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¡i»ÈªeÁp¨¹¡j SaLuSa 2012¦~3¤ë30¤é«H®§
SaLuSa - March 30, 2012
SaLuSa - 2012¦~3¤ë30¤é«H®§

It cannot be but a short time before the many activities that are being carried out to advance you, come to your attention. The extent to which our allies are involved will force the issues to be considered by the media. It might take a little longer before our presence is reported, but whatever steps are taken to prevent it will be futile. The first reactions will bring out all kinds of responses, but those who cast doubt or reject us will soon be overshadowed through acceptance by the majority of the people. It will not take long at all for the realization to sink in that we are here to help you, and that includes removing all those who have usurped their authority and responsibility to you for many years. It is the end of the Illuminati already seriously weakened by losing much of their control over you.


You will know by now that we are fully engaged in keeping peace on the planet, although we cannot stop every confrontation. Peace will come to you when the big powers stop interfering in other countries affairs. For too long they have plotted and manipulated circumstances that have forced countries to sell out their commodities. The result has been that much of the wealth generated that should have helped its inhabitants, has been taken out of the country. These problems will all be put right, with the raising up of people's living standards and introduction to new technologies. In the poorer countries a big problem has been the lack of medical attention and adequate facilities, but that will be quickly overcome. The use of drugs will become unnecessary, as we will use natural methods through technologies that will be new to you. No challenge will be too much for us to deal with, and the changes will be seen very quickly.


We know that people are already anxious to find out what will happen, but we ask that you wait until we can fully present ourselves. We wish to reach out to everyone and ensure you quickly understand what is required of you. Have no fear, as all will given in good time, and also opportunities to meet with us to sort out any queries. For a time there will be continuous broadcasts to update you on progress being made. There are exciting times coming up and it will spread around the world once the future is understood. Freedom is something few have really experienced yet it shall engulf you all before Ascension takes place.


The future is golden and is in fact a Golden Age, and that fact alone should give you an indication of what to look forward to. Living in perfection and having the ability to create at will, will be a new experience and by then you should have acquired a higher level of consciousness and understanding that will prevent misuse of your powers. As you can see, a great leap forward is to occur and to say the least you will be absolutely different to what you are now. An extended life period of your choosing will be something new, and gives you more than ample time to fully experience it. In fact you will be able to literally "swap" bodies if it is necessary to ensure completion. These are all areas that you will eventually understand, and remember that you will have a greatly enhanced degree of consciousness.


Duality has given you immense strength to handle the most arduous and difficult challenges. So Dear Ones, we believe that you can sail through the remaining months to Ascension. You have been prepared to know what to expect, and whatever inconvenience you experience it will be followed by an on going period of peace and tranquility. Naturally we are forging ahead with our roles in the present exchanges with us and our allies, against the dark Ones as they retreat and find us ready to foil any attempt to cause trouble. We are very much in the role of Galactic Policemen but we abide by the Universal Laws, and our ways are peaceful but forceful if we have to exert our authority. Even those who oppose us are still part of the whole, and treated with respect for the Light they carry. No soul is beyond redemption, and in the ultimate it is love that brings about changes that awaken them once again.


Clearly you must look beyond the outer body as you view your fellow man, and keep in mind that all souls originate from the Source. All of you have experienced the extremes of duality, and it is as well that you bear in mind a very apt saying "but for the Grace of God go I". It is why you are encouraged to put aside judgment, and try to see the beauty and love in all souls. All will eventually become enlightened once again no matter how long it takes, but then time is of no consequence outside of your dimension as it does not exist. Whilst on Earth in duality "no time" is an unimaginable idea, but perhaps you can grasp that all is in the Now. That makes your travels extremely interesting, as you can go back into the past, and for those of you who have a decisive pull towards particular historical times, what better than to be able visit them. It is also possible to travel different time lines into the future, which your Time Travelers have experienced.


Bit by bit you are adjusting to the new life ahead, and you choose where it leads you to continue you evolution. Be assured that you do have spiritual helpers to give you advice as to what is best for your progress. You have never been without such help, and if you struggle now do not hesitate to put out your thoughts to them, and you might be pleasantly surprised by the outcome. However, you cannot dictate exactly how it is to work out, as it must be for your best good and you may not know exactly what that is. After Ascension you get to know those souls who have traveled with you through duality. They may not all stay with you as your needs will undoubtedly change, as your future life will possibly be more defined as to the direction you want to go in.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and must mention yet again how time is speeding up, a sure sign that you are uplifting much more quickly into the Light. Many can already relate to a new feeling of being relaxed and unaffected by what is going on around them. That feeling of calmness will spread, and the much dreaded fear factor will cease to have the same affect. Well done to those who have achieved such levels, and my love to you all.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website:Tree of the Golden Light


¡i»ÈªeÁp¨¹¡j 2012¦~3¤ë29¤é«H®§
Message from the Galactic Federation 3/29/12
¨Ó¦Û»ÈªeÁp¨¹ªº«H®§ 2012¦~3¤ë29¤é

The ground will shake and the skies will be dim during the first days of the birthing of your new world. Many changes will have to be made, and much of the old will have to be torn down to make way for the new. We are master builders and architects and we will assist you to rebuild your new world from the bottom up and from shoreline to shoreline. We are master craftsman and we have designed and built many worlds throughout this universe, and we are here now to assist you convert your world from a 3rd dimensional home to a 5th dimensional home. This rebuilding project will last for days, weeks, and maybe even months as we prepare your world for your arrival from the safe zones that will shelter you through this reconstruction project. You will be protected while you remain in these safe zones, and immediately upon the culmination of this great dimensional shift you will be entirely free to leave these areas and behold your new 5th dimensional kingdom.


It will be beautiful, it will be plentiful and it will be yours to cherish forever, to protect, to nurture and to enjoy as you will have earned your right to its keys and all the treasures stored within. Help us build you a better world by continuing the work you are doing today spreading our messages far and wide and helping to calm the fears of your brothers and sisters. In time, there will be other avenues of information available to all throughout your world, but today you are our voice and we ask you to use it and inform those who wish to hear of the changes that are and will continue to take place all around them.


Turning back the clock of your Earth is what we plan to do as we repair the widespread damage that has been done to your mother planet. This is a necessary step as we will not build on unfertile ground. We will only build on a foundation of perfection, so this will be the first step in our rebuilding project. How we will do this will be explained to you, and there will be those among you who will be taking a hands-on approach throughout areas of this rebuilding project. Nothing will be kept in secret, and there will be nothing that is not readily and completely explained to you. This rebuilding project will begin in earnest once all who wish to relocate are safely removed from the construction sites.


Your Earth will receive a complete makeover, and in many ways she will be unrecognizable to you upon her unveiling. She will retain her natural beauty that she possesses today, although her soils and her air will be sparkling and pure. Her forests will be green, and they will be rich in their trees and wildlife. Her oceans, lakes and rivers will be crystal clear blue water, alive with your aquatic species, and your skies will be abuzz with your bird species soaring from treetop to treetop. You will have new homes prepared for you, and you will have libraries and places of higher education assessable to all. You will have new career opportunities where you may offer your services to others and the community, and all this will be available to you upon your ascension into your new higher dimensional home.


We look forward to assisting you in each way that we can, and we look forward to working with many selected individuals from throughout your worldwide communities. We wish to get started soon with many of these projects, and the notification process for those who we are interested in working with will begin shortly upon the purification of your world of those aligned with the dark. We see this process continuing smoothly, and soon you will witness how hard many have been working in secret. Please continue to do your parts in issuing advanced notice of these proceedings as to greatly reduce the shock and fear some may succumb to upon the revelations of what has been transpiring in their world. Not everyone understands as you do what has been going on here, and many see those who will be taken away into custody as their servants and protectors and they will be quite astonished to learn that so many of the world¡¦s dire problems were directly and purposely cause by these dark individuals.


These revelations come as no surprise to many of you who have taken the time and made the effort to inform yourselves, but you are rare cases indeed, and that is why we ask you at this time to share this information that can act as a desensitizer for many who will be overwhelmed throughout these proceedings. After we are satisfied that it is safe to proceed with the next phases of operation, we will begin our initial introductions to those who will be working with us. Upon these introductions, many of you will share the evidence of your experiences with us through your media outlets that will be freed from the control of those that have been taken into custody, and many of your world still reeling from the revelations of these arrests will again be shocked as they learn that they are not alone in the universe and that we are here. This will be an extremely trying time for many of your world, and we wish you to make it your top priority to be there for your fellow humans, to comfort them, to ease their fears and to assure them that the ills of your world are now being repaired and we are here to assist in this much-needed process.


We see so many of you working so hard in this effort and we thank you greatly for your dedication to our mission together. Soon you will begin to see these arrests as several of your media outlets will be covering these events throughout many days. You have waited a long time for this day, and we assure you it will be worth it as the site of those aligned with the dark being taken into custody will allow many of you to forget how many days have gone into the planning stages of this worldwide event. This event will surely be worth the wait, and we wish each of you to enjoy it to its fullest. Much depends on the outcome of this operation, and we wish as many as possible to be reached through this process. This operation is more than merely the arrests of these individuals, as we also wish for these arrests to act as a trigger to awaken so many of your brothers and sisters who yet sleep, and we also wish for these arrests to be the catalyst for so much change needed in your world.


There are many institutions that must be either abolished or restructured throughout your societies, and we see these arrests as merely the beginning of an avalanche of dominoes triggered by this media event. We wish to see many of you publicly displaying your elation upon these arrests, and we hope to see many of you celebrating openly as a demonstration to so many throughout your world that this event can be seen as good news and a reason to be cheerful and hopeful for your future, as indeed, that is precisely what this event signifies. You have so much to look forward to as individuals and as a collective, and these arrests will merely be the beginning as your world takes the shape and form of a higher dimensional society. You will be joining our Galactic community, and you will be officially welcomed in ceremony. You will be formally introduced to all the communities throughout this galaxy and some even beyond, as you are officially welcomed as a higher dimensional member of our extended family. We are so excited for this day for you, and we say to you that you have earned this place of honor and we have high expectations of your world to contribute greatly your gifts to your Galactic community.


With the honor of being welcomed into a Galactic community you will be presented with many gifts and tools that we offer you that will benefit your world greatly in many ways. We ask you to use these technologies with diligent care and responsibility, and tell you that upon your demonstration that you are using these technologies wisely, there will be other gifts presented to you as well in the future. This is how this universe has been designed, where the Creator's gifts never cease to be showered upon those demonstrating their worthiness for them. You have earned all of the gifts you are to receive, and we look so forward to their presentation to you as they will benefit so greatly every man, woman and child on your planet and allow so many to enjoy their lives the way they have always meant to be enjoyed. We look so forward to this day, and tell you it will not be long now.


Show others your love for your changing world as it unfolds before the opening eyes of many. You are a Wayshower, and we ask you to show the others the path without fear, without suspicion, without distrust, and show them a path that is clear of all these lower dimensional aspects. Take the time to explain to them that there is nothing to fear and that no harm will come to them in any way. Explain to them that much of your old world must be torn down and redesigned through the higher dimensional geometries of love. When you make the effort you will reap the rewards as there will be those that respond positively from your example. Naturally, there will be those who oppose your point of view and speak out against you and your position, but we say to you that enough lives will be touched in a positive way through your efforts to make even the harshest of naysayers speak fall harmlessly shy of your ears.


