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Is the Rothschild banking monopoly finally about to be dismantled?

The situation in Europe is making it clear to all but the most brainwashed that something historical is taking place. What is happening is that the criminal element at the very top of the Western power structure, especially at the very top of the financial system, has been cut off from their money printing machine. As a result, the IMF and the major European and US money center banks are insolvent. No amount of lying or paper shuffling or propaganda is going to hide this fundamental truth. The governments of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Italy etc. know that the debts they supposedly owe to bankers were created through fraudulent book entries and thus do not have to be repaid. That is why the banks suddenly announced that Greece only had to pay back 50% of their debt even though such a write off would destroy them. They are hoping for a tax payer bail-out that is just not going to happen. It is game over. The Rothschild banking nightmare is ending.


Even the highly brainwashed priesthood known as Western financial gurus and journalists are starting to realize that something is not right. The big announcement by European governments of a ¡§solution¡¨ to the Greek and Euro crises is a case in point. If you analyze the announcement you realize that essentially the banks and governments are saying the banks will pay for 50% of the Greek debt with money they do not have. The governments say they will pay for it by ¡§leveraging¡¨ the money they already have. They do not say who is going to be dumb enough to finance a bankrupt gambler who wants to quadruple his risk.


Please note that as soon as the ¡§solution¡¨ to the crisis was announced, high level begging missions were sent to Asia, including French President Sarkozy. Why would they need to go to Asia to ask for money if they had come up with a solution?


The IMF, supposedly the world¡¦s ¡§lender of last resort¡¨ is also continuing to admit they have no money. The reason is that the IMF itself cannot prove that its money comes from legitimate sources.


The fact of the matter is that the criminal part of the world¡¦s financial system is falling apart. The IMF will soon cease to be solvent. The same is true of the World Bank. The BIS is also in trouble. In fact, the entire Rothschild banking monopoly is in deep trouble.


The freeze of ¡§trading platforms¡¨ remains in place, meaning that the controllers of the fiat system can no longer pump new money into the system. The best they can do is reshuffle money that is already in the system. New money will only start entering the global financial system once the new asset-backed system is in place.


¡§The IMF and the World Bank existed to force the Rothschild banking system on the countries of the world,¡¨ is how an extremely senior Chinese official explained the situation. ¡§Our goal is to reboot the system, to start over and set all the parameters in a fair way so that all countries benefit from the pooled assets of the people of the world and not just Europe and North America,¡¨ he continued.


The original system was meant to have been run by the Swiss and protected by the Americans, he continued. ¡§The basic failure was that the system of checks and balances failed and the people who were supposed to protect the system ended up abusing it,¡¨ he added.


What is now going to happen is that the 100 countries that have so far joined the new system started in Monaco in August, are going to implement the new system in four stages, according to a White Dragon Society source. The US military and agencies will be involved in this process right from the beginning, he added. Efforts to intimidate generals by using corrupt institutions like the IRS to try to repossess their homes will backfire and lead to criminal prosecutions.


The first step will be a lawsuit that will be filed before November 15th against the individuals and groups who abused the Federal Reserve Board system. This will lead to liens being placed against many of the largest financial institutions in the world, according to the filers. There will also be mass arrests.


The other steps have yet to be disclosed. However, some basic truths are already known. First of all, all honest businessmen and bankers worldwide will have nothing to worry about. Second of all, the money created through derivatives fraud will be eliminated from the books, even if that means bankrupting many of the big Western financial institutions. Third, major historical financial injustices will be addressed and stolen monies and assets will be returned to their rightful owners. This will be good news for the vast majority of Western citizens as well as the inhabitants of long exploited regions like Africa.


The international banking and payment settlements systems will remain in place after the reboot. This will mean the minimum possible disruption to legitimate business.


However, as mentioned earlier, the international institutions set up and controlled by a small group of Western oligarchs after World War 2 will be totally revamped.



Sheldan Nidle - Nov 1, 2011
Sheldan Nidle - 11¤ë1¤é«H®§

Dratzo! We return! The collapse of your reality's time-space grids continues to accelerate. These grids support and maintain the existence of your reality and it is quite apparent that it has reached the point where its perpetuation is no longer workable. Your teams of Elohim report that the moment has come to move you into a transitory realm until your final migration into a new fully conscious reality is made. The ongoing disintegration of your present realm only emphasizes to us that the removal of your last dark cabal from its preeminent position on your world needs to be done forthwith. We have communicated with our Earth allies about this growing predicament and asked our Agarthan cousins to bring your deadlines for action forward. Meanwhile, we have planned a scenario permitting us to intervene directly and take you all to the next milestone on the highway to full consciousness. Our science contingent has begun a full analysis of where your consciousness grids now stand as it is these grids that are changing the quickest, and this is what is bringing down the rest of your reality's grid structures.


The quickening of your reality's collapse now brings us into closer cooperation with the Elohim to modify your grid system to create the transitory realm, thus allowing you 'time' to replace and upgrade your crumbling social systems. At most, this gives you a very short time for you as a collective to change your world and prepare your many societies for disclosure and first contact. We cannot overemphasize the huge implications of what we are telling you: it is vital for you to take this opportunity to come together and change your world to a more spiritual one. There is no need for us to keep repeating that your present one is defunct. The amount of pressure upon our Earth allies is increasing exponentially as there is no more time to dillydally. Heaven is in full accord with our assessments and has asked us to stress the urgency to all parties involved. Accordingly, our liaison teams have been dispatch, accompanied by a basic to-do list, and we intend to take the necessary actions in the very near future to ensure our joint success.


The need to inform you at this point about your environmental predicament has not been undertaken without a good deal of forethought about how to present the facts to you. We have monitored your world patiently, largely waiting for the moment when a more direct interaction with you became possible, and that moment is now. You are being inundated by a new series of consciousness-raising energies that are streaming in, in ever greater numbers since 11 Imix, 14 Tzec, 8 Manik (October 28th, 2011). These new energies are another factor putting further pressure on you to change your world, and specifically your perceptions of it. Realities are essentially fragile and quite temporary constructs, and one of the things we do each day is foregather to make the repairs needed to maintain the reality we live in. This is something you too will do once you are returned to full consciousness. Our task now is to get you there as swiftly as possible, and to that end we are notifying everyone of the current precarious situation.


