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Elenin thing to come in 2011-2012 by 9Nania

1) 8/3'11 Elenin穿過地球軌道
2) 9/9'11 Earth-Elenin-Sun成90度夾角
3) 9/11'11 Elenin運行到最接近太陽的近日點
4) 9/26'11 Earth-Elenin-Sun連成一直線
5) 9/30'11 Elenin彗星尾巴正對地球
6) 10/17'11 Elenin運行到最接近地球的位置
7) 10/31'11 地球穿過Elenin軌道

不過看了網路上的資訊, 對Elenin都是拼拼湊湊的, 難一窺全貌...
總之, 參考參考..
It is our destiny...


Comet Elenin already mapped June 2007
http://thetruthbehindthescenes.w ... y-mapped-june-2007/

大意是在6/14/2007的Google Sky發現有張紅外線模式的圖, 顯示出可能(應該)是Elenin..
因為Elenin外圍伴隨著一團黑雲(?), 所以一般是看不到的, 要用紅外線模式..
另, 估算出的Elenin直徑超過5,000km, 而非一開始認為的3-5km..

地球直徑12,756.2km, 月球直徑3,474.8km..地球與月球軸心距離384,405km..
就之前的資料, Elenin離地球最近只有0.0004617AU約80,000km..那....
It is our destiny...


本帖最後由 morson 於 2011-7-8 06:55 編輯

聖馬丁翻譯的文章, 主要引述David Morrison(NASA太空科學家)放在Youtube上的談話..
NASA senior scientist talks about ELENIN, NIBIRU, pole shift and 2012's conspiracies

看看影片下的評論, 還蠻有趣的..直接質疑NASA隱蔽的種種相關問題, Morrison從沒回答過..
不過Morrison有一個回答(或證實)提到X-37B實際上是太空武器, 可讓地面產生類似核爆的災害..
@jeremyelliott1 NASA/USAF have this orbital drone, X-37B, which can trigger EQs with tungsten projectiles capable to cause a nuclear-like impact in the ground. Definitely something is not right, like you said. But you better believe it: The US military have this technology and they are using it. And everything they want, are these "cosmic decoys" to cover up their activities.
Do some research on the subject and will figure it out.
undercoveralien 5 天以前 4

有人用行為學的角度去看Morrison在影片的肢體動作, 並評估(認為)Morrison是在撒謊, 且影片拍攝角度和內容是有經過估算和演練的..
I think it is very telling to mute the video and then watch him. He licked his lips way too many times. Dry mouth is a sign of lying. Blinking of eyes. His throat is covered so you cannot observe him swallowing which is another sign. Looking up to the left is another but it is the opposite in left handed people. His body is covered so no observation of hand and body movements. They are well aware of the giveaways and did a good job of masking.
Very rehearsed. I say disinformation !
LadyStonecut 5 天以前 10
It is our destiny...

