night, at least, the surprises went our way. We raided the target's home without incident, capturing him while he slept in his bed. Later, as I watched two of my snipers lead the shuffling insurgent toward a U.S. prison in Baghdad, I saw what looked like a little kid in camouflage get out of the armored vehicle two down from mine.

“誰讓這12歲孩子跟我們出任務﹖”我問部下。“是羅伊﹐新翻譯” “他媽媽知道他已經過了就寢時間嗎﹖”

I glanced at one of my scout team leaders. "Who let the 12-year-old out with us?"
"That's Roy, the new terp, sir."
"Does his mom know it's past his bedtime?"


Roy was lighting a cigarette when I walked up to him. As soon as he realized that I was the platoon leader, he threw the cigarette on the ground and stomped it out with his tan combat boots. With that gesture, he showed me that he had discipline and cared about making a good impression. We'll keep him, I thought.


Roy's head came up to my chest, and baby fat rounded out his face. He had cheeks so smooth that I could tell he had never shaved. I thought about asking him his age, but I didn't want to offend him during our first meeting. So I asked him why he had become an interpreter. I'll never forget his answer.

有一天凱達來到我的學校﹐他們說“你們不再是學生﹐把書本收起來﹐現在我們要教你們聖戰士之路” 我的兩個最好的朋友說“我們是學生﹐想學習﹐我們不想作聖戰士”

"One day the Qaeda came to my school. They say, 'You are not students anymore! Put away your books! Now we show you the path of jihad!' My two best friends say to them, 'We are students trying to learn. We don't want to do the jihad.' "
"And then?"


Roy gave me a wan smile. "Then, they gather the school in one place, they kneel them down, and they cut their heads with the knife."


"They beheaded your two best friends, Roy?"
"Yes, sir. I walk to the base the next day and give them my name to work for you. I hate the Qaeda."


I believed him. His eyes had the look of a man who has seen death and experienced traumatic loss. My country had been attacked on Sept. 11, 2001, and I knew I had to fight back when I saw my countrymen leaping from skyscrapers. Our hatred for al-Qaeda united Roy and me.

在接下來的日子裡﹐羅伊的翻譯讓我知道了﹐一些涂鴉顯示的是惡意的街區﹐有些清真寺的廣播不是在祈禱而是號召攻擊異端。他像是(美國) 各式運動團隊裡的供水小弟﹐但沒了他﹐我的隊伍在當地文化語文上是又聾又啞。

In the months that followed, Roy translated Baghdad for me. He made meaning of the Arabic calligraphy. He told me when graffiti indicated a hostile neighborhood. He let me know when the mosque wasn't broadcasting prayers but rather a call to attack the infidels. When he stood next to the scouts I led, he looked like a waterboy for a varsity sports team, but without him, my platoon was culturally blind and deaf.


We called him Roy because if an insurgent heard his real name, then he and his family could be in danger. The contracting company that hired interpreters had assigned him that alias, yet it seemed to fit him. The name made me think of young boys pretending to be cowboys, and Roy looked like he was 15 at most. He always swore to me that he was 19, but I trusted Roy's word on all subjects except his age. You had to be 18 to work for the Americans, and Roy, more than most, desperately wanted to work for us.

* * *


Roy and I were lying still on a rooftop observation post with one of my scout teams in Dora, a neighborhood in central Baghdad. The night was quiet but for the intermittent crackle of gunfire, and the lack of electricity meant there was no artificial light to dim the white stars. After two weeks in Dora, my battalion had more wounded men than we'd had in more than a year of combat. Now, perched on top of a 10-story building that had rows of windows but no glass, my scouts and I waited in silence for our enemy to show himself.


The stillness was shattered by the wail of a muezzin from the minaret of the mosque down the street. Startled, I nearly jumped up. But the luminescent digits on my watch read 0310, and I relaxed -- the muezzin was right on time for the first of the five prayer calls that Muslims heed at nearly the same times every day.


