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By Father Melchizedek thru Hazel

Jun 23, 2011 - 12:30:21 PM



Jun 23, 2011 - 12:30:21 PM

The earth is in the throes of her final revolution around your sun as the cycle races to an end; literally and metaphorically. She has completed her time yet lingers to allow for the vestiges of humans to mount the spiritual ladder to enable the yield to be greater. She finds accord with the Greater Will. She has stayed the course with great effort and endured with great strength. She has persevered in spite of the odds and has borne both light and dark with grace.


She is akin to an athlete who agrees to complete many many cycles around an extensive perimeter and who keeps going regardless of the heat, the dehydration, the pain, the sweat, the physical weariness and the bombardment of negativity sourced by others along the way.


She is limping but she is going to make it across that finish line for she knows that there are many who hold high and great expectations of her. She is now dwelling in an insulated vat where all her energies are focussed on the finish line. She is not distracted by any surrounding events. She is beginning to accelerate as she can see the white line, a prism of pure light awaiting her. Even through her aches she can smile for she knows that she is soon to claim her freedom.


What is the lesson here for you ones? Do you merely rejoice in her choice and the direction which she has taken or can you see through the excitement the run she has had to make to get to this point? She has carried for aeons the weight of mankind on her back and she had to run the length and breadth of the cycles with you all. She has been grounded under the burden of too many beings yet she has never given up on thee or sought to relieve herself knowingly of thee.


She agreed to undertake this task so that you ones might make the run also to find and grow into your spirit. Was it worth it? Was her journey in vain? She can account for her mileage; can you account for yours? Yes dear ones, how far and how long and how much effort have you put into your journey to achieve spiritual mileage? How much mileage in spirit have you covered? This is measurable by the level of attunement you have attained to the spirit of God within you and the level of mastery you have attained over yourself. I am posing questions to you at this time for all will be required to assess themselves; none shall be excused from this process. The time of balancing is here. Each soul will account for the measure of his/her growth for it is this that will earn each his/her next assignment.


There can be much joy in the journey yet without a goalpost there is little point as you become lost in your path ¡Vdevoid of purpose.


Time is short yet every moment continues to count in your resolve to make a last attempt to push to the very end so that you can elevate yourself spiritually some more before the changes manifest. Do not surrender to your own expectation of when things may materialise- this is not a matter for your concern save for the purpose of being vigilant and aware of what is taking place in your world. Do not however let this be an obstacle; for the greatest development at soul level takes place through the experiencing and managing of obstacles. For those who are confronting hurdles, just as your earth has overcome hers so too must you overcome yours to reach the finish line. This is an opportunity for you to persevere in yourself and in your growth. This is not a time for complacency but pro activity in the unfolding of your own light. The obstacles, be it inner or outer are the facilitators for this. Bless the hurdles on your path for if transcended they add to your achieved mileage.


Blessed are you all, children of the Most High- but children you are merely not. You bear the grandeur of spirit within and must seek and be your grandeur. How many more cycles must you complete to achieve this. Let the evaluation begin.


I AM Father Melchizedek , come through my child to give you ones the push and encouragement you need so that you can reach the finish line at a respectable level of spiritual achievement.






¦^´_ 2# sanmartin


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Importance des énergies du Soleil

« Les énergies du Soleil, les Energies Christiques, ont une immense importance pour votre transformation. Le Soleil lui-même est en train de se transformer d'une façon très conséquente et vous en ressentirez les effets avec les éruptions solaires, les vents solaires.


Tout ce qui vit sur ce monde et sur d'autres planètes de votre système solaire (parce que la vie existe sur d'autres planètes de votre système solaire), se nourrit en permanence avec les énergies émanant de toutes les sphères de votre système solaire et également du soleil central et du centre de votre galaxie.


Comment fonctionne ce processus ?


Une énergie n'est pas palpable. Vous pouvez la ressentir, vous pouvez peut-être la voir quand vous voyez les aurores boréales car c'est une façon de percevoir la coloration d'une énergie, vous pouvez aussi la voir lorsque vous voyez des énergies auriques.


Globalement, une énergie n'est pas perceptible pour les sens des humains actuels. Ce qu'il faudrait que vous puissiez bien intégrer, c'est qu'avant d'être matière vous êtes énergie, c'est-à-dire que votre corps de matière est un corps d'énergie qui vibre à une certaine fréquence.


Donc, vous avez ce corps de matière et vos corps subtils. Toute l'énergie que vous recevez en provenance de plusieurs points de votre système solaire, de votre galaxie et bien au-delà, stimule, d'une certaine manière, les énergies de votre corps physique et de vos corps subtils.


Cela fait comme des courants électriques (mais vous ne les ressentirez pas forcément) qui réveillent l'énergie dormante en vous ; cela peut également réveiller votre capacité d'aimer. Le Divin qui est en vous va également s'épanouir beaucoup plus. Même si vous ne le voyez pas, cela va alléger et transformer la fréquence vibratoire de votre matière.


Cette nourriture d'énergies spirituelles et de force (parce que ce sont des forces considérables) vont nourrir votre énergie-matière, comme les énergies de vos corps subtils, et vont transformer, transcender petit à petit et alléger considérablement la densité de votre corps. C'est pour cela que nous vous disons que les énergies très puissantes, venant de l'univers, vous transforment chaque jour davantage. C'est une vraie réalité, parce que lors de cette transformation, de cette transmutation, elles nourrissent des parties invisibles de vous-même dont vous n'avez pas encore conscience.


Tout ce qui est invisible et qui est à l'extérieur va fusionner avec tout ce qui est invisible et qui est à l'intérieur. Les énergies extérieures de vos multidimensionnalités, de vos corps subtils, vont, d'une certaine manière, avec l'impulsion des énergies venant de l'univers, permettre la fusion de votre matière sublimée avec la partie beaucoup plus lumineuse et divine de votre propre Divinité.


Grâce à toutes les énergies que vous recevez de l'univers, vous allez petit à petit transcender la matière et revêtir votre Corps de Lumière, créer ce que vous appelez votre Merkabah. D'une certaine manière, c'est un peu de cette façon qu'il est créé : l'unité des énergies qui vous appartiennent, qui sont à l'extérieur de vous-même fusionnent avec les énergies d'une immense puissance qui sont à l'intérieur de vous-mêmes. Leur fusion créera votre Corps de Lumière.


Pour créer votre Merkabah, il y a une deuxième possibilité : c'est d'effectuer un travail très conséquent (que vous n'êtes pas capables de faire tout seul), en allant au plus profond de vous-même pour dégager cette énergie en sommeil, et d'entrer en communication, d'une certaine manière, avec les énergies de vos multidimensionnalités. Certains grands maîtres y arrivent en faisant beaucoup de méditations, mais ce n'est pas ce qui vous est demandé.


À l'époque actuelle, vous avez vraiment une immense chance parce que vous n'aurez peut-être pas grand-chose à faire pour que cette transformation s'accomplisse en vous. Cependant il faut aussi pouvoir donner de la chance à la chance. Si vous vous fermez et ne croyez pas en cette transformation, elle ne se fera peut-être pas, donc vous irez dans une autre dimension parce que vous ne serez pas prêt à vivre cette transformation.


Nous aimerions tout de même appuyer sur ceci : vous êtes un corps d'énergie. Vous touchez votre corps, il paraît dense mais c'est un corps d'énergie. Ce corps d'énergie va devenir de plus en plus léger, de plus en plus éthéré. Bien sûr, vous vous verrez, vous ne disparaîtrez pas aux yeux les uns des autres au niveau de votre vision humaine, mais si vous pouviez mesurer la densité de votre fréquence vibratoire, vous constateriez cet immense changement ».