There are so many others out there that are willing to listen and carefully weigh their options, and they only look for an alternative viewpoint to think over and it is here that your wisdom is needed most. There are very many of those who speak for the voice of fear and separation, and what we ask of our Lightworkers is that they counterbalance these negative forces and give the others who deserve another point of view a brighter picture to think about and look forward to. Many will avoid the consequences of a fear-based choice due to your efforts to explain fully their options, and these souls are out there right now waiting to hear your voice cut through the negative echoing of the voices of fear. You are called to duty at this time as Lightworkers, to shine your beacons through the darkness and guide those souls to your shores within the safe harbor of love.


We are the Galactic Federation of Light.


As channeled through Greg Giles


¡i»ÈªeÁp¨¹¡j 2012¦~3¤ë31¤é«H®§
Message from the Galactic Federation 3/31/12
¨Ó¦Û»ÈªeÁp¨¹ªº«H®§ 2012¦~3¤ë31¤é

Hello my friends, in the days ahead there will be challenges that you will be required to rise up and face as courageously as you can, as there will be those of you who are asked to become leaders of your fellow man and lead them through the face of adversity. This is the reason some of you are here, and this is your purpose at this time. If you feel you are being called to the forefront of your people, then we say to you this is your call and you are hearing it loud and clear. We say to you, follow this beacon that will lead you to a destination that will see you taking charge of situations and assisting your brothers and sisters to make it through these days ahead with grace and confidence that they will make it through these events safely, seeing no harm come to them or their families who have trusted your leadership and have been inspired by your wisdom, your courage and your understanding of these events.


What you are being asked to do is to relive the events that have transpired here in the distant past, but this time you will gather all your resources, including each other, to assist you better handle these challenges and rise to the occasion, defeating any obstacle that presents itself in your path. You are being asked to face these challenges with courage and determination and a will to survive. What you are not being asked to do is to panic, to fear, to turn on each other, to quit, to feel sorry for yourselves and to allow these challenging events to overpower you and defeat you.

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You all have gone through so much through your many incarnations into the physical, and all of these experiences have been stored within your subconscious as tools in your arsenal to allow you to better face the adversities of the period that you are in at this very moment. All of these past lives and all of these experiences were very important and for a reason, and that reason is now. You may view your past lives as your training ground to hone your skills that you will need to make it through the months ahead according to your terms, according to your vision of how you wish to experience your existence. You make the rules, you call the shots. You have the power and the means to experience the days ahead the way you wish to, and we ask you, do you have the determination, do you have the will, and do you have the courage to make it through these days ahead the way you wish to.


There will be many from this day forward who will choose many different paths of experience, and you will be required to make a decision as to whether you choose to be a follower or a leader. Many paths will present themselves, and many of those among you who will present themselves as leaders down these paths, but remember, there will be many leaders and many paths and not all of them will lead you through smooth roads and clear skies. It is up to you and no one else to choose if you wish to lead, if you wish to follow, and which path you will walk from this moment forward. There will be ¡¥false prophets¡¦ who beg you to follow their Sirens call, and they will lead you down a path of destruction. Who is it that you are following? Why is it you are following this person? Why do you resonate with their preaching? Where will the path they are leading you down emerge?


It is time to reveal to you more of your purpose here, and the time has come for you to understand better your choices as the days are numbered and they grow shorter every moment. The days and months will pass by you very quickly and it will be soon that important choices present themselves to you, and it is of most importance for you to accurately recognize them and consciously realize that a choice is being offered you and that you must choose. There will be no way to move forward without choosing a path, and not choosing will result in you traveling down one of these paths whether you consciously made this decision or not.


As we have advised you all along, there is nothing to fear. This does not mean you cannot choose fear as one of your paths. All along all of your journeys you have always had the option of choosing the path of fear, or choosing the path of love.
This is no different today, and will be no different tomorrow. You may if you wish, consciously choose each path presented to you based on these two differing emotions. We will not persuade you to choose either of these paths. You do not need our coaching any longer in this regard. Each of you by now understands, at least superficially, the differences between these two emotions and the qualities and traits that each of these paths will bring to your experience. Recognizing the differences between a path of fear and a path of love should come naturally to you. Which is the path that makes you feel good, makes you feel safe and secure, makes you feel loved, makes you feel confident, makes you feel empowered, and which is the path that instills you with fear, of emptiness, of insecurity, of uncertainty, of danger?


We will not point you in either direction down any of the paths presented before you as this is not why we are here, and it is not our right to influence you in this way. We are here to assist you in many ways, but we are not here to convince you how to proceed through your journey. We will offer you choices of our own, but you maintain the right to either accept or decline our assistance. No one will ever force anything upon you, and if they do, then you may immediately recognize this energy as either love or fear, light or dark. Some of what we offer you will benefit those of you who choose to proceed through the following days safely, seeing no harm come to them or their families, but again, it is your choice whether to accept these offerings.


The days ahead will rock the foundations of many of the lives of your people; there will be no doubt of this. How you respond as individuals and as a collective has been the subject of much debate and study for eons of time, and we are as uncertain how you will choose to experience these events ahead as some of you may be uncertain as well. What we plan to do is make your choices crystal clear, and to lay out for you like a roadmap these paths so you will be able to carefully study these lanes and more accurately see where each one leads. This is what we can do for you and we will do just this, and each and every one of you will have the opportunity to see clearly all the roads before you that will lead you from today to the end of this chapter in your history.


We feel that uncertainty is a cause of a great amount of the fear that many of you are feeling at this time, and it is uncertainty that we feel is an undue part of the equation and we will make every effort to remove this factor from the equation.


We would like to say at this time that there will be at least one path that leads you through these events unscathed and unhurt, and that will allow you to experience your ascension into the higher realms according to the wishes many of you expressed before your current incarnations. This will be one of your choices, and this choice will not be taken away or disappear for any reason. Understanding this should put some of your minds at ease as you now know that this path exists and will present itself for you to consider and to choose if this is what you wish.


To recognize this path we suggest to you to review your tools that can help you better recognize and discriminate between the paths of love and fear. It will be up to you to make each decision going forward, and we wish you to always keep in mind that at any time you can exit one path and begin on another if you choose. You may find that you are walking on a path that begins to grow darker as night begins to set in. You may, if you choose, exit that path and step foot on the ground warmed by the light of the sun. There will be many opportunities for you to recognize which path it is you walk upon, and as we have said, we will do what we can to make your choices as clear as possible, but will not unduly influence your decision-making.

We understand many of you may be confused at this time and may be feeling fear as you are beginning to learn of events that will surely present themselves. We suggest to you to find your place of center, to remain calm and balanced, and to consider the choices before you. Proceeding in a calm and balanced unemotional state will better prepare your mind for the decisions you will have to make. Making any decisions from a state of imbalanced emotion may cause you to make decisions you feel at that time are in your best interest, but may lead you down a path you would not have chosen if you had remained emotionally balanced. This is why we tell you that fear and its many properties is so detrimental to your journey, as fear clouds your vision and confuses your decision making. Give yourself the opportunity to clearly choose the path you wish to travel by resisting any fear.

As we have said, there is nothing to fear, and at least one of your paths will be smooth, safe and secure, and will lead you through to your ascension. If you remain in a calm and balanced state of emotion this path will shine bright to you and will call you by your name, and there will be no way you can miss it if this is what you choose. Considering this, how important do you feel it is at this time to remove any fear that may dwell inside you and to resist it if it should knock upon your door? Will you make it a priority each and every day and give your sincerest efforts to examine your emotions and work to better control them? We suggest to you to do just this and put aside all of your 3rd dimensional distractions and work on this, studying your emotions and learning to better deal with them.


There are many Lightworkers out there among you who have trained extensively to be of service to you in this very field, and we say to you do not be shy and to ask for their guidance as this is why they are here and this is their mission at this time. If you are receiving guidance from another and they are assisting you to remove the obstacle of fear from your path, than we say to you that you have successfully found a worker of the light who is here in love and service at this time. If you are receiving guidance from another who is reinforcing your fears or adding to your fears in any way, we say to you walk away from this person as they may mean well, but they are not doing the work of the light that they may claim to be doing.


Again, we suggest to you to take as much time as you possibly can during each and every day and review carefully your emotions. Are you feeling calm reassurance and security, optimism, hope and courage, or are you becoming nervous and scared, unsure, unconfident, and frightened for your safety and the safety of your family? If you are, then we suggest to you to seek guidance from another. We suggest to you to begin to openly engage in conversation with others that you have met through communities of light and engage in conversations that will lead you to the guidance you seek. Those of the light who are highly trained, skilled, and very qualified to offer you this guidance are here in your world in great numbers and they are here throughout your online community, as they have followed their call in service for the light and they want nothing more than to be of service to you at this time.


This is why they are Lightworkers, and this is why they are here, in honor and duty they will fulfill their missions. Allow them to do what they have come here to do and reach out to them as they will reach out to you, and this is how it will be from this day forward as none of you have to walk any of these paths along. We are here as well, we are watching over you, and we want nothing more than for you to successfully choose the path that you wish to travel and we will do all that we can to see to this. This is our assignment, and in honor of duty we will fulfill our mission as well.

For some of you, stored within your subconscious are memories of this past event, and this is all you will have of this emotion. You will not have to relive this past catastrophe if you do not choose to. This is your choice at this time. You will not have replayed in your mind the events of your past, and you will not have to relive this experience or the emotions tied to them. You are being given the opportunity to purify yourselves of this past traumatic incident. You are being given the opportunity to clear not only these deep rooted emotions seated within you, but also to eradicate this past event from your experience. This is a tremendous opportunity for you and everyone to clear the residue of this event from your memory banks. This is what many of you have come here to do, as these deep rooted memories and buried emotions have stifled somewhat your advancement.


You have come back here at this time with the opportunity to replay this event and achieve through this opportunity a new outcome. Tremendous effort has gone into the planning of this event by many beings and many organizations throughout this universe, and we say to you to take advantage of this opportunity given you as this opportunity will not be offered again. What you are being offered is so rare in this universe that we say to you it is likely this kind of opportunity will never be offered anyone anywhere again. Do you understand now a little better why you all are blessed to be here and why you are being given this opportunity?


Many of you have learned how important it is to clear deep-seated emotions that work to weigh you down and interfere with your progression through your path of existence. There are many techniques available to release these deep rooted emotions from yourselves, and this entire scenario of your world has been designed as a tool to assist you to release an experience that, for many of you, has been the most traumatic and is giving you the most trouble on your journey. By reliving this event and choosing a different outcome, you will have the ability to clear this negative energy from your being. Whether you choose to do this or not is entirely your decision, and we will honor each and every choice you make.


We will only say to you that a great deal of effort has gone into this process, and you have also gone through so much to reach this point to have before you this opportunity, and we say to you do not squander it, take full advantage of it, and do what it is you have come here to do. No matter the outcome, none of you will regret being given this opportunity, and again, what you choose to do with it is up to you. There were many who wished to be here at this time, but their desire could not be accommodated. You are one of the fortunate ones, and we remind you of this only to motivate you to take full advantage of this blessed opportunity. We see so many of you doing just that and taking full advantage of your opportunities at this time.


We say to you there is something else you can do as well that will not only benefit you, but your brothers and sisters as well, and that is to assist your brother and your sister to also use this opportunity to its fullest benefit. Those are some of your choices at this time, and as we have said, you will have many choices presented to you and we will do our part to make these choices as clear to you as we possibly can. We will do what we can and take every step necessary to allow you to recognize these choices, and let you know when it is time to choose.

Today you are being given the choice as to whether you wish to proceed with your learning and your growth, or whether you wish to go back to the lives that you have become accustomed to, close your doors and your windows and try to somehow block out the events that are transpiring around you. That is your choice today, and you are required to make a decision and then proceed with your life along that path. There will be new paths presented to you along the way, and you will have further opportunities to decide which way you would like to advance, or return back to where you are now and shut out the world around you. This is your choice, and we await your decision.


