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本版必修 4 - The Dulce Battle Report (道西戰爭報告 - 人類與異形對抗)

本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2014-11-26 08:03 編輯






希望你在看完﹐驚嚇之後﹐這份報告能夠讓你自我承諾﹐願意去尋找真相﹐盡力對抗邪惡 > 製造混亂的世界經英。你的理性是你最大的挑戰來相信這份報告﹐你內心的憤怒會趨使你去查驗這報告的可信度。讓智識增長。

Published by: E.D.H. Earth Defense Headquarters edhca.org (
Condensed and re-edited by 'BRANTON' with the permission of E.D.H. (





國家安全局私下為對抗外星人﹐成立了X部門 > 蒐集研究外星人及有關威脅美國或人類的行動﹔Z部門 > 消滅和處理任何威脅美國或人類的行動。

根據卡特的秘密命令﹐Z部門﹐組建了一支特別秘密部隊﹐人員從新成立的戴爾它部隊﹐及空軍特別行動隊﹐海軍海豹﹐及陸軍遊騎兵而來。他們的保密程度是在出任務當晚﹐才告知帶隊軍官任務。這部隊的指揮官是Captain Mark Richards馬克.里查茲上尉﹐他之前已和外星人作戰多年。


道西基地用Los Alamos生化實驗室研發的制程來複製年輕女性﹐這樣秘密政府的精英們﹐很快就能使用這些奴隸階級的身體零件﹐或用來做另外的樂趣。秘密政府也參與綁架﹐並讓年輕女性受孕﹐懷孕三個月後摘除子宮﹐在實驗室培養﹐作基因實驗﹐被植入各種裝置。有的可以被用收音機電波遠端遙控。

From: EDH Archives: Dulce Interviews; WC-289487346--80: (


年在Holloman空軍基地見過外星人的空軍軍官Ellis Lloyd Richards外號Dutchman1979下令攻擊道西基地﹐而他的兒子Captain Mark Richards馬克.里查茲上尉﹐就是進攻的指揮官。



Later on in the DULCE BATTLE report, it is written: (
注﹕這與Thomas E Castello的說法相同﹐Castello是道西基地的資深警衛﹐發覺真相後想向外揭發﹐有數人參與﹐也有與爬蟲人聯合﹐Castello的故事另篇再述。爬蟲人是灰人的上級。Castello已失蹤多年﹐說是被幹掉了。家屬也遭殃。






注﹕約翰。李耳John Lear﹐是UFO界知名人士﹐飛過上百種飛機﹐近兩萬小時飛行經驗﹐擁有各類飛行﹐航管﹐維修證照。為中情局開過飛機﹐出任務。父為商用李耳噴射機(Lear Jet)創始人。他的網站值得一看。




1970年代初期﹐失蹤人口數字上昇 - 大部份為白人年輕女性﹐顯然的她們是主要目標﹐僥倖生還的也沒有得到關注。




在德州生意人Ross PerotCIA掩護人Edwin Wilson﹐及Major E.L. Richards手中黑計劃‘black ops'的資金﹐進攻策劃在一小股情報官員及支持者下迅速進行。

(Harry C. Aderholt
准將集結了一支精銳隊伍﹐Roger H.C. Donlon上校領導一支攻擊隊伍﹐由戴爾它部隊﹐海軍海豹﹐空軍特別行動隊﹐集調而成。飛行組員有太空人科學家Karl Gordon Henize﹐及最好的戰鬥飛行員和試飛員組成。

確實參與人數因目前未解密而不知道﹐但知道這這個行動的不會超過數百人。中心作業由空軍太空指揮部﹐及國際情報中心Ellis L. Richards Jr. 少校所資助。


這些與爬蟲人戰鬥的人違背了領導精英的意願。但根據David Icke﹐很多領導精英其實爬蟲人變形的人類化身。
注﹕David Icke是英國人﹐是陰謀論的大佬﹐他揭露出賣人類世界精英集團的由來﹐英國王室﹐美國財閥﹐政黨黑手的出身﹐組合﹐血脈﹐掌故。談陰謀論而不知其名﹐就白混了。

道西基地的降落區是為輕航具設立﹐用電磁推力將飛碟射向50哩大氣阻力少的高空﹐再輕易飛行。) (這也是人類部隊進攻的門戶。)




注﹕google 照片X-22﹐你就知道長得什麼樣。

因為時間緊迫﹐唯一能找到有飛過X-22實驗機的駕駛﹐只有Captain Mark Richards里查茲上尉﹐就由他率領第三攻擊隊﹐攻擊佔領﹐守住降落區﹐為後軍傳統直升機鋪路﹐並在任務完成後﹐保護撤離。據記錄顯示﹐里查茲上尉的試飛X-22時間並沒超過12小時。)

在組成部隊受訓時﹐作戰方案也在計劃中。作戰目標﹐應變計劃制定﹐萬一失敗的話﹐不排除核武考量。隨先鋒部隊第三攻擊隊進入的有航太員David Griggs﹐任務是看能不能駕駛現場飛碟撤離。航太員Ronald Ervin McNair作為X-22的副駕駛。航太員Ellison S. Onizuka中校及Stuart Allen Roosa上校則為蒐集各類材料﹐並用現場飛碟撤離。


前參與道西基地建設作業的John V. Chambers也被說服提供消息。

指出了基地的弱點﹐及外星人的弱點 > 對一些外在的及人體上的細菌極為脆弱。



注﹕這與費爾。史耐德Phil Schneider的說法不謀而和。史耐德專業地質探勘與爆破﹐曾參與地下高速通路興建﹐稱與爬蟲人交火並受傷。揭露秘密後被謀殺。



他們並沒有心理準備在第六層所看到的事物 - 多手多腳的人類﹐及牢籠裡7尺高達蝙蝠裝人形生物﹐實驗桶等。外星人在基因上學到了很多﹐但是以人類的痛苦與生命為代價。



這隻部隊原來的任務計劃是攻擊﹐僅可能的破壞設備﹐在不到半小時內撤出﹐但是這些數量眾多受害者的出現卻產生了變數。沒有任何帶隊軍官說是誰改變了命令﹐但據無線電對話錄音﹐及目擊證人的說法﹐指向Aderholt准將容許里查茲上尉改變任務指示 --- 儘量救人。


X-22攻擊後一小時整﹐Aderholt准將下令撤離。David GriggsR.E. McNair兩位航太員摸索出讓兩架外星人飛船 - 一架是飛碟﹐一架是三角形﹐飛向51“Area 51”Roosa上校的人也設法讓一架碟形穿梭機升空﹐帶了超過3600女性去安全的基地。







像情報官William Cooper這樣的不受掌握﹐知道真相的人﹐會被各種方式抵毀﹐當威脅過大時﹐甚至會被消滅。很明顯的﹐那些跟政府權威挑戰的﹐永不容許再回原位﹐或重掌權力﹔這或可是那些被變形人瓜代的精英思維﹖
注﹕William Cooper是一個傳奇﹐他在80年代開始四處演講﹐揭露影子政府陰謀。他的資料細膩的讓人不敢相信。陰謀組織﹐陰謀計劃﹐陰謀作業﹐文號﹐文案﹐參與人﹐日期時間﹐歷任沿革等。終被謀害。 被陰謀論界公認為烈士。





CAT = Combat Assault Team. (
FAT = Filter Attack Team.(
MAT = Material Acquisition Team. (
IS = International Security (
VAT = Victim Assistance Team. (
CUT = Clean up Team. (