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Your Higher Self
By Candace
Dec 11, 2010 - 1:41:02 PM


Originally Posted by Candace

Hazel's higher self is a Melchizedek, these ones are master teachers who run "melchizedek university" the schools of Salvington, you might wish to review them in the Urantia Book. You can just use the search feature at www.urantia.org to bring up the section about them. I don't have mine out tonight, and it's bedtime and I am ¡K.. well TIRED. This has been a long few days for starfleet, we can update later when their work is accomplished. Don't know I am so tired though! maybe just all the anticipation and small letdowns when something is less than smooth. We all know"less than smooth".

¤Þ¥Î ­ì©« Candace

Hazelªº°ª§Ú¬O¤@¦WÀq°ò·æ¼w¡AÀq°ò·æ¼w­Ì¬O¦bSalvington¡]§Ú­Ì©Ò¦bªº¦a¤è¦t©zNebadonªºÁ`³¡¡^¶}¿ì¡§Àq°ò·æ¼w¤j¾Ç¡¨ªº¤j®v±Ð®v¡A§A¤]³\À³¸Ó¦bthe urantia book(¦a²y¤§®Ñ)¤¤¬d¾\¤@¤U¡C§A¥i¥H¨Ï¥Î www.urantia.orgªº·j¯Á¥\¯à¬d§ä¬ÛÃöªº³¡¤À¡C¤µ±ß§Ú¨S¦³¥´¶}§Úªº®Ñ¡A¬OºÎı®É¶¡¤F¡A¦Ó¥B§Ú¡K«D±`¯h¾Î¡C¹ï¬P»ÚÄ¥¶¤¨Ó»¡³o¬O«D±`º©ªøªº´X¤Ñ¡A·í¥L­Ì§¹¦¨¤F¤u§@¡AÀH«á§Ú­Ì¥i¥H§ó·s¡C¤£ª¾¹D¡A¤£¹L§Ú¤Ó²Ö¤F¡I¥i¯à¶È¶È¬O¦]爲¤@¤Áªº¹w´Á¥H¤Î¤@¨Ç¤p¤pªº¥¢±æ¡A·í¬Y¨Ç¨Æ¤£¤Ó¶¶§Q¡C§Ú­Ì³£ª¾¹D¡§¤£¤Ó¶¶§Q¡¨¡C

Candace, I'm so confused om what is meant with higher self. I thought the higher self was your thought adjuster. Does everyone have a higher self?

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The thought adjuster is part of your higher self IF you are Father indwelt. Those of you here that are Father indwelt are likely fused with it already, probably LONG AGO in fact. The folks here serving and learning are all different. Some are descending sons, some are ascending sons.

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Your "higher self" is simply the real you. So yes you all have a higher self if you are not a brand new person. We have a lot of problems with terms on this planet as the knowledge is so bad and then the black ops folks when confusing it all too.

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Nobody is actually "incarnate" in these physical bodies. There is a linkage some call the silver cord to your morontial soul or Monad, depending on where you are in your journey and what type of being you are. Hazel is a melchezidek incarnate in a female form. she is a descending son.

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When we "incarnate" our bodies have a "mind system" that comes with them, and that is really the ego mind that is put out there. Since you are an eternal being of long experience, you have your REAL MIND that belongs to the REAL YOU. You access this all the time without even knowing it much of the time. You essentially have thus two minds. The point is to learn to get out of that programmed mind your body was born with, and get into your real mind. That is the point of meditation. To still the earth society programmed little mind of your body and use your REAL MIND. Hazel's pieces are coming from her "real mind." Does this help? I am in my real mind nearly 24/7 now. I am in it as I am writing this in fact.


The idea really is to join them both together as much as possible, as you will be taking the little mind with you to your next journey. Your higher self is composed of all those little minds you have had during incarnations plus all your other experiences in the higher realms.


When people began to remember who they are, you don't need details on that, when you begin to reason beyond the earth crap, you are using your real mind. And people notice that sometimes and think you have changed. And they probably won't like it. but fact is, YOU have changed and when you are using what you really know, you will not slide back into other ways.


I was raised in the episcopal church. I was always in my higher self when I was drug off to that church even, it did not resonate with me, the real me. Many of you have been using your higher minds somewhat to a whole lot during your life. I leave to you ponder WHEN. Some of you from birth, some of you later.


Animalsreincarnate too and often have better memories than we do of previous lives they have lived. The mind grows from life to life, experience to experience. I have cats that KNOW they reincarnate and I have one now who remembers ME from long ago in a previous life of hers. I kept her as a kitten, she was born in my house, because she knew who I was even if I could not remember which one of MANY cats she was. One day, when I was meditating on the couch and in that "in-between state" of awake and asleep, she jumped up on me, and I called her Maria. Well, now I knew which one she had been, my higher self remembered her! So you see, reincarnating cats have a "higher self" too, their real mind that is them, no matter which body they have. If was this cats higher self that remembered ME in the first place.


Everytime you "know" something you were NOT "taught" on this planet, you are getting it from your higher self. It's a knowing from another time.


Now, some of you staying here may be getting a new cloned body. We have discussed this. When you are MOVED into that new body, that is your mind is moved to it, you are going to have a lot more recall of your self. It is being born into a BABY that causes the terrible loss of memory here, as the baby's mind that comes with it's body, gets filled up with the stuff of this life. This hides your real mind. Babies in fact usually do remember stuff when they are born and for a few years and it get's gradually LOST as you grow and fill up the new mind of the body. Now these days, there are more and more children coming into better soul carrier bodies that do have better memory of themselves.


I see lots of cute stories now and then on GLP about people's kids who remember and even know why they are here. Every time you knowingly reject the religion you got raised with, you are that higher mind, YOU KNOW BETTER. And so it goes.



DreaMend ½Ķ


You were told, my dear, that the next eight weeks will bring such revelations that even those active on the Testing Mediums site will have nowhere to hide. Their agenda is set in stone. They like to give the impression that they are open; when in fact, it would be hard to find such closed minds. One, in particular, claims to have "known and loved" me, when the evidence clearly shows otherwise. Of course I mentioned the attacks on you and our work - what sort of a husband would I be, if I failed to do so? Why would I not want to protect my wife? I assure them that they will answer for their deeds.


Ignore this sniping, my dear. 28 people (who were unknown to you) witnessed my materialisation. They heard us talk to each other and, yes, I did talk of the attacks on you. Those present were greatly moved when I reached forward and took your dear face in my hands once more and kissed you. Those that snipe have no understanding of REAL LOVE or of the 100 percent devotion and commitment we share. They have 'bought into' the Hollywood version of love. Real love never dies, it is eternal. You and I, my dear, are proof of that.


To get down to the real issues affecting your world just now: the collapse of the monetary system is in its final stages as we write. There is no hiding place for those who have controlled so mercilessly, the lives of so many helpless souls who are just struggling for their existence. We in Spirit, who are expert in this field, have instructed those who can be trusted to complete the transfer on the Earth plane. This one project alone will alter everything. They will find that their off-planet masters will be helpless to change what we have put in place. No longer will you see third-world countries fighting for their very survival. The people of these countries have equal rights. You are all Beings of Light who chose particular paths to follow when you decided to return to Earth. No race is superior to another. How ridiculous it is to suggest that "God loved me more than you." This came about when two groups came together to take - by force - the control of your world. Remember, I called it horse-trading.


This is why Pope Adrian IV set out to destroy Ireland. He wanted the Vatican to be the centre of the religious world. He told King Henry of England to conquer Ireland and keep the Irish down. At that time, Ireland was the centre of teaching and learning. The Irish knew and understood who they were and their true connection to the Earth and the Universe. This did not fit in with the plans of the Vatican. So it destroyed all that was pure and divine in origin.