"Allahu akbar," the muezzin cried out.
"God is great," I whispered.
"Ash-had an la Allah illa Allah."
"There is no God but God."
"Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah."
"Muhammad is the prophet of God."

“這是我的工作要知道這些” 我用肩膀推推他“對一個基督徒來說﹐不錯吧﹖”
Roy shifted beside me. "How do you know that, sir?"
"It's my job to know what the mosques say," I replied, nudging him with my shoulder. "Not bad for a Christian, huh?"
"No, not bad, sir."

* * *


Several days later, Roy proved that he was still the expert when it came to translating Arabic. I was on a roof bordered by a short stone wall with another of my scout teams. We were watching Dora's main artery, a wide dirt road interrupted by a giant crater filled with sewage water. The giant crater once held a giant bomb. I watched the hole and thought about what it would be like to be driving along, talking and laughing and then BOOM. Bright white light.


One floor below the roof, Roy and half the platoon slept while another scout team guarded the entrance to the house. My platoon was patrolling Dora 12 hours a day, taking turns with another, and we were always tired. I had lost 20 pounds in two months because I usually chose sleeping over eating when we returned to the base. On the roof, the scouts and I were looking at one another with half-closed, bloodshot eyes when the muezzin in the mosque began chanting in Arabic. His voice streamed from the speakers strapped to the top of the minaret and reverberated off the concrete buildings.


Unlike the call to prayer, there was no "Allahu akbar," no pause after each recital, just a stream of words that sounded angry but were otherwise unintelligible to me. I checked my watch. It was too early for the second prayer of the day.

Lesner士官說“清真寺的人今天怎麼自由發揮了﹖” “我不知道”﹐我用無線電叫樓下告訴羅伊到窗口去聽。

Sgt. Lesner, a scout who carried a grenade launcher beneath his carbine, asked, "What's up with the guy in the mosque freestyling, sir?"
"I don't know." I clicked my radio and asked the team downstairs to send Roy to a window so he could hear.


His voice crackled over my handset: "This is not good, sir. The imam is telling the neighborhood to rise up against the Americans. He is calling the men to jihad."


I ordered the platoon to full security, sent scouts running to grab rockets and extra ammunition from the trucks, and told the scout team leader to get two marksmen ready to fire on the mosque's speakers. I then radioed headquarters and requested permission to fire. But shooting at a mosque, even one inciting the neighborhood to attack us, would be a public relations nightmare for the Army. Permission was denied, so my men and I sat and listened to the enemy organize an attack.


The chants from the mosque were soon joined by the stutter of automatic weapons. Soft ppfffzzz ppfffzzz sounds filled the air like buzzing bees; those were the bullets that passed well over us. Sharper cracks -- the sound bullets make when they pass close to your head -- rent the air too, but less often because the insurgents were lousy marksmen. When we began returning fire, the noise of our own weapons left a deep ringing in my ears.


Roy and the rest of the platoon came to the roof. Roy wasn't allowed to carry a gun, but he ran up anyway, sliding down beside me as red tracers flashed overhead.


Orange muzzle flashes winked from the top of a warehouse 200 meters away, revealing the enemy's position. I slapped Lesner on the back plate of his body armor and shouted above the noise, "Drop a 40 mike mike on that roof!"


Lesner pulled out a pellet-shaped 40-millimeter grenade and dropped it down the tube of his grenade launcher. He flicked off a metal safety and braced the launcher against his body. He took a moment to gauge the trajectory of the shot, then fired. Seconds later, a bright flash burst in the center of the orange flashes. A boom like a peal of thunder pierced the air. The incoming fire stopped, and the neighborhood was silent once again.

“完美的射擊” 我說。

"I'll be damned if that wasn't a perfect shot, Lesner," I said.

We snapped fresh magazines into our rifles and scanned the road for several minutes, until, one by one, the men began to drop down and sit with their backs against the wall, adrenaline giving way to exhaustion.