參與者): (18人﹐我網路清查每個人﹐結果是9, 6存﹐2不詳﹐1坐牢﹐很多死因沒交代


BRIGADIER GENERAL H.C. ADERHOLT: Mission Commander. (1920.1.6 - 2010.5.20 今年去逝)

Harry C. Aderholt.jpg

COL. CHARLES BECKWITH: Commander of Delta Force & CAT-1. (1929.1.22 – 1994.6.13)


J.V. CHAMBERS: Engineer for Bechtel. (不詳)
Berchtel 工程集團工程師。(無照片)

WILLIAM COOPER: Intelligence Officer. (1943.5.6 – 2001.11.5)

COLONEL R.H.C. DONLON: Commander CAT-4. (尚存)

上校﹐第四戰鬥攻擊部隊指揮官。Medal of Honor.
Roger H. C. Donlon.jpg

DAVID GRIGGS: Astronaut, liberated UFO. (NASA 1939.9.7 – 1989.6.17)


COMMAND SGT. MJR. E.L. HANEY: Delta Force Commander/Writer. (Not dead)
Eric L. Haney.jpg

GENERAL R.T. HERRES: Commander of USAF Communications Command at Scott Air Force Base, Ill.
上將﹐Scott 空軍基地通訊指揮官。(1932.12.1-2008.7.24)

KARL GORDON HENIZE: Organized mission flight teams. (NASA 1926.10.17 – 1993.10.5)

GENERAL D.C. JONES: Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff. (Not dead.)



R.E. McNAIR: Laser expert, liberated UFO. (NASA 1950.10.21 – 1986.1.28)

LIEUTENANT COL. E.S. ONIZUKA: Commander of FAT, liberated UFO.
1946.6.24 - 1986.1.28)

ROSS PEROT: Helped to fund the mission.


MAJOR E.L. RICHARDS, JR. - 'The Dutchman' - Commander in Chief of the Dulce Mission, Head of I.S.

(Dutchman1996被消滅之後 > 就是指這個人) (無照片)

CAPTAIN M. RICHARDS: Commander of CAT-3. (

COLONEL S.A. ROOSA: Commander MAT. (1933.8.16 – 1994.12.12)

Stuar Allen Roosa.jpg

EDWIN WILSON: Helped to fund the mission. (


Edwin Wilson.JPG

Dulce Base (

Google "Dulce War
Web Page > Results 1 - 10 of about 1,340,000
Image > Results 1 - 20 of about 210,000
Vedio > Results 1 - 10 of about 441

We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!

本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2010-4-22 06:38 編輯

Thomas E. Castello - Dulce Paper 道西文件

Dulce Base.jpg

Dulce Lab 1.jpg Dulce Lab 2.jpg

We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2016-7-23 23:42 編輯

Thomas E Castello的故事大致說一下﹐他是道西基地的警衛小主管﹐負責監督人類員工﹐及與灰人與爬蟲人協調事務。他工作了一段時期﹐保安級別很高。剛開始信任官方說法﹐這些被關的人類是精神失常的﹐有毛病的非正常人類。實驗是為了找出醫療的方法﹐是為了人類的將來。他們奉命不得與囚徒接觸﹐交談。


有一天﹐部隊攻進來了(應該就是前述的道西戰)﹐情況混亂﹐他的人類朋友被部隊殺了(可能被誤認為敵方) ﹐但他趁機逃了出去﹐攜帶了蒐集的一些照片﹐影片﹐手稿等證據。他將證據複製﹐做了五份﹐分藏在五個地點﹐告訴五個人他會定期與他們聯絡。如果失聯兩次﹐就表示已經受害﹐請他們把證據起出公開。

他的太太及兩個小孩﹐在他未來得及聯絡前﹐都失蹤了﹐相信也被綁去做實驗了。違反禁令的下場是﹐連家屬生命都會賠進去。(很多對黑計劃知情的人都有受過類似的威脅﹐很多揭發的人都死的不明不白)。他本人﹐也早已失蹤多年﹐因此才會有網路上道西文件Dulce Paper的流傳。

Google“Thomas E Castello”或“Dulce Paper”的網頁﹐照片﹐影片﹐很容易找到這些資料﹐但種類並不多。有說是聯繫人被捕獲﹐有說是埋藏地點被發覺﹐有說是埋藏地形地貌改變﹐無法全部起出。

Dulce Lab
Dulce Lab (這個比較穩定﹐但是Rm File﹐要用Real Player來看)
http://freenet-homepage.de/shiva ... groundbase_dulce.rm
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2010-4-30 18:24 編輯

Jo Ann Richards.jpg

道西戰爭一文的原始出處是Earth Defense Headquarters > http://www.edhca.org

這是一個教育性的非營利網站﹐由Jo Ann Richards主持。她是道西戰爭中Mark Richards馬克.里查茲上尉的太太﹐而上尉的父親Loyd Richards從二戰始就開始從事軍方的機密情報任務﹐祖父曾與Nikola Tesla. 尼古拉特斯拉工作過﹐參加過曼哈頓計劃(原子彈研發)

Jo Ann Richards參加過很多節目訪談﹐也曾到英國參加討論會﹐談些她所知道的﹐這對父子所涉及的軍方行動及秘密會議。
1984年後﹐上尉就因假謀殺被監禁﹐家人認為這是故意把他消聲﹐不讓實情外露﹐同時也未來防止他與影子政府 > 世界新秩序(NWO) 對抗。

真理網站訪談Jo Ann Richards
http://www.veritasshow.com/guests/32.php (背景簡介)
http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/2009/07jul/VS-090717-jrichards.mp3 (第一段訪談錄音)

這裡彙集了三個Jo Ann Richards的訪談。有興趣想多聽的就可過癮了。
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


Alex Collier & 爬蟲人

本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2010-5-3 01:05 編輯

Alex Collier 1994.jpg
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2010-9-12 05:46 編輯

Alex CollierAndromedan仙女座ET的聯繫人(就像Billy Meier是昴宿星的聯繫人一樣)﹐他說Dulce基地中有一種爬蟲類ET喜歡肉食(活人)﹐尤其喜歡小孩子﹐因為污染較少﹐尤其喜歡小孩子受驚後﹐腎上腺激素劇增的能量﹐更是它們的美食。我初聽時﹐還真無法食肉。若為真﹐令人髮指。一二人講﹐不足信﹐但是五六人﹐就有些蹊蹺。算得出的﹐聯的上的﹐就有上述的Jo Ann RichardsAlex CollierWilliam Cooper, Phil Schneider, Thomas E Castello.

