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回復 77# X-PGA

RH能量平時如地下伏流, 偶而在某時候露出 <=  形容得好貼切...


本帖最後由 richard.teng 於 2012-10-29 22:49 編輯

這幾天在延著任督二脈的幾個大穴依序進行意守, 在RH的講法就是把注意力依序個別放在幾個大穴上.
發現在意守時,穴位的發熱是依意念的定位而集中愈來愈熱(氣功意守的結果), 而RH的振動在注意力放在這個穴位的同時, 是愈來愈大進而擴展,而不是集中, 非常有趣!!

突然有個想法! 部份意通任督的大師, 幫學員貫氣打通任督的方式, 是延著任督二脈幾個大穴貫氣, 進而讓學員的任督的能量自行串連, 然後打通任督. 是不是會RH的前輩, 可以自行依序把注意力放在任督幾個大穴上, 等於是引RH的頻率來打通任督!! 有興趣的朋友或許可以試試...



Kodoish Kodoish Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth is the most powerful mantra in Ascension Times.
It automatically puts us in the frequency of 999- the highest frequency on Earth.
It grants immediate protection and can be used repeated in silence.
It also expands our energy field 8 octaves up and 8 octaves down in frequency, and banishes all negativity in our space.

Also, from the book "Keys of Enoch"

1. Clears all the fields in the body and bridges us to all other dimensions.

2. This mantra activates the holy grids in our bodies.

3. It is a bridge from 3D to all other dimensions.

4. Immersed in the chant, we become One Heart.

YouTube: 1

YouTube: 2
With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


本帖最後由 X-PGA 於 2012-12-17 23:49 編輯
這幾天在延著任督二脈的幾個大穴依序進行意守, 在RH的講法就是把注意力依序個別放在幾個大穴上.
發現在意守 ...
richard.teng 發表於 2012-10-29 22:48

回復 167# joeyjoy  & 79#richard.teng
Good, 我share 練功的心法:
右側躺, 右手掌不接觸照在頭頂百匯穴(冠輪), 左手掌可接觸or不 接觸臀部(海底輪); 用意念由右手掌發功 貫穿身體 中脈 自然就可連接各脈輪; 也可以變化: 由左手掌發功 貫穿身體 中脈 如此來回 "沖洗" 看要持續多久都可以. even 到自然睡著.
先這麼練一陣, 有心得再告訴我,
後面, 看看我自己能不能 用意念 來劃線點化 attunement自身 ; 如果成功 再分享.

and here is how to implement:
~~~~~Just image in holography, watch the panorama of attunement pics with third eye; in the meantime, do the above actions ~~~~~~~


回復  joeyjoy  & 79#richard.teng
Good, 我share 練功的心法:
右側躺, 右手掌不接觸照在頭頂 ...
X-PGA 發表於 2012-12-17 23:48

喔.....interesting ....X-PGA 你的心法是你發明的??
繞了一圈,真的只有持戒 才可禪定 才會生智慧


本帖最後由 joeyjoy 於 2013-1-3 19:48 編輯

回復 81# X-PGA


Whatever in your awareness, it manifest!
With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


本帖最後由 X-PGA 於 2012-12-18 14:57 編輯

回復 82# sanmartin
感謝 聖老大垂詢; 我從實招了:
以上心法是自己拼湊出來的, 小人又懶又貪睡 可又想練功 於是心生一技:
"右側躺" 其實是右側睡演進;
右手照頭頂 是為抓癢; 
左手碰尾椎 是要練拍馬屁功.
眼看 holography 是睡眼惺忪.
口唸的是: 聖馬丁萬福, 倒真是千真萬確!
不信?  您可照著練......
也許會: 累了 就如此睡著, 一夜到天亮, 起床尿尿 回龍床是倒頭繼續睡, 不會濕眠炒人....
也許會: 胃腸咕嚕作響, 上下排氣 一体通暢, 從此... 不便泌...!!!
也許會: 中脈(脊椎) 隱隱發熱......
也許會: 夢到 中了大樂透.....


回復 84# X-PGA
也許會: 累了 就如此睡著, 一夜到天亮, 起床尿尿 回龍床是倒頭繼續睡, 不會濕眠炒人....
也許會: 胃腸咕嚕作響, 上下排氣 一体通暢, 從此... 不便泌...!!!
也許會: 中脈(脊椎) 隱隱發熱......
也許會: 夢到 中了大樂透.....

With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


本帖最後由 joeyjoy 於 2012-12-23 18:00 編輯

Dr. J J Hurtak 在墨西哥Cancun的活動現場直播(活動介紹短片)


現場轉播連結(活動已圓滿,下次請早 )
With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


本帖最後由 joeyjoy 於 2012-12-23 18:18 編輯

回復 87# ronaldw44



With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


回復 88# joeyjoy

    FB影片:Message from Jaime Maussan at Chichen Itza, Yucatan on December 22, 2012

This message was shared by Jaime Maussan at the meeting we had at Chichen Itza on December 21, 2012, and in which he thanks Dr. Hurtak for having push or guide his professional career towards the UFO phenomenon and encourage people to turn to the sky and watch.

Jaime Maussan a veritable celebrity in the arena of UFO research and documentation. He is internationally known for his investigations in the UFO field, and is a prestigious journalist in Mexico with his own TV program known as Tercer Milenio. He has been featured by the History Channel, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Univision, and Telemundo.
With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.


With Free Energy, we get to support all children & parents of others, not just our own.