Roy faced in toward the men. He lit a cigarette, inhaled and loosed a long stream of smoke. "Wehl alraght," he said in a deadpan Kentucky accent, imitating my driver.
We stared at him for a moment, then convulsed with laughter.

* * *


Mike was an older Iraqi interpreter who had lived in Texas for a few years, so his English was excellent. He took Roy under his wing, and the two roomed together in a small trailer on the base.
I passed Mike on my way to the base cafeteria and asked about Roy.

"Well, sir, he is young." Mike lifted both of his hands, palms up. "Sometimes he is crying at night."
"He cries?"
"He misses his family, his mother."


We all knew that interpreters worked for Americans at great personal risk. Beyond sharing the dangers of our combat patrols, they were vulnerable when they returned to their homes in Baghdad to visit their families. Insurgents would often track an Iraqi who left a U.S. base alone. Recently, an interpreter had been killed when insurgents stopped him at a fake checkpoint and found pictures of American soldiers on his cellphone. They shot him in the head.

羅伊被准許每六星期可回家探親一次﹐但是我們不能直接送他回家 - 那像是直接送葬。我們的方法是把羅伊從機場放下﹐在那裡他可以混入接機群眾﹐跳上計程車離開。我在羅伊第一次回家時跟他談過。

Roy was allowed to go home to see his family once every six weeks, but we couldn't exactly drop him off at his house -- that would be like dropping him off at his funeral. The solution we improvised was hardly foolproof. We would drop off Roy at the main gate to the airport, where he would blend into the crowd of Iraqis waiting to pick up relatives, hop into a cab and be gone. I talked to Roy before he left for home for the first time.


"Roy, how do you know that the cab you get into is not al-Qaeda?"
"I don't know, sir."
"And if it is?"
"If the cab is terror, then they will cut my head."

我問他是否真需要回家“當然﹗我媽會殺了我﹐如果我不回去看她” 羅伊從看電視學來的英語﹐有時候道地的讓我忘了他是伊拉克人。

I asked him if he really needed to go home. "Of course, sir," Roy answered. "My mom will kill me if I don't go see her." Roy learned to speak English from watching television, and sometimes he sounded so American that I forgot he was Iraqi.

在我們放下他離去後﹐我不放心﹐用對講機問我的組員“我們會照顧他” 組員領隊說。“什麼意思”

After we dropped him off and drove away, I talked with my scout team over the intercom, worried and babbling that I wouldn't know Roy's fate until he returned in a week -- or didn't. "You know what Roy told me? He gets in the wrong taxi and he's done. They'll take him somewhere, and then we'll see him on the Internet."
The scout team leader who rode in my truck eyed me sidelong. "We took care of him, sir."
"What do you mean?"
"You remember that nine we kept under the seat?"
"The handgun from that old Iraqi general's house?"
"Yeah, we showed Roy how to use it at the range last week, and we gave it to him for the ride home."


Bad idea. Arming an interpreter with a contraband weapon violates at least two general orders -- and one is enough to get you relieved. But before I opened my mouth, I pictured Roy's muddy brown eyes and curly hair. I imagined him getting into that cab all by himself. I realized that now he had a fighting chance.

“很好” 我說﹐對講機裡靜悄悄“謝謝你們照顧他”
"Good," I said. The intercom was quiet. "Thank you for taking care of him."

* * *


One day I decided that Roy needed a break from our grueling patrol schedule, so I asked the platoon sergeant to find another interpreter to temporarily take his place.


But that evening, when I peeled back a fold of the tent where my platoon bunked down for the night and looked for Roy, I found his cot empty. His clothes were gone, too.

“羅伊在那裡﹖” 我問一位年輕斥堠。
“他開除了羅伊﹖” 我緊握拳頭。

"Where is Roy?" I asked a young scout.
"The platoon sergeant told Roy that he was fired or something. He was real upset. It looked like he was about to cry."
"He fired Roy?" I clenched my fists.