1833個爬蟲人住在地下100-200哩之間﹐有些很早就來了﹐它們壽命可達數千年﹐肉食﹐對人類不友善﹐吃人(至少在地球上的是如此) 。不吃死人﹐要現殺的﹐兒童最好。我(Alex)被警告不要提爬蟲人。根據仙女座說﹐這些爬蟲人要為美國過去25年間失蹤的37,192個兒童負責。這些兒童被當作食物﹐因為人們不想聽﹐我就要閉口不說嗎﹖這對我是非常困難的。在紐約Westxxxx郡﹐過去5年就有三千名小孩失蹤無處尋﹐他們到那去了﹖為甚麼我們容許這事發生﹖“它們是怎麼做到的﹖怎麼到地上來﹖”到處都有地下通道﹐灰人幫忙他們﹐高層裡面也有一夥人幫忙它們取得這些(兒童)。問﹕“人類幫忙綁架小孩﹖”是的﹐這是交易的一部份﹐只要我們在地下餵飽它﹐它就不上來。這是我們人類出賣自己同類。高層認為少數精英的需要比全人類重要。

Alex Collier 1994 Private Interview IMPORTANT (1994年的訪問)
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8316692185126189734# (@1:18:30)
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2010-9-12 06:10 編輯

Alex Collier 2009.jpg







ALEX COLLIER at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware Conference, Los Angeles, Sept 2009
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uR46QjXjLH0   (@1:34:00隔了15年﹐他堅持食人為真)
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2010-5-3 02:28 編輯


>> 我並不是把所有事情弄好﹐用盤子端上來給你享用。要自己去追查﹐這樣自己用心力得來的﹐才是最真實的﹐才是你真正了解擁有的。

We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2010-5-11 13:11 編輯


非官方說法是﹐他看到了不該看的東西 > 一支艦隊名單﹐軍官名單﹐補給資料﹐問題是﹐這支艦隊在地球上並不存在。

我是在2008年Project Camelot上看到了他的訪談錄影﹐現在細節也不太記得﹐基本上﹐他不敢講的太露骨﹐說用簡單的駭客軟件就進去了﹐當時是用56K撥接網路﹐無法下載大量資料或照片﹐雖然看了很多東西﹐但是他並不了解是什麼﹐詳細他也記不太得了。


有興趣的請至 >
Gary McKinnon: Hacking the Pentagon

貼在這裡的重點是﹐道西戰爭裡﹐進攻的指揮官Captain Mark Richards馬克.里查茲上尉的太太﹐喬安曾說到﹐上尉原來是太空艦隊的艦長﹐數度與外星人作戰﹐有一段說在中國大陸上空與外星人交戰過﹐阻止外星人從那裡的蟲洞入侵。當時也難以置信﹐但是與蓋瑞麥坎農的外太空艦隊名單一連﹐還真是古怪的巧合。


這是香港網頁﹐講麥坎農的 >

網頁裡面嵌的youtube是提到一個人Ed Grimsley專門用紅外線夜視鏡看太空﹐說常常有太空大戰﹐外星對外星﹖外星對人類艦隊﹖自己看了。


太空大戰 ﹖﹖﹖
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2010-5-17 09:01 編輯

veritas(真理網站)4月23日的訪談Clif High。
Clif High是以用Web Spider,網路蜘蛛蒐集資料﹐來研判未來。
http://www.veritasshow.com/guests/73.php (Clif High 的背景介紹)
http://www.manticoregroup.com/radio/2010/04apr/VS-100423-chighkp4.mp3 (前段訪談內容)

重點是在34分時提到﹐在今年11月﹐會有大量電磁波爆炸﹐他認為要不就是以色列攻擊伊朗(核武)﹐要不就是與外星人的戰爭。這個人以往用詞嚴謹﹐這次這麼大膽﹐很意外。同時主持人跟受訪人都提到﹐他們分別用夜視鏡﹐夜晚觀天﹐所見若不是太空戰爭﹐還真無法解釋。他們認為說﹐三角形的是我們(人類)的 ....

我看了這麼久的理解是這樣﹐很多來源都說有善意外星人在幫忙人類﹐但是受限於宇宙最高指導原則 >“不干涉星球內政”﹐只會指導﹐不能直接涉入。而現在一般所說的﹐惡名昭彰的灰人與爬蟲人是屬“星球內政”問題。灰人與美國政府有訂約﹐所以他們是應邀幫助內政﹐不是“干涉內政”﹔爬蟲人在地球存在早於人類﹐說是原住民﹐隨它怎麼在地球上殘殺人類﹐也是沒違反最高指導原則。影子政府與惡意外星人合作﹐以確保永久奴役人民﹐也是“星球內政問題”。



sanmartin﹐這個Clif High預測的11月事件跟你前陣子聽說的很雷同﹐是不是把你的也講一下﹖

在背景介紹網頁﹐可下載前段訪談﹐用Windows Media Player播放﹐在34分左右。
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2014-1-10 21:05 編輯

Enemy Mine.jpg

Grey在目前的許多敘述中﹐是以負面居多﹐但電視影集“星門Stargate”把灰人塑造為好人 > 影集中他們叫 Asgard 人。當然﹐灰人也不止一種﹐不能以偏蓋全。(灰人也有不贊成而叛逃的﹐這點以後再說。)
stargate asgard (google Images)

你如果看過Thomas E Castello的說法﹐道西基地爬蟲人勞工階級﹐也有不認同上級而與私下他合作﹐幫忙揭發陰謀的事﹐會很感動。若被發現﹐不管你是人類或爬蟲人﹐都是會沒命的。

1985年的科幻電影Enemy Mine(台譯第五惑星)就是講人類與爬蟲類的戰爭。
丹尼斯奎德主演 (明天過後 The Day After Tomorrow)也是他演的。
但爬蟲人小孩以為人類都像他叔叔,一樣友善﹐無心防被路過星球的人類奴隸海盜帶走為奴﹐人類叔叔死命救援 ........




英文影片   看這裡    這裡    或這裡
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2016-7-23 23:51 編輯

東森關鍵時刻 20100903 B (5/6) ~ 外星生物掌控的"道西基地"之謎


The Dulce Battle Report – Human VS Aliens (道西戰爭報告 - 人類與異形對抗)


The following report is presumed to be true. Its content was obtained from the web and the reader may verify its publishing. This is not an advisable read for the weak of heart or someone incapable or unwilling to be advised of unthinkable and unbelievable evil existing in the country and other parts of the world. It will provoke your outrage . . . your disbelief . . . your empathy.

(希望你在看完﹐驚嚇之後﹐這份報告能夠讓你自我承諾﹐願意去尋找真相﹐盡力對抗邪惡 > 製造混亂的“世界經英”。你的理性是你最大的挑戰來相信這份報告﹐你內心的憤怒會趨使你去查驗這報告的可信度。讓知識增長。)
The report has a noble ending . . . which I sincerely hope you will realize upon completion. After the initial shock, I trust that the horror of this report prompts your commitment to seek the truth and do whatever is in your power to crush the evil efforts looming in the insane and perverted minds of the elite throughout the world. Your rational intellect will be your biggest challenge when trying to believe this report to be true. Let your heart feel the outrage that will motivate you to confirm the credibility of the report. Knowledge is empowering. Spread the word.

And so it is! (本文開始)

Published by: E.D.H. Earth Defense Headquarters edhca.org (出版)
Condensed and re-edited by 'BRANTON' with the permission of E.D.H. (整理)


This is a greatly condensed version of the 'DULCE BATTLE' Report. The full 166 page version of this and other E.D.H. Research Reports are available at: edhca.org

Government scientists (the secret government) purportedly labored alongside an alien force to work out the sundry ways the general population could be brought under an ultimate totalitarian control that would leave humanity as little more than farm animals to be used for breeding. All of which began with a 1947 treaty signed by President Harry Truman, that set in motion a plan where the ELITE obtained alien technological secrets in exchange for permitting the aliens to abduct human subjects for their diabolical research. In time, the elite would be allowed to survive to become the overlords of the human sheep, under ultimate control of the aliens - like the dogs that watch the sheep on a human farm.

Located almost two miles beneath Archuleta Mesa on the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation near Dulce, New Mexico was an installation classified so secret its existence would be one of the most protected realities in the world! There was the Earth's first main joint United States Government/Alien biogenetics laboratory. Others existed in Colorado, Nevada, and Arizona, not to mention in a number of other locations like Afghanistan and Russia
- but Dulce (is)/was the largest.

In an era when the officers in charge of the major military units were still part of the generation that looked on young women - potential mothers - as a treasure to be protected, to learn that thousands of young females were being abducted, and even created (cloned, etc.) for use as sex slaves by aliens was simply too much for such men to allow to continue.