All along your journey you have had the opportunity to continue forward or stop your progress, and each and every one of you has chosen to move forward and that is why each and every one of you is here at this time today. We only suggest to you that you have gone this far and have gone through so much to reach this point, so why stop now when you are so very close to the goal you had in mind the day you set out on your very long journey.


We are the Galactic Federation of Light.


As channeled through Greg Giles


¡i»X³³§J.³Í®¦¡j 2012¦~4¤ë1¤é«H®§
Montague Keen - April 1, 2012
»X³³§J³Í®¦ 2012¦~4¤ë1¤é«H®§

All that was hidden is being revealed. We encourage you to share your findings with each other. You will not see mention of this on mainstream television as yet. The media is not allowed to give you the full picture of what is actually happening. Those with eyes to see, can see for themselves that the Cabal is in trouble. They are in shock; they cannot believe that their plans for 2012 will not now be realised. Greater forces than theirs are preventing them from starting World War 3. They are having to accept the fact that they are not invincible, after all. To save face, they now want you to believe that they have changed their plans, that they now plan to attack Iran in the Spring. Well . . . we shall see what transpires in the Spring, shall we? They failed to recognise that when intelligent people wake up and see clearly what is being done to them, they come together and call for help. Their request has been heeded and help has been forthcoming from all directions. Just because you do not see it on your TVs, does not mean that you are not being rescued from the terrible fate that the Cabal had planned for you.


There is no honour among the Cabal. They turn on each other, every day now, thus exposing more and more of the corruption in which they are involved. April will prove to be an interesting month. The floodgates are opening. You will have to deal with the real truth. The first reaction of the general public will be to become angry. I ask that you rise above it as anger will only delay matters. You will have to face some terrible truths about what has been done to mankind; to your DNA, to your brain, etc. All this will be put right. You will be fully restored. What you had accepted as reality will change completely. The time has come for the suffering to stop and for peace to reign once more. There are groups of people all over your world, ready and equipped to take over from the corrupt. It has taken some years to put everything in place. The evil perpetrated on the human race will shock those who are not yet awake.


The Intensive Course on Sacred Geometry which you did last week, was most beneficial, as well as enjoyable. As more people link with their true identity, through Sacred Geometry, etc., they will free themselves from the tyranny of the Cabal. I know that you want to quote from the book WORLDBRIDGER, so please do so, my dear.


"Humanity is a genetic experiment, an immortal race trapped in a mortal paradigm, a solar race locked in a lunar reality, a stolen race on a stolen planet. The corruption lies in the mutant matrix, in the systemic failure of Earth's governing functions and the loss of evolutionary symbiosis that occurred when this parasitic species electromagnetically disconnected humanity and its mother planet from the divine immortal continuum, setting Earth on a course of terminal decline. THERE WAS NO "FALL" WE WERE PUSHED.




Worldbridger. Juliet and Jiva Carter, Sowelu Publishing (2007).

¡m¥@¬É¾ô±çªÌ¡nJuliet ©M Jiva Carter, Sowelu 2007¦~µo¥¬¡C

I wanted to share these words with everyone.


This is what you have returned to Earth to bring about. You will succeed; never again will humanity be allowed to be reduced to this level of existence. Never again will human beings be hungry or homeless or live in squalor. All men will be equal, as they are before God. All this will be achieved peacefully and with as much dignity as is possible. Never stoop to the level of the Cabal, it is not necessary.


Do not doubt for one moment your ability to restore humanity and planet Earth. It is just a matter of everything falling into place when the timing is right. 2012 was the year chosen for all to be put in place, then man will learn who he is and what he is capable of. All the information is readily available, it's up to each of you to prepare for this great transition.


The energy of your world is re-awakening. It is releasing pure energy once more. Believe only those you trust. Go with your gut instincts. The Cabal will try to use natural changes to cause fear. Remember that fear is the oxygen of life to them. They need you to be in fear.


They are to be pitied. 2000 years in the planning and now they see it falling apart and they are powerless to change it. They will have to answer for the human suffering they have caused in that time. Humanity will be their judge. Sadly, humanity fell into the traps which were cleverly set by the Cabal, all those years ago. Man has since learned some hard lessons. Now that people are becoming more aware every day, they want an end to the rule of the Cabal. The time has come for the 99% to step forward and reclaim what is rightfully theirs. The plans of the Cabal are so EVIL - way beyond anything humanity could imagine. It will be difficult when all this comes to light. It will cause distress to all those who had trusted and revered them.


Look forward to peace and to learning your real history. You will learn the truth about your world. You will learn when and how it was led astray and the evil intent of those who set their plans in motion. You live on a prison planet. Look with love in your hearts to a life of freedom, the like of which you have never known.


There is nothing to fear as the battle is won. Together, we will shine the bright light of love on your Earth. Talk to each other. Share your thoughts, you hopes and your dreams, and soon they will become reality.


I remain your adoring, Monty.




¡i»ÈªeÁp¨¹¡j SaLuSa 2012¦~4¤ë2¤é«H®§
SaLuSa - April 2, 2012
SaLuSa - 2012¦~4¤ë2¤é«H®§

If we said that the ball is rolling where the changes are concerned, it would be an understatement as it is thundering forward, and all the work to bring out the results is about to bear fruit. The dark Ones are overwhelmed at the speed that our allies have moved, and it has taken them by surprise. In their arrogance they thought they were invincible and now in a state of panic. We have cut off their escape routes, and they face having to answer for their crimes against you. The net has closed in on the Illuminati top members, and for once they cannot corrupt people into letting them go. Such developments can hardly be kept out of the main media for much longer, and the fears of repercussions for printing the truth are losing their power. So you may rest assured that a series of events are fast lining up for disclosure, and once it commences there will be no holding back any longer.


All we ask of you is further patience which most of you have exhibited for many years now, as we put the final touches to our work. Then you shall see an explosion of events that will be hard to keep up with. However, for those who have little prior knowledge of what has been happening, we hope to be able to make broadcasts that will be enlightening. Certainly they will be arranged once disclosure has been made, and all of our activities will be carried out as openly as possible. The flyovers will be spectacular and lift your spirits, as we are to accompany you for the rest of your journey to Ascension. Whatever you need to know will be given, unlike now when your scientists have kept knowledge from you. They know that the solar system is changing, and that your Sun is a main focal point for what is occurring. N.A.S.A. has been the biggest culprit at hiding the facts, and issuing false information. All of this will rapidly change in the coming months.


The truth is going to be the top of our list of changes, so that in future you will know that you can trust the information that you are given. For too long you have been forced to live the lie about you own place in the world. You have been totally misled about your rights, that have been slowly taken from you to remove your independence. Your enslavement was been very carefully planned, and you were nearly under the total control of the Illuminati. However, the Light forces were not idle and with support from Beings in the higher realms, have stopped their progress and are about to release you from their hold for once and all. To be free is to experience a wonderful feeling of happiness and joy, and not to have to keep looking over your shoulder. The threats to your liberty will be totally removed, so that you can live your lives in peace.


You have come a long way to reach this stage in your evolution, and to be present in the closing days of duality is indeed a special privilege. Can you really understand what an extra special time it is, to finally close your cycle of many, many lives responding to the challenges that the lower vibrations have placed before you. If you all did but know what you have gone through already, you would feel uncontrollable joy that the journey was over. It will be a time for celebration and we shall ensure that it is one to remember for a long, long time. Your joy will grow the more you learn as to what waits for you. We continue to monitor what is happening between the different countries, that are constantly provoking each other to near warlike responses. That Dear Ones is what has been wrong for as long as your history has been recorded. It is nearly always because of greed, and it has been prompted by the dark Ones who took control of different countries to rob them of their resources. Wars have created a constant condition of fear, and you were never intended to permanently live that way. At last we can tell you that the basis for world wide peace has been established, and quickly shall the weapons of war be withdrawn and immobilized. However, that will come when we join you and use our technology to ensure that once an agreement has been reached, that all countries obey it.


The Galactic Federation are a mighty force for good within the Universe. There are other organizations of a very similar nature, but ours is of an immense size to which more civilizations are being added. Outside of your Universe there are other forms of life, that travel through the wormholes to enter other Universes, mainly for expeditionary reasons. They are checked out by us and only allowed to stay as long as they present no threat to other life. Many times advanced civilizations from within your own Universe, have set out to conquer other planets, but you have been protected by us as the Earth has been quarantined and out of bounds to them. Otherwise you would not have had any means of preventing a takeover, and being enslaved. Life in the lower vibrations has been quite an experience fraught with all kind of dangers, which is why you learnt very quickly how to survive.


In the future other civilizations will call upon you to help them with their own experiences. What you know from first hand experience is invaluable, and you will be sought after for that reason. That is how all progress by sharing and helping each other, as all are on the same journey back to the Source from whence all life originated. So from experiencing the depths of separation you are going to move into Oneness with all other ascended life forms. It is for example going from individualism where the emphasis was on Self, to Oneness where all serve each other. When the Masters return you shall learn a lot more about the higher dimensions, and how you will need to adapt to the requirements necessary to live within them.


Mother Earth continues to take her own actions to cleanse the planet, and we are active on her behalf. It is fortunate that you have raised the vibrations, so that the levels of negativity have been substantially reduced. It has meant that the dark energies have been cleansed from many areas, making Mother Earth's work less liable to cause any major problems to the population. Also, we have the means to accurately predict when events may endanger you, and can act accordingly. You will not be left to cope with such happenings by yourselves.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and send my love to all of you, to help your upliftment and progress towards Ascension.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website:Tree of the Golden Light


¡iMatthew Ward¡j 2012¦~4¤ë1¤é«H®§
Matthew Ward ¡X April 1, 2012
°¨­×¡P¨U¼w - 2012¦~4¤ë1¤é«H®§

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The effects of the ever-growing light in your world extend way beyond the publicized shake-ups and shake-outs of corrupt ones in national governments and major corporations¡Xthis is happening in communities too, from villages to major cities around the globe. The effects go beyond the hands-on help and donations to people in dire need at international and local levels, and the increasing numbers of voices for peace, preserving animal life and the environment along with scores of other positive measures. Every time a petition is signed for a benevolent cause or to correct an injustice, the energy of the signer¡¦s intention mingles with the energy of thousands, perhaps millions of others who also signed in support of that cause, and it is the same with every single loving thought, every feeling of gratitude, compassion, and desire for a better world.


If you could see this brilliance from our vantage point, you would be astounded. But you cannot see the abundance of light from those myriad sources on the planet or beaming to Earth from far distant worlds. Instead, you see that many still are suffering and saber rattling by war mongers, random acts of violence, crushing economic woes. We see this too, and in our unconditional love for all souls, the continuance of those situations even at this late hour is undeniably sad for us. However, we do understand this in its higher context: During these waning days of duality, individuals are rushing to complete third density karmic experiences and attain the balance necessary for soul evolvement.


This balance does NOT include military action against Iran or a new field of combat in any other country. It doesn¡¦t include damage to the planet so devastating that ETs will evacuate everyone and when you are returned, you will have to live in Inner Earth because the planet¡¦s surface will be uninhabitable. ETs will not undertake lifesaving relocations of people from some places on the planet to others prior to massive destruction because such destruction will not occur. Nor will some within our universal family who are posing as benevolent betray your trust and enslave you. There will be no filled detention camps or application of ominous new or proposed laws, and none of the other fearful-sounding possibilities or claims will come to pass either. Those kinds of old or new reports keep popping up and circulated by individuals who feel they are being responsible by alerting others.