The platoon sergeant was incredibly hard on the interpreters and the soldiers, often for no reason. He would be removed for insubordination in a month after challenging a direct order, but for now, I had to deal with the situation.


A sergeant on duty at the company command post told me that Roy had gone to dinner with the other interpreters. I stalked to the base cafeteria and walked up and down the aisles until I found Roy sitting next to Mike. Roy's head was drooped over his tray, and his eyes were red. I stepped behind him and put my hands on his shoulders.

“羅伊﹐我不知道某某(士官) 告訴你什麼﹐但是我是排裡的領導﹐他不是﹐而你是我的譯員。只要你願意﹐在閃電排裡永遠有你的位置…. 你是我有過的譯員中最好的一位。兄弟們都很愛你。”
“你想留在排裡嗎﹖” 我謹慎的問。

"Roy, I don't know what [the sergeant] told you. But I am the platoon leader, not him, and you are my interpreter. As long as you are willing, you will always have a place in Lightning Platoon. . . . You are the best interpreter I've had. The guys love you.
"Do you want to stay in the platoon?" I asked cautiously.


Roy nodded quickly but didn't turn to face me. I smiled. Until that moment, I hadn't realized how much he meant to me. The thought of losing him and having him replaced was unacceptable. He was one of us. And I felt responsible for his safety.


I stood up and started to turn away when Mike grabbed my arm. Smiling, he put his right hand over his heart, an Iraqi gesture of friendship and respect. "Thank you, sir," he said. In unison, all the other interpreters placed their right hands over their hearts.

I returned the gesture and walked out before my eyes got red like Roy's.

* * *


Roy and I were sitting on a smooth concrete floor with our backs against a concrete wall. We were with one of my sniper teams in an apartment overlooking a four-way intersection. I was thinking about the course of the war, from the early days of the invasion in 2003, when the Iraqis seemed overjoyed and the giant statue of Saddam Hussein toppled, to the most violent days of the insurgency. I wasn't sure what to make of the shift.


"Roy, did most of the Iraqis always hate us?" I asked.
"No, sir. When the Americans first came, everyone was very happy."
"And now?" I asked.
Roy shrugged.
"How do we fix Iraq, Roy?"
"Nuke it, sir."
The snipers and I laughed.
"But Roy, your mom and your family is in Baghdad. You can't seriously think nuking Iraq is the answer."
"Sir, the only way to fix Iraq is to nuke it."
"You've been hanging out with the guys too long, Roy."
"Wehl alraght."
The snipers collapsed into fits of laughter.

* * *


The platoon leader who replaced me in September 2007 asked me how I kept all of my men alive after 15 months of combat. I told him to pray a lot, think like the enemy and never, ever send your men into an abandoned house, because it might be rigged to blow.


Roy had been my interpreter for nine months, but he needed to work a full year before he qualified for a visa to come to the United States, so we had to leave him behind when our rotation in Iraq ended. I was filling out the visa paperwork for him in a friend's apartment in Chicago when I got the news. The e-mail from a lieutenant in Baghdad ended with "I'm so sorry."

我希望事情發生的很快﹐我希望那55加侖的裝了炸藥的汽油桶﹐在Diyala省的廢棄屋旁邊造成的白色亮光和靜寂結束﹐我希望他(羅伊) 沒有時間害怕。

I hope it was quick. I hope that the 55-gallon drums filled with explosives that surrounded the abandoned house in Diyala province made the end a bright white light and then peace. I hope he didn't have time to be scared.


The New York Times reported on the January 2008 explosion: "The courtyard was a scene of devastation, strewn with medieval mud brick and modern cinder block, shattered alike by the explosion that killed six American soldiers and their Iraqi interpreter."


The story listed the soldiers' names. But not Roy's. Now, as my country's combat troops leave Iraq, I would like Roy to be honored along with the American heroes who have fallen in that war. The first step is to tell his story and to give at least his true first name. I can say it now because he is in a place where no more harm can come to him.