The turning point came when National Security Adviser Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski met with President Jimmy Carter in the White House on June 14, 1977 with a number of other intelligence operatives and leaders to bring the President up to speed on a number of top secret programs including ‘Project Aquarius‘ and the work being done at Dulce, Area 51, and other secret bases. Brzezinski, a member of the power elite that backed the 'Grey' cause, never guessed that the President would be so shocked that he would soon turn to trusted military advisors in the military intelligence community for options of how to stop what had been going on.

(國家安全局局私下對抗外星人﹐成立了X部門 > 蒐集研究外星人及有關威脅美國或人類的行動﹐Z部門 > 消滅和處理任何威脅美國或人類的行動。)
The National Security Agency (NSA) had been secretly fighting the alien cause and the humans that worked for or with the aliens since it was established in the mid 1950s. Project Aquarius was originally established in 1953 by order of President Eisenhower and under control of NSC and MJ 12. In 1966, the Project's name had been changed from Project Gleem to Project Aquarius, and portions of it went into DEEP COVER, hidden even from the CIA and the NSC. At that point, the NSA had opened Department X (to identify and study all alien or enemy operations that could be a threat to the United States or the Human Race in general), and Department Z (to 'react' and 'neutralize' any sort of threat to the United States or the Human Race).

(根據卡特的秘密命令﹐Z部門﹐也就是新成立的戴爾它部隊﹐及空軍特別行動隊﹐海軍海豹﹐陸軍遊騎兵秘密組織起來的秘密部隊。他們的保密程度是在出任務當晚﹐才告知帶隊軍官任務。這部隊的指揮官是Captain Mark Richards馬克.里查茲上尉﹐他之前已和外星人作戰多年。)
Under secret Presidential Order, signed by President Jimmy Carter, the NSA's Department Z, the newly established DELTA FORCE, and a specially hand-picked group of Air Force SOC, Navy SEAL, and Army Rangers were organized for a mission so secret that not even command officers were told what it was about until the night of the attack. The only 'Attack Team' leaders who knew what this would be about were the men involved in the NSA Department Z, who had been involved with fighting aliens for years. The commanding officer of the attack was none other than Captain Mark Richards, the son of the infamous "Dutchman", Major Ellis Lloyd Richards, who had been the Commander of International Security (IS) since Admiral Chester W. Nimitz died in 1966.

By 1978, the NSA Department X was warning the human commanders of new programs starting at Dulce that were so frightening that even seasoned men of war were shocked. Thousands of young human females were being ‘created’ in test tubes to be sex slaves for the aliens. But these clones were proving to be less than satisfying for the aliens, because they didn't suffer the same way that once free victims did. They could be engineered to provide better sexual tools for some of the stranger life forms, but they were proving to be nearly mindless, and thus couldn't react with the fear that normal young women could. For that reason, while the clone program would continue, it had been decided that the abduction program would be stepped up - with the forced ‘short-term’ attacks to increase by 1980 to over 100,000 a year, and the facility to be enlarged for long-term victims (who would stay there for as long as they lived) with numbers over 75,000.

(道西基地用Los Alamos生化實驗室研發的制程來複製年輕女性﹐這樣秘密政府的精英們﹐很快就能使用這些奴隸階級的身體零件﹐或用來做另外的樂趣。秘密政府也綁架﹐並讓年輕女性受孕﹐懷孕三個月後摘除子宮﹐在實驗室培養﹐作基因實驗﹐被植入各種裝置。有的可以被收音機電波遠端遙控。)
The labs at Dulce started cloning human females by a process perfected in the world's largest and most advanced bio-genetic facility - Los Alamos. The elite humans who manipulated the world's governments from the shadows would soon have a disposable slave-race for medical culling of body parts and their own perverted pleasures. Like the alien Greys, the U.S. (secret) Government secretly kidnapped and impregnated young females, then removed the hybrid fetus after a three-month time period, before accelerating their growth in laboratories. Biogenetic (DNA Manipulation) programming was then instilled - many being implanted with all sorts of devices, some that allowed them to be controlled at a distance through RF (Radio Frequency) transmissions.

From: EDH Archives: Dulce Interviews; WC-289487346--80: (訪談)

"Level 7 is worse. It was like a whore house for pervert ETs'. Human females were brought there for 'experiments', but you can't convince me that most of it wasn't just sadistic pleasure for the Greys. They wouldn’t just impregnate the girls. They would sexually torture them for hours. Sure, there were the scientific procedures, but there were also orgies where a few pretty human females would be given to a large number of Greys for nothing less than a brutal gang-rape. And this was constant. Hundreds of Greys, and other species that seemed to be friends to the Greys, would come and go every week, for no other clear reason than to take sexual pleasure with the provided human females."

When the truth was evident that sub-humans and other creatures were being produced from abducted human females, impregnated against their will, a secret resistance group formed within the military and intelligence agencies of the U.S. Government that did not approve of the deals that had been made with the 'Off-Worlders'. Many of these brave humans would be assassinated or died under mysterious circumstance - or would be silenced in other ways. But in 1979, they would manage a victory that would cost the Greys and the humans that backed the Greys, dearly.

(1964年在Holloman空軍基地見過外星人的空軍軍官Ellis Lloyd Richards外號Dutchman﹐1979下令攻擊道西基地﹐而他的兒子Captain Mark Richards馬克.里查茲上尉﹐就是進攻的指揮官。)
The Air Force Intelligence Officer that reportedly was the man who met with the Aliens at Holloman (Air Force Base) in 1964, was the legendary 'Dutchman' Ellis Lloyd Richards, Jr. - the same man who would reportedly order the attack on Dulce in 1979, and whose son, Captain Mark Richards, would lead the human attack on the facility.

The Richards’ names come up time and time again when one looks into any of the mentioned Top Secret Projects that Military Intelligence or the Eyes-Only - Top Secret Agency known as International Security were involved in from World War II through the Cold War years.

The in-house political argument that developed within MAJESTIC TWELVE in the late 1970s, when the military/intelligence men objected to the deals with some of the Aliens on the side for the selfish gain of such groups as the Illuminati or the ‘Club of Rome’ at the expense of thousands of innocents, if not all of mankind, helped to cause the rift that would lead to the military action taken against the Dulce Facility in 1979.

Later on in the DULCE BATTLE report, it is written: (事後﹐道西報告中說)

注﹕這與Thomas E Castello的說法相同﹐Castello是道西基地的資深警衛﹐發覺真相後想向外揭發﹐有數人參與﹐也有與爬蟲人聯合﹐Castello的故事另篇再述。爬蟲人是灰人的上級。Castello已失蹤多年﹐說是被幹掉了。家屬也遭殃。http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tp5Dk5RSjjk
"It would be one of the Reptoids who taught several of the men involved in the attack on Dulce a number of the informative points that would first cause them to look more deeply into what was being done at the Facility, and then helped them better understand the enemy, and how to defeat them. Indeed, it would be this Reptoid who communicated the factual basis for a number of the plots being organized against humanity by a number of off-world sources, and (some of them) had proven their willingness to aid the human cause in the Battle for Central Asia
in 1976, and in the August 1979 space defense of Earth against alien invaders. It was also (they) who warned of the danger of bacteria it represented to both aliens and humans.

In 1979, there were 37 alien species represented at the Dulce facility. Only 6 of those had their own space or dimensional traveling ability, while the others were guests of the Greys. All of those species that had come as guests of the Greys were there for genetic and reproductive experiments with humans - and 8 of those were also interested in humans as a SOURCE OF FOOD. Of those interested in reproductive experiments, 25 could enjoy direct intercourse with human females (although several needed the female to be placed on special hormone treatments ahead of time), and the facility apparently got the reputation for being a sexual pleasure spot for the quadrant.