Ireland represented the centre of the Universe; its four cardinal directions. They changed its original name, Eire, to Ireland: IR, which means finished land. They really thought they had finished off the race and the religion of the Ari.


The Council of Nicea is when your world was completely altered and the Dark Ones took control. They used FEAR successfully to keep the masses down and under control. But worry not - for their reign of terror is about to close. As you emerge from the darkness you will step into a light so magnificent that you will feel a wave of love and peace that will replace the darkness. We have not left anything to chance. There is a great awakening happening. It has been orchestrated by those who have a direct link with Spirit. Some are important on both levels of existence: they chose to help your planet evolve. Their love of mankind, their openness and sincerity, sets them apart. The sacrifice they chose to make to ensure that you have a smooth transition is what drives them on.


You were happy, my dear, to get confirmation from other sources, regarding the 13th sign of the Zodiac - OPHIUCHUS. The Vatican has kept it from you. So much is hidden there. The lives of many would have been so different if they had not taken and hidden so much from humanity.

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You ask who can you trust. Just look into the eyes - if there is no spark, then there is no soul, no love, no compassion. As you used to say, my dear, "they are empty"; just empty vessels, put there to cause disruption and confusion.


The Evil Ones who refuse to face the truth and relinquish control will dematerialise into nothingness. We will prevent them from escaping to an off-planet hideaway. The planets near to you are on stand-by, ready to assist. You are not alone. Many of us will materialise and we will be there for you. We are already showing ourselves - you are not imagining things - we often do it in preparation for the big disclosures. We come with love in our hearts to bring peace to your troubled planet which is so in need of rescue. Only those who are OF Your Planet will remain; the others will be banished, their take-over thwarted.


Centres are being set up all over the world where you will learn to connect with your spiritual side. This will be the priority. These places will exude love. You know of one in Italy: it is especially needed there to dissipate the energy of the control centre in Rome. Very special people are chosen to carry out this work. They remove the stress and fear that people have had to live with. People will learn to share; to reach out to others as in ancient times.


Absolutely everything will change completely. I say to each and every one of you - rest and prepare for action. Look forward to the new life that is being prepared for you, and all who come after you. Every country will learn to reach out with confidence. Fear and mistrust will vanish. So much is in place already. We see the full picture and so we decide when to move.


Please take pity on those who are still locked into the control system. They are frightened to look outside it. They will most certainly need your help when the time comes. Everything is 'on track', my dear.


Enjoy the sunshine, my love. Know that you are truly loved and cherished. Your adoring, Monty.





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»ÈªeÁp¨¹¡jSaLuSa 6¤ë27¤é«H®§
SaLuSa - June 27, 2011
SaLuSa - 6¤ë27¤é«H®§

We have mentioned certain restrictions that apply to our activities where you are concerned. There is always what you would call the ¡§higher authorities¡¨ which in our case are Beings of Light that oversee the whole Universe. We know that some of you wonder why the dark Ones, seem to be allowed a far greater scope to interfere with your lives. That is because duality is a battle between the dark and Light for supremacy of your planet. However, there are restraints and we can for example refer to the divine edict, that no military power will be allowed to use nuclear weapons, or start World War Three.


Furthermore, as a result of you having attained a higher level of consciousness, you have earnt the right to proceed to Ascension without being prevented. The dark Ones have already been prevented from destroying the Earth, which was the result of another divine edict that came direct from the God of your Universe. They could well have caused events that would have led to such destruction in comparatively recent times, and indeed it was not the only occasion that such a threat was averted.


So Dear Ones you can see that the battle is far from being one sided, and the balance has moved to the Light that has become the dominant power. It is only a matter of time before it will transmute the lower energies, and it will become total with the advent of Ascension. You need not therefore be too concerned about the rumours of earth shattering happenings or disasters. We see your continuing efforts to bring more Light to Earth, which is your guarantee of a successful and safe pathway to the end of the cycle. Sure there will be physical changes that must result from Mother Earth¡¦s own cleansing, but these will be moderated by us where possible.


What we would now like to see is a further rapid rise in consciousness levels, that would bring forward the opportunity to bring peace to the planet. You can achieve such targets, if you would only focus on the future and do not give your energy to negative possibilities that may not in any event happen. You can effectively disempower the dark Ones by denying them the lower energies that they feed upon. As we so often mention so as to get the message through to you, fear is what the dark Ones seek to create. You can deny them success, by staying centred and calm, and not letting others upset your ability to be at One with All That Is. That is indeed what you are aiming for as you evolve, and prepare yourselves for a wonderful life in the higher dimensions. No one can do that for you, so apply yourself to the task and know you are getting tremendous help.


Some of you who are enlightened find it tough going, when you are a lone voice within your family and possibly also friends. Because of your beliefs you can even be shunned by those who should link with you in love. Yet you hold fast in the strength of them, with that inner knowing that comes from the heart. It can be a lonely life and leave you yearning for someone to share your knowledge with. Have you therefore considered that it is no coincidence that you find yourself in that position, as it is certain that you are meant to be a catalyst to help those immediately around you.


You will be needed very soon, as when disclosure has taken place it will lead to people questioning what to believe, particularly as the undeniable presence of Space Craft is going to lead to questions about the occupants. When it reaches the point where the connection between them and the Human Race is proven, there will be many diehards who will still reject the idea. Lightworkers and others who have open minds will come into their own, as gentle yet firm answers must be given in response. You will have work to do but having been well prepared for such an occasion, you should be able to cope with ease.

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We have always indicated that part of disclosure would be the increasing presence in your skies, and we would make ourselves known by flying over major cities. We see this as putting people¡¦s minds at ease, as it will show that we come to allow you to familiarise yourselves with our craft. Hitherto we have been careful to ensure that sightings are not overpowering, and that the numbers of craft present were not seen as some threat to you. Now however, there seems to be quite a lot of excitement when many craft are seen at the same time.


The conditions on Earth are getting worse on a number of levels, and in spite of your own findings as to the serious damage caused to your ecology by deforestation, it continues to grow. Man seems to disregard the needs of Nature and the many species that are reliant on a good habitat to survive. In consequence Nature is unbalanced and some species are about to disappear for good. Is therefore as well that with our coming, an end can be put to such destructive action. We do understand that some people have turned to undesirable practices because poverty has driven them to it. Those problems will be eradicated quite quickly, when abundance requires that the wealth of the world be fairly redistributed. Such plans are already in place and have been advanced sufficiently, that they have started to be implemented.


We have the advantage of fully understanding the causes of your problems, and some are the result of the policies of the Illuminati. Keeping you in a state of need also keeps you in a state of control, and that will change because each person will ultimately need for nothing at all. Life will suddenly be shorn of the disabling reasons for your unhappiness and misery that so many are in. It is all in the plan, and of necessity once we start to put these matters right, you will be pleasantly surprised at the speed of operations. We do have millions of craft at our disposal, and also the personnel to go with them so no task is too large for us. The fact is that our technologically advanced equipment is so superior to anything you have seen, although some of your scientists have the right ideas even if they cannot yet prove they work.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and our messages can get a bit intense, as you are so near to the revelations that will automatically lead to disclosure. We wait with anticipation and look forward to our first open contacts with you.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website:Tree of the Golden Light


Message from Archangel Michael LM-7-2011
Transmitted Through Ronna Herman

Ronna Herman ¶Ç»¼

Beloved masters, first of all, we wish to clarify WHAT ASCENSION IS NOT. At your present state of evolution, ascension of the physical body will only be possible for a few very advanced avatars that have opened the path for humanity¡¦s ascension into the next level of higher consciousness. The beloved Jeshua, along with many great avatars and the angelic realm, set the stage and planted the cosmic Seeds of Creator Light in preparation for this extraordinary process.