Yes, we have given similar assurances in previous messages, so why are we doing it again? Because even in the most dedicated lightworkers, fear streamers arise whenever it is perceived that the physical safety of persons dear to you may be in jeopardy. That perception and the abhorrent situations still plaguing your world arouse feelings of discouragement and anxiety instead of the joyfulness we wish you could consistently feel about the onset of Earth¡¦s Golden Age within only months.


Beloved souls, not for a moment is this faulting you for natural concerns about ones dear to you¡Xquite the opposite! We and other light beings throughout this universe hold you in highest honor. With inner strength you didn¡¦t know you had until it came forth, you have dealt with grief and bounced back from despair; you have overcome hardships with ingenuity and perseverance, and by sharing your resources, you help those who are less fortunate. After disappointments and setbacks, you haven¡¦t wavered in your determination to carry on; and even though the dark ones¡¦ tenacity has delayed implementing extensive reforms worldwide, your conviction stands firm that promised results are being manifested. In short, you have been demonstrating the finest attributes of humankind along with embracing the reality that you are so much more than ¡§this person¡¨ you know. We could describe this, albeit facetiously, as performing a most astonishing feat¡Xyou¡¦re keeping one foot on the ground while letting the other foot soar far, far beyond this world.


Now then, after a flurry of activity¡Xthe forcible removal of numerous individuals from top level positions in major world banks and the closure of some of the Illuminati¡¦s underground bases¡Xit may seem that progress has come to a standstill. Oh no, dear family, it has not. Follow-up steps to the bankers¡¦ arrest are grinding through your legal systems so this matter is handled legally and ethically; other arrests are imminent; technology aboard spacecrafts is rendering nuclear warheads dysfunctional; and remnants in the Illuminati ranks are running away or running scared.


Let us speak about some incidents during the past few weeks that are receiving significant international attention. While these are seen as tragedies, which indeed they are to the affected families, all the occurrences we shall mention happened for a higher purpose.


The shooting in France of seven Jews, including children, by a young non-Jewish Frenchman has touched hearts around the world, and it is a poignant example of how religious prejudice has caused agony and death to countless souls throughout your history.


In the United States, a black teenager was fatally shot by an older man of a different race. It is not for us to say if racial prejudice was the motivating factor in either the shooter or the police who didn¡¦t arrest him, but the boy¡¦s death has brought the world¡¦s attention to the pervasive harm inherent in ¡§racial profiling.¡¨


That incident also is highlighting the ¡§stand your ground¡¨ law, which could substantiate that the killing was legal so the shooter cannot be held accountable. This controversy is coming in tandem with airing the plight of individuals released from prison after proof of their innocence came to light, yet laws are preventing just compensation to them for their years of unjust incarceration. Both of these legal situations are increasing the awareness that unfair and cruel laws anywhere in your world must be struck down.


The shooting rampage by a US soldier resulted in the death of 17 Afghani civilians, and again, children were among them. What underlies the sergeant¡¦s action is by no means an isolated reaction to the psychological effects of war¡Xthe stress of causing death and seeing comrades and strangers dying runs deep. Killing when preservation of self or the life of loved ones is not at stake is not the make-up of humankind. It is the opposite¡Xthe composition of every soul is love-light.


Killing has to be thoroughly taught, and it has been. Some countries¡¦ citizenry have been conditioned by their leaders to regard war as patriotic, the defense of democracy and freedom, and this orientation has been relentlessly reinforced not only by the media and entertainment venues, but even children¡¦s games. Some segments of the populace are taught from childhood that it is their responsibility to avenge the genocidal massacres of their ancestors, and in some countries, children are forced into soldiering.


Troops have to bypass soul make-up and suppress survival instinct to achieve the mindset that lets them willingly surge onto battlefields where they may die themselves while ending the lives of others. However, the psyche cannot reconcile mental pummeling in preparation for combat with the innate being, and as the troops follow orders to kill ¡§the enemy,¡¨ their psyches incur profound damage. A situation as dramatic as the one we cited forces international attention on the immediate and residual effects of warring, effects that have permeated your entire society.


Everyone who was directly affected by all of those happenings we mentioned agreed to participate as they did. This doesn¡¦t mean that prior to birth they all knew exactly what they would encounter and when, but each had chosen to be a ¡§perpetrator¡¨ or a ¡§victim¡¨ or one within a sorrowing family to fulfill third density karma. Soul contracts provide for flexibility in circumstances and timing when the same results will be accomplished, and in all those cases, the participants wanted to exemplify to your world the horrors of war or the tragic effects of racial, ethnic or religious prejudice, or the cruelty of unfair laws. Many, many others chose the same kinds of roles in generations long before these recent incidents, but the succession of dark ones in power kept the peoples living and dying in situations born of intimidation and ignorance born of deception.

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Only when the collective consciousness reflects the intense desire and determination of a civilization to live in unity and harmony instead of divisiveness and killing can this come about. After darkness entered this universe and the collective consciousness of some civilizations spiraled downward, only through one self-destructive era after another has a third density world been able to shake loose from its dark mooring and embark upon the pathway to peaceful, cooperative living. You all came to help pave that pathway on Earth and usher in a new, different era, the Golden Age.


Now we shall speak of a greatly different kind of significant matter, the comments between US president Obama and Russian president Medvedev that became public knowledge because a microphone was left open. There is no such thing as an accident or a coincidence! The universe operates in perpetual synchronous motion that keeps opening doors of opportunity, and that was one. While political analysts and members of the Republican party are having a field day with this ¡§opened door¡¨ in a negative sense, that brief conversation is a glimpse of behind-the-scenes talks by two of the several world leaders who want to steer their respective nations toward international cooperation and nuclear disarmament. When the great majority in a civilization wants peace instead of war and deadly arsenals, the collective consciousness brings the desire to fruition.


On another international front, some of your leaders and members of high universal councils still are discussing how to announce to your world the presence of other civilizations. We know the delay is frustrating to you, and it is as well to our family members on and off-planet who have been waiting for years to work alongside you openly. But they know that every aspect must be carefully planned so they will be warmly greeted rather than feared. Although the Illuminati¡¦s capability to threaten your safety and that of your space brotherhood has been greatly weakened, public reaction to strangers showing up with astounding technologies remains a sensitive consideration. It is essential that they not be perceived as taking matters into their own hands so the masses will welcome their assistance rather than panic about invaders from outer space, the way aliens are portrayed ad nauseam in films and games. Please remember, you have knowledge and discernment that most others in your world do not.


Even so, we need to address some ideas about what will happen at the end of this year. In previous messages we have said that there will be no pronounced differences between December¡¦s last days and the first days of January 2013; however, some believe that the onset of the Golden Age heralds a sudden shift in mass consciousness and others believe the planet will shift on its axis at that time.


A shift in consciousness has been a gradual process that began seventy-some years ago, when Earth started her ascension course¡Xclarity has come much sooner to some than to others, and many still are slumbering in unawareness. As for the planet, it has been shifting gradually throughout the ascension process to right itself and regain natural orbiting position. During the millennia of being mired in deep third density, Earth had become weakened to the extent that her orbiting pattern was so severely destabilized that without the monumental influx of light from distant sources, the planet would have flown out into space and certain destruction.


Along this line, we shall correct another misconception, that you will spend three days in darkness before the Golden Age begins. That is part of one theory about the photon belt, that Earth would spend three days in darkness, the ¡§null zone¡¨ at the belt¡¦s edge. That theory goes on to include Earth¡¦s entering the belt itself and orbiting within it thereafter, and according to another theory, the planet will exit the belt at some later time. Only celestial debris enters the belt after it is rendered lifeless by close proximity to the behemoth belt¡¦s overwhelming force that also prevents the exiting of anything it pulled in. That fate is not Gaia¡¦s plan for her planetary body!


Please don¡¦t expect to see all the marvels of the Golden Age at year¡¦s end. We are not saying that eliminating all pollution and turning deserts into paradises, for instance, could not happen in fleeting seconds. Those could indeed be managed in the blink of an eye IF that belief were in your collective consciousness, but it isn¡¦t, and that is why we have said that changes such as those will come incrementally, yet with a swiftness that will amaze you. However, during your journey with Earth through fourth density to her destination in fifth, your consciousness will continue expanding; you will develop your innate ability to co-create and innovate whatever you strongly desire and can visualize.


So, what is reasonable to expect at the end of this year when Earth leaves behind the last tendrils of third density energy streamers? Everything devised with dark intent¡Xfrom random violence and corruption to laboratory-designed viruses and satanic worship¡Xwill end. By the laws of physics that govern life in this universe, the low vibrations of darkness cannot enter the high vibratory levels of fourth density. Because individuals who persistently refused the light have carbon-based cells that can¡¦t survive in high vibrations, they will die and their dark activities will cease.


There will be no en masse exodus in December. Some in the dark camp have died, and during the remainder of the year, along with the souls who choose not to stay on the planet for other reasons, the rest of the dark ones will be leaving due to the same kinds of lethal conditions that have caused death all along. Some may live long enough to be prosecuted for their criminal acts, and yes, if a person died and clones carried on, the laws will apply to the last clone because continuing the person¡¦s illegal or ungodly ways was the purpose of cloning.


When those times come, we urge you not to despise the persons, but rather their acts against humanity, and then let go of that negative emotion. Hatred, resentment and desire for revenge teem with low vibrations whereas forgiveness is so light-filled that forgivers take leaps in spiritual growth. All light sent forth to persons who became captives of darkness strengthens these weakest in our universal family, and that enables all souls to move closer toward reintegration with God.


So then, although not all the glories of Earth¡¦s Golden Age will be sitting on its doorstep, the differences between this day and then will be stunning. Your world will be at peace. Only honorable, capable, spiritually aware persons will hold positions in governments, banking, corporations, educational institutions, health care, media, food production¡Xall fields that impact life in your world.


Yes, much will remain to be accomplished. After reforms are initiated, the ¡§mopping up,¡¨ so to say, will begin in earnest, and so will healing of the peoples and the planet. The high vibrations that will be prevailing¡Xthe energy of love-light¡Xwill restore peace of heart and mind to those whose lives have been in brutal circumstances. Technologies developed by your scientists but monopolized and misused by the Illuminati will be brought out in the open and, along with technologies introduced by other civilizations, will restore Earth to her original Eden self. Yes, incrementally, but in a period that will seem miraculously short.


Because long-hidden truths will have been revealed, everyone living in the Golden Age will know their inseparable connection with each other and with Nature, with God and all other life throughout this universe. Knowing that self-serving souls who succumbed to darkness started and perpetuated ethnic, religious, racial, ideological, cultural and gender prejudices, everyone will treat all others in the light of higher consciousness and spiritual clarity.


Beloved souls, stay steadfast and patient as the days pass while preparations are apace behind closed doors. When those doors open, and soon they shall, beneficial changes will come so swiftly that no amount of censorship can hide them from public view.


Light beings throughout the universe are singing your praises as you near the goal line of this unprecedented mission that you eagerly undertook and which, in the continuum, you already have accomplished.




Suzanne Ward
Website: The Matthew Books
Email: suzy@matthewbooks.com


¡i»ÈªeÁp¨¹¡j Blossom Goodchild 2012¦~4¤ë3¤é«H®§
Blossom Goodchild - April 3, 2012
Blossom Goodchild 2012¦~4¤ë3¤é«H®§

Hello there. Me here. I have a question in mind, which I may have asked before. It is to do with all the discrepancies between different channellings and different information that is offered to us. I Know you have said ¡¥to follow your hearts Truth¡¦ but can you explain why it is that there is such vast differences? Each of the people bringing these messages through seem to be of good intention, and coming from their heart so why is this? It causes great alarm for many. Can you enlighten us on this matter if you would be so kind?