The requirement to speed up our plans is something we have looked forward to as we are fully prepared to intervene and bring you your new reality as quickly as possible. We are asking our Earth allies to advance the dates selected for the changes of government. We are also asking that they quickly complete your prosperity deliveries and come up with a definitive solution on how to present disclosure as we want you to get used to the fact that we are here. Further, you need to begin to understand the overarching context of your transformation into full consciousness as once you are returned to this state you will more easily understand what we are doing to change not only your reality but also Gaia's. For so many reasons we want to complete first contact with you sooner rather than later. Our ships stand at the ready to receive you, as do your personal mentors, so let us together bring this about!


Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! The time has come, at long last, to bring a new era of peace and enlightenment to Mother Earth! We have watched for centuries as the Light of change grew stronger and stronger, until now the dark ones are in retreat! Yet still their pattern for this world remains. Despite its growing insignificance, this pattern has you locked into beliefs that give power to the dark. What we ask of you now is to dream of and visualize a wonderful, new world, one that is kind, caring, and prosperous. Examine your perceptions and change them. Watch them as they become visions of heart-felt kindness and oneness with all life. Here you can discover the means to transform those patterns which currently hide the essence of what makes you 'human.' It is time for you to reexamine the truth of your 'powers of creation' and to redefine the meaning of the term 'the human condition.'


Love and Light is more than a mere clich? it is a state of being. As you begin to dismantle your skepticism, you become able to begin reconstructing your reality. Each of you possesses the quality of saintliness. This prime condition has been suppressed ever since the dark 'reset' this reality nearly 13 millennia ago. We are the result of those ones who learned to release this dark conditioning and who sought to bring out our natural inclinations for Love and Light. The outcome of our efforts was the return of our innocence and our pristine saintliness. It took much inner work and much assistance from Heaven, and now this heavenly aid is here once again in the form of an energy available for all to invoke, and we ask you to visualize it and in so doing, strengthen it in yourselves and throughout this reality. The time has come for miracles and wonder!


This new reality is beginning to manifest in many blessed ways. Every day we notice the planet becoming energetically more beautiful. As the old reality's grids collapse, we can see streaks of light and strange cloud formations appear suddenly in the sky for all to observe. These are the growing numbers of 'angel clouds' that are here to distribute the wonderful energies we have just talked about. We are grateful that our space family is visiting us in ever-greater numbers and we rejoice in the fact that the Light of Heaven is pouring down around us. It all makes our daily tasks to assist you that much easier. We are also greatly pleased to see the increasing numbers of people all over your world who send us daily prayers of Love. The time comes for us all to transform and become physical Angels once more!


Today, we carried on our discussion with you. We intend for disclosure to happen very shortly and then we can all meet! Your world needs to be returned quickly to the Light and all of you made fully conscious once more. Then, together we can unfold the divine plan and bring peace and Light to all parts of physicality. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)




Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!

Many of you are wondering (we are well aware) about our physical form, and how and what material are our ships made of. And we are always ready to answer all your questions; for that, among other things, is why we are offering at the present time to keep you informed of our steps, and to answer all of the questions we know all of you have down there.



The ideas flow smoothly and lightly from my mind to the mind of my channel, and this is how it should be. Very soon, all of you will know how to receive our telepathic messages, without the need to spend a lot of energy moving ourselves through the continuum of space-time.


In that way, all of the members of the Galactic Federation communicate together, provided it is not necessary to discuss issues at length among us. And we will also do it like that between us and you, when you become part of the Galactic Federation, once you are prepared to be part of it.


Well, to answer the question that many of you have regarding our physical constitution, first I have to explain that we, coming from different parts of the Galaxy and other Galaxies even further away, have physical vehicles very different and unequal to that of others.


Some possess a body similar to yours, which is how we are in the Alpha Spaceship and in others. Other Brothers have a more "elastic" metabolism, depending on how they have been developing according to their atmosphere and the needs of their environment, and their body may be more gelatinous and more malleable.


Some others can live in a world with the presence of atmospheric agents and where certain gases are mixed with hydrogen and oxygen, and therefore need a type of scaly skin that protects them.


Others exist in worlds where their natural habitat is water or some other type of similar liquid, so they might have something like the gills of your fish, to allow them to breathe underwater; their extremities ending in webbed hands and feet, with cartilage between their fingers, so they can move under water at high speed as if using oars.


And to not make my presentation too long, there are also Brothers who live with bodies in a more gaseous state; we could say that they are a link between those who have a physical body and those who are disembodied beings. They are something like half spirit and half human, do you understand what I mean? They are governed by natural laws that are different from yours.


It is imperative that you become familiar with that idea, so that when we make our first visual contact, do not be offended or alarmed if you see some Big Brothers of yours with a slightly different appearance to that of your race.


In other transmissions we have explained that the films your filmmakers create harm the idea that you could have with regard to us not coming to help you, rather to 'conquer'; but in this case, some of your films may have indeed helped to prepare you so that your minds accept a wide variety of races, very different, between all of the Brothers who visit. I refer to the movies where the human race travels in interplanetary spacecraft and makes contact with civilizations in other confines of the Universe. That's not science fiction, it will be like that really soon, dear brothers and sisters of Earth!


You are being visited not only now, but always have; at all times you have counted on the help of other civilizations that have visited you, just never with an influx of beings so great as in these times, because now you need us more than ever, both so that we can protect you, to help you clean up your natural habitat, as well as so we can guide you with our advice through your ascension process.


Regarding the physical appearance of the ship we are on, the Alpha Spaceship, our humanoid appearance is like that of the terrestrial planets, since we come from planets with weather conditions similar to those on Earth.


And finally, the physical structure of our ships is very different from that of your aircraft. When your pilots began to fly your first aircraft, you had to look over the controls continuously, without losing sight for a moment. Later on, your aircraft and pilots had automatic controls so that the plane could maintain its course, allowing the pilot to relax and not be constantly aware of all the navigation conditions.


Our ships have a much greater range of autonomy. It is only necessary to program the itinerary at the time of departure, and because the ships are designed with a very advanced technology, they are capable of taking care of themselves throughout the journey. They are so sophisticated that we could say that they are made up of "auto-thinking" matter, capable of resolving any inconveniences of the trip by themselves.


