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本帖最後由 joeyjoy 於 2012-11-24 19:55 編輯

Taiwan the latest nation to receive the spaceship program

Today the 23.11.2012 the director of the Keshe Foundation on prearranged appointment with the officials of the government of Republic of China (Taiwan) met at the embassy of this nation in Brussels.

In this meeting the USB stick containing all patents and blueprints of the nuclear reactor plasma technology of the Keshe Foundation was handed over as agift to the government of Republic of China.

This meeting was initiated by the embassy of Taiwan through their foreign office request by inquiry about the Foundation by a medical doctor in Taipei.

We found this meeting the most warmhearted and we hope to be able to collaborate with government and scientists of this beautiful nation for their development of the technology.

The Keshe Foundation welcomes the government and nation of republic of ChinaTaiwan in to the Keshe Foundation spaceship program.

"There is one indestructible substance pervading all things – from the remotest star to the nearest dust particle. It can only be cognized by the mind, and only the understanding power of the mind … can make it useful." ~Emma Curtis Hopkins
With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


YouTube:Vortex Technologies: POE Coil / How It's Made

With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


本帖最後由 joeyjoy 於 2013-4-8 10:34 編輯

對電磁波(wifi、bluetooth)敏感的人,有機會可以試試這樣的產品,如果隨身攜帶是不是也讓身體長時間曝曬於電磁波之中? 除了帶給人生活上的便利外,到底是不是也要付出健康上的代價。



雖然肉眼看不見,不過咱們身邊可充斥著各式各樣的電磁波:像是宇宙背景輻射、廣播電台、手機2G/3G訊號、Wi-Fi等等,根據磁生電、電生磁的原理,我們當然也能將這些電波轉化為電力,但功率肯定超低就是了。德國設計師Dennis Siegel以線圈和高頻二極體設計出一款攜帶式電磁波收割器(Electromagnetic Harvester),可以「向空中借電」,不花一毛電費也能將一顆三號電池給充飽電呢!

依照電磁源不同,收割器分有兩種款式:較小的收割器適用於100Hz以下的低頻電波,如50/60Hz市電;較大的收割器適用於高頻電波,如廣播 (∼100MHz)、GSM(900/1800MHz)、藍牙與Wi-Fi訊號(2,4GHz)等。在收割器內有一顆可充電的三號電池,機身外附有磁鐵與一顆LED指示燈。當使用者身處較強的電磁場,像是變壓器附近、電腦機房或旁邊有人在講手機時,LED指示燈會變成紅色,此時便能透過磁鐵將收割器給固定在附近。一天過後,使用者便可得到一顆充飽電的電池了。

目前電磁波收割器花上一天僅能充飽一顆三號電池,能源轉換科技還有待提升,不過收集空中電波來充電,感覺頗為環保。雖然在電磁波愈強的範圍內充電效果愈好,不過對人體健康來說難免會有些疑慮。電磁波收割器目前尚無量產計畫,而Dennis Siegel認為這樣的設計可應用在電子標籤、無線傳感器等低功率設備上。

With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.