His name was Mohammed.

Blake Hall﹐一位退休的陸軍上尉﹐在2006年7月到2007年9月在伊拉克率領一個偵察排。
Blake Hall, a retired Army captain, led a reconnaissance platoon in Iraq from July 2006 to September 2007. He is the co-founder of TroopSwap.com, a marketplace for the military community.

We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!



>> Xe
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2015-4-14 06:43 編輯






當車開到納蘇爾廣場Nisour Sq的時候﹐剛好黑水傭兵的武裝車隊經過(南非傭兵車輛)﹐黑水車隊走錯了車道(單行道) ﹐伊拉克警察忙指揮民眾閃避﹐不是為了保護車隊﹐而是怕民眾閃避不及而遭殃。

這個學生停車慢了一些﹐被黑水傭兵開槍擊中頭部﹐媽媽在旁抱兒悲慟﹐自排車未能靜止﹐緩慢向前滑 (自排車不踩油門﹐都會緩慢向前拖)﹐伊拉克警察趕去幫忙﹐路人聽到母親哭喊“我兒﹐我兒啊”﹐他們想把這母親從車中拖出來﹐看到另一輛武裝車上人用武器指向這邊﹐警察大聲喊說不要射擊﹐車上是老百姓﹐但他們仍舊開火。



Mercenaries in Iraq immune to law - part 1

New Evidence That Blackwater Guards Took No Fire
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/1 ... html?pagewanted=all

BlackWater mercenaries shooting unarmed civilians.

黑水公司巴格達槍擊案 (维基百科)
[url=http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E9%B ... D%E6%93%8A%E6%A1%88]http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh/%E9%B ... D%E6%93%8A%E6%A1%88[/url]

Blackwater's Youngest Victim

Blackwater: Murderous Crusaders for Christ
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2016-10-3 23:47 編輯

續 - 冬季戰士


1. 歧視﹐貶低伊拉克人﹐不把他們當人看﹐這樣開槍時就比較下的了手﹐不會有愧疚。

2. 普遍栽贓﹐當殺錯平民﹐只要在旁邊丟個鏟子﹐電線﹐說是在埋炸彈。或丟一把AK-47﹐說是反抗份子﹐照張照片證明就沒事了。(栽贓材料﹐都隨車備用)

3. 交戰守則從當初的遵守日內瓦公約﹐到放任自由射擊。從最初的要明辨敵友﹐到後來只要是有人靠近﹐不聽話避開﹐就可以開槍。(百姓不懂美語﹐美軍不懂阿拉伯話。)

4. 沒受當地語言文化訓練﹐不知道對方在說什麼。車隊行進時﹐民眾車都得停下﹐避讓路邊。沒避讓或避讓太慢就開槍﹐車隊過後太快上路也開槍。車輛駛近檢查站太快或太魯莽也開槍。(問題是﹐老百姓知道這些規矩嗎﹖)

5. 帶鏟子﹐布袋﹐或在路旁挖地﹐都可以開槍﹐因有埋炸彈之嫌疑。(不需要有敵對行動﹐只要有敵對企圖﹐就可以開槍)


接戰守則長官一再更改﹐有這樣的命令 >所有穿黑袍﹐戴紅巾者都視為敵人﹐自動射殺﹔路上行人都是敵人﹐可以射殺﹔在屋頂上﹐講手機﹐用望遠鏡﹐射殺﹔宵禁後的路人﹐射殺。曾眼見一人剛出門被殺﹐入內查看﹐是賣零食的小販。同事槍殺兩個拿水果過街的老太太。

受命去沒收民宅﹐驅逐住戶(5.6戶一起) ﹐沒原因﹐沒補償﹐沒提供其它居所﹐無處可去。男人被逮捕送牢﹐女人被拖出到街上。
Winter Soldier Mike Prysner testimony, Pt1