In order to ascend in the physical vessel at this time, you would have to almost complete the transformation of your physical body into frequencies of Divine Light, and raise the harmonics of your Soul Song to those of the highest planes of the fifth dimension and above. It is wishful thinking to assume that it is possible to transmute the density of a third- / fourth-dimensional physical body into a fifth-dimensional vessel of Light in one lifetime.


You, the vanguard, the Star Seed, are supplying the fuel, Adamantine Particles of Light, to activate the Seeds of ascension which were planted on Earth over 2,000 years ago. Humanity is in a purification stage, in preparation for a much greater expansion of consciousness, which is affecting more and more Souls as it sweeps the Earth and accelerates exponentially as a result.

§A³o¦ì¥ý¾W¡A¬P»ÚºØ¤l¡A¥¿¦b¨ÑÀ³¥ú¤§ª÷­è²É¤lªº¿U®Æ¡A¥H¿E¬¡ºØ´Ó¦b¦a²y¶W¹L 2,000¦~ªº´­¤ÉºØ¤l¡C¤HÃþ¥¿¦b²b¤Æªº¶¥¬q¡A¥H·Ç³Æ¦b·NÃѤWÀò±o§ó¤jªºÂX®i¡A·íµ²ªG¥H­¿¼W¥[³tªº¤è¦¡®u¨÷¦a²y®É¡A±N·|¼vÅT¶V¨Ó¶V¦hªºÆF»î¡C

At the present stage of evolutionary change, the physical bodies of the aspirants / disciples on the Path are in the process of being infused with the transforming power of Creator Light. The cells of higher consciousness are awakening and bursting forth with the alchemical formula of transformation. You are in the process of cleansing your Auric Field of a major portion of the negative / distorted vibrational frequency patterns which have dimmed your Auric Light and have resulted in the manifestation of all the miscreations within the physical vessel.


Locked in the cellular body are toxins which must be released or refined so that you may integrate the harmonious frequencies of your multi-level bodily structure once more. The Light Body cells have been dimmed, just as the Auric Field has become foggy and congested with negative energy. The God Cells are still present within and around you; they have just diminished and dimmed over time from a lack of nourishment. It is as if you have constantly been fed contaminated food which over a long period of time will destroy the bodily vessel. The ego-desire body is cunning and persistent, and it will constantly nudge you toward seeking more and more bodily sensations and self-indulgence, often with disastrous results.


You must understand, the different parts of your body resonate to a great variety of frequency patterns, depending on the spin and purity of your chakra system. You should always strive for maximum harmony within each level of your Higher Self that you integrate, and be aware that it is a never-ending process, for all levels of Creation have an inborn desire to attain the next higher level of consciousness.


Consider the notion that humanity is experiencing four realities at once: physical, mental, emotional and astral. In the physical / material world, where your body and physical senses are the major focus, your state of health determines how interactive you are in the world of physicality and how much you will enjoy the experience. Your progression into the higher realms of consciousness is a gradual awakening process, whereby you awaken to the nudging / wisdom of your Soul and immediate Higher Self /Over-Soul. As you step onto the Path of en-Lighten-ment, you initiate the process of developing a conscious / mindful awareness. You must first focus on the physical aspects of your Being: your physical vessel, the chakra system, your emotional nature and your mental capabilities. Gradually, over time, as you balance, harmonize and integrate a certain degree of unity consciousness within your physical State of Being, you are ready to access the vibrational patterns, the wisdom, attributes and abilities of the higher fourth- / lower fifth-dimensional realities. This is the basic process that we sometimes call Ascension in Consciousness.


You have an Etheric Body which contains a complete, authentic replica of your physical, mental and emotional bodies. When you die or leave your body, the Silver Cord (as it is sometimes called) is severed, and you totally vacate the physical vessel, which immediately begins to disintegrate. What will remain is the shell of the subtle body, which is composed of astral emotional and mental substance which must be dissolved before the Soul can proceed to the next level of conscious awareness. We have explained before how the unawakened Souls are taken to places which could be called Intensive Care Units whereby the Love/Light of the Creator is continuously radiated to and through each Soul¡¦s Auric Field until the negative shell of misqualified energy is completely transmuted.


However, it is important that you understand that the death/transition, after-life process has changed radically. No longer does any Soul go into the dense astral planes to await their turn to reincarnate on the Earth. If you are a Self-conscious person whose Soul Song resonates to the higher fourth / lower fifth dimensions or higher, you are automatically taken to the appropriate plane where everything seems much like the reality you left behind, only much grander, more beautiful and more joyful, loving and peaceful. You will go through the Gates of the heavenly realms totally aware. You will review your past life as an observer, and you may say farewell to those near and dear to you; however, they will slowly fade into the background unless they are members of your immediate Soul family.


Again, the frequencies you project or resonate to will determine which dimension or sub-plane dimensional level you will be taken to, and also the levels of cosmic information you will be able to access. Your Auric Field is like a cloak that surrounds your Etheric / Astral Bodies, and it is either a cloak of Light or a shroud of negative, inharmonious energy that you have accumulated over your many past lifetime experiences. You are composed of units of energy: mental, emotional, physical, astral and spiritual. You must learn and accept the fact that you are a creation of forceful energy, an original Spark of Divine Consciousness. As a Self-conscious cocreator, you are also a director of energy via your own forceful thoughts, actions and intentions.


You exist in a whirlwind of energy: energy forces comprised of either Primal Life Force substance, the half-spectrum Light of the lower dimensions, or the wondrous, all-encompassing Adamantine Particles of Creator Light of the higher realms of consciousness. Your mental state of mind and the quality or resonance of your emotional nature determine the outcome of your creative endeavors. As a cocreator, you will mold and manifest your creative ideas / thoughts, and then you must experience the resulting manifested expression of your thoughts and actions¡Vso state the Universal Laws.


You are to become an efficient director of Cosmic energy forces. Become a conscious observer and practice detachment. Do not allow yourself to be pulled into a vortex of negative energy created by others. Learn to stand firm and in control, as the director of your Sacred energy. Do not allow anyone to disturb your serenity and harmonious nature. However, please remember, if you do occasionally have a human moment, stop and take a deep breath and return to center, as you send forth a burst of Violet Flame to transmute and dissolve any discordant energy. You are sometimes too harsh in your judgment of Self. Perfection is not expected, dear hearts.


It is the radiance of your Higher, Over-Soul Self that gradually penetrates and permeates your physical and emotional bodies, thereby gradually releasing any accumulated negative, astral debris. The combined Light of the Over-Soul of all humanity is gradually dissolving the contaminated, distorted vibrational patterns of the astral planes, which in the past have been called the ¡§collective consciousness,¡¨ the negative thought patterns of humanity. Love, serenity and joy are the primary qualities of the Over-Soul. Most people¡¦s thoughts are generally random and without focus. Lowering the frequencies of your brain waves or learning to maintain an Alpha State of consciousness provides a sharp focus of your ongoing thought processes and gives clear direction to the subconscious mind. The Alpha Mastery techniques are a profound and powerful tool. Your conscious thinking mind comprehends, but it is your subconscious mind that processes the incoming information and takes action. Becoming an Alpha Master and maintaining the appropriate Alpha level of consciousness will allow you to speak to and interact with your subconscious mind. It goes beyond will power as you develop the ability to communicate directly with your deep, instinctive inner mind and your Sacred Mind. You will find yourself naturally making the best decisions and taking the right action to achieve your goals.


The ascension process begins when your Soul Self has resumed its proper position as director of the physical Self. It is as if an ignition switch has been turned on within your DNA, which contains the blueprint for your perfect Adam/Eve Kadmon Light Body. A series of latent encodings are activated via the higher frequencies of Light that you have begun to integrate. These Light vibrational patterns contain specific encodings of color and harmonics which will affect all the cells and organs within the bodily form. Gradually, the cells will begin to absorb and metabolize the Light, and these Light-bearing cells will begin to permeate and affect the entire physical vessel.