(不是所有爬蟲人對人類都是友善的﹐據李耳Lear說﹐早在1933﹐美國政府就與“非人類”有協議。有人說﹐這“非人類” 是蜥蜴人﹐他們自稱是地球土長﹐有認為跟遠古恐龍變種有關。)
Of course, not all the Reptoid-type creatures are friendly towards humans. According to Lear and others, the U.S. government may have made a 'pact' with a non-human race as early as 1933. According to some, this 'race' is not human yet claims to have had it's origin on Earth. Some sources allege that this predatory race is of a neo-saurian nature. This has led others to suggest that the dinosaurs, which ruled the surface of the Earth in prehistoric times, may not have become entirely extinct as is commonly believed, but that certain of the more intelligent and biped-hominoid mutations of that race developed a form of intellectual thought equal to or surpassing in some respects that of the human race - especially with their 'collective mind' matrix. - Branton


The theory then suggests that some of this race went into space, only to return to find that their founders on their home planet had not survived (on the surface, that is.) However, there are several reports of reptilian humanoids being encountered in deep underground natural cavern systems all over the world and in time, the space-based reptiloids learned of these. - Branton

There were a number of facts quickly put forward. For instance: One branch or mutation of the supposedly extinct Sauroid race, Stenonychosaurus, was according to paleontologists, remarkably hominoid in appearance being 3 ½ to 4 ½ feet in height with possibly greyish-green skin and three digit clawed hands and a partially-opposable 'thumb'. The opposable thumb and intellectual capacity are the only thing preventing members of the animal kingdom from challenging the human race as the masters of planet Earth. For instance: The Ape Kingdom possesses opposable thumbs yet, it does not possess the intellectual capacity to use them as humans do. The dolphins possess intellects nearing that of humans but do not possess opposable thumbs or even limbs necessary to build, etc. The cranial capacity of Stenonychosaurus was nearly twice the size of that of human beings, indicating a large and possibly advanced though not necessarily benevolent intellect.

(據研究者說﹐這些爬蟲人應該就是有些UFO接觸者所講的異類。也是1992CBS“侵入者” 節目所描繪的生物。)
According to researchers such as Brad Steiger, Val Valerian, TAL LeVesque and others, this may actually be the same type of entity or entities most commonly described in 'UFO' encounters, as well as the same type of creatures depicted in early 1992 in the nationally viewed CBS presentation ‘INTRUDERS‘.

注﹕約翰。李耳John Lear﹐是UFO界知名人士﹐飛過上百種飛機﹐近兩萬小時飛行經驗﹐擁有各類飛行﹐航管﹐維修證照。為中情局開過飛機﹐出任務。父為商用李耳噴射機(Lear Jet)創始人。他的網站值得一看。http://www.thelivingmoon.com
According to Lear, the government may have established a 'treaty' with this (Reptilian) race, which they later learned to their horror was extremely malevolent in nature and were merely using the 'treaties' as a means to buy time while they methodically established certain controls upon the human race, with the ultimate goal of an absolute domination.

The fact that a base like Dulce might house dozens of 'types' and 'races' of ETs would never be admitted by most humans, and would be reduced to the stuff of legends if ever turned over to the general public. The years of work to cover up the alien threat had worked very well by 1979, and normal people would not admit seeing an alien for fear of being called crazy!


The types and races at Dulce at the time of the attack are still in question, and many races have not wanted to admit their taking part in what took place there in 1979.

Many victims find their abductors to be nothing less than brutal beasts. The casebooks of researchers are filled with incidents in which malice and hostility played a significant role in the abduction. Unfortunately, most of the victims who suffer these more vile attacks do not get the chance to make a report to any human authority about the event as they vanish and become another statistic in the growing number of missing persons across the country.

(在1970年代初期﹐失蹤人口數字上昇 - 大部份為白人年輕女性﹐顯然的她們是主要目標。僥倖生還的也沒有得到支援。)

By the early 1970s, the number of these missing persons - most all young, white women, was going up. While the abductions of humans by superhuman forces of varying descriptions appeared to obey the same mechanisms worldwide, it was clear that young white women were the most frequent victims, and that there was little support for abductees should they survive.

In the more controlled environment of Dulce, researchers hadn’t any disclosure problems concerning stem cell and cloning research. The fertilized eggs of hundreds of healthy young human females could be 'harvested' constantly for unlimited embryo and stem-cell research 'killing' uncounted human embryos in the search for everything from cures to alien skin infections caused by Earth germs to how to better create a sub-human slave race of cloned worker creatures.

Such research also moved into other dangerous fields, such as 'enhancing' humans into becoming creatures that would serve other alien needs. One of the more shocking of these that the 'attackers' would find in huge holding pens were the human females who had been 'enhanced' to become reproductive 'cows' as the need for human milk and reproductive systems had grown. Hundreds of young women had been 'altered' to become little more than cows.

‘Free will’ is always dangerous to a fascist society, or a police state! ‘Free will’ is what allowed a group of men to take the moral high-ground, and attack the Dulce Facility. The attack plan centered on crippling the main generator, then doing as much damage as possible while freeing as many victims as possible, started to take shape in the Fall of 1979 after the August space battle between forces of the USAF Space Command and an alien invasion force, with none other than Brigadier General Aderholt (USAF) brought in to head the organization that would be formed for the invasion of the Dulce Facility.

(在德州生意人Ross Perot﹐CIA掩護人Edwin Wilson﹐及Major E.L. Richards手中‘black ops'的資金﹐進攻計劃在一小股情報官員及支持者下迅速進行。)
Funded by Texas businessman Ross Perot, CIA/DIA front man Edwin Wilson, and a massive ‘black ops' fund, long hidden by Major E.L. Richards Jr., the plan moved forward quickly within a small community of intelligence officers and their backers.

(Harry C. Aderholt准將集結了一支精銳隊伍﹐Roger H.C. Donlon上校領導一支攻擊隊伍﹐由戴爾它部隊﹐海軍海豹﹐空軍特別行動隊﹐集調而成。飛行組有太空人科學家Karl Gordon Henize﹐最好的戰鬥飛行員和試飛員所組成。)
Brigadier General Harry C. Aderholt would pull a team together in September and October of 1979 that would have made any commanding officer proud, and perhaps shot fear into any enemy who had an idea of what was being put together. Colonel Roger H.C. Donlon, stationed at Fort
at the time, would head one combat team, drawing heavily from the newly formed DELTA FORCE, Navy SEALS, and USAF Special Operations Command (AFSOC). Flight teams were organized by astronaut scientist Karl Gordon Henize, and included the best of the best in combat and test pilots, with special operations training - or who could be counted on to keep their silence, including Captain Mark Richards, who was recovering from his command roll of Dragon Squadron in the battle that had taken place in August.

(確實參與人數因目前未解密而不知道﹐但知道這這個行動的不會超過數百人。中心作業由空軍太空指揮部﹐及國際情報中心Ellis L. Richards Jr. 少校所資助。)
While exact numbers of the human force involved is still so protected that there seems to be no firm record of the exact count, there were never more than a few hundred who knew anything about the operation. The center of the operation was clearly found in USAF Space Command, and the Director of I.S., Major Ellis L. Richards Jr.

The President (of the U.S.), the Secretary General of the United Nations, and the Chairman of the JCS were never informed of the pending operation, and it should be noted that the humans and aliens involved in the attack took part in the action without orders or clearances from higher authorities.