They are a type of artificial intelligence that you are not accustomed to, dear brothers and sisters, and that you cannot conceive, even in your bolder science fiction movies.


But its construction, operation and maintenance will be transmitted to you by our engineers, once our First Contact has taken place.


Warm greetings from Alpha Spaceship.


Peace and Love


Source: Commander Sohin


Channel: Kris-Won



»ÈªeÁp¨¹¡j SaLuSa 11¤ë1¤é«H®§
SaLuSa - November 1, 2011
SaLuSa - 11¤ë1¤é«H®§

We can feel the rising expectation of events that are going to change your lives. The "quick fix" that many countries are trying to use to find their way out of trouble, will only be that with no long term solution. In fact they have no answers, which is why when our allies present them with our plan there will be little opposition. We could foresee the collapse which was inevitable, as you could not sustain the reckless ways of running your world affairs. It was of course largely through deliberate intent, to maintain control over you. When we have previously spoken of there being a "right time" for action to be taken, you should now be able to see the sense behind our reasoning. We had to wait until you reached a point of no return, so that it was clear to everyone that a new start was vital. That time has arrived and we are preparing ourselves in readiness to make the initial changes, that will get things moving for the better.


As each day passes so your attention is needed to keep the vibrations as high as possible. Focus on the Light and let it be the basis of everything you do. Remember that thoughts are also powerful, so do not allow them to stray from your intent to live and talk your Light. These are the important times that many of you have come to Earth to participate in, and it will be a glorious period of achievement where the people will take back their sovereignty, and re-write the Constitution. Your voices have long been heard, and at last you shall have positive signs that will leave you without any doubt as to where you are all heading. Many can already sense a new energy in the air. one that is uplifting and protects you from the lower vibrations. Enjoy it and let others see that in reality there is nothing to be fearful about, and you will be helping to ground the Light upon the Earth.


Mother Earth must have her say in matters because she must get moving for her own benefit. However, her actions will be not be excessive, and we are helping to minimize the effects of physical changes. It has to be done just in the same way that you are preparing your body for life in the higher dimensions. Where you are personally affected by the changes know that you will have undertaken such an experience, as by and large people are now exactly where they are meant to be. Try not waste your energy working out why, as in time everything will be made clear as to the reason for your experience. Karma can crop up for clearing in any lifetime, and it never takes place unless you are ready to accept it. However, sometimes you will choose to experience simply as a learning curve, so there is not always a karmic reason for doing so. Whatever happens take it in your stride, because your future is assured and nothing will change it unless it is your freewill choice.


Even in the chaos that comes and goes there is reason and it follows a plan as everything else does. Many of you have noticed this year how time has speeded up more than ever, and it will continue to do so. You can therefore be sure that what remains of this cycle will pass by in a flash, but it will be the most enjoyable experience. It is what the outcome is destined to be that is important and not the manner in which it takes place, although it will have many high points of sheer ecstasy and wonder. Have no fear, you will be kept informed of what is happening and equally important, the reason why.


These are times when many questions are being asked by those trapped in the lower energies, They know something grand is about to happen yet fear change, being unaware as to the wonderful opportunity offered to every soul. It will be made clear that what is happening is part of the closing of the cycle of duality, but more important is the beginning of a new era, a Golden Age. If you feel that you are "tempted" to try and lift your life into the Light, be sure there will be much help to give you every chance of success. The Creator desires that the Universe ascends, and creates what is necessary to bring it about. There will always be times when the opportunity comes around again, but if you can rise up on this occasion it will mean you do not have to stay in the realms of duality.


We believe that the more you understand that your reality is an illusion created by you, and bears little resemblance to the higher dimensions from whence you originally came, the easier you will accept change. You do not have to be poor, hungry and unhappy to live a decent life. There is nothing wrong with living a comfortable and happy life, with ample time to express yourself in whatever way you choose. However, you are required to act responsibly and not deny others an opportunity to be like you. There are no such souls as "the have's" and "the have not's" in the higher dimensions, as you have in your world today. Abundance provides more than sufficient for everyone's needs, and you are to move into it in the very near future. Think upon it Dear Ones, why would you desire to accumulate more than you needed when everything was amply provided. When money ceases to be necessary you will know that you have arrived in the lands of plenty, and your approach to wealth will be quite different to what it is now.


When you have reached a certain level of high vibration, you will automatically desire for all others as you would for yourself. Happiness, joy and satisfaction are about living in the Oneness that you are uplifting into now. It brings out that feminine aspect of caring for others that comes with god-liness, and after all you are gods in the making. We know that some of you feel uneasy at that suggestion, and the reason is likely to be because you still feel inadequate to be considered gods. Bear in mind that before you came into duality all of you were gods, and as Beings of Light were amongst the great creators in the Universe. You left a lot behind when you chose to experience the lower vibrations, and you lost your identity but it is once more beginning to return through your awakening consciousness.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I feel that you are now more comfortable dealing with us, and have realized that you have no necessity to feel inferior to us in anyway. We are all beautiful souls on a wondrous journey together sharing our experiences, and we see you as the beautiful souls of Light you really are.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website:Tree of the Golden Light


¡i»ÈªeÁp¨¹¡j SaLuSa 11¤ë4¤é«H®§
SaLuSa - November 4, 2011
SaLuSa - 11¤ë4¤é«H®§

You are in a situation that requires you to wait patiently for matters to develop a little further, and then you can expect action. The cleansing of your civilization has been long taking place on different levels by replacing the dark Ones with our representatives of Light, up to the present day when they are being removed and placed where they cannot do any further harm. So you can see that the conditions are becoming such, that we can move into the next phase. With it comes a greater awareness on your part, as more people are opening up to the truth as to what is happening on Earth. Out of the confusion, the Phoenix of the past is rising when you were in an era of Love and Light. That was during one of the more enlightened periods of Atlantis prior to its fall. Virtually all of you have lived lives during that great epoch, and the memories are still held in your sub-consciousness. Those times were when you reached a peak of spiritual growth, that allowed the great Masters to return to Earth. However, over thousands of years the vibrations gradually dropped, until the Light had to compete with the overwhelming darkness that engulfed Atlantis, and led to its demise.