·í§AªºÆF»î¦Û§Ú«ì´_¦¨爲¨­Åé¦Û§Ú¡]physical Self¡^Á`ºÞªº¦X¾A¦a¦ì®É¡A´£¤Éªº¹Lµ{´N¶}©l¤F¡C³o´N¹³¬O¤@­Ó¦b§AªºDNA¤º¡A¥]§t§A³Ì§¹¬üªº¨È·í®L«½¯«¤H¥úÅé¡]Adam/Eve Kadmon Light Body¡^ÂŹϪºÂI¤õ¶}Ãö¤w³Q¥´¶}¤F¤@¼Ë¡C¤@³s¦ê¼ç¦bªº½s½X³z¹L§A¤w¸g¶}©l¾ã¦Xªº§ó°ªÀW²v¤§¥ú¦Ó³Q¿E¬¡¤F¡A³o¨Ç¥úªº®¶°Ê¼Ò¦¡¥]§t¤F¯S©w顔¦â»P¿Óªiªº½s½X¡A·|¼vÅT¨ì¨­Åé§Î¦¡¤¤©Ò¦³ªº²Ó­M©M¾¹©x¡Cº¥º¥¦a¡A²Ó­M´N·|¶}©l§l¦¬©M¥NÁÂ¥ú¡A³o¨Ç©Ó¨ü¥úªº²Ó­M´N·|¶}©lº¯³z¨Ã¼vÅT¾ã­Ó¨­Åé¸ü¨ã¡C

The transmutation process is then initiated whereby toxins, emotional trauma, painful memories and experiences stored throughout the body will begin to surface, thereby creating a multitude of uncomfortable physical symptoms: aches and pain in various parts of the body, flu-like symptoms, headaches, confusion and temporary memory loss, to name only a few.


The next level of Auric Field reconstruction involves the emotional body and the astral planes of consciousness. As your physical body evolves, it becomes capable of integrating more and more refined frequency cells of Light. Your fourth-dimensional reality begins to crumble, and your illusional world becomes distorted and confusing. Your religious belief structure may begin to fall apart, leaving you feeling vulnerable and without guidance or direction. There is a Higher Self merge at this point whereby the Over-Soul facet of your Higher Self that has resided within your Soul Star (the Eighth Chakra) begins to send impulses/beams of higher frequency Light packets into your Sacred Mind, Sacred Heart and the entire chakra system. These beams activate your intuitive abilities and also contain vital information for your greater understanding of who you truly are and may also activate a Divine Discontent within.

¤U¤@­Ó¼h¦¸ªº®ð³õ­««Ø¡A¯A¤Î·NÃѪº±¡ºüÅé©M¬P¥ú¼h¡C·í§Aªº¨­Åéµo®i¨ì¯à°÷¾ã¦X¦¨¶V¨Ó¶V¦hºë·LÀW²vªº¥ú²Ó­M®É¡A§A²Ä¥|¦¸¤¸ªº¹ê¬Û·|¶}©l±Y·´¡A§Aªºµê¤Û¥@¬É·|Åܱo§á¦±¤Î²V¶Ã¡A§Aªº©v±Ð«H¥õµ²ºc¥i¯à·|¶}©l¤À±YÂ÷ªR¡A¦ÓÅý§A·P¨ì¯Ü®z©M¥¢¥h¤Þ¾É©Î¤è¦V¡C¦ÓÂǵۨº¦í¦b§AªºÆF»î¤§¬P¡]²Ä¤K¯ß½ü¡^¤§°ª§Úªº¶WÆF­±¦V¡A¶}©lµo°e°ªÀW²vªº¥ú¥]¡]Light packets¡^¯ß¨R©M¥ú§ô¨ì§Aªº¯«¸t¤ß´¼¡B¯«¸t¤§¤ß¤Î¾ã­Ó¯ß½ü¨t²Î®É¡A°ª§Ú·|¦b³o¤@ÂI¤W¿Ä¦X¡C³o¨Ç¥ú§ô·|¿E¬¡§Aªºª½Ä±¯à¤O¡A¦P®É¤]¥]§t­«­nªº«H®§¡A¨Ï§A¯à§ó¦h¤F¸Ñ¯u¥¿ªº§A¬O½Ö¡A¦Ó³o¤]¥i¯à¿E¬¡¤º¦bªº¯«¸t¤£º¡¡]Divine Discontent¡^¡C

Your Diamond Core God Cell is now integrating more and more God Light, which activates and increases the power of the Rays of God Consciousness within your Sacred Heart Core. This process is programmed within your Divine Blueprint and is also encoded within your DNA. By this time, your cells have begun to respond to the Light as their main source of energy. This is the major reason aspirants on the Path often radically change their diets to less dense food, for their physical and emotional bodies are being saturated with Adamantine Particles of Light¡Vthe food of the gods.


As you move deeper and deeper into the realms of refined Light, the physical senses may become enhanced, and your awareness of colors and sound will increase. The magnification of the physical senses means the cells within your Auric Field are beginning the task of clearing the dense, restrictive energy that has built up over many thousands of years. The foggy prison that has dulled the senses and has kept humanity in bondage is gradually being bathed in Light cells, which will result in the Auric Field becoming more radiant as more and more Souls awaken to the Divine potential within. The physical body must gradually be reintroduced to the transformative effects of the Living Light in order to reclaim the original Light Body form that was designed for all humanity.


Beloveds, cast not your eyes on the chaos and destruction that are rampant on the Earth at this time. Live each day centered within your Sacred Heart / Solar Power Center so that you may integrate into your physical vessel the maximum amount of Creator Light, and then send forth that precious gift down into the core of the Earth and out into the world of form. Know that the joint efforts of the World Servers around the planet are making a difference. We are a force for the greater good that cannot be denied. I am forever your faithful guardian and protector.


I AM Archangel Michael.



lilian¦w静 ½Ķ


Wanderer of the Skies - June 29, 2011
¤ÑªÅªº¬y®öªÌ 6¤ë28¤é«H®§

Greetings from the Federation:


There is much happening on your world right now despite the fact that so many of you have doubts about this process moving forward. We can assure you that it is indeed on track and all things are happening as we have planned.


There are many looking for answers to questions about what is happening now and many more who are totally overwhelmed by the process. We will not address these issues with you. We ask only that you keep focused on the task at hand. We ask that you direct your love, in its purest and most intense form possible, to your leaders as they discuss the final steps towards Disclosure. This will inspire a great movement forward as the power of your intention can create your reality.


In the time leading up to disclosure, we ask that you spread the word as diplomatically, and as articulately, as you know how so that the greatest number of people will have an idea of what is to happen. In the days following Disclosure, we ask that you triple those efforts, as the act of Disclosure itself will be your rallying cry and you will have been ¡§vindicated¡¨ in all your actions leading up to this moment.


It is here and upon you. You will know it most definitely when it occurs. There will be no mistaking this. Our representatives are already among you and are taking their places for the announcement. The ¡§cracks in the dam¡¨ are coming from every side now in ever increasing numbers and quality of information.


We know how difficult the ups and downs of this disclosure process has been over the years. But time has now run out and we are quite confident that any outbreaks of hostility to the announcement, which we are becoming more and more convinced will not happen, can be contained by us. The true ¡§test¡¨ will be your abilities as Light workers to calm the fears of those who have no idea that this process was underway for so long. Information and knowledge are the keys to obliterating fear. It is the torch of truth that eliminates fear from the minds of the human being. When Disclosure occurs, you need not stand on the soapbox to preach about us. They will already know. You simply have to point those who are uncertain or fearful to the same sources you have been following these long years so that they may drink from the pools of knowledge and information that have allowed you to become assured of our benevolence.