(這些與爬蟲人戰鬥的人違背了領導精英的意願。但根據David dIcke﹐很多領導精英其實爬蟲人變形的人類化身。)
注﹕David Icke是英國人﹐是陰謀論的大佬﹐他揭露出賣人類世界精英集團的由來﹐英國王室﹐美國財閥﹐政黨黑手的出身﹐組合﹐血脈﹐掌故。談陰謀論而不知其名﹐就白混了。http://www.davidicke.com/

Those who fought against the aliens did so against the will of the human elite, many of whom may even be reptilian shape-shifters in human form, according to some sources, like David Icke and others. - Branton

The Dulce landing ports were set up to accept the ‘light craft’ and other Mass Accelerator Beam (MAB) Riders used by the Greys to transport from planet to orbital pick-up points. These craft generated magneto-hydrodynamic thrust, driven by microwaves and pulsed lasers, to accelerate the classic ‘flying saucers’ up to altitudes of 50 kilometers and accelerations that easily allowed orbital velocities. This made the human-style of heavy-lift chemical rockets an expensive folly, and allowed the aliens Earth-to-Orbit travel at will for a relatively low cost.

It also gave the human forces a way into the facility.

Because an infrastructure of orbiting stations were used to reflect energy from a solar-power station hidden on the Dark Side of the Moon, there were a number of ways to track such a ship. The light-craft focused the microwave energy to create an air spike that deflected oncoming air - that could be tracked. And electrodes on the vehicle's rim that ionized air and formed part of the thrust-generating system could be seen by real-time cameras (and even the human eye at close ranges). Thus, it was planned that one of the attack teams would enter the facility when the main port's doors were open for an incoming light-craft.

This was not going to be an easy stunt. Sensors around the area set off an alarm if anything got too close to the doors, not to mention warn the operators of any air or space vehicle that got too close. The mouth was too small for anything larger than a good sized helicopter, but helicopters would be too slow to reach the doors before the base defensive systems went off. Because of the special problems of entry into the Dulce Facility, normal helicopter attack would not work. As well trained as they were, to attempt a landing into the hanger area of the facility would have been suicidal. And once inside the port area, any attack force would be likely overwhelmed by the base defenders - unless, whatever craft was used could carry a number of heavy automatic weapons, and land a large number of attackers at one time.


The Greys were quite content that no such craft existed in the human military inventory. And not even the Reptoids had a craft that could be used under all of the required conditions, that wouldn't be spotted long before it could reach the port.

注﹕google 照片X-22﹐你就知道長得什麼樣
What they hadn't counted on was one, single, experimental aircraft, that was still so secret that it had never been entered on any inventory list. Manufactured by the Bell Corporation, the X-22 was a 'research' craft, with some interesting abilities. The first successful V/STOL VSS (Variable Stability System) aircraft, this strange mix of wings, jets, and huge ducted props might not have been pretty, but it was perfect for the mission needs of the Dulce Attack Force.

(因為時間緊迫﹐唯一能找到的有飛過X-22實驗機的駕駛﹐只有Captain Mark Richards里查茲上尉﹐就由他率領第三攻擊隊﹐攻擊佔領﹐守住降落區﹐為後軍傳統直升機鋪路﹐並在任務完成後﹐保護撤離。據記錄顯示﹐里查茲上尉的試飛X-22時間並沒超過12小時。)
Because of the lack of time, the only man involved who also had the skill to fly the X-22 under such combat conditions was Captain Mark Richards. Thus he was chosen to lead Combat Assault Team (CAT) Three, that would be responsible for attacking the main landing port - and hold it long enough for other teams to land in conventional helicopters and for the evacuation of CAT's and victims when the attack was concluded. According to records, Captain Richards had no more than 12 hours flying the X-22 before he took it into combat.

(在組成部隊受訓時﹐作戰方案也在計劃中。作戰目標﹐應變計劃選定﹐萬一失敗的話﹐包括核武考量。隨先鋒部隊第三攻擊隊進入的有航太員David Griggs﹐任務是看能不能駕駛現場飛碟撤離。航太員Ronald Ervin McNair作為X-22的副駕駛。航太員Ellison S. Onizuka中校及Stuart Allen Roosa上校則為情報證據﹐資源蒐集﹐同時及用現場飛碟撤離。)
While the attack teams were being organized and trained, the attack itself was being planned by the men responsible for the situation. Objectives and alternative were picked, including a nuclear option in case the manned attack failed. Astronaut David Griggs was chosen to go with CAT-3 to make an attempt to 'loot' one of the alien space ships, while astronaut Ronald Ervin McNair went in as Richards' co-pilot and ‘laser weapons expert’ (the fact that he was a black belt in Karate also came in highly helpful before the event was over). Astronaut Lieutenant Colonel Ellison S. Onizuka (USAF) and Colonel Stuart Allen Roosa (USAF) also went in as members of CAT-3 to gather information, and hopefully escape with alien ships or equipment, with Colonel Roosa commanding the Material Acquisition Team (MAT). None of their efforts could be of value, of course, unless the attack plan worked.

To make sure of success, the full information gathering ability of several top-secret departments within the NSA was turned loose on Dulce. Facts were gathered from sources far and wide, including everything from sightings listed in newspapers to interviews with people who helped to build the facility.

(前參與道西基地建設作業的John V. Chambers也被說服提供消息。)
John V. Chambers, a Kentfield, CA resident spent his working life in management and finance of large engineering construction projects. It would be Chambers, who had been involved with the Bechtel work at Dulce and other top secret government projects, who would be contacted by the forces that intended to attack Dulce, and became convinced to aid them in their effort.

(Chambers指出了基地的弱點﹐及外星人的弱點 > 對一些外在的及人體上的細菌極為脆弱。)
It would be Mr. Chambers who would mention a number of weak points in the Dulce systems that would allow an attack to have a much better chance of success. It was Chambers who pointed out major weak points for the aliens. .It seemed that the aliens had reason to worry about a number of the germs found outside the facility, and that some of the alien species were highly vulnerable to a number of human-passed diseases.

The germs and bacteria that are everywhere on the planet, that humans and other mammals have (for the most part) developed ways to cope with, can offer great threat to aliens and their life forms. Earth dust, or bacteria blowing on the winds, can be deadly to a life form that has no resistance to such things. What humans refer to as 'hay fever' can be just as deadly to a creature that is having a difficult time 'breathing' in the Earth's oxygen rich atmosphere. It was quickly realized that if the filters used to make Earth's 'air' more acceptable for the aliens could be disabled, many of the enemy would soon be sick and unable to continue to fight, and a large number might simply die on the spot!

As the intelligence gathering expanded, a number of shocking facts were uncovered. In 1947, the Dutchman had been involved with Admiral Byrd in the attack of the last Nazi base at the South Pole. Now he and others would come to better understand the connections that elite humans had developed with aliens, from the days of the Nazi efforts to modern times. This included helping the aliens to build secret bases all over the Earth (including the base at the South Pole, and the facility at Dulce), aiding in the abduction of young women for alien research and pleasure needs, and the addition of more pollution to the planets atmosphere to bring on global warming and make the Earth more friendly to alien life forms.

注﹕這與費爾。史耐德Phil Schneider的說法不謀而和。史耐德專業地質探勘與爆破﹐曾參與地下高速通路興建﹐稱與爬蟲人交火並受傷。揭露秘密後被謀殺。http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rv4a2ppOQg

One of the most shocking finds was the extent of the alien underground base-and-transportation network. While tube-trains had been expected, the vast bases that had been created came as a shock to even the best informed officers.

