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Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?
– Maurice Strong, founder of the UN Environment Program

It’s a beautiful, warm, November Saturday in Georgia and the defaced granite monument looms above Mart Clamp while he uses a stonemason’s hammer and chisel to patiently chip away at the stubborn polyurethane splattered across the Swahili lettering his father sandblasted into the hard rock thirty years ago. Inexplicably, branchy tufts of hay rain down in slow motion from high up in the blue skies overhead like a vast army of eight-inch pagan fairies who are too tired to keep afloat in the still air. Children nearby playfully roll the hay from heaven into a wispy ball about four feet across.

A large man with broad, square shoulders and a crushing handshake, Mart Clamp was born to work stone. Quick to smile with a youthful face, Clamp is a friendly man whom children instinctively like. “I don’t understand why people would do something like this,” Clamp remarks as he cleaves off a piece of polyurethane taking along with it a thin sliver of underlying granite. “Up until the last year or two, the worst thing they’d do is smear chicken blood everywhere.”

It’s all more than a little surreal.

Crowded next to the South Carolina border in northeast Georgia, Elberton, aptly the county seat of Elbert County, is the self proclaimed “Granite Capital of the World.” Home to at least 42 active quarries, chances are good that regardless of where you live in the United States there’s a chunk of Elbert County nearby. For the last century, buildings, monuments, countertops and, of course, gravestones have been built and laid all over the world using Elberton granite.

Elbert County is so rich in the durable igneous stone that practically everything there is built of granite. Homes, road signs, banks, the community center, the county jail and even the grossly oversized, 20,000 seat Blue Devils high school football stadium are all constructed out of the 400-million year old, sparkling rock, a combination of gray feldspar, quartz and mica. Unsurprisingly, little Elberton, with a population under 5,000, probably has the highest concentration of monuments in the world.Elbert County is also the home to thousands of stoneworkers: explosive experts, stone cutters, sand blasters and heavy equipment operators specializing in handling huge blocks of granite. Almost exclusively male, these stoneworking men combine to form the backbone of the Elbert County economy. For the most part, these men are the hardworking, salt of the earth types that have come to symbolize classic Americana. But it shouldn’t be much of a surprise that Elbert County is also home to a thriving community of Freemasons. After all, at least one major branch of modern Masonry got its start among the stonemasons of England, Scotland and Ireland in the late 16th Century.“I know nearly all of the men who worked on this monument and nearly all of them were good Christians and good Masons,” Clamp maintained. “I know that none of them would have worked on the Guidestones if they believed that there was anything evil or untoward about them.”But that is not quite accurate. Nearly thirty years previously to the day, Mart Clamp’s father, Charlie Clamp, was sandblasting over 4,000 4-inch letters into the eight faces of the four Guidestones. Forebodingly, as he carved the words “to an age of reason” into the Pyramid Blue granite capstone, Charlie Clamp says he heard “strange music and disjointed voices.”The Elberton Granite Museum attendant, a warm, amiable man in his sixties, also revealed that the Guidestones have been a persistent source of controversy with the local churches. “The churches in this area have never been too happy about it,” he said in a perfect, melodious Georgia accent. In a Los Angeles Times article, the man who constructed the monument, Joe Fendley, remarked that he “got a lot of poison calls and poison letters” over the Guidestones. “I’ve heard preachers say it’s evil,” confided Hudson Cone of the Elberton Granite Association in that same article.In his interview with us for this article, retired banker Wyatt C. Martin, the one man who knows the true, secret identity of the initiator of the Georgia Guidestones, lamented about all of the attention he has gotten over the years from witches, pagans and “nutcases.” Mr. Martin, a devout Christian man who is now nearly 80-years old, nevertheless remains proud of his contributions to the Guidestones.Gary Jones, publisher of the Elberton Star newspaper, probably best summarized local feelings when he told us, “None of the churches around here ever liked the monument much, but the Guidestones literally put Elberton on the map, so people in Elberton are pretty protective of them.”After a recent spate of increasingly severe vandalism, Elbert County was protective enough to put up two wireless surveillance cameras, even though the cameras remained unpowered during our recent visit to the monument.Our investigation in Elbert County led to the discovery of an apparent, ongoing attempt to topple the English language Guidestone. We passed on photographic evidence to Jones showing that a
large notch was recently cut from the top of that Guidestone near the support pin attaching that stone to the capstone.Anger directed against the monument has only grown more intense over the years. Many believe the Georgia Guidestones advocate – if not outright promise – genocide at an almost unimaginable scale, promote eugenics and hint towards a New World Order global government where personal rights are only granted through service to a tyrannical world state. Some even claim the Guidestones are the product of a Satanic cult.Interestingly, we have found evidence that a date is encoded in the Guidestones – a date that is only a few days away – and an event planned for this date may very well lend credence to the very darkest of sinister theories.What is the truth about this modern, mini-Stonehenge? Do the Guidestones contain secret messages? Who is behind this enigmatic granite edifice? What’s going to happen on January 4th, 2010, a date that appears to be deliberately hidden in the design of the monument? Can we decode the Georgia Guidestones?