After that, we will test, ever so diplomatically, the waters of Disclosure ourselves by becoming apparent in more than obvious ways. In the weeks and months following, we will begin the process of mutual understanding, mutual respect, mutual kindness and love. Those acts alone will bring the torch of Truth to those who are uncertain. Until then, you are charged with the responsibility for the knowledge you have. Begin by intending your result with Love and Kindness for all.


Be at peace.




SaLuSa - June 29, 2011
SaLuSa - 6¤ë29¤é«H®§

By now you will have a good idea of what to expect as you pass through the final days of duality. Out of the chaos and uncertainty will come changes that will set the scene for what follows after Ascension. All will eventually be lifted up to a higher dimension, where you will have a degree of perfection not presently found on Earth. Indeed anything that is not of the same vibration will be unable to enter it, and will be attracted to its appropriate level. Now you will understand why there is so much emphasis on your individual development. It is up to you whether you ascend or not, but if you do there is not that much required from you to reach the higher level. It is largely a matter of intent and living your understanding of what it is to be at One with All That Is. It is love in action and it will take you all the way to and beyond Ascension. You do not have to belong to any sect or particular group, as it is something that is very personal and within your capabilities.


There is no experience quite like finding your true Self, and living out your beliefs in the face of many distractions and attempts to divert you off your path. Your power lies within your ability to stand fast, when others around you are failing to overcome the challenge from the dark Ones that is always present. Love is the gentle energy that is the supreme energy, that cannot be destroyed and remains all-powerful. It is the energy of what you call miracles, and can be applied even now and achieve results. It is God given and never taken away from you.


We have previously mentioned that those souls who have departed the Earth, will have exactly the same opportunity to ascend as those of you still on it. What you may not be aware of is that those who are of the higher vibration, will at some stage be able to meet you again when the Earth raises its vibration. The veil between the dimensions will no longer exist, and there will be some amazing re-unions with those who never thought they would see each other again. However, you will not be permanently together until the Ascension process has fully taken place. We do know that some of you visit the higher dimensions when out of the body, whether by chance or intent. There are in fact laws that govern entry into the Astral regions, and not every one would be allowed to go into them. For example souls leaving their physical body in near-death-experiences are usually met before they can enter such realms. The result is that most of them return to their physical bodies, when they understand that their time on Earth has not finished.


There is so much to learn about your future lives, and it is all beautiful, happy and most harmonious. In your wildest dreams you have been unable to capture the feeling of Oneness that exists in the higher dimensions. It is truly a heavenly existence where you want for nothing, because you have your own creative powers. How do you like the idea of being where no money changes hands, where there is no need for a health service or doctors for that matter? Where your lives are not run by how much time you have, where travelling is no longer a chore, and you can live in your dream house? This really gives you something to aim for, and makes the effort you put in to succeed so worthwhile.


Understand that all souls in your Universe are progressing through the same levels and onto the Source. For you Ascension is the first major step that will lift you up to levels, where you can meet with extraordinary numbers of different souls. Distance is of little consequence as you will move by thought, and could if necessary negotiate wormholes into other Universes. You will of course be given the necessary tuition so that you can safely travel around. When you reflect on what we have told you to expect in your future experiences, you will understand they are perfectly normal. It is your present life experiences that are peculiar to the third dimension and duality, and were never intended to be permanent. That is why the solar cycle was planned to complete in 2012, thus giving every soul the opportunity rise up out of it.


Since you do not carry long-term memories of your previous lives, you have no feeling of having been in the lower realms for such a long time. If you did, to be present now would be so much more exciting as like any long trek, it is a great feeling when you reach the end of the journey. However, as you begin to learn about your true past and how you came to be in existence, a whole new picture emerges. We are all in it together and a wonderful union of souls will take place, that will see us travelling the wide beyond in one adventure after another. We of the Galactic Federation are made up of units of Beings that often stay together for thousands of years. That is why we can speak from experience where you past history is concerned. Bear in mind that we do not age such as you do, and changing from one body to another is by choice and like you putting on a new suit of clothes.


Dear Ones can you see now how important the power of thought is, which is why you should try to develop it at the same time as learning to control its use. Have no fears however, as there will be much help available to you as you acquire such skills. It is why even in your dimension thoughts are considered to carry the same responsibility as actions. The reason is that both carry energy with them, which can be misused if care is not taken. We create by the power of thought, sometimes individually or in groups depending on what is in mind. Where you are concerned we can heal you by thought alone, read your mind and transfer our thoughts to you. That is something you do, although you are not necessarily aware that you are doing it. So you can see Dear Ones that you are a much more complicated Being than you probably imagined, and have a huge potential that you can now start to develop.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and it is wonderful to be with you at a time when you are so much more receptive to the truth. Hitherto, your minds have been infiltrated by false beliefs and information intended to mislead you. The dark Ones still use the media to poison your minds, and cause fear amongst you. However, you are becoming wise to their methods, and they do not have the same power over you anymore. Stay in your love centre and live from the heart, and you will be doing a service to other souls by sharing it with them.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website:Tree of the Golden Light


June 28, 2011
God & Gabriel

¤W«Ò ©M ¥[¦Ê¦C

Suzy: Hi, God & Gabriel.

ĬÓ}: §A¦n, ¤W«Ò ©M ¥[¦Ê¦C.

G&G: Hi, Suzy. An update for you. Government officials in Obama¡¦s cabinet are meeting in the morning to give Obama an Ascension Accord update. Members of the cabinet are pleased with the document and have given their seal of approval. In the government panel is both the speaker of the house, John Boehner & Nancy Pelosi. In the meeting will also be members of the UN and the Galactic Council.

¤W«Ò©M¥[¦Ê¦C¡G §A¦n¡AĬÓ}¡Cµ¹§Aªº·s«H®§¡C©x¤è¶ø¤Ú°¨ªº¤º»Õ¬F©²¦b¦­¤WÁ|¦æ¤F·|ij¡A¦³Ãö©ó´£¤Éªº¸ê°T¡C¤º»Õ¦¨­û«Üº¡·N¤å¥ó¡A¨Ãµ¹¤©¨ä¦L³¹ªº§å·Ç¡C¦b¬F©²¥x¤Wªº¬O²³Ä³°|ijªø¡A¬ù¿«³Õ¯Ç©M¨Ø¬¥¦è¡C¦b·|ij¤W¤]±N·|¬OÁp¦X°ê©M»Èªeij·|ªº¦¨­û¡C

This is important to Disclosure for several reasons. In the announcement to the public an ET will be standing next to Boehner. He will look human in form and his role will be in sharing with humanity peaceful plans of God & the galactics. He will give a brief speech and will be introduced as a close ally to all mankind. His name is Paul Thomas and he has been on Earth for two years.

³o¬O¹ï©ó©ÜÅS¨Ó»¡«D±`­«­nªº«H®§¡A¦³¥H¤U´X­Ó­ì¦]¡C¦b¦V¤½²³¤½§Gªº³Õ¯Ç(¬ü°ê²³°|ijªøJohn Boehner?)±N¯¸¦bETªº®ÇÃä¡C¥L¬Ý°_¨Ó¹³¤H§Î¥~ªí¡A¥Lªº¨¤¦â¾³d±N·|¬O¦@¨É¯«¸t»Èªe»P¤HÃþ©M¥­­p¹º¡C¥L±N§@²µuªºÁ¿¸Ü¡A±N¤¶²Ð¤@­Ó¿Ë±K·ù¤Íµ¹¥þ¤HÃþ¡C¥Lªº¦W¦r¬O«Où¦«°¨´µ¡A¥L¤w¸g¦b¦a²y¨â¦~¤F¡C

In this announcement of a deal made for the economy, Paul Thomas will appear as a relations expert. His standing next to Boehner will be the sign to the Illuminati that the Ascension Accord is supported by all members of the government panel. Governments in all countries closely associated with Disclosure will know this is the first sign that Obama has given his true approval of the accord.