What we would choose to offer regarding such discrepancies is that some of which is passed on is misinterpreted through force of will. In other words there maybe those who appear to be willing to bring forth Truth and yet those energies that are relaying a message to an Earthly soul have not the best intentions at heart.


Yes I can understand this. Many have said this about us! It would be insulting to say this to one who feels that those that they channell are of Light and Truth. To me ¡K we can¡¦t all be right ¡K because so much is different. I really feel this situation needs to be cleared up . Many folk put themselves on the line in Trust to ¡¥give out¡¦ information they receive ¡K So, how is one to Know that which to follow and which not?


Again we would say ¡¥which puts you in a place of fear and which puts you in a place of Love?¡¨. That is all there is to know .


So basically you are saying that all that puts you in a place of Love is True and that which makes you fearful is untrue?


That is what we are saying exactly. When you follow the path of Love there is nothing to fear. We do not come to you with messages of ¡¥Beware ¡K you are doomed¡¦. To us there would be little sense in doing so. We come ¡K as we have said before to assist you in recognizing who you are and why you are here . We come to help you find YOU.


YOU ARE LOVE and from Love and only Love ¡K no matter what takes place there is absolutely NOTHING to fear . Those that fear ¡K have not yet found the depth of Love that resides within them.


I get what you are saying on that count ¡K but it still doesn¡¦t change the fact that channelled messages differ. Surely if they are coming from the source of Love they would all say the same?


The fact being that what is to come ¡K will come. You will experience it when it does. The messages coming through are doing so to help prepare you.


Got to interupt sorry ¡K How can we be sure which scenario to prepare for?


In ALL scenarios there is no finer preparation for the soul than LOVE and joy AT THIS TIME NOW. That should be the main message. There is only NOW. So many of you are planning for a future that is not NOW. We come to ask you to LIVE IN THE MOMENT OF NOW.


And yet YOU also tell us of a time when we shall join together again as a family ¡K in the time ahead ¡K which is not NOW. Which can only have us thinking about the future that you speculate. I am not purposefully being awkward ¡K I just feel these matters need sorting from our Earthy perspective.


We understand of your plight . We expect there to be questions for we cannot be in control of all that is sent through from others to others.


Yet why the differences in the story of what lies ahead?. Is it like the movie ¡¥sliding doors¡¦ ¡K where a split second can change how things pan out ¡K perhaps in a parallel life? Struth Blossom!!! Why don¡¦t you make it more complicated ¡K !


No ¡K this is not the case.


Then what is?? If you are following a Divine Plan ¡K then what is the TRUTH about what is in store for us within this year?


We have given you the TRUTH as we see it. We cannot be responsible for how others see it and choose to behave because of it.


Dearest Lady ¡K We appreciate the fact that your task is not an easy one. We appreciate also that we are not of Earth and therefore do not always see things from an ¡¥earthlings¡¦ perspective. We understand that you are speaking for many and needing questions answered. We understand that many of you are confused. We accept that for all those living in a place of fear within themselves ¡K they are unable to ¡¥let go¡¦ of EVERYTHING!


Have you thought that although what you see and hear maybe of conflicting views ¡K that it allows you also to THINK FOR YOURSELVES? If you were to blindly follow all that was said ¡K would you run of the edge of a cliff if you were asked? If you were told that in future days a Light Vessel would come and hover over the edge of a cliff and ask you to leap off that cliff and you would be caught in its beam and lifted up ¡K Would you just do it without asking your heart if this was a sensible thing to do? We ask for your answer Blossom.


Nope. I wouldn¡¦t ¡K not without a parachute anyway!! But then ¡K what about TRUSTING?


TRUSTING IN WHOM? Unless you TRUST yourselves ¡K Your inner knowing ¡K how could you expect to Trust an outside source? What would be the point of Trusting US if you didn¡¦t first of all TRUST yourself? This to US would seem of a ridiculous procedure ¡K having everything back to front.


You are asking US for answers to questions that need to be answered by TRUSTING YOURSELF!


What if we can¡¦t find the answer or simply ¡K don¡¦t know?


Then you do not Trust yourself ¡K so why would you TRUST anything you hear or read that comes from another?


SO ¡K from your perspective ¡K how would you suggest we further TRUST ourselves?


By following your heart. It is interesting to us that this seems a little difficult for you. When you FEEL joyous and full of LOVE and you are happy with the way your day is going ¡K would you not agree that you TRUST yourself in your decisions ¡K because look how you are FEELING? This is how you learn to TRUST yourself.


What if one is feeling ¡¥off track¡¦ ¡K that can¡¦t be that we don¡¦t TRUST ourselves?


Why not?


Because we haven¡¦t necessarily misplaced TRUST , we just maybe having a bad day .


Yet all that is required there is to change attitude ¡K no matter what is transpiring. If you TRUST in the fact that no matter what ¡K an outcome is for your Highest good then you put the TRUST in yourself that ¡¥to TRUST yourself and your FEELINGS is the requirement of the day. All days.


If you feel uncomfortable about that which another is saying ¡K then why would you TRUST it? HOW can you TRUST it? You are being told by YOU not to trust it ... because of how it makes you feel! FEELINGS! FEELINGS ! FEELINGS!


Ok ¡K Lets go further. I recently watched a documentary about chemtrails. I have known for quite a while about this . This documentary is of TRUTH for me . I TRUST it ¡K yet it did not make me FEEL good. Do you see what I am trying to say?


Yes we accept this premise. Yet ¡K was there not a large part of you that was filled with courage that the TRUTH is now being told? Did you not feel stronger in a united front that the souls who have followed their Truth ¡K to make this TRUTH available to many ¡K have done what they did? You have known for a long time about such matters ¡K now you are happy that something is being done. Did it scare you? NO. Because your heart tells you that such an atrocity shall not prevail. It cannot prevail. You Trust your instinct on this. BECAUSE IT IS TRUTH.


Yep. Good answer.


We ask you to KNOW YOURSELVES. That is all you need do. If any one of you were to stop reading and gathering information from those of us that are not residing upon your planet at this time ¡K. Do you think this would make a difference to how you may react when those of us from ¡¥elsewhere¡¦ communicate in an undeniable fashion for all to witness?


What if your communication systems were to fail today and not be revived? Would you survive? Of course you would! What if in three months time we were to remain in your skies for all to see? Would you run inside and hide? Of course not! You would TRUST that which your heart and FEELINGS are speaking to you of at that given moment of time. You would Trust in that feeling for there would be no networking from others to tell you ... or suggest to you how to feel in that moment.




This is what you must come to realize ¡K THIS IS ALL ABOUT YOU.


It is not about US and who we are and what we stand for .


It is about YOU and WHO YOU ARE ¡K and WHAT YOU STAND FOR.


STAND UP AND BE COUNTED! Let yourselves see who you are. Look around you NOW and notice the changes that are taking place.


You are the strong ones. You are breaking FREE! ALL BY YOURSELVES.


You are waking up to the fact that YOU ¡K. AND ONLY YOU can do this.




You are marching forth and you are a force of LOVE that cannot be defeated!!


You understand this NOW! You ¡¥GET THIS¡¦ NOW.


You came here to do this ¡K to change your planet into its former glory.


YOU! YOU! YOU! And you are doing it ¡K Look around ¡K You are doing it .


We will happily assist in ways that will benefit greatly by means of advanced technology ¡K yet as is happening ¡K it is YOU that is allowing the position to be opened in order for us to do so.




OUR Trust is within ourselves to Trust in you to do so!


We shall. We are! Thanking you as always. From all of us down here ¡K to all of you space bunnies up there ¡K Happy Easter.


This is the documentary about chemtrails that I mention in the channelling. ( 97mins )

³o¬O§Ú¦b«H®§¤¤´£¨ìªºÃö©ó¤Æ¾Ç¨î¾¯¦Ã¬VªºµøÀW documentary about chemtrails ¡]97¤ÀÁé¡^



¡i»ÈªeÁp¨¹¡j Sheldan Nidle 2012¦~4¤ë3¤é«H®§
Sheldan Nidle - Apr 3, 2012
Sheldan Nidle - 2012¦~4¤ë3¤é«H®§

Dratzo! We return! Your world continues her shift to a new reality. The planet has moved nearly 2.0 degrees toward the ecliptic as a result of the increasing energies passing through your Sun from the galactic core. These energies are putting mounting pressure on the planetary grids, which also continue to shift. The same galactic core energies are creating conditions on the other water-worlds, which are moving them closer to the solar system's sacred shift point. This is when your solar system aligns with the rest of your galaxy, allowing the galaxy to significantly alter its basic spiral shape, and permitting our galaxy's reality grids to come into rhythmic alignment with the 350,000 or so galaxies that form this sector of physicality. We have been instructed by Heaven to increase our level of participation with the galactic Elohim in seeing that these adjustments proceed as decreed by the Creator and by the sacred Seraphim of AEON. This project coincides with the divine intervention now happening on your world.


This divine intervention is approaching a magical point! Currently, we are watching the final steps wherein your world's reality is transformed from dark to Light. Heaven's representatives, working in concert with a number of secret sacred societies and many of your Ascended Masters, are ready to roll out a great abundance. This universal prosperity kick-starts great changes in the way your global financial and political systems operate. It is truly to be a year marked by unprecedented and unique change! The most important aspect for us is, of course, a full disclosure by various major governments of our benevolent presence and of our mission here. We are very ready to proceed with the many activities on our agenda, which conclude with those that return you to your natural state of full consciousness. As we speak, certain prerequisite actions are being carried out by designated contingents of the world's military and associated police groups. They are implementing the final stages of a mass global arrest process which will change your world forever. These arrests herald new governance and new prosperity for all!


This first extraordinary flurry of changes will lead to a series of ever more exciting events. We are working closely with the Agarthans to set up for you an optimum route to galactic society, beginning with many secret technologies which will be introduced to you by your new governments. These same governments will also deliver you from debt and disburse your new abundance. Then it will be time to face, globally, the very real fact of climate change, and this will necessitate totally changing your approach to your precious living planet. The continuing, massive destruction of your home world has to be stopped. New technologies will be made available immediately to sustain your planet and begin the restitution of millennia-long depredations. Our role as mentor includes adding our technologies to yours, and counseling you on ways to address your most pressing global needs. All this you have heard many times before; now the time has come to actually discuss how to carry it all out.


The Agarthans are very well acquainted with you; in fact, they have secretly lived among you for nearly 13 millennia, and therefore their wisdom is most important to us. The Ascended Masters have the sacred task of redressing the many falsehoods and innuendos woven into your religious philosophies by the dark. The truth needs to be voiced frankly yet in such a way that you can perceive the subtlety used by the Anunnaki to distort your religious works. The Masters can set the record straight, providing a basis for a complete recasting of your ancient histories and your myths about humanity's origins. Also of prime importance is a massive readjustment in how you relate to the magnificent Being you reside upon. Your fall into limited consciousness veiled many things from you, and the road back to full consciousness can transform these mysteries into concepts that will quickly become part of your everyday knowledge of this world and of physicality itself. All of this begins with disclosure.


Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! This week we have been assisting our many associates to prepare several special projects for immediate activation. We have complied in every way with the sacred decrees of Heaven, and it is now accepted that your reality is fully prepared to shift. This shift will begin with a series of arrests and 'resignations' of major figures who serve the dark in government, finance, and international banking. This action leads straight away to two others: the deliveries of your prosperity funds by designated personnel, simultaneous with the transfer of political power in several major world governments to new caretaker governments. These two actions lead to a third: the series of official announcements explaining the new banking and financial system, full debt forgiveness, and the restoration of your sovereign rights.