Now you are energizing the grids around the Earth, and once again it is ready to reach another pinnacle of spirituality. This time the upliftment is taking place very rapidly, and as fast as you are able to assimilate the higher energies. With the immediate period ahead and even more Light being beamed to you, the changes within self are becoming more noticeable. For some they may be making them feel out of sorts, but they are in no way unpleasant and once they settle down you will feel uplifted. We know that many of you have already developed to a point, where you are able to easily center yourselves regardless of what is going on around you. That is proof of your ongoing ability to draw the higher energies into yourself. Each one of you that has reached this stage is giving a service to those who have not, by creating a calmer and settled atmosphere around them.


In Europe there is understandably near panic as if Greece still go ahead and hold a referendum about handling their debt, the people are of a mood that they will reject the introduction of more cut backs or penalties to cover it. If that is so it almost spells the end of the Euro, with the consequent collapse of that system as other countries also fail. It means that in a matter of weeks rather than months, the future of Europe will be decided, and that will open the door to a new system of financing that will overcome the resultant problems. We do not wish these collapses upon you, but until they happen the way will not be clear enough to introduce the acceptable alternatives. Be assured everything is ready to go ahead, meaning that the period of disruption and uncertainty will be relatively brief.


The unrest in the world is a sure sign that the awakening is in full progress, and that people are realizing that the ultimate power to decide your future lies with them. As a result they are mobilizing themselves to demonstrate and demand changes to the existing systems. That keeps them in the public eye and the movement grows as more people join them. They are also powered by the positive energies they attract to themselves, and it spreads very quickly. We wish to ask that you keep your actions on a positive path, and do not get drawn into those that will discredit your campaign. Keep them peaceful and clamp down on any efforts to introduce violence, as that plays into the hands of the authorities.


Dear Ones, the pendulum is moving in your direction, and it means that the control of your world is beginning to change hands. At last those souls of Light who came for this very occasion, are moving into positions ready to replace those who will be removed. Our plans anticipated this very time and once we see the opportunity to put them into place, matters will speed ahead. So it is first the organization, and then the framework for implementing the changes. That will lead to what you may call the "nuts and bolts" period to enable the physical changes to commence. By then we shall be in 2012 that is clearly going to be one of great activity, which you shall play a major part in as it was never visualized that it would be other than a joint venture, or should we say adventure. We are naturally eager to commence the last stages leading to Ascension, as now the path is almost clear of the past obstructions.


Like you we feel elated that there are sufficient signs to lift you up, so that you know with for certainty that the end-times have now begun. What may have seemed unlikely some years back, and was difficult for many to comprehend, is now staring you in the face. The proof of what is happening is there for all to see, although we do accept that there are some souls that are not ready to step over to the other side. They will still be given help and like any other soul, find that ultimately they have set up there own reality that awaits them. It is absolutely fair and appropriate that a soul should advance according to their level of vibration, and cannot enter a higher vibration until they are ready.


Each day now carries the possibility that our allies will have made the progress we seek, so that major advances can be made. In any event your wait for something definite will not take much more time, as we are so close to success. As you might imagine, there is much waiting for the signal to go ahead and matters will really take off once we commence. Disclosure remains one of the more important issues that we would like to see come out, and that will release a lot more information that will make our activities easier. There is no point in us going ahead without your knowledge and involvement, as we have never purported to handle your needs by ourselves, although we are quite capable of doing so. It is time for you to step up play your part along with us, which we look forward to as an exciting prospect.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and heartened by the turn of events upon Earth as it seems so many people have suddenly become "alive" to the real purpose of their lives. Instead of blindly stumbling around in the dark, they have grasped the truth and desire to play their part in bringing Ascension into being. Everyone has something to offer, even if it is small by comparison to others. It is a joint effort and each part is as important as any other. That is why we welcome you to join us in the Love and Light that we represent.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website:Tree of the Golden Light


Montague Keen - November 6, 2011
»X³³§J³Í®¦ 11¤ë6¤é«H®§

My dear, you are now seeing things happen that I told you about shortly after my passing. It needed a brave man to defend his people and his country. In doing this, he inadvertently awakened the world to what had been accepted without question for hundreds of years. One day soon, it will become quite clear why it had to be Ireland which shone the Light of Truth on the corruption. Mr Enda Kenny was chosen for this role. He is trusted to see this through.


What is needed is the Irish people to research who they are. Only then will it become clear why the Vatican had to control their education and governments, thus ensuring that they never found out who they are. Even your history was stolen: it was repositioned and rewritten as having happened in another country. They just adjusted one or two names and created a false history for themselves.


Ireland, it is time to take back what is your history ! It is time to destroy all the Vatican-imposed history books that gave a totally false picture of who you are, and your important place in the real history of the world. The FALSE ACCOUNTING of the banks, that trapped Ireland, was carefully planned to exert even more controls on the people of Ireland. The Cabal even boast that THEY OWN IRELAND. I believe it used to be said that "it was God's own country." The Irish sing about "the forgotten race that no one knows". It is time for that race to know who they are. The truth cannot be kept hidden any longer. A great crime has been committed against you. Your people have suffered since the Vatican set foot in Ireland, all those years ago. The abuse of your people and your country must be stopped. It is time to learn the truth.


The economic stranglehold on your world was carefully planned. There is no shortage of money or gold; it's just in the hands of the wrong people. Your governments are not protecting you: they are part of the conspiracy. They are part of the problem, not the solution. They are as actors on a stage, reading out their lines, trying to impress on the people, how hard they are working on trying to solve the problem that they were implicated in creating. David Icke was word-perfect in his explanation of the situation. The Cabal are desperate, as everything is coming to a head. The energy continues to rise, and with it, truth emerges. It is time for change, and change it will. You can be sure of that.


You are not being given a true picture. You have only to look at who controls what you read and view, to know why. You now have to look to those who research the real truth. Read what they have to say - they have devoted their lives to bringing the truth out into the open. Make an effort to listen to what they have to say, then research it for yourselves. It is only then that you will see for yourselves how the truth has been kept hidden from you. Veronica will tell you that I spent all my time seeking truth. It was important for us to understand why the Cabal found it necessary to constantly invent reasons for conflict. When I passed to Spirit, it all became patently clear. Then I was able to give a true picture of what was happening. I had to explain to Veronica the extent of the corruption and give reasons why we had to help people to see it for themselves and gently lead them forward to the truth. It was a lot for her to take on board. I had to show her all the evidence and convince her to set up the Foundation. This was at a time when her heart was breaking. My sudden passing - without any warning - was so hard for her to bear. Veronica and I, have worked in many lifetimes together. It is never easy for us to be apart. I stand by everything I said in my speech on the day I married her. Our love becomes deeper each day. Please learn to see the love and the light. Welcome it into your lives. Venture out of your prison cage. Become free to live your lives in love and peace.