S: So is Obama at this announcement?

ĬÓ}: ©Ò¥H¦b³o«Å§Gªº¬O¶ø¤Ú°¨?

G&G: No.

¤W«Ò©M¥[¦Ê¦C¡G ¤£¬O.

S: And will it come with an announcement on the economy of the US?

ĬÓ}: ³o·|§_»P«Å§G¬ü°ê¸gÀÙ¤@¦P¶i¦æ?

G&G: Yes.

¤W«Ò©M¥[¦Ê¦C¡G ·|.

It is occurring in the Fifth-Dimensional moment of Now and can occur in the Third Dimension at any time.


S: So if I understand correctly, the important part of this announcement is who is there and that this ¡¥Paul Thomas¡¦ is standing next to Boehner.

ĬÓ}¡G ©Ò¥H¡A¦pªG§Ú²z¸Ñ¥¿½Tªº¸Ü¡A¥»¤½§iªº­«­n²Õ¦¨³¡¤À¡A¬O½Ö¦b¨º¸Ì¡A¦Ó³o­Ó¡§«Où¦«°¨´µ¡¨¯¸¦b³Õ¯Çªº®ÇÃä¡C

G&G: Yes, that is the signal of US approval to disclose.

¤W«Ò©M¥[¦Ê¦C¡G ¬Oªº¡A³o¬O¬ü°ê§å­ã©ÜÅSªº«H¸¹¡C

A friend of the administration is asking to connect High Self to High Self.


S: Oh sure, I am ready.

ĬÓ}¡G ®@¡A·íµM¡A§Ú¤w¸g·Ç³Æ¦n¡C

Paul Thomas: Hi, Suzy, this is Paul Thomas.

«Où¦«°¨´µ¡G §A¦n¡AĬÓ}¡A³o¬O«Où¦«°¨´µ¡C

S: Hello, Paul.

ĬÓ}¡G §A¦n¡A«Où¡C

PT: I am connecting to your energy to share with you my purpose for this mission. My purpose is to be the envoy between the galactics and the human entities that hold power.

«Où¡G §Ú³s±µ¨ì§Aªº¯à¶q¡A»P¤j®a¤À¨É§Ú³o¥ô°Èªº¥Øªº¡A¬°³o¤@¨Ï©R¡C§Úªº¥Øªº¬O­n¦¨¬°ªº»Èªe©M¤HÃþ¦s¦³¤§¶¡ªº¹êÅé¯S¨Ï¡C

My role as envoy is nearly complete and I am happy to say we are in the final days of Third-Dimensional politics. Be in great cheer as the work of millions of light workers on Earth, in space & in many dimensions is nearly ready for the universal opening to portals for love, joy & peace. In your ability to bi-locate, you will be given updates often.


Put your heart at rest and open your mind to these updates.


I am Paul Thomas of the Galactic Federation.


http://stevebeckow.com/2011/06/s ... reascension-accord/

Kennetta ½Ķ


SaLuSa - July 1, 2011
SaLuSa - 7¤ë1¤é«H®§

Matters have almost reached their conclusion, as the preparations already made to bring about disclosure are well advanced. When dealing with the dark Ones regrettably their word cannot be trusted, but fortunately when in their presence we can read their minds. That is useful as we realize the pressure is getting to them, and suddenly they are concerned as to what their future holds. For those who have committed the more serious crimes against you, the realization of the gravity of them has shaken their confidence in getting away with such crimes. We have offered a way out so that we can go ahead with the many tasks that are necessary. A way out is not the avoidance of justice but their removal to a safe haven, to keep them out of everyone̼ way until they are called to answer for their crimes. Naturally many, many people will be seriously shocked to know the truth, but we will make it clear we do not condone revenge and that violence of any kind is abhorred. We can tell you that there will be plenty going on to keep your minds on the tasks ahead. We would not want you wasting your energy or time on pointless actions, when there will be so much to do of a positive nature.


You will have noticed that in spite of the lack of coverage from your media, there is increasing unrest around the world. Demonstrations are increasing and becoming well supported no matter what type of opposition they meet. Often it is the authorities that are heavy handed and start violence, which is self-defeating and only encourages retaliation. We wonder when Man will learn that peace is achieved through dialogue and good sense. What all of this shows is that the people have realized that the ultimate power lies with them.


Indeed for what reason do you elect your representatives, except to express your views and act expect them to take action. If you cannot get support through your vote, it is regrettable that other means are chosen. In the future there will be no such problems, as the people who represent you will be selected based upon there suitability for the job in hand. That means being sufficiently evolved to act in accordance with Universal Law, and treating all people alike with love and respect. Eventually you will abide by the Spiritual Brotherhood and that will be consistent with your own level of Christ Consciousness.


As time progresses towards Ascension, the changes in your levels of consciousness will be quite noticeable. That in itself will take mankind to a level where there will come a greater degree of harmony, and far less discordant actions. A happy life will grow out of the chaos, that will be used to cut the ties of anything remaining from the old paradigm that cannot have a place in the New Age. You will soon see that very little of what you have taken for granted as your way of life, will serve you in the future. All is to be uplifted and the yoke of slavery will be removed. That may sound dramatic but we assure you that you have given away so many of your rights, and you have not realized that it was happening. You have yet to experience true freedom but it will come, and the first changes will occur before Ascension, as any draconian laws to keep you under control will be annulled. You hardly need to be informed of the new Laws, as they all revolve around Unconditional Love.


What might feel beyond you now will become easier with time, particularly when you find that people around you are also changing quickly for the better. Because of the increase in incoming energies, the continuing changes in consciousness will mean a more harmonious relationship with each other. If possible you should try to cultivate better ones as you head for Ascension. You might see this as a self-imposed test of how you are progressing, and indeed you should note an ever-increasing success. Staying calm in all situations is not going to be easy, but with your knowledge and understanding you have a head start on many others. That will encourage others to follow your example, and you will be doing your bit to bring about peace on Earth.


At our level you will find that on board our ships the atmosphere is so restful and uplifting. We have nothing that will create discord and all operates with a continual feeling of joy and happiness. For example nothing we use gives off harmful energies, and that includes the natural lighting that comes from the ship. In fact all sources are clean, and operate with energy that is freely available. Where outside sources are concerned, our ships are protected from what would otherwise be harmful rays. The ships also have a level of natural consciousness, and are able to automatically deal with these problems. Even you scientists understand such possibilities, having back engineered some of the captured or crashed craft. It means that you can no longer be certain as to whose craft you are looking at in your skies. It does explain some unusual incidents that include abduction and even cattle mutilation.


We would rather you concentrate on the immediate future and keep prepared for it. What is going on around you will be explained when we are able to land freely to make contact with you. Of course we have been doing so for eons of time, but official recognition of our presence is important to our plan. We must be welcome and able to move safely amongst you, as we clearly desire a peaceful relationship with you. At present it is impossible because of the danger that exists where you are concerned. We take our responsibilities very seriously, and would not want to risk involving you in any skirmish with the dark Ones. It will be sorted out very soon, and we are obviously looking forward to a great celebration when at last we can meet you on Earth.


The contacts have been long made that will make the announcement we desire. There is an ultimate date when we shall have to speed up matters, and possibly take them into our own hands. We would rather be seen to act in accordance with your protocol, but time speeds on and we are fully ready to go ahead with our plans.