These activities will signal that disclosure is next and is imminent. Regarding this latter issue, another major consideration is to be taken into account: our dear blessed world requires an urgent end to war as threats now exist that are jeopardizing her health. We have asked our Agarthan and galactic families to join us in restoring Gaia to health, but this activity necessitates a large amount of direct, open intervention on our part. Happily, this visible activity is to be authorized by the new caretaker governments, and so the need for the disclosure announcement has been brought forward on the agenda, from an issue to be handled in the second week of the interim governments taking office to one that is fully addressed along with our first announcements. The skullduggery of the dark can and will no longer be allowed. A new epoch for humanity has arrived!


The gist of this message is to assure you that a great deal of work has been accomplished by our associates to replace the dark governance and to distribute an immense global prosperity program. These are only some of the activities that have been planned in order to move you to full consciousness. The coming preliminaries will irrevocably change your world and provide a point of entrance for the Galactic Federation's first-contact mission. We and our Agarthan sisters and brothers also intend to introduce ourselves to you at that time. While what is to happen can be shocking to you, it is in reality a beginning that will lead you to the blessed joys of full consciousness. Here, you will assist all of Heaven and us in unfolding the divine plan of physicality. These are indeed exiting times that you are witnessing and living through!


Today, we continued our discussion of what is happening on your world. A new golden age for humanity has dawned. The announcements of disclosure by your new governments will permit us to do a number of things that are vital for setting the stage for our mass landings. We await with joy the chance to formally meet with each one of you. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)




¡i»ÈªeÁp¨¹¡j SaLuSa 2012¦~4¤ë4¤é«H®§
SaLuSa - April 4, 2012
SaLuSa - 2012¦~4¤ë4¤é«H®§

You wanted action, you wanted results, and you now have them if you follow certain people who have acquired a reputation for successfully discovering the truth. An enormous set up of hundreds of different personnel, are poised ready to apprehend the criminals who have been behind the most cynical and profitable crimes against you in recent times. The size of this project will ensure that it makes the media sit up and take notice, as it will be impossible to ignore it. That will be the start of more open reporting which shall be truthfully stated, and not dressed up purely for shock effects. At last the breakthrough will have been made, as it has long been overdue. It is important to keep calm and not allow the revelations to create a false impression of what is involved. Time will prove that those involved in bringing the culprits to justice, have acted on behalf of the people and that no ulterior motive is at the root of it.


The cleansing covers many different areas of life, and making way for the interim government is an essential number one requirement if the changes are to flow smoothly. Be assured we have a total understanding of the way you think and work, and it means that we can anticipate how things are going to proceed. Our allies are well rehearsed in their different responsibilities, and we do anticipate that these opening events will be successful. The most difficult challenge is the first one we are meeting, and it will be a real eye opener for everyone. Whatever you know now, will be far from the whole truth of what has been going on. There is hardly any part of your society or business that has not been tainted by the dealings of the dark Ones. Sometimes even honest people have been unwittingly caught up in their activities, but they shall not be a target for us.


Dear Ones, the battle royal has begun but since we are in the ascendancy, we have every reason to anticipate a great victory. You too may take your share of the plaudits as without you and your determination to bring the necessary changes in, we would not be where we are today. The number of Lightworkers is at a new high and paving the way towards Ascension. Levels of consciousness continue to rise, and that is also another sign of how well you have taken to the task of preparing for Ascension. In the little time that remains before the end of the year closes in on you, you will find it to be action filled and much given in the way of guidance.


Already the different countries and their governments have been made to understand that aggression must stop, and that we are authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure there is peace. Hitherto, our intervention on your behalf was curtailed for karmic reasons, but now by Divine decree we are able to enforce the plan for your spiritual evolution. You will find that suddenly progress has leapt forward, and that has taken the dark Ones by surprise who never allowed for such a turn around. We are pressing ahead and know that it is now the turn of the Light to take charge, and commence to set up a society that can express its freedom to create a new peaceful way forward. Naturally, not all laws need to be reviewed but many are illegal or have been framed in false circumstances. Events such a 9/11 resulted in many unfair and unjust changes, directed at alleged terrorists that were not the ones responsible. Similar incidents have also taken place, and each time used to tighten the controls over you.


From this time onwards, you will become more aware of what is happening and kept informed through various sources of information, until we can provide you with a regular and reliable one. We intend to open our own channel, and thus be sure that you are provided with all that is needed to have a wonderful remainder to your year. Do not worry about any small confrontations as they will not escalate to anything more dangerous. So after looking for some signs that things were moving forward, there is an abundance of evidence to show it is. There are still some sources that are set up to give out disinformation, so use your discretion and intuition to determine which of them are reliable.


You will ask "what should we do whilst the changes are taking place", and we suggest as far as possible live your lives as before. However be aware that if as expected there will be a short spell very soon where your lives are disrupted, cover yourself by ensuring you have food and other necessities for just a few days. Whatever happens we along with our allies will make certain that operations are efficiently completed, with as little inconvenience to you as possible. As you would expect, we have everything in hand and that includes your safety. The dark Ones will fight until the last and even now plan atrocities, but since we are aware of them we shall prevent them from happening.


You are entering the final phases of Ascension, and it should not be forgotten that the changes are part of the preparations that have been going on for a very long time. As always it is important that until we can open up a free media, that you do not fall for false reports that will be expected to create fear. Some chaos is inevitable, but at the same time will not be lasting. Know that military activity will not be directed at the people, but in support of them. Our operations are being carried out to propel you as fast as possible towards Ascension. As we often tell you, we of the Galactic Federation are of the Light, and carrying out the orders of the Higher Beings that carve out your destiny.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that matters can now be placed into public view. Information can now be released knowing that it will reach you, and in future there will be a direct line to you. We have nothing to hide but for obvious reasons do not reveal our hand to the dark Ones. Whatever information they are able to pick up, they will be unable to hack our systems as they are technically beyond them. It is in fact quite the opposite, as we have access to their communications and nothing is kept secret or beyond our reach. We are normally a step ahead of them, which is why we are confident of the outcome of our activities. Victory is ours, and we share the joy with you.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website:Tree of the Golden Light


¡i°ò·þ³Á§J¡j °ò·þ³Á§J»¡¡G±c¹õ¦b¤É°_¡I
Christ Michael Says Curtain Up!
By Jess Anthony
Apr 3, 2012 - 1:53:58 PM


I'm going to leave the table open to whoever wants to speak. I feel the need to convey something, but I don't have specific issues or questions. I just sense there is something to talk about.


Jess, this is Christ Michael, as you call me. I have some things that it will be good for you to say beyond what you normally comment on. We are entering a time for you on Earth of impending change and drastic upheavals. The events you have anticipated are here. The defense Earth has provided has been transformed into a new game plan with her own restoration and revitalization the paramount issues. Change is occurring. You see some traces physically, but more choices are being made on man's mental and spiritual levels.


Let me point out, first of all, that all of creation in this universe is my idea, and that I am experiencing my manifestation on Earth in the conflict that still is being pursued. I am, in a sense, at war with myself. I want a resolution, and am taking steps to end this dispute. I am by nature balanced and unified. My willingness to explore duality and free will has resulted in a long history of imbalance and division. The lessons in this state of being have been taught over and over, and no more possibilities exist in terms of alternate interpretations or resolutions.


I have experienced a wealth of new pursuits that have allowed me to learn options that have never been envisioned before. I understand much more about how this level of existence operates and have seen firsthand the problems that develop. I am involved in all, and I have a full awareness of everything that man has tried and experienced. I am in man as he makes his decisions, and unfortunately, am disregarded too much of the time. My voice is ignored. It often is not even listened for. Man lives his life-- and that is what I wished-but not at the level of disconnection he has grown to assume is normal.


The decision has been made to transform this level of confusion and struggle into one of focus and cooperation. This edict has come from the Creator Source, as you call him. The time for this experiment is over. I have been allowed to examine the paradigms in my Universe until I have taken in all there is to know that is unique and creative. The Earth is part of a much larger cosmological mechanism that is moving to a new formation and purpose. The miraculous thing is man has been given the opportunity to witness much of this reformation. This participation is new and unexamined within the universal dimension where you find yourself at present, and man has been blessed with the opportunity to be part of this.


We have spoken of responsibilities. Man has come to Earth to learn and experience. Your choice was to participate in a difficult existence that involved searching for your purpose without much clue where it was or even what it was. Man has been manipulated and misled because of his ignorance and naiveté. Others have taken control and used most of the inhabitants as objects to provide the things the controllers' personal wishes desired. Man has been blind to his situation and only a glimmer of my essence was causing a sense of judgment and discernment. Not enough to cause an awakening.


We provided tools and guides to trigger some sense of dissatisfaction with current circumstances. Examples and demonstrations showed alternatives; guides and teachers indicated more productive methods to use for achieving more satisfying outcomes.


Man's responsibility on Earth was to take what was available and use it to find the truth of his existence. He was charged with examining his life and finding a way to return it to its spiritual origins. Some did this; most did not.


I have now called an end to this experiment in this laboratory. Man has chosen his position at his basic level. He may still not be conscious of his choice, but he is being presented with an increasingly visible spectacle of treachery and gratification that he has cooperated with previously. His enlightenment is soon to be complete. Those who have intuited a problem will find it easier to realize the alternative direction they should head. Some others, who have ignored their misgivings, will find their future is a continuation of this attempt to have them realize the errors of their blindness.


Earth's choice has been to wake up and ask for renewal and spiritual ascendancy. Much upheaval will have to happen to Earth's current configuration to allow her changes to being in earnest. This will cause chaos and geographic instability. The continental plates must move and realign themselves. The atmosphere surrounding Earth must be transformed. These changes must take place before Earth can move into a higher frequency of balance and freedom.


Let's talk about your role in this. We have spoken of this service on many occasions. You came to Earth to help adjust the imbalance that had developed with those from off world influencing the conceptions of those who had chosen to experience life on Earth during the time you call the Atlantis epoch. Man was developing a sense of reasoning and an ability to evaluate the circumstances he was experiencing. This was necessary for him to learn as he became further detached from a direct link with spiritual truth. His existence was becoming familiar and automatic; comfort and blind acceptance were taking away a need to hone his ability to discern. This is much the same situation as now, unfortunately.


You came to show them a way to use their circumstances to reconnect with their forgotten inner understanding. Situations became tools for examining their own personal preconceptions and reactions. You created a system which used the best of their creations as templates for excellence. The products that have become known as art provided the most perfect creations. Their structure and the messages they communicated guided man to a higher level of spiritual insight. Art became the best guide to inner awareness and clarity.


Certain men were inspired to express this inner awareness in works that, in turn, influenced others. Artists realized ways they could use external media to exemplify their own personal insight. Each was different and unique because they saw how to use their individual insights to manifest creations to express their individual realizations. Each person's personal agenda was distinctive, just as were the creations that exemplified their unique perspectives.


Each creation found the energetic vibrational pattern it needed to manifest. Let me explain that process more clearly. Man may perceive that he is a solid physical object, but this is a misconception. All creation is energy and light that moves at an infinite number of speeds from one point to another. A thought is a focus of particular energy streams that move in a specified direction. When this wave or burst of energy interacts with another energy focus, it synchronizes with the other and is understood through the nature of the interaction. The objectified thought acquires a resulting shape only to the extent the originator and the receiver can assimilate the interaction. The effect of this reaction with intersected energy is understood by the thought originator only to the extent the observation can be measured by previous experiences. The originator of the thought can only look on, as it were, and categorize it from his personal perspective. The nature of the assimilation can be measured by the receiver only through its similarity to his range of previous experiences. Because of the uniqueness of individual memories and experiences, the originator and the receiver will each perceive the created thought differently. The truest communication has the fewest differences in understanding.