本帖最後由 Josefinchen 於 2010-12-26 00:50 編輯

影片 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXPecJ1TY7I&feature=player_embedded

事實上,幾乎每個人都談過,我們一致認為,十格魯吉亞石碑格言是為了地球的毀滅。 “當然,格魯吉亞石碑有規則的後啟示錄世界”,肯定Naunie巴徹爾德,一種心靈的豐碑誰主張,以至於她結婚的陰影的石碑。


羅伯特基督教正確的預期,他的十條準則蝕刻 4“高信成巨型花崗岩石板,並表示在八個不同的語言將被解釋為誡到世界各地。 他否認這一點。 “他們不是命令。 我們沒有權力命令。“後者可能是真實的,但人們得到的明顯印象是基督徒不是誠意前者。

聲明暗示,他Guidestone在創建一個新的世界政府,通常被稱為“新世界秩序”他的批評。 其他誡命似乎支持優生學政策。 看來,他甚至認為,只有賦予權利,如果服務狀態是呈現。 在共濟會的主題,基督教想安裝一個全球性的語言,也許就像一個據稱存在的國王尼姆羅德在施工的巴別塔。

第一Guidestone誡設置一個全球人口目標只有500萬。 考慮到大約 6.6億人現在還活著,這是一個人口減少百分之93。 更糟的是,在他的書中常識續期 ,羅伯特基督教透露,他最初的500億美元的全球人口目標可能過高,他只有六年後的紀念碑豎立。

在該書中,闡述了對他的陌生和模糊Guidestone消息,鋼筋混凝土基督教刪除所有懷疑他支持一個全球性的政府。 基督教呼籲建立一個“合理的世界秩序”和“全球規則的原因”,後者使我想起一句法國大革命及其非常不合理的恐怖統治中。 你應該和恐怖的感覺。而基督教是非常謹慎地賽季他的書,大量的華麗的詞藻,他這樣做可口的掩飾,使他的極端的意見,新的“合理的世界秩序”,他用一個短語多次在他的書中。 “我們相信每個人都有一個目的”,“人類是特殊的生物”,“每個孩子取代它的位置在人的故事”,“每個孩子都必須要的,需要和喜愛,”是詞組,軟化事實羅伯特基督教主張大規模消毒方案,認為人類生殖不再是“完全是個人的事情,”要求國家“有一個聲音”和“權力的方向”的調節一對夫婦的決定要孩子。畢竟,基督教認為“孩子帶來不必要的”走向世界是“邪惡的。”當然,國家決定,如果得到你的孩子是“必要的。”以及有關優生學的問題,基督徒是非常贊成國營人類育種計劃。通過國營優生工程,基督教認為世界可以產生“健康和更富有成效的人”過每一代人。 “高級人類的智慧,慈悲和驅動器”和其他“適當的心理和生理素質”,也可以加強在這種優生的條件。幽默但sinisterly,基督教引用“溫順”和“忠誠”透過選育犬作為證據,“相媲美,但更重要的修改,”人類的行為可以通過優生。在RC基督教的“年齡的原因,”即使國家允許你有孩子,你會被要求嚴格的條件下提出來,以“塑造他們的角色,並發展他們的潛力,對社會有價值的大人。”也就是說,如果國家甚至允許你留住他們。因為即使你和你的配偶被視為良好的種畜,國家可能會發現你“氣質不適合為人父母。”在這種情況下,你的孩子將被轉移“到其他人能夠照顧他們培養成良好adjusted成年。”不,基督教並不見人時,他看著我們,他看到牛:

人類已經成功地應用於實際的原則,發展基因植物和家養動物。 現在是我們有能力開始馴化我們自己的物種在並行方式。

也不要認為你是安全的,因為你排隊自願絕育。舉例來說,如果經濟不好,你失去你的工作,在羅伯特基督教的合理的世界秩序,你必須成為一個奴隸的生存狀態。 您將不能夠投票,你會被強迫工作喬布斯經常舉行非法入境者,誰就會被淘汰回到他們的故土。 如果你不喜歡你的工作和退出,你會餓死。你不僅要擁有一個適當的就業或私營企業投票,你還必須同時通過情報和“教育要求”測試,以證明你的狀態是值得
選舉權的權利。 要競選公職? 羅伯特基督徒有更多的測試,你將需要先通過。說到權利,你如果沒有基督教會得到他的去路。 他是權利的特權,國家將只賜予你,如果你正確地服務於國家。不要忘了你的身份證! 在基督教的夢魘世界,每個人都需要隨身攜帶一個獨特的生物特徵的身份證。 如果沒有一個你將無法獲得工作或得到政府的幫助。好了,你是一個好公民,在基督教的新時代的世界。 你可能會允許有子女。 你可能會允許提高他們。 你可能會幸運地找到一份合適的工作,以便您可以投票。只是要注意不要生病或受傷的,因為基督教認為,國家必須口糧保健“有利於這些人的生命是最寶貴的持續”的狀態。但你受傷,因為你的新哈里伯頓電動牙刷爆炸你的右手,吹它關閉在手腕和致盲你一生。 當然,你必須訴諸訴訟。 不,基督教希望把帽子訴訟,並讓財務損失超過這個限額下降到他的國家的奇妙效率和公平的健康和福利制度。不幸的是,這意味著,因為你不能再工作,你將失去投票權,幾乎肯定會失去你的孩子,因為你將無法妥善地照顧他的福利和您將收到的最低標準的醫療保健用,因為你不再是生產性的狀態。這一切都非常理性和合理的基督教的心靈。現在,我們知道真正意義的鋼筋混凝土基督教的其他含糊不清的花崗岩陳詞濫調,這裡是一個描述所有他的書面寒冷,石頭大廈。頂石熊消息“就讓這些成為石碑的年齡的理”寫在古代語言,發揮核心作用在共濟會神學:巴比倫的楔形文字,埃及象形文字,古希臘語和梵語。鋼筋混凝土基督教的十誡為後啟示錄世界是:

2.Guide明智地再現 - 提高健身和多樣性。
4.Rule激情 - 信仰 - 傳統 - 萬物與鍛煉的原因。
9.Prize真相 - 美 - 愛 - 尋求和諧與無限。
10.Be不是癌症對地球 - 自然留有餘地 - 留有餘地的性質。
面對嚴峻的現實羅伯特表示,詳細基督教通過常識續期 ,紀念碑的支持者不要相信。 “建築工人在格魯吉亞石碑沒有寫的書,”通靈 Naunie巴徹爾德堅持說,“他們是開明和碑是一個地方的和平和光明的。”她接著說,“這本書是一個謊言,一個騙局。”但事實上,更貼切的格魯吉亞石碑真的是“人類的墓碑。”事實是,羅伯特基督教最希望我們死了,那些少數留下不會像人類一樣對待。

中文GOOGLE 翻譯  原文網址 : http://vanshardware.com/2009/12/decoding-the-georgia-guidestones/


無極新的世界秩序在佐治亞石碑   影片網址 :  http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/x7qkib


回復 16# sanmartin

跟 與那國島的海底城似乎有那麼相關