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and we are one of a number of different civilizations that are members of the Galactic Federation, waiting to be amongst the first to land on Earth as part of First Contact. In the meantime we send our love.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website:Tree of the Golden Light


A Channeling from the Akashic Records of July 2011
from Akashic Records channeled by Jen Eramith MA,
Wednesday, 1 July, 2011

¥ÑJen Eramith MA¶Ç»¼¡A©ó2011.07.01

1. What energies and experiences can we expect in July of 2011?


There is a big twist this month. The energy twists. This is the moment in the story when the plot twists -- when everything you expect is suddenly turned on its head and you have to think about things in an entirely new way. That is what is happening this month for each of you in your individual lives. It will probably play out at a collective level as well. Things will not occur as you expect. The things you were hoping for will not come the way you hoped. But, the things you were dreading will also not turn out to be the way that you were dreading.


It is important this month to be willing to see things in a new way. Do not get stuck on trying to make it the way you want it to be or the way you thought it was going to be. Expect that some of the things you are working toward are going to need to be adjusted in order for you to move forward. If you are not willing to be flexible this month, and really rewrite the whole plan for yourself if needed, then you are going to run into a roadblock and feel really stuck.


Many people have very different experiences from one another. Some will be happy and moving forward quickly, others will feel very stuck. The image of the whole collective energy this month looks like a brick wall covered with ivy. There are vines crossing each other in every different direction. The paths each person takes are like the vines. Some of you are moving forward while others go back. Some of you will cross paths; some of you will get tangled up together and twisted around each other just like ivy or another twisty vine. The energy this month will be very full, rich and fertile, but also very confusing and tangled if you are not careful.


2. How can we find the greatest benefit with using the energy this month?


The way you will find the greatest benefit is to first be flexible. Be willing to step around something or try something new and be courageous. You will need to be courageous about change because many of you will be called upon to start over again and change everything. You might need to let go of what you have been investing in and building for a long time. Suddenly you will feel like you are starting all over again. This takes courage. It can feel a lot safer to hold onto the old plans, but if you hold on to the old ways you will find yourself stuck this month.


This month it is really important to be courageous. Look for what you are afraid of and find a way to face that fear. Another thing that will be helpful for you this month is if you picture the wall covered with long, twisting ivy. The only way to find your path is to deal with one thing at a time this month. If you try to see the big picture and make sense of the big picture, you are going to spend the whole month sitting in shock or feeling puzzled, therefore not really getting anything done. This month, what you will need to do is follow your own line as if you are walking along one of those branches of ivy. You just have to keep going along your path. If it needs to go up, trust in it and go up. If you need to twist around something a few times, trust in it and twist around. Keep finding ways to move on your path. Do not worry about intersecting perfectly with everyone around you. Do not feel bad if you are doing great and your friends are struggling. Do not feel bad if you are struggling and your friends are doing great. Eventually you are all going to get through this wall that you are on. The only way for you to do it is to follow your path. Trust yourself, trust your voice and keep moving.





¡i»ÈªeÁp¨¹¡j SaLuSa 7¤ë4¤é«H®§
SaLuSa - July 4, 2011
SaLuSa - 7¤ë4¤é«H®§

Collectively there is nothing that you cannot do, but you have been split by various dogmas and beliefs that have seen you separate into many different groups. The continuing wars and confrontations have made enemies amongst people where none previously existed, and deliberately perpetuated by the dark Ones. Perhaps the biggest obstacles to integration have been religious beliefs, because they also have provided the basis for ¡§them and us¡¨ for thousands of years. You will find that fear is at the root of most differences, and historically speaking in the end people do not remember how it came about. Because of re-incarnation you have lived through these periods, and somewhere deep down the result of those experiences still live with you. You have been continually trying to balance them out, and success lies in the fact that you will have experienced both sides of the problems. At heart your desire is to understand them and find a way of dealing with them to reach a peaceful conclusion.


There has never been a better time than now to achieve it, and you will find that the different races on Earth are basically seeking a loving relationship with each other. Forget the rantings and ravings of those few who wish to perpetuate the old ways, as their influence no longer carries the power that it once had. The energy for peace is now most powerful, and through the Law of Attraction has drawn help from the higher Beings that are Masters of the different rays that are projected to Earth, and enable you to become a greater Being of Light than you were previously. By anchoring the rays on Earth you have created a powerful grid that is lifting you up out of the lower energies.


You therefore have what is necessary to fully bring the Light into manifestation, and it will create the harmony and balance that you seek. You and millions of other Lightworkers are changing the vibrations on Earth, and that can only lead to a greater concentration of that powerful energy. The dark Ones will attempt to break it up, but that can only be achieved if you allow it to be so. So concentrate your focus on the Light, and continue to hold fast to your vision of the golden future. Soon the truth of who you really are and your purpose for being on Earth will be known. That will bring people together as the Oneness in which you exist will become apparent. How else could it be Dear Ones, as you all come from the same Source? You are the One Family held in the arms of the All-Loving Supreme Creator.


It is you who are paving the way to Ascension, and it can be as easy or difficult as you make it. We of course along with many other Beings are helping the whole process, and nothing can stop it from manifesting. As we so often tell you, you are the ones who are creating your own reality. Think upon it for a moment, and in that event why would you create a scenario full of disaster death and destruction? It is true that ancient prophesies paint such a picture, and even today psychics pick up on it. However, it will not manifest unless it is given the energy to empower it. It is true that the Earth must be cleansed and that physical changes will take place, but they will not be of the scale to destroy large areas. We monitor such changes and we use our technologies to lessen the impact upon you. If you are disturbed by recent happenings, bear in mind that the dark Ones have been behind most occurrences. We can only fully engage them when we are able to work openly with you, and can put a complete stop to their activities.


The Galactic Federation is charged with keeping peace in the Universe, and is of such a size that it is equal to the task. Only a part of our force is presently stationed around Earth, and totally adequate for the upliftment of you and Mother Earth. You may be assured that if you have chosen to ascend, and are ready when the end time comes you will complete the process. It is far too late for the dark Ones to have any impact upon you, and they are being forced to retreat and allow the Divine Plan to be fulfilled. Is it not ironical that it is they who now experience fear about their future, knowing that they will be called upon to answer for their crimes against Humanity. Justice is coupled with love and understanding, and is not a tool for revenge as every person still has the potential to grow into the Light.


We know that regardless of how much information is given you as to your true selves, there will still be souls who do not feel ready to move into the new energies. That is fine by us and their needs will be given as much attention as any others, as all will find that they end up in exactly the right level for their present stage of evolution. Remember that it in the same way as you are given free choice, everyone in your family and circle of friends have exactly the same options. It is not therefore your place to try and force another soul to do your bidding, or chastise them for choosing differently to yourself. As it happens most families come together because they are on a similar vibration, so many will go forward as one.


We want to be more active with you all, but for the time being must wait for the correct opportunity to be officially recognised and welcomed to Earth. Our allies push forward for the announcement that will allow us to do so, and we know it is getting nearer than ever. Be patient as we assure you the wait will have been well worthwhile. Matters in your world will progress at a remarkable pace, particularly when the necessary governmental changes have gone through. Meantime attend to your own needs where Ascension is concerned, as in the long run that is the most important issue for you. You have a little work to do, and as you say, ¡§walk your talk¡¨ as the time has long passed where you need to hide behind your beliefs. Live now as you would when all souls have been brought together, and recognise themselves in each other. You are One, so how else could it be?


I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and becoming more excited at the thought of First Contact, that will follow the announcement of disclosure. It will be a most enjoyable period in your lives, and we can almost feel the relief and joy. How could it be any other way when you are to meet your real families from way out in Space? You were Galactic Beings prior to coming to Earth, and will be again as you lift up your vibrations to the higher levels.


Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Website:Tree of the Golden Light

