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如何從double helix 雙股變成 更多股或"不同形式"的helix

如何從double helix 雙股變成 更多股或"不同形式"的helix
由 admin » 2010年 3月 26日 04:33

如何從double helix 雙股變成 更多股或"不同形式"的helix...等,關鍵在於改變helical chains的"氫鍵".
改變hydrogen bonding,就會有不同形式 double helix matrices, 如此可改變人類皮膚的顏色,可長出好幾根肢體,好幾個頭,...可以長很大很高,可長很小..來四適應不同星球的環境, 可以用同一個人的基因code經改變hydrogen bonding後所複製出的許多自己. 好比A複製成B ,C,D,A 的mind 可以直接控制B,C,D.以前過去的亞特蘭堤斯人就有這些power.此外還有"biolocation"的概念.....自己看不知怎麼翻譯..
J.J Hurtak這本書...預告了reconnection且成真....其他章節所提的更是不可思議.....不知何時成真.....J.J這本書是給人類在不同領域64個"keys"...或者說是"hint"
The key to future biochemistry and biochemical genetics are given in many double helixes for a given chromosome and in many coordinated membrane separators transmitting multiple mammalian orders to the living chromosomal functions “all are the faces of the eternal present”
Enoch explained that there would be found many double helixes in a given chromosome allowing for many faces of Adamic creation to be evolved from the central code , all having the image and similitude of the eternal present. .........此為這個key的title
Just as man has studied the double helix pattern that goes toward life, man must begin to concentrate on the double helix pattern that expand toward death—where the magnetic repulsive force separates two strands of the double helix.
By working with the discorporating double helix forms and by changing the structure of hydrogen bonding that holds together the long helical chains of the nucleic acids, man will discover the existence of other double helix matrices.
These other chemical matrices can be used to evolve bodies that are capable of living in other chemical environment, including non-earthy environment consisting of ammonia, methane and formaldehyde atmosphere. The molecular structure of nucleic acid dictates the character of the proteins synthesized. Therefore the restructuring of the molecules changes the character of the proteins synthesized through hydrogen bonding. This engineering of the hydrogen bonding within the nucleotide units takes place in a neutral zone created between 2 electromagnetic fields, whereby a high energy proton interface can take place.
Consequently the hydrogen bonds which hold the helix itself together can be changed even to a multiple hydrogen bond system. With the multiple hydrogen bond system, the centrosome body can be made to divide the chromosomes to grow multiple arms , heads and organs necessary for life in other environment. In addition, by controlling the dwarf and giant syndromes within the mechanisms of inheritance, a miniature species can be evolved witch can absorb less physical substance in intercellular flight or a gargantuan specie be evolved which can have a greater resilience to live in the atmosphere of Jovian like planet(類木行星:好比木星、土星、天王星和海王星).
There is a complex code that can be generated out of the basic DAN chain allowing for the triple helix to be created out of double helix. Both double and triple helixes fall within a super helix.
Moreover, by an additional hydrogen bond system, sets of bodies can be generated off a parent form. However each set of bodies can be made to carry a different nucleic acid template on which proteins specific etereoisomeric forms have been synthesized. These bodies—by rearranging the codes---would have different skin layers that could appear silver or bluish or almost in any combinationof color patterns desired for membrane coverage.Presently Adami man exists between a C-H-O and a C-H-N system capable of harnessing the key combinations of elements which would give him liberation to enter any other chemical environment with an acid denaturation code using anyone of the following combinations:
The helical nucleic acid molecules have a conformational order that attracts specific protein molecules having stereospecificity. By altering the proton matrix controlling the engineering of the present double helix and introducing multiple Magnetic fields to a generating proton similitude, subspecies intelligence can be created. By changing the density fields which trigger the chemical transmitter molecules, specie forms can be created having an intelligence which is directly connected to a parent mind by virtue of proton precession at the same frequency.
In other words, just as the higher mind can experience many worlds simultaneously, this new creation will also possess the ability to occupy those realms by multiple physical embodiments all connected with one mind.
Thus , one mind will transmit to many bodies as one genetic code is used as the master code for many biological entities. Hence, the bioengineering of the Higher Evolution demonstrates even the ability to live under water in different planetary environment where the Higher Evolution can build cities with special environments for the training of their offspring.
In a previous cycle, the Atlanteans were also able to live under water. However, the Atalteans also possessed the ability to create sub-specie intelligence to govern the nature of material world. This inner breeding within these sub-specie forms gave rise to a diminishing spiritual capacity and produced a nation of strong physicals who ere muscular and emotionally aggressive , but did not have the higher consciousness planes which would allow them to spiritually evolve out of the changing genetic-planetary conditions.. for this reason the Council of Light permitted the Atlanteans to partially destroy themselves as a witness for other cycles of spiritual-physical creation.
In this age, the new bioengineers will have the ability to transmit a genetic code by laser-engineering to member of another race which would then transcribe the chemistry of that Adamic form to dwell in another environment.
In the other words, the bioengineers will have the ability to use a laser-like light projection (e.g by optical rotation) to demodulate a complete physical form in to a energy form which can be projected to a vehicle or an environment in the lower heavens where it can be remodulated into the same physical form. This is called biolocation.Biolocation takes place under a variety of conditions providing protonix flux if controlled. By controlling protonix flux by the use of new energy forms called cosmoprotons, the chemistry of man can go through a chain-like coupling to be re-manifested at another point on the earth or other planets that may even exist on a higher frequency. This ability to use new mechanism of inheritance must be performed with absolute responsibility towards the Cosmic Law. Every Father universe requires of every specie in the many realms of our Son universe—peace, love and non-interference with the biological kingdoms outside of a given image and similitude unless directly permitted by the Councils.
Without the higher reprogramming being done at this time with direct sanction of High Command for the regeneration of the Adamic race and the preparation of the Christ people for new worlds of creation, a change in biological life could not now evolve on Earth, since any organic compounds formed would be oxidized, rather than forming more complex organic compounds. It is not sufficient to possess only the correct elements for a new chemical evolution. They must also be present in the correct proportions as willed by the Lords of Light.