Man is a focus of energy that moves at different speeds. The different frequencies are attracted to other energies that move at similar speeds. I have told you that my physical body at the present is more correctly understood as a shell surrounded by my true essence. I enter the shell and cause it to function in human ways. Your physical body on Earth functions in a similar way. Your true self is a focus of energy that vibrates at different speeds. The surrounding energy that defines your personal identity is fastest moving and interactive. It connects you with your universe by forming an identity that is discrete but linked. The layer interacts with other energies. The information it collects is then assimilated into your energy focus. The information coming in arrives vibrating at different speeds, depending on the source of the original energy. Your energy field then synchronizes with the data to take it in. Different types of information cause reactions with different layers of your energy field-some slower than others. These levels of layers communicate with different segments of what makes up your awareness and understanding.


You have been told there are seven layers of your aura. In a general way this is a good description of the sorts of interactions that are happening to you and defining who you are. Each layer is a slower vibrational level with its own range of vibrational input. The physical body you perceive as a solid is still moving energy, but at a speed that man's perceptions identify as physicality. This physical state is your own shell that gives a form to your energy body in this dimension and at this density. It was designed to function in this way. Your actual energy self is linked to this shell and provides the information that the body uses to function here. The layer of energy surrounding your physical shell contains information about the makeup of the body you have chosen, including the nature of your organs and other physical systems. This energy level is most directly in contact with your body shell and conveys the information it receives to the brain to be passed on to the internal mechanism.


The layer surrounding that synchronizes with the energy that shapes feelings and emotions. Emotional conflicts register most keenly at this level. These wavelengths mostly closely match those of music and sound. The layer above that connects with individual thinking and discernment, and is separate from emotional reactions. This level connects with the frequencies involved with perceiving color and light. The faster vibrating energy above the mental layer links with the spiritual purpose of the individual and his cosmic memories. The layer above that links the person with his personal identity and spiritual uniqueness. The highest level is multi-dimensional and connects with the soul's purpose.


All these energy levels make up an individual and develop at different ages of maturity; however, many have their spiritual growth blunted and never rise any higher than the lowest levels of emotional reactions or mental analysis. These humans never realize their spiritual nature or their connection with the universe they are part of.


The task you took on in coming here was to find a way man could raise himself to the highest levels of his spiritual identity. You guided the development of art as a metaphor for spiritual awareness knowing that man would synchronize with these vibrational patterns and assimilate the spiritual truth it represented. Works of art became patterns for growth and rethinking, representing the closest approximations of spiritual truth. Visual art and music and the descriptive corollaries with words and languages established patterns for balanced interaction and harmonious existence. As tarnished as these examples may have become, they still provide man's most reliable guide to his personal spiritual nature. Man relies on art to refresh his civilization and stimulate its growth.


In a true sense, man has become his art-for better or worse. It reflects his preoccupations and answers back to his attempts to ignore the spiritual truth at its core. Each person has a vibrational pattern that is distinct, and all information that he comes in contact with is assimilated with varying degrees of success. If the vibrational frequency is too dissimilar to his, it won't register or cause his personal vibrations to synchronize to a different frequency. This is why certain music styles or certain colors are not as appealing. Their outside vibrational frequency won't easily match up with a person's distinctive human vibrational pattern. On the other hand, if a person is out of balance and missing some aspect of his vibrational identity, then introducing these frequencies in music or color can cause the listener or observer to assimilate this balancing component.


Once these balancing vibrations are assimilated, the receiver incorporates this new artistic energy pattern into the ideas that it creates and sends out. The spiritual truth of art has reshaped the person's spiritual perspective and influenced the way he interacts with his environment. His creations now begin to exemplify the art that has reshaped him, and he has a new awareness of the way he should be in harmony with his fellow man.


The role of the light workers, as you call yourself, will be to preserve these spiritual truths and continue to teach others. Some will do this through art and the ideas that have been embodied. Others will embody the creative nature tapped into by artists in the past and use it to generate new ideals and metaphors for spiritual ascension. All will not be battle and chaos. The bulk of what we do-and the best-will be to guide man to finding his own spiritual nature in its truest and fullest sense. The time is now for this to begin. The stage is ready for a new performance, and the players have their roles in hand.


Curtain up!


Christ Michael Aton


http://abundanthope.net/pages/Je ... ys-Curtain-Up.shtml


¡i°ò·þ³Á§J¡j ±c¹õ¤É°_ªº·Ç³Æ¤w´Nºü
Curtain Rising Preparations are Ready
By CM thru Candace
Apr 6, 2012 - 10:57:36 PM


Curtain Rising Preparations are Ready


by Christ Michael/Aton

April 3, 2012

Ok beloveds, time to update you thru Candace. We are going to let things happen as they go and make decisions on those things as needed. GAIA is beginning to respond with some earth changes now, it seems she was nearly asleep and depressed. She is not happy about the war on her surface but she is the one who has to toss them off, so to speak. We now see increasing pressures and activities.


I know some are curious about the March 31 date alluded to in the previous targeted messages. This was a date of our thugs and what they had planned as, lets say, passed away. It was never something of our plans. I will not give details on this that could harm my people and Candace was never allowed awareness of it. I am only mentioning it for those that have memory and curiosity.


Now for you of our dark brothers, we have said your fate is sealed, and the "paperwork" and documentation is now actually long on its way to higher channels within Orvonton. There is nothing anymore that can be done on your part and we go forth.


This war between the Dragons and the Khazars will not turn out well for you of the Khazars. This stand you hope to happen in taking back the United States from the hands of China is not going to work. All things are laid out on this topic and its a waste of your efforts to continue. The Federal Reserve is not in your hands and attempting at martial law in the United States this month is not going to get it back into your hands. You were not successful against china in your Libya endeavor, so how to you figure you can pull this one off?


It would be advised that you withdraw this one called Drake from the internet activity games. It would be advised you also withdraw the games with David Wilcox and the replaced Ben Fulford. For protection I am not placing the other names in that scam.


I will continue to suggest and remind you that you have no contact with the Queen. She is no longer in service as Chairman of the Committee of 300. She is not long been in service at all, and this game of parading the Look alike with the Diamond Jubilee as you are already finding out, is not going so well for you. You have reached the point where the games will fall into greater failure.


As the earth changes continue to bring forth problems for you, I think you will find this attempted re- takeover of the United States fruitless and non affordable to you in the very short run. Since we saved your arises with the GOM, by reversing time, this has produced more pressures elsewhere, and you are seeing this now along the northern Mississippi. The reports of problems and strange noises in California also continue.


The buoy off of Seattle is making huge movement. This is not something to ignore and I would suggest you make whatever preparations you can for the problems that will arise from that. That whole side of the Pacific Rim along the western Americas is coming very live. There have been many small shifts of your axis over the last 1 1/2 years. Some of that shifting caused the sun to rise south of normal at equinox last September and now this has reversed a bit, and your equinox arrived early and north of the previous norm.


We will continue to control and monitor the sun, over which you have no control. Nor will you get away with any sort of global EMP burst to shut down all the electricity. We will not allow this, and you do not even have the ability to do such and it is time to take the story of an EMP burst from the sun, off the internet, because the sun does not do this in the first place, and you cannot do it in the 2nd place.






http://abundanthope.net/pages/Ca ... ons-are-Ready.shtml


¡i¤j¤Ñ¨Ï³Á§J¡j °¶¤jªº®É¥N¦b§A­Ì«e¤è
By AA Michael, thru Johan
Apr 6, 2012 - 8:02:42 AM


I am Arch Angel Michael.


Beloved Masters, On behalf and upon request of Christ Michael, it behooves me to address you, Light Workers, Star Seeds, World Servers, many of whom have not fully awakened yet to their full potential in the Divine Plan of Christ Michael, your Sovereign for his Beloved Final Bestowal Planet.

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At appropriate time, codes and packages will be opened and give some better understanding, insight in the choices and souls agreements some of you made before engaging in your task, especially THIS life time you engaged in.


Now that Christ Michael has come forward with the Cosmic Courtesy of letting you know what is to transpire upon the Surface of your mother Earth, also seeing and knowing what is already manifesting Within, it is my task and full responsibility to coordinate much of what Souls in comparing circumstances need : assistance, Guidance, Inspiration, usually through Higher Selves and other close Spiritual Companions.


All stand ready to step forward, to step up and do as they are Inspired and Instructed to do. Some of you MIGHT be leaving a little before all rolls into Stasis and other Souls will be Guided most accordingly. Many of your Guides eagerly await to cooperate and be the liaison between us and yourselves.


A Great Time lays ahead of you, My Beloved Masters, and after all the dust has settled and all air purified and all restored to your Creators satisfaction, some of you will find the renewed planet, called Gaia by you, a Delight and Most Heavenly, however premature in the New Beginnings.


Glad tidings and Blessings to all of you, I Am Arch Angel Michael.


Love and Light,




Now remember for those that don't know or forgot, AA MICHAEL is the Arch Angel of the Resurrection on this planet. His name is not actually Michael, its a job description, he is the AA serving the process of the resurrection on this planet for Michael of Nebadon. Any planet going thru this process has a representative Arch Angel TO Michael of Nebadon. To those familiar with Revelations, Michael (and his angels fought the dragon story), that Michael is Michael of Nebadon, NOT AA Michael. That story is about the Lucifer Rebellion. -C



http://abundanthope.net/pages/jo ... -AHEAD-OF-YOU.shtml


ªü´µ¶ð«ü´§³¡¡j 2012¦~4¤ë4¤é«H®§
Message from the Ashtar Command 4/4/12
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For the sake of clarity and so there are no misunderstandings, we say to you at this time that although there will be a few temporary relocations from areas that have shown themselves prone to flooding in your past, these events will not be of a nature that will necessitate any need to relocate all of you and will not result in the destruction of your cities and your world. We see these events as more of an inconvenience due to the fact that some of you will, as a precaution, be temporarily relocated. These events do not have to be any more than this, and we say to you at this time that there is no need to go into panic mode or to fear at all your days ahead.


We are quite capable to assist you in the relocations of those who live in the areas that may be affected, and we have the means and plenty of time to relocate each and every one of these residents to areas that we consider absolutely safe throughout this short period of seismic activity. Now that you understand this a little clearer, we ask you, what is there to be frightened of. We ask you, have you not seen others relocated temporarily from areas in the path of a hurricane or typhoon. There is nothing to be concerned about in regards to your future whatsoever, and we ask you to please try to remain calm and balanced as there are no obstacles before you that we cannot easily remove working together as a team. We ask you for your continued cooperation to remain centered and to help your brothers and your sisters also remain in a calm and balanced state of emotion. There is, and will not be anything to be frightened of, and we say to you that your future is as bright as you have envisioned while reading many of our messages we have shared with you.


We advise you at this time to focus on the tasks at hand and worry less about the months down the road, as we will cross that bridge when we come to it. Today you are asked to focus on the arrests of the members of your criminal Cabal who will be taken into custody very shortly, as this event is set to move into motion at any moment. You are asked at this time to act as an avenue of information, to give advanced notice to as many as you can of these proceedings, as it is our intention and we wish to do all that we can to allow as many as possible to remain in a calm and balanced state throughout this event.


At this time, there is no major media support for our efforts to inform as many as possible, so this task sits squarely on your shoulders and we ask you to please take your minds off the events that will not transpire for months of time and focus on this one task at this point, which is to inform as many as you can and share your knowledge with them of the upcoming events of the arrests of the many members and associates of your criminal Cabal. This is what we ask you to do at this time, and we thank you for your cooperation and assistance.