There is NEVER an excuse for war. You are not sheep. Act as the rational Beings of Light that you are. Say NO to war ! Everything can be achieved in a peaceful manner. Do not buy into the constant hype that is being foisted on you from all angles. It is time for truth, now. Believe me when I tell you that there is quite a lot going on behind the scenes that you are not aware of. We need the element of surprise to achieve our aims.


There are those among you who try to get Disclosure. Well, my dear, the governments have lied for so long that they would have to explain so much, they would not know where to begin; and right now, the lies suit their purpose better. Soon enough, you will meet your fellow beings from other planets. Our plans are great. We just need to get the timing right. It is time to trust your higher selves; do not allow yourselves to be swayed by the lies, no matter how persuasive they are, or the so-called 'evidence' that is produced. It is time for truth and justice. This is what we will ensure that you get.


This is a busy time for you, my dear. It is exciting also. Soon the veil will lift completely. This is a big project, my love. We will complete it.


Your adoring, Monty.



»ÈªeÁp¨¹¡j SaLuSa 11¤ë7¤é«H®§
SaLuSa - November 7, 2011
SaLuSa - 11¤ë7¤é«H®§

With matters moving very quickly, you need little in the way of information as to the outcome. It is becoming quite clear that the European crisis is far from solved, and the debt amongst that union is so big it can bring them down. Meanwhile the people are becoming more active than any previous time, and the pressure they are applying on the governments will eventually yield results. In the background we along with our allies are adding to it, and continue to make it clear to the dark Ones that their days are numbered. There is great instability amongst them and fear of the consequences of their actions. In their arrogance they never thought that they would have to answer for their crimes, but now it is becoming obvious that they will.


Our allies are ready to take advantage of any opportunity to push our plan forward. We are allowed to be forceful to remove obstacles in our way, and will no longer tolerate interference. The dark Ones have been severely weakened in recent weeks, and are in retreat. We do therefore feel that their resistance will be unable to stop our progress. You can expect to learn very shortly of further advances on our part. We have already removed many powerful people that have stood in our way, and will continue to do so. By now, we know all of the names of the Illuminati and none shall escape the net that closes in on them. We stand ready to remove governmental groups that have failed to serve the people, and once that has taken place we can be expected to announce Disclosure.


Whatever happens, we are well on our way to starting the New Year with a victory over the dark Ones. As next week approaches two events are standing out, one is the arrival mid week of what has been incorrectly described as an asteroid. It is in fact an intelligently controlled craft, and it remains to be seen how it interacts with your Earth or Moon. On Friday you have the eagerly awaited 11.11.11 bringing with it another great upsurge of energy, that will bring about a wonderful upliftment in your levels of consciousness. Its collective effect will be evident by a new wave of love all over your Earth. If possible find a quiet spot where you can relax and open your self up to the energy. Bear in mind that the energy is already beginning to manifest, and you can prepare yourself for it days ahead by staying calm and peaceful.


This month in many ways is the springboard for a far greater period of activity, and it will continue right through it the end of 2012. your expectations are soon to be satisfied, and ours will be complete when First Contact has taken place. From thereon it will be plain sailing as you see our plan unravel, and your quality of life will rise in leaps and bounds once you start to receive the benefits due to you. For a long time the focus has been upon the West, but realize that eventually the whole world will be involved with us. Also that in our time we have approached all governments, and they are aware of why we are here and its importance to your civilization. We are more than a helping hand and will stay with you for the rest of the journey. It will be a joyful reunion and you will know beyond doubt that you are part of us, and learn of your divine destiny.


Keep looking to the future and let it fill your heart with joy, as it will be a truly momentous occasion unparalleled by any earlier experience in this cycle. The turn of events will surprise you at the speed they take place, and that is because they have been meticulously planned. It is a great responsibility for us but one we had no hesitation in accepting, as we have had much experience where Ascension is concerned. We find that so many more of you are accepting our presence as quite normal, and looking forward to our official arrival on Earth. Regardless of whatever might be projected about us through your films and media, we have never attacked you or your Earth, or have any intention of doing so. Our mission is born out of our Love for all of the Creator's creations, regardless of form, color or size.


The Universe is full of diverse forms of life, and each Universe we travel is full of surprises, They are all like yours where life is developing and experiencing for its spiritual growth and evolution. So regardless of outer appearances you are All One, and by the time you reach a level of Christ consciousness you will have no doubts about it. Then and only then, will you be allowed to venture forth wherever you please. Part of First Contact will cover the different life forms in your own Universe, and you will be introduced to them. You will quickly learn that outer form is no indication of the spiritual essence inside them. Even at your level of consciousness, you would feel the higher vibrations of Light were to meet an evolved Being.


Now that you are fully in transition from duality to Ascension, you will find that much previously taken for granted is disappearing. Old systems that are inadequate for the New Age and do not serve those who are awakening, are breaking up and no amount of effort will re-establish them. It is allowing new ideas that are more in alignment with your needs to manifest, and there is no lack of them. Many have been suppressed to keep the old paradigm alive and where appropriate they will be soon released to you. A most prolific area is where free energy is concerned, and many small portable units can be manufactured in short time. Much will serve your purpose, while a more general approach will made to cover your needs. It will help to release you from servitude that ties you down, where you labor long hours to ensure you have the basic requirements for a normal life.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and leave you with blessings and love from the Galactic Federation. We want to see you with time on your hands to re-organize your communities into efficient groups, that can handle the changes so that they can be smoothly introduced. We will of course be overseeing the work that you do so that the changes are modeled on a new approach that is in accord with the principles of Love and Light. All old laws and regulations that breach them will be removed or re-written. Even in the short time leading to Ascension, your way of life will alter quite dramatically, to lift you up and be ready to take your place with us. You have been sufficiently advised to now know what to expect, and it should bring joy and happiness to your heart.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website:Tree of the Golden Light


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in light and much love, smile and harmony to you and all,