The reason such bases became more important now was that the human forces had to quickly find out where every base was that might react to an attack on Dulce, and how long it would take before they might send rescue forces. Another question was, how would they react in general? Might they attack humanity in some more deadly fashion than simply abducting a few thousand females a year? In the end it became clear that because of divisions in alien intentions, there was little organization between groups. Like a number of competing collages at a ruin, for the most part they were only interested in their own little outpost and research.

In a report filed in early 1980, believed by a number of CIA sources to have been written by Brigadier General Aderholt, the author states:

"What those young men did was nothing less than the stuff of legend. Against overwhelming numbers and technology, they fought from Level 1 (containing the garages and hangers) down into the bowels of the enemy base. Portions of the combat took, and held, the Level 2 ports where tunnel shuttles and disc maintenance areas would have allowed enemy reinforcements to enter, while the main force charged forward towards Level 6, and 'Nightmare Hall', to rescue the thousands of human victims kept there."

(他們並沒有心理準備在第六層所看到的事物 - 多手多腳的人類﹐及牢籠裡7尺高達蝙蝠裝人形生物。外星人在基因上學到了很多﹐但是是以人類的痛苦與生命為代價。)
They were not ready for what they found in Level 6. Reports spoke of multi-armed and multi-legged humans and cages (and vats) of humanoid bat-like creatures as tall as 7-feet. The aliens had learned a great deal about genetics, things both useful and frightening. And most of it had been learned at the cost of human suffering and lives.

(Leathers上尉的部隊到了第七層﹐炸開了門﹐45秒掃除了基地警備武力﹐進去後才第一次了解事情有多嚴重﹐找到了囚徒監控系統 > 光這一層的囚徒就有超過三萬人﹔及運送安全系統﹐送囚徒去做“研究測試”及“享樂中心” 分送62個不同地區﹐人數達4600人。)
Captain Leathers' fight reached Level 7 first, blowing the main HUB entrance open and neutralizing the security force there with extreme prejudice in less than 45 seconds. On entering the security station, they realized the extent of the facility for the first time, finding systems for watching and controlling over 30,000 captives on that one level (alone), and the control and security systems for moving the captives to ‘testing facilities’ and ‘pleasure centers’ in over 62 different locations - where another 4,600 captives were currently kept.

Captain Leathers' report to I.S. would mention the moment:

"I looked out over holographic images of scenes of that are impossible to express in words, and a zoo of human being in various states of health and mental condition. Seeing images of young women being tortured at that very moment, all I could think of were my own daughters for several moments. Then I collected my wits, and gave the order to move forward to release as many of the victims as we could."

(這隻部隊原來的任務計劃是攻擊﹐僅可能的破壞設備﹐在不到半小時內撤出﹐但是這些受害者的出現卻產生了變數。沒有一個帶隊軍官說是誰改變了命令﹐但據無線電對話錄音﹐及目擊證人的說法﹐指向Aderholt准將容許里查茲上尉改變任務指示 --- 儘量救人。)
While the original mission plan had called for the teams to attack, smash as much of the enemy facility as they could, and withdraw in less than half an hour, the introduction of so many human victims added a new dimension to the problems at hand. While none of the officers in charge will admit to who made the order, recorded radio communications, and eyewitness reports, seem to suggest that Aderholt allowed the young Richards to change the mission demands as the numbers of ‘savable’ victims became more apparent.

Captain Leathers - I.S. report reads:
"It wasn't like we had choices. We couldn't leave those poor girls behind alive. We knew that any that we didn't evacuate, we were going to have to terminate. Our problem was simply numbers. Thousands of aliens trying to kill us. Thousands of human females screaming for help. Thousands more so far gone that we knew we would have to leave them behind. Thousands of enemy troops starting to arrive on the subway trains. We just weren't set up for a mass evacuation. The sub-tube back to New York, and one to Mexico
, seemed to still be open, so we started loading girls into tube trains and shooting them off as soon as we knew our forces were in control of the stations at the other ends. We blew two air shafts wide open, so a couple squads could get girls out that way into the fresh air where hopefully our people could pick them up. CAT-4 took a real beating as they fought to keep alien reinforcements from entering the main sub tube stations. There is no doubt in my mind that we stayed in the facility too long, but at the time it was very hard to leave those poor young women behind. You knew that everyone you failed to send out in front of you was going to die, and soon."

(在X-22攻擊後一小時整﹐Aderholt准將下令撤離。David Griggs及R.E. McNair兩位航太員摸索出讓兩架外星人飛船 - 一架是飛碟﹐一架是三角形﹐飛向51區Area 51。Roosa上校的人也設法讓一架碟形穿梭機升空﹐帶了超過3600女性去安全的基地。)
Exactly one hour after the X-22 had first attacked the main port entry, Aderholt ordered a full recall. David Griggs and R.E. McNair had by then managed to get two alien craft airborne - one disk-craft and one of the highly advanced triangle fighter-craft - and were running for Area 51. Roosa's men also had managed to get a huge disk-shuttle moving, in which over 3,600 human females had been loaded and were now being taken to a safe base.

The human female survivors were taken to several top secret military bases where they were 'deprogrammed' and 'rehabilitated' so that they could be slowly farmed back into society with no memory of what they had suffered.

As the mysterious 'Commander X' stated:

"From my own intelligence work within the military, I can say WITH ALL CERTAINTY that one of the main reasons the public has been kept in total darkness about the reality of UFOs and 'aliens' is that the truth of the matter actually exists TOO CLOSE TO HOME TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT. How could a spokesman for the Pentagon dare admit that five or ten thousand feet underground EXISTS AN ENTIRE WORLD THAT IS FOREIGN TO A BELIEF STRUCTURE WE HAVE HAD FOR CENTURIES? How could, for example, our fastest bomber be any challenge to those aerial invaders when we can only guess about the routes they take to the surface; eluding radar as they fly so low headed back to their underground lair? The 'Greys' or the 'EBEs' have established a fortress, spreading out to other parts of the U.S.
via means of a vast underground tunnel system THAT HAS VIRTUALLY EXISTED BEFORE RECORDED HISTORY".

All of the men involved in any of the attack teams were either 'mind-wiped' or sworn to secrecy on pain of death or terminated by higher-level insiders following the battle, self-serving politicians and 'elite' who had nothing to do with initiating the attack, but who had everything to do with suppressing any information concerning it after the fact. Branton

Because the officers in charge were seen as heroes by many of the political right-wing that took control in Washington
in 1981, most were protected by the changing political elite. Many of those who had either openly backed the alien cause, or had profited from it in one way or another, were forced to pull back from their position for nearly ten years. Only when George Bush Sr. became President were the aliens able to return, and then only in much smaller numbers.

The Battle of Dulce ended the alien hope for using the Earth as a breeding tank for a subspecies, or for their take-over of the planet at any time in the near future. While the Grey's restarted a breeding program in 1993 and some of the lower levels of the Dulce Facility were reopened by 1998, the numbers are in the tens or hundreds rather than the thousands. And USAF Space Command now tracks all alien craft with the constant threat that Top Secret Flights can react and attack an other world enemy at any moment with dramatic results.

Over 50 years of intense UFO interest, investigation, researching, evaluation, and theorizing by countless UFO aficionados have enabled modern field investigators to better examine, evaluate, and identify many of the unusual airborne objects that are being reported. Yet a small percentage of the reports continue to elude positive identification. Rumors of what took place at Dulce in 1979 have already been reduced to legend at the end of the 20th century. Indeed, the continued 'conmen' involved with such reports have helped the USAF cover the truth of events that took place at Dulce, and continue to aid in the effort to hide the ruined facility and those who took part in events there.