As we have said, we have plenty of time to make preparations for the events to come later in your year, and we must proceed according to a set schedule and tackle the obstacles that present themselves first. After the broadcasts of these many arrests, we will then move on to the next task that presents itself, and that will be our disclosure efforts which will entail the services of many selected individuals to act as representatives of your world. These representatives will meet with us onboard our ships and document as much video and photographic evidence as they would like, to take back home with them this evidence to share with the people of your world through your newly liberated media outlets which have already agreed to cover these proceedings. These events present themselves to you today, and we ask you to focus on these matters at hand.


Please take time out of your schedules that we know are busy and assist us in spreading this information as far and as wide as you can. We do not want to see fear and confusion spread upon the news of these arrests, instead, we would like to see as many of your world as possible become solid foundations of information to allow others to understand these events and see them as good news, for indeed, that is exactly what they will be.


Those of you who have taken the time to inform yourselves will be called to the forefront and asked to shine your light as a beacon for all those who have yet to reach an understanding of these upcoming events. Upon the initial broadcasts of these arrests, many will be confused and they will look to you and others like you for answers, and we ask you to be a wellspring of truth and share all that you have taken the time to learn about these proceedings. This is the reason why many of you are here at this time, and we ask you to answer your call of duty and fulfill your mission. We are very confident you will do just that.


Standing by we will be in full support of our brothers and sisters who will be on the front lines and who will be carrying out these many arrests, and we say to them at this time that you can be confident in us and in our abilities and know that we will do all within our power to protect you and ensure your safety in every way possible. Those factions of your militaries that are yet aligned with the Cabal have been fully warned that any reprisals from them will be met with swift action from us, and it has been fully explained to them that we will not tolerate any action we deem interference on their part. You have our word that we will be watching over you every step of the way through these proceedings, and no intervention on the part of your militaries yet aligned with the Cabal will be permitted on any level. We say at this time that we are ready and fully prepared to begin with the next phase of operation, and we only wait for you to make the call that it is time to make our move.


We wish you, our brothers and sisters, great success in your mission to free the people of your world from tyranny and from those that have ruled over them for so very long. So many of your world have no idea of the joy and the freedom that awaits them, and we thank each and every one of you for your tremendous efforts to make this dream a reality for all of you. Joy and happiness will flow like rivers through every street and through every corner of your world, and we say let these rivers flow, as it is time to begin on your new journey that will take you to destinations many of you have never dreamed possible. The time has come for your new beginning as the roads you have been traveling on for so very long have now reached their end, and it is time for your first steps upon your new path that will deliver you to your new home.


We are your Family of Light from the Stars.


As channeled through Greg Giles


¡i»ÈªeÁp¨¹¡j SaLuSa 2012¦~4¤ë6¤é«H®§
SaLuSa - April 6, 2012
SaLuSa - 2012¦~4¤ë6¤é«H®§

It is just a matter of short time before you get firm evidence of what has already commenced, and will learn of the removal of those who have brought about misery and debt in such massive proportions. It has occurred through criminal actions and no country has avoided the repercussions. The affects roll on but a key decision already made to remove all debt, will sweep the problem away and financial matters will return to a steady and stable condition. It is a massive problem but various funds and the re-distribution of wealth, will change the circumstances around. In many instances money falsely obtained will be returned, so that justice and your rights are observed. It will nicely set everything up, so that you begin to experience a society that is run with due respect to your sovereign rights. It will also result in people being happier, and help raise the vibrations and expectancy as you near Ascension.


Meanwhile you should where possible prepare for some inevitable upheaval, and take it in your stride as it will all be short lived. The plans to quickly implement the changes are well in hand, and many countries are involved and supporting our allies. It will bring them more together in co-operation and importantly trust, which has been sadly lacking because of the dark One's activities over millennia of time. The people normally have no such problems, but their minds have been poisoned by propaganda and contrived situations to set them against each other. The sooner we along with the Masters can get the message over that you are All One, the more quickly those barriers because of race or religion will evaporate. Duality has purposely placed you in challenging situations to hasten your spiritual evolution, and the experiences you have gone through have led you towards the realization that you are the one Human Race and bonded together.


Eventually you will reach levels of consciousness so that you literally know everything that you desire, by tapping into the Universal pool of knowledge. You will be so powerful that you will be able to create by pure thought and as you grow even more, can reach levels that are akin to being one of the Gods. However, that possibility is a long way into the future, but you should be aware of the amazing potential that you have. As a collective consciousness on Earth you created your reality, but with the dominance of the dark Ones it was never allowed to fully develop. Given total freedom as was your entitlement and without interference, you would certainly have progressed a lot further than you have. As individuals some of you have become quite adept and successful at the different healing methods, and yet each soul has the potential for doing the same. Often it is lack of belief or patience to give sufficient time to develop your skills. It is a most natural function, and indeed in the future you will understand that energy is the alpha and omega of everything that exists, manifesting in its different frequencies.


Little by little you are being opened up to your true potentials, so that you can accommodate the changes that will lead you to full consciousness. With your new crystalline bodies you will be able to enter the higher dimensions, opening up entirely new experiences of Galactic proportions. On Earth souls of a similar vibration are usually attracted to each other and feel good and at ease in each others company, and when you rise up it is even more powerful as groups form and work together as one at a consciousness level. You will not have failed to notice that very often the source of channeled messages, is a group of souls forming a single energy.


Because you do not normally have any memory of previous lives you are unable to make comparisons, which ensures you focus on the current one and are not distracted. It is also why in general terms few of you remember your times out of the body, particularly those when your physical body is laid down to rest. That is a time when you often gravitate to the Astral Realms and meet up with friends and relations. You may come back with vague memories or feel that you have had vivid dreams, and sometimes wake up with a solution on your mind that solves a problem you went to sleep with. It all happens because you can meet the right people who can help. Sometimes they are people you have disputes with, and in the gentle vibrations of the higher Astral the lower ones are subdued and a solution can be amicably found. It is also the reason that when you have lost a loved one, you can have a positive knowing that they are still around you.


The more you learn about the life potential beyond Earth the more you understand how limited you are now, and that every effort you make to ascend is well worthwhile. After what you have learnt about the higher dimensions it must seem a very wonderful goal to aim for, and get off the wheel of rebirth. The solar cycle now ends with a once in hundreds of lifetimes opportunity to leave it behind in a mass ascension, with all of the help you need to assist you to make it. Be assured if you have been constantly sending out a signal that it is what you want, you will have been getting special attention to help you to be successful. God does not want you to be shackled by the lower energies indefinitely, yet it is largely up to you to make your own decision as to when you want to make a move.


Becoming aware that you are more than your physical body is a moment of awakening, and normally leads to introspection in an endeavor to find out what or who you really are. Once you find out that life is infinite each one takes on more significance, as you realize that you do not just have the one opportunity to make your mark. It will then hopefully occur to you that the purpose of life is to evolve, and seek the source of all life. That venture can take you all over the place, until after searching for God outside of yourself, you find God within. Instead of needing to be led, you suddenly realize that all knowledge is within. However, it can help for someone to point the way, and moving in circles with like minded souls is most productive.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and enjoy these opportunities to "speak" with you through the messages. Take from them whatever resonates with you, and that is all I can ask of you. The Galactic Federation sends its love to you all, and wishes those of you who celebrate Easter a happy and fulfilling time.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website:Tree of the Golden Light


¡i»ÈªeÁp¨¹¡j 2012¦~4¤ë6¤é«H®§
Message from the Galactic Federation 4/6/12
¨Ó¦Û»ÈªeÁp¨¹ªº«H®§ 2012¦~4¤ë6¤é

So let go what does not serve your highest good and focus on the things in life that bring you joy, but that also raise your vibration to levels that will see you ascend into the higher realms with the others around you who have made this same choice. Holding some of you back are habits and tendencies and ways that you have chosen to live your lives, and we say to you has the time not come to release all of these limiting qualities that do not any longer serve you on your journey. We are not here to tell you how to live your lives. We are here to show you that there is another way and opportunities that present themselves to you. That is why we are here, and we will not overstep our bounds in this way and preach to you that you must follow the path that we have chosen. We will only lead humbly by example, so as to allow those of you who wish for a new beginning and a new way to be able to find this path if this is what you wish.


All along your journey there have been those who have traveled ahead, and they have many times left clues for you to recognize, to allow you to follow if you wish in their footsteps just as they were able to follow footsteps left on the path before them. No one has pushed us to follow a certain trail. This is something that each of us has decided for ourselves. We extend the same rights to you, and we say to you that you are entirely free to follow any path that you choose. We only wish to show you a path we have chosen, and this path has brought us to where we are today.


Your journeys have brought you to the point where you are now more clearly interacting and communicating with us of the higher realms, and we say to you this has been made possible through the choices that you have made all along your journey. We have not unduly interfered with your decision-making up till now, and we will not unduly influence your decision-making today or anytime in your future. We only tell you that the choices you have made have brought you to the doorstep of the home in which we live, and we say to you one more step through this threshold will deliver you into the kingdom we call home.


Many of you at this time are making the choices you feel will direct you to new experiences of a higher nature, and we say to you making these types of choices will never serve you wrong and will guide you along the path that will lead you to the higher experiences that you seek. If it is higher experience that you seek, we tell you they do exist and they are here on our side waiting for you to make the choices that will allow them to become your reality. They only wait for your arrival. They only wait for you to take the next turn on your path. They will be there waiting for you.


What these experiences will be shall make themselves known to some of you even before they come into view. Not all of these experiences will be a complete surprise, as many of you are beginning to reach an understanding of what awaits you just up ahead. We at times paint a picture for you to give you some idea of where some of your choices will lead and we do that out of love, for we wish for you to have all the information necessary for you to make your choices that will lead you just where it is you wish to be.


We do not wish for you to journey through uncharted territory without your map and compass. We instead will furnish you with all the navigational tools you will need to make informed choices all along your journey. You may do what you wish with these tools, and we only make them available to you if you wish to use them, to help guide you along your path. If you travel by star or travel by trail there will be tools available to you to assist you with your navigation. Use these tools freely and use these tools wisely, for they will help guide you along.


Along your route you will meet many others who are navigating their way through the twists and the turns of existence. We say to you do not pass by each other like two ships in the night, but set anchor for a while and share with each other what each of you has learned that has brought you together at this point, and show them the navigational tools that you are using to guide you on your journey before you set sail again. We see so many of you doing just this today, and it warms our hearts to see so many of you reaching out to each other in this way and sharing the maps that you have drawn through your experience. Remember these maps that others have shown you, for they may assist you in some way in your travels up ahead. There is always something new for you to learn, and you will never reach a point where you have learned all there is to know. There is no final port of destination for us as our journey is one of never ending wonder and experience, and we are free to continue our sail for an eternity.


Many of you today are reaching a new port of destination and will take on a new crew, and together you will embark on a new expedition through this magnificent universe. All along your journey you have from time to time joined a new crew to sail with. These are your friends and your family who have chosen to learn similar lessons and gain similar experiences such as the ones you have chosen. There comes a point along our journeys where those who have been traveling with you choose different lessons and experiences, and it is at this point where you will choose to board different vessels and chart separate courses. You may meet these souls again up ahead on your journey, but it may be time to say farewell at least for now, as you have reached a point where different experiences are required for your advancement.


You will meet new souls to journey with you who have made similar choices of what they wish to experience next, and you may even be reunited with some old friends and family who have missed you dearly. Let those who now seek experiences that differ from you sail in their own direction, knowing that you can meet them again sometime up ahead, and know that you can always keep your memories of them close to your heart while you set your own course and sail on. You have many new friends and new adventures waiting for you up ahead, and they only wait for you to weigh anchor and catch a new breeze within your sails.


We are the Galactic Federation of Light.


As channeled through Greg Giles