他察覺到嫌犯有傷﹐無法久站﹐但是每次士官看到嫌犯不站﹐就一頓修理。後來他幫忙通知嫌犯﹐士官來的時候﹐起立站好﹐以免遭毒打。“我的任務是保護我的單位﹐不受嫌犯的侵害﹐但我卻是在保護嫌犯﹐不受我們的侵害” “我們來是消滅恐怖分子﹐但真正的恐怖分子是我們﹐是我們的佔領” “我越來越多內疚﹐房子被沒收驅逐的婦人﹐說我們比胡笙還壞。”
Winter Soldier Mike Prysner testimony, Pt2

戰爭老兵的驚人演說 Amazing speech by war Veteran (時代精神運動相關外圍影片)

* 一個老太太﹐背著一個大包向兩個哨兵走來﹐被用榴彈炸死﹐事後檢查﹐她是拿零食來給士兵吃。
* 中校開車經過一棟住宅大樓被開冷槍﹐沒受傷。第二天﹐召來C-130快速炮機﹐將那棟住宅大樓打垮﹐說殺雞儆猴。(大樓內還有住戶)
* 一戶婚禮喜事﹐習俗在屋頂上朝天射擊﹐路過軍車誤認受到射擊﹐把喜事變喪事。

We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2015-4-14 06:37 編輯





1972年四月﹐反越戰之退伍官兵﹐在首都華盛頓舉行了長達一周的示威﹐告訴民眾他們在越南服役時目睹的暴行﹐要求美國撤回部隊﹐結束越戰﹐在當時形成一股強大的反對力量。他們自稱“冬季戰士”﹐這名字由美國開國文膽Thomas Paine文章中﹐“夏天戰士”一詞引伸而來。

夏天戰士指的是吃不了苦而放棄﹐冬季戰士會堅持理想﹐不因環境困苦有所退讓。喬治華盛頓曾說“我的劍沒有他(Thomas Paine)的筆﹐獨立不會成功。” 越戰終在示威後三年結束。(越戰1964-1975)

三十餘年後﹐由伊拉克及阿富汗退伍的“冬季戰士”再度重現。他們在伊拉克入侵5週年(從2003佔領開始算)﹐在馬里蘭州的銀泉鎮(首都D.C.外圍)舉行了示威(2008.3.13 – 16)﹐有200多伊阿退伍軍人﹐現役軍人﹐及伊阿平民演講﹐作證﹐述說自己在佔領區所看到的暴行﹐要政府從這場不合法的戰爭退兵。

http://www.ivaw.org/ (伊拉克退伍軍人反戰組織官網)


*半夜闖民宅﹐羞辱騷擾民眾。法魯加誤殺一家人﹐反被寬恕。 (感人)
American soldier "I killed innocent people".


*一個士兵的懺悔 (他因沒殺掉一個敲錯門的百姓被罰﹐然後習慣殺人。)
(IVAW) Winter Soldier Testimony - Ryan Endicott - part 1 of 2
(IVAW) Winter Soldier Testimony - Ryan Endicott - part 2 of 2

* 長官說“如果群眾中有人向你射擊﹐你可以把他們全殺死”
American soldier exposes US policy in Iraq

Soldiers talk about what they saw and did in Iraq

掃蕩一個已被摧毀的地區﹐長官說自由射擊﹐他沒看見任何武器﹐沒開一槍﹐但後來戰果報說殲敵七﹐八百人。(全是老百姓﹖) 。自己車隊走錯方向﹐卻把來方車輛全擊毀﹐射殺。
Winter Soldiers: Clifton Hicks and Steven Casey

Another us army DESERTER - "more & more stories will come.."