³Ì·s¡§¦t©z·N识¡¨¡]Cosmic Awareness¡^ªº­«­n«H®§11¢Î03¢Î2011 (2011-11-06 04:59:35)转载标签¡G ¦t©z·N识猎户®y¦a²y转变¥P¤k®y会议±k¬Pelenin杂谈 ¤À类¡G ¥@¬É¯u¬Û  

¡§¦t©z·N识¡¨¡]Cosmic Awareness¡^ÊI¯¸¦a§}¡Ghttp://www.cosmicawareness.org

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in light and much love, smile and harmony to you and all,

   William Z. Lu


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2. Manifestation¡C³q过Akashic Record¡A§â¨ãÊ^东¦è从无¤¤变¥X来¡A这个¯à¤O¤w经Ê^现¡A¦}¥B会¶V来¶V¦h¡C
3. Helsinki¡A¤@个¤ñ较¯S®íªº«°¥«¡C为¤°¤\这¤\说¡H¦]为¦b975¦~¡AµÛ¦WªºHelsinki会议标§Ó着猎户®y对¤_¦a²y¤H类«Ø¥ßªº¨t统开©l±Y¶ò¡CHelsinki协议²Ä¤@¦¸«O证¤F¦b东欧¤H¥Áªº权§Q¡A¤]¦©响¤F苏维®J¬F权结§ôªº§æÉó¡C
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5. Janne¹J见ªº¨º个¬P门¡AÕu±À断应该¬O¥ÑGeorgi¥´开ªº¡C

in light and much love¡A


¡i»ÈªeÁp¨¹¡j ¤ÑªÅªº¬y®öªÌ 11¤ë7¤é«H®§
Wanderer of the Skies - November 7, 2011
¤ÑªÅªº¬y®öªÌ 11¤ë7¤é«H®§

Greetings from the Federation:


We wish to address faith with you. For most of you, faith is all you have. You have not seen us, not communicated with us, have no real knowledge of our existence outside of these messages. You have not been taken aboard our craft, have no real way of knowing whether any of the messages that have come through, be they from the Federation or from spiritual sources, or otherwise, are anything other than the imagination of those who write the words down on paper. Yet, you accept them because your heart tells you that they ring of the truth you have been denied from other sources. This is faith. It is no less powerful for you than it is for any one of a religious persuasion. And in that sense, you must always stay vigilant about what is heard from us and from those who would purport to be us and also from those who rightfully criticize these words as outsiders.


You have taken on faith your task to move forward into the new age of existence. Either you will be proven right in the coming year or so, or you will have to re-evaluate everything that you are. Either way, you have woken up to a reality beyond your wildest imagination. A world not filled with static things, but of movable energies that coexist with your very existence. This is the true nature of reality and you must "sort it out" for yourselves.


We stand firm in our position that everything we have told you is real and is of the truth. You must accept what you can and discern the rest as you see fit. On this point you have the free will and the choice. Only you can make these decisions. Do you stand behind a leader of a first world country who we have repeatedly told you will be the one to lead you successfully out of the grips of the Illuminati, or do you succumb to the pressures of the "real world" and believe what is told you from those sources? Again, the choice is yours. And remember always, you create your own reality at all times. Let there be no mistake about that. You are in charge of your own destiny. No one else.


You will shortly be seeing a major display of our ships in a large city of a European country as an affirmation from us that we are here, we know your concerns, we know your fear, we know your pain and your discontent. Let this be our measure of comfort for you, our friends. It is always darkest before the dawn. This was never to be an easy trail to follow but you have done so magnificently. We cannot be more proud of you. We have just such a little ways more to go and you will indeed begin to see that we mean business.


As we have said in the past, Disclosure will be the first major event you will have to physically confirm everything that we have been telling you. We intend to bring it to your doorstep. You have closed the gap for us so much that we actually delight here in sitting back while you take control of your own destiny toward that very end.


Soon, several world governments will announce indictments underway against major players in the international financial markets as a reaction to your protests and a response to the rising energy of Light that is quickly sweeping away all the darkness. These are not precursors to the proof and signs you require, these ARE the signs. Stop closing your eyes to what is confirmation enough all around you.


Stay positive in what you say and do. Remember that each and every one of you is in this together. We all have our roles and everyone is playing them out as they feel is right. Encouragement now from those who will not falter in the Light of truth will go a long way in helping those who have reached their moment of doubt in faith. Show each other the love you deserve and you will receive it back in kind.


Be at peace.



Paradigm lost as the Western Oligarch¡¦s lies unravel

These days, reading some of the Western corporate propaganda media, you get the feeling you are reading Axis news reports of imminent victory late during World War 2. The reality people can see with their own eyes contradicts their reports so much that only a diehard rump of the most thoroughly brainwashed now really believes the propaganda. No matter what wishful thinking headlines they conjure up about the IMF coming to the rescue, or the Feds printing more dollars or FRN¡¦s coming to the rescue, the fact of the matter is that the cabal that hijacked the world¡¦s financial system has lost. The criminal cabal is caput. Events this week and next will provide ample proof of this.


Both behind the scenes and in public, the world¡¦s law enforcement agencies continue to close in on the criminal cabal from all directions. The big lawsuit expected next week against the cabal has now obtained as evidence something known as the Book of Maklumat. This is a book that details the historical ownership of much of the world¡¦s gold by a group of Asian royal families. They also have copies of the original cash certificates and evidence of how this money was transferred to the custodianship of the Government of United States for the use on behalf of the international community. This evidence is icing on the cake in a lawsuit that will prove the private owners of the Federal Reserve Board stole this money and have been using it illegally for over 50 years.


That is why the illegal ¡§trading platforms¡¨ that were being used to steal this money have been shut down. That, in turn, is why the International Monetary Fund, the European governments and the Federal Reserve Board have been powerless to stop the ongoing crisis affecting the G5 group of terrorist states (France, England, Italy, Germany and the United States), as well as their armed camp known as Israel.


Although these governments have threatened Greece¡¦s government into stopping a referendum on the Euro, they cannot take their threats to the bank. The fact is that the European fascists do not have the money to help Italy, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and the five Baltic states. Furthermore, the government of Ireland has already asked the European bankers to prove Ireland is in debt to them, show where the money came from, prove that it is real and prove they have the legal rights to it. This is something they cannot do which is why Ireland is not in the headlines. It is also one of the reasons they have shut down Ireland¡¦s Vatican embassy.