(像情報官William Cooper這樣的不受掌握﹐知道真相的人﹐會被各種方式抵毀﹐當威脅過大時﹐甚至會被消滅。很明顯的﹐那些跟政府權威挑戰的﹐永不容許再回原位﹐或重掌權力﹔這或可是那些被變形人瓜代的精英思維﹖)
注﹕William Cooper是一個傳奇﹐他在80年代開始四處演講﹐揭露影子政府陰謀。他的資料細膩的讓人不敢相信。陰謀組織﹐陰謀計劃﹐陰謀作業﹐文號﹐文案﹐參與人﹐日期時間﹐歷任沿革等。終被謀害。 被陰謀論界公認為烈士。http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4574387786893863155#

Men like Intelligence Officer William Cooper, who have become too loose with their knowledge of the truth, can be discredited in any number of ways, or terminated if they become too great a threat. It should be clear from their actions, and their willingness to challenge authority, that these men must never be allowed into such a position of power or authority again (or rather, such is the mindset of the human - or shape shifting!? - elite).

While the "Dutchman" was terminated in 1996, and his son will be in prison for the rest of his life, the mindset itself that created such men must be crushed if the human race is to know peace with the aliens (but then again, the elite & gray-alien version of 'peace' is more akin to 'assimilation'. - Branton.

The illusion of freedom that may be lost by those few who know what is really going on will be a worthy exchange for amazing technology that will come into the hands of the human elite (so they reason) that takes part in the new transfer. This may not take place easily, of course, until all human resistance has been removed either through retraining or through conquest. (This is the distorted reasoning of the 'elite' who would sell out our planet for their own selfish personal physical gain). - Branton.

One of the key lessons to be learned from the Dulce Battle is as long as there are small, highly trained and well equipped human forces, that can, may, or will go into action on their own accord to protect the people of the Earth, easy conquest of the planet becomes difficult. A departmentalized military, with some branches so ‘top secret’ that even the political elite who rule the country aren't too sure of what is out there, is a threat to any enemy. At this time, there are arms of the USAF Space Command so Top Secret that no one in the Pentagon knows that they exist in anything but legend.

If humanity is to survive long enough for it to take a historic place in the civilized social structures of the universe, they must either defend themselves from any life-form that would harm them or their planet, or surrender themselves to some sort of interplanetary police force that will protect them. At this time, only rumors of such a police force have reached those in the know, leaving self-defense as the only real option. The men who attacked the Dulce Facility in 1979 understood that reality, and took the task of defending humanity into their own hands. One can only make subjective guesses at what might have happened if they had not done what they did.

TERMS: (簡稱)
CAT = Combat Assault Team. (戰鬥攻擊部組)
FAT = Filter Attack Team.(攻擊空調設備組)
MAT = Material Acquisition Team. (材料蒐集組)
IS = International Security (國際維安)
VAT = Victim Assistance Team. (受害者援助組)
CUT = Clean up Team. (清理組)

PLAYERS(參賽者): (共18人﹐9死, 6存﹐2不詳﹐1坐牢﹐死因很多沒交代)
BRIGADIER GENERAL H.C. ADERHOLT: Mission Commander. (Not dead.)
COL. CHARLES BECKWITH: Commander of Delta Force & CAT-1. (1929.1.22 – 1994.6.13)
J.V. CHAMBERS: Engineer for Bechtel. (不詳)
WILLIAM COOPER: Intelligence Officer. (1943.5.6 – 2001.11.5)
COLONEL R.H.C. DONLON: Commander CAT-4. (Not dead)
DAVID GRIGGS: Astronaut, liberated UFO. (NASA 1939.9.7 – 1989.6.17)
COMMAND SGT. MJR. E.L. HANEY: Delta Force Commander/Writer. (Not dead)
GENERAL R.T. HERRES: Commander of USAF Communications Command at Scott Air Force Base,
Ill. (1932.12.1 - 2008.7.24)
KARL GORDON HENIZE: Organized mission flight teams. (NASA 1926.10.17 – 1993.10.5)
GENERAL D.C. JONES: Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff. (Not dead.)
CAPTAIN W.R. LEATHERS: Commander CAT-2. (不詳)
R.E. McNAIR: Laser expert, liberated UFO. (NASA 1950.10.21 – 1986.1.28)
LIEUTENANT COL. E.S. ONIZUKA: Commander of FAT, liberated UFO. (NASA鬼塚承次1946.6.24 - 1986.1.28)
ROSS PEROT: Helped to fund the mission. (應該就是那位德州富豪﹐出來選過總統)
MAJOR E.L. RICHARDS, JR. - 'The Dutchman' - Commander in Chief of the Dulce Mission, Head of I.S. (當Dutchman在1996被消滅之後 > 就是指這個人)
CAPTAIN M. RICHARDS: Commander of CAT-3. (關在牢中)
COLONEL S.A. ROOSA: Commander MAT. (1933.8.16 – 1994.12.12)
EDWIN WILSON: Helped to fund the mission. (很多同名﹐應是CIA的那位﹐沒死)

Dulce Base (英文維基對道西基地的解說)

Google "Dulce War
Web Page > Results 1 - 10 of about 1,340,000
Image > Results 1 - 20 of about 210,000
Vedio > Results 1 - 10 of about 441
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!









To 製作單位 > Good Jod Guys, Keep up the Good Work, Let More People Know.
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2010-9-10 10:48 編輯

1949年的美國防部長 James Forrestal詹姆士. 福瑞斯托之死﹐相信也是多少與道西基地有關。(道西基地是艾森豪與外星人簽約後﹐而成為美國與外星人聯合作業的實驗基地)。福瑞斯托認為掩蓋這些事是不對的﹐想對外公佈﹐而被謀殺。

James & Truman.jpg

詳情請見 >
陰謀論(4) - 國防部長之死 James Forrestal (1892.02.15 – 1949.05.22)



rear admiral.JPG

William Cooper.JPG
第三個是事後參與道西戰爭的海軍情報官William Cooper﹐說福瑞斯托是理想主義者﹐及有宗教信仰之人﹐因反對這些秘密﹐想告知大眾而被殺。而William Cooper 這麼赤裸裸的揭露﹐在當時讓很多人難以接受﹐也使他自己變成目標﹐終在2001年11月5日被警方計誘射殺。(個人認為是他在接露各種秘密﹐及道西事件後﹐又在當年911發生前後都有說這是官方黑手的陰謀﹐這是最後一根稻草﹐讓對方下重手)

Death before Dishonor, James Forrestal a American hero! (他是英雄)

Results 1 - 10 of about 101,000 for James Forrestal
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2010-9-10 09:53 編輯

Henry McElroy.jpg

My name is Henry McElroy, Jr. a retiring, former State Representative from New Hampshire. Thank you for your attention to this brief message concerning the world’s interaction with both earth-based, and off-world astronauts.
我的名字叫 Henry McElroy, 是新罕布夏州的前眾議員﹐謝謝你對這個﹐地球人與外星太空人互動訊息的關注。


I would like to submit to our nation my personal testimony of one document related to one of these ongoing topics which I saw while in office, serving on the State Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs Committee.

The document I saw was an official brief to President Eisenhower. To the best of my memory this brief was pervaded with a sense of hope, and it informed President Eisenhower of the continued presence of extraterrestrial beings here in the United States of America.

The brief seemed to indicate that a meeting between the President and some of these visitors could be arranged as appropriate if desired.

UFO(1) - 太空人及公職人員證實有飛碟
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!