André Shepard - US Army deserter interviewed by the Tübingen Progressive Americans

US Army Deserter - Iraq - dezerter - Bosnian sub- Part.1

Iraq War Veterans Accounts (2小時54分)


Hart Viges -Winter Soldier-Rules of Engagement 1 (1/6) start

University of Florida Hosts Winter Soldier, Iraq Veterans Against the War (1小時29分)

要看更多﹖. Google “winter soldier iraq”
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2015-4-14 06:21 編輯

一票人冤死 - 路透社記者伊拉克及平民被美軍誤殺事件





路透社抗議要求調查﹐但真相為大白之前﹐官方說法是 >
1. 群眾有槍及槍榴彈(RPG) 。
2. 所有死者都是敵方游擊隊。
3. 毫無疑問的是美軍與敵人交火。
4. 直升機及地面美軍用槍都符合接戰規定。
5. 軍方前說不知道小孩為什麼受傷。




影片證明 >
1. 群眾沒有任何武器﹐有兩人肩袋被認為是槍背帶﹐一人(像是助理)手中的攝影三角架﹐也被認為AK47。(若真為誤判﹐只有那支三角架算是跟槍有點像﹐而不是一堆人裡“很多有AK47”, 牆角記者露頭﹐手上拿著長鏡頭相機﹐被認為是RPG。)

2. 直升機從未被攻擊﹐眾人在路上悠遊閑談﹐毫無威脅。

3. 助理初步受傷倖存﹐直升機一直想找理由把他射殺。

4. 見義勇為助傷廂型車﹐沒武器﹐沒威脅﹐有小孩。但直升機急著扣扳機﹐跟地面部隊通報後授權開槍。(這應該是標準程序﹐當附近有友軍時﹐空中攻擊須得地面認可﹐以免傷到自己人。地面部隊還有段距離﹐根本不知現場狀況﹐既然不會傷到自己﹐要開槍就讓他開了。)


1. 在18分45秒時直升機前後座對話﹐說看到裝甲車從一個死者上直接開過﹐後馬上改口﹐說可能是視差幻覺(鏡頭很清楚﹐是有開過去)﹐因為他們知道無線電會有記錄﹐不要留下不利的證據。

2. 關鍵部份是在30分35秒﹐地面部隊告訴直升機﹐說他聽到小型武器是在方向200﹐距離300碼射擊﹐而直升機覆誦﹐表示了解。(問題來了﹐直升機射擊時﹐地面部隊尚在9分半的車程外﹐方位﹐視線被建築物阻擋﹐不可能知道現場狀況﹐為什麼由他來告訴直升機﹐對方是在什麼方位距離開的槍﹖只有一個可能﹐地面部隊在現場找不到武器﹐只有攝影器材﹐知道實情不妙﹐在給直升機打Pass - 串供。但知道有錄音﹐所以間接的說。)

3. 影片好死不死﹐緊接著在31分9秒斷了兩秒﹐後面馬上說有RPG。讓人懷疑是不是將不利的對話證據拿掉了。

4. 接著馬上31分5秒﹐直升機將鏡頭拉近﹐觀察到在路邊兩個行人﹐有槍進入一棟建築物﹐所以將建築物摧毀。(問題又來了﹐如果鏡頭可以拉近﹐為什麼在先前人多時﹐你不拉近求證﹐現在只有兩個人﹐反而小心奕奕﹐只有一個可能﹐你知道你前面出問題了﹐所以這次就不敢草率了。)( 如果說直升機鏡頭沒有拉近功能﹐是後處理拉近放大的﹐那情節更嚴重了﹐那是在證物上動手腳﹐對你有利就這樣作﹐不利的就另外弄了﹐有作偽證之嫌。)


Collateral Murder - Wikileaks – Iraq (這要有Youtube帳戶登入才能看﹐因有殺戮鏡頭)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rXPrfnU3G0 (17分鐘)

Wikileaks Video Released!! (這個是嵌入討論版上﹐應可直接看)
http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread558557/pg1 (17分鐘)

Wikileaks leaked video of Civilians killed in Baghdad - Full video (40分鐘全)
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


預覽這功能也不 知為何沒有,我已告訴網路人員
至於內嵌影片的功能會讓網路變慢,用連結is better




嗯我看到的也是這樣, 布希隨便編理由就去打伊拉克