Although the G5 and Israel threaten to ignite World War 3 by attacking Iran, that is a suicidal bluff. The commanders of the US, Chinese and Russian militaries will not let this happen. These rogue G5 leaders are, of course, terrified because they know they have committed countless crimes against humanity (e.g. hundreds of millions of murders since World War 2 ended). It may still be possible for most of them to obtain forgiveness via a truth and reconciliation committee but the window of opportunity is shutting fast.


One man who has now put himself beyond the pale is Henry Kissinger.


Kissinger last week desperately tried to orchestrate a series of assassinations in the hope of somehow turning the situation around. This writer was once again last week targeted by people hired by Kissinger.


However, Kissinger has been told to back off and his orders are not being obeyed.


¡§President¡¨ Obama, for his part, was the subject of severe verbal attacks at last week¡¦s G20 meeting in France. He was told the United States was in far worse shape than Europe and that he had a lot of the blame for that, according to sources at the meeting. Obama is no longer expected to be able to complete his term as President because of the various legal actions against his regime.


In Japan, meanwhile, there has been a lot of rumbling under the surface.


Senior Japanese right wing sources say that a group of Colonels in the Japanese Self-Defense forces are plotting a military coup d¡¦etat. Their plan is to put in former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as their leader. Abe, of course, is linked to the Moonies, who in turn have a ranch next to the Bush ranch in Paraguay. They are also linked to the international drug business.


Needless to say, these misguided Colonels have been educated and are now realizing that no matter how honorable their wish to help Japan might be, they were about to be manipulated by the very people who helped ruin Japan¡¦s economy.


Another move in Japan came as US CIA and Pentagon types told power broker Ichiro Ozawa to permanently cease his plans to try to take over the government if he wished to stay alive. Ozawa is not trusted because of both his Rockefeller and cabal connections.


It is also worth noting that Emperor Akihito is suffering from ¡§Bronchitis,¡¨ and has thus ¡§temporarily¡¨ handed over control to crown prince Naruhito, according to the Royal Household Agency.



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This is a divine timing for every personal path. As you open to your own inner wisdom and act on it, you are able to connect with your own divine timing. This is what you want to focus on now and in the times to come!

§Ú们¬O The Council of 12.


in light and much love, smile and harmony to you and all,

   William Z. Lu


Sheldan Nidle - Nov 8, 2011
Sheldan Nidle - 11¤ë8¤é«H®§

Dratzo! We return! Your world is moving ever deeper into transformation. A wide range of activities to bring about change are making headway, despite the best efforts of the dark cabal to crush opposition to several tyrants who are bent on keeping an iron grip on their unpopular regimes. Furthermore, the number of nations signing on to the agreements of last spring continues to rise. Meanwhile, our prime focus is the swift change of governance in the major nations as this will make disclosure possible. We have informed our Earth allies that after the initial announcements are made and the many social programs are well underway, a disclosure broadcast is a must, as a pronouncement of this magnitude is essential to moving our personnel into a more public role. Further, your dark cabal has many unseen faces who are best removed once we achieve a more public position in these matters. Disclosure marks a point-of-no-return on your path to full consciousness, freedom, and personal sovereignty, and requires a proper champion who can ensure that no retreat from this sacred path is attempted.


We have assigned several 'roving ambassadors' to your world who will make themselves public after a suitable post-disclosure period has elapsed. Their purpose is to be watchdogs who will stand guard over your path to full consciousness. Heaven has counseled that we be gentle yet firm in all that we do, and yet we are faced with some very tricky situations: for example, we have carried out several in-depth readings of your global populace, and these surveys in consciousness have revealed many undercover agents tasked with specific acts of sabotage against the new programs once the caretaker governments come into effect. Another concern is that we do not wish our actions to be seen to be heavy-handed, and yet a vast number of further arrests are to take place within weeks of the thousands of detentions of those connected with the old regimes. In reality, these thousands of arrestees will be 'held' on board a mothership (what we call an 'on-ship program') in the customary holographic environment which tailors itself into a locale of your choosing.


The major reason for bringing in new governance is to change the environment you live in. You have been steeped in a dark-controlled realm for almost 13 millennia, and during that time darkness has become all pervasive and deeply entrenched, but now it is to be returned to the Light. This is no small task and requires a host of extreme measures to root out and remove those who wish by any means possible to block the Earth allies' schedule of reforms. Heaven fully comprehends the severity of what needs to be done, and her only edict is that our mode of operation be gracious, fair, and gentle. Our role is to be a sacred sword of change, acting in accordance with all that Heaven decrees. Recently, your local Spiritual Hierarchy requested that certain reforms, especially the information programs, be adapted to the local conditions of your diverse populations. We have therefore set up a wide-ranging task force to work in concert with the different elements that make up our Earth allies.


Our Earth allies are fully aware of Heaven's wishes regarding the basic rules for implementing the reform movement. It is to be, as much as possible, a peaceful revolution of consciousness as it reflects the awakening of Spirit in all of you. This Spirit needs to be free, sovereign, and abundant. It needs a new atmosphere, born of Love not fear. In this new climate-of-the-possible, you will sail beyond apathy and xenophobia and reach out jubilantly to the living universe that surrounds you. Indeed, you are now ready to graduate from a planetary Being to a galactic one, in effect, a galactic Human. We see our roles as being mentors to you, and as overseers of the edicts entrusted to us by Heaven. We are above all your space family, and as your elder sisters and brothers, we come on a mission to reunite with you, to link you back up with your majestic past and to be the conduits for your magnificent future! You have a most honored position to take up and you need to be prepared to fulfill it with the dignity and joie de vivre that you were formerly noted for!


Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! The new energies pouring through Gaia's new grids are giving you all a chance to use Heaven's Law of divine grace to enhance your life. This act of sacred compassion and karmic repeal has the ability to release you from the bonds of your dark-controlled lives and to place you directly into the flow of the manifesting new Earth. A most important act of co-creation for you here is to visualize who you would love to be. Draw upon your deepest longings to pull together an idyllic concept of yourself with all the detail possible. As you do this, ask your Higher Self (your I Am Presence) if what you are envisioning is true. Listen carefully and make any adjustments that may be suggested. Once this image feels right, begin viewing your world through the eyes of this likeness, and imagine ways to adapt the world to the needs and desires of the new You.


As you work through this process, note that it requires moving your ego a bit into the background and your truer identity into the fore. It is important at all times to work within the sanction of divine grace as the purpose is to align your desires with the flow of the Divine. In this linking you become a Being of Light who can perceive how grace operates in physicality. It is through the Light of divine grace that your true desires can be realized. Mostly, ego is experienced as an obstacle to your true desires, and many learn to go within to use their intuitive powers to loosen ego's pull on them. When you are in the flow of the new energy, you feel a sense of joy and fulfillment and this is a sign that you are on the right track. We advise you to try this and to become familiar with talking and listening to your I Am Presence.


As these new energies pour into your world, our joint efforts to remove the dark cabal progress well: our associates have completed the legalities required to declare many major regimes illegal. We are also firming up alliances with major contingents inside the military of these same nations, and this activity has now formed a consensus among the world's military leadership who agree that full cooperation with and support of the global governance transition is a vital task for them to undertake. The final phase of this legal change of governance is rapidly taking shape. All the elements are in place and what remains is the right time to act. We have conferred with our Agarthan advisors and have come up with a way to unfold these most unprecedented actions. Be prepared for a very welcome cavalcade of events!


Today, we talked about what is happening to transform your reality. We are ready to push forward with activities to bring disclosure forward and have also prepared our fleet for contact. The Ascended masters have embarked on a plan to bring your new reality into being. These are exciting times indeed! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One and Be in Joy!)



¡i»ÈªeÁp¨¹¡j SaLuSa 11¤ë9¤é«H®§
SaLuSa - November 9, 2011
SaLuSa - 11¤ë9¤é«H®§

Events continue to move on at a faster pace than previously, and the world looks on at the decline in Europe that will have far reaching implications. The problem in finding a solution, is that there is insufficient money to fund any form of help or bail out. As we have informed you, the old system can no longer serve those countries involved and a new one will have to be found that completely addresses the problem. The answer is of course waiting in the wings, and our allies will present their plan at the appropriate time. Be assured that the inconvenience to you will be short lived, and we will be behind those invested with the responsibility to bring the new plan in. Change must come and since your needs were identified, we have enlisted the help of people of authority to carry it through with all speed. Those of the darkness whom we have already identified will be stopped from interfering, and if need be removed to places where they are unable to do so.


We have some allies that would surprise you, who know that the threat that hung over the world would have affected virtually all countries. The Illuminati had ambitions to conquer the world, and not one would have been safe from their intentions. Fortunately the danger has passed, and in time all vestiges of the their military forces and bases will be removed. Peace is coming and will have been established before Ascension, and our presence will ensure that it is kept. In fact with the ever increasing levels of consciousness, there is a reluctance in more people's minds to rise up against their fellow countrymen. Part of it comes from the recognition that wars do not solve problems, but in the long run make them worse. Part of the cleansing of Earth will be the restoration of all that has been destroyed, damaged or polluted by the acts of war.


Love and Light is returning to Earth very quickly, with much having been grounded each time you have reached a key point. The next one is 11.11.11. and it is an extremely important time, that will dramatically increase the frequency of your Light Body and Physical Body. Some of you will undoubtedly be aware of it and know that the intensity has increased. It will continue right through to Ascension, when you should be perfectly ready to complete the process. Then the Golden Age will have commenced with further stages of enlightenment that carry you forward to even higher dimensions.


The more earthly affairs will be completed in good time, and the old paradigm will have eventually been denied any further energy to keep it going. Already it is breaking up, and much of your early contact with us will be spent dealing with it. We are pledged to remove everything that has no place in your immediate future. So it is going to be an exciting period to be present on Earth, as love replaces fear and those negative emotions that have been fuelled by the lower vibrations. The Oneness of All That Is will lift you up and people will drop any ideas of separation, as they come together to create a new civilization that acts as One where all souls love and care for each other. Supposed differences that have been played upon by the dark Ones to keep you apart, will be quickly overcome. There will be no place for religious dogma, and the one Truth will prevail as souls learn to connect with their Higher Self.


Those of you who are well informed and understanding of the Truth, will be called upon to be the mentors of those who do not. With our coming presence we will make sure that everyone has an opportunity to learn the Truth. Much has been falsely presented to you, and we regret to say that it also applies to most religious orders or churches. For those who feel strongly attached to their beliefs, we simply ask that you try to be open to new ideas and understand that there is only the One Supreme Creator. Your ego may not be every easily persuaded to give up beliefs that you have cherished, but we feel sure you will find that they can easily be replaced.


Freewill is the gift God gave you and we honor it, to the extent that we would not try to impose different views upon you. However, we say again - please be open to new versions of the purpose of life, and also your history that needs largely re-writing. Know that everything that has ever happened since creation is recorded, and can be "re-played" if it is necessary to clarify any misunderstanding. There can only but be the One Truth and you have now reached the point when you are due to be given it. So much conflict has taken place on Earth, because of differences that have been perpetuated and played upon by the dark forces. Soon you will know what is like to be released from such conditions, and live a peaceful and blissful life with your Brothers and Sisters, and that includes ourselves.


There is so much to look forward to, and the inconvenience caused by the changes will be nothing by comparison to the gift of freedom and peace that is to be yours. Nothing can stop the successful completion of your journey through Duality, as it has been given the blessing and love of the Creator. Therefore go about your daily lives with joy in your hearts, and see yourself in those souls around you. Dark Ones or of the Light, it is of no difference as all of you have shared experiences on opposite sides of the divide. In the future you will acknowledge the divinity in all those you meet, and share the beauty of each others love. Energies merge and vibrations harmonize together in an expression of Unconditional Love.


Dear Ones, continue on your journey doing you best to make other people's lives that little bit happier, as even a kind word or greeting can lift them up. Humans have tended to be insular and withdrawn, and yet you have the ability to be outgoing and generous with your friendship to others. Set aside the things that make another person seem different to you, and "speak" to them on a higher level and they will understand. Wish for them what you would wish for yourself and you will be helping lift them up.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I feel elated at the thought of your upliftment, and return to the dimensions of Light. May you receive the love and Blessings of the Creator to bring joy and happiness into your life.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website:Tree of the Golden Light

