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A Tale of Two Wells



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Offer to a Particular Group of Dark Brothers
By Esu and Candace
Aug 7, 2010 - 1:45:09 PM

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Offer to a Particular Group of Dark Brothers

By Esu thru Candace

Saturday August 7, 2010

Beloveds it is I Esu updating a bit today.  Actually this is meant mostly for the dark readers so let me address them directly first.

Dear Dark Brothers:  To what ungodly purpose are you playing this terrible lie in the Gulf Oil Scenario?  The people in that region have a RIGHT to truth and to have the opportunity to make arrangements to either leave. And you can let US on the air so we can tell them they can leave and that we can also evacuate them  Those that can move and go live with relatives have a right to do so and take whatever belongings they have with them they do not want lost.

Dark Brothers, we are going to evacuate that area!  That is because we have our kind living there and we will take the children of light as we always do.  But these ones need an opportunity to move under their own created conditions.

You have lied and lied and lied. This latest that the Gulf is now nearly free of oil and in which you have had people supposedly flying over the area and not seeing oil as you know, is a complete fabrication.

Now we are offering you a deal!  Release the information and let us on the air, and you too shall live to see another day and another lifetime.  Those of you participating in this awful charade will not see another lifetime UNLESS you do cooperate with us.  We have our own on the ground as we have stated for months now, who can and will step up the plate and handle this.

We could like to evacuate a bit on the early side in fact.  The pressures are building daily in that region and although we cannot  determine down the day how much time is left, that is the mother's right,  it beckons closer every day.

Back when we made offers to you around the potential ignition of Jupiter, (and dear readers, it is a sun, don't misunderstand this),  to assist in the salvation of the peoples who would be affected.  You did not accept and we did the ignition over a slow period and of course behind the sun, but it lessoned the effects on the planet and our many craft stood between earth and the sun to mitigate the energies so that you had another day or considerably more days to make your journey into the light.

You were expecting a second CME, and joyfully, as you thought it would perhaps bring about that which you desired and we mitigated that one too.  And you KNOW that.

The sun is being awakened however and we chose what we mitigate and what we don't.  This for those of you involved with these horrendous decisions by the military and BP, your final chance. I need say no more, because some of your bosses are informed of more details than we will place in this notice.

For the regular readers of AbundantHope, Candace will now place the links necessary to view the satellite pictures. We have not let her do this because we were hoping many others on the web who run alternative sites would take that responsibility and this has not happened; most of them too bought the story as presented, although some have wondered how that oil just went away so rapidly.

It did not go away, the big main gusher continues as we have covered and there are as recently covered 38 wells with significant problems in the Gulf, besides the blowout.  We will continue to NOT release the coordinates of the long area that will be the main site of the large methane rupture.

I am asking all who read here at AH and have posting rights to various forums to post, post, post notices with the links to the satellite site.  People need to know.  As you are able, infiltrate any forums and websites in the Southern United states.  Mexican and Central American readers can please do the same.  The word is NOT getting out enough.

Post to any personal  blogs you have also. Find yahoo groups you can post on.  There is more than GLP out there and we are very disappointed in GLP for not standing up to the plate on this one.  Even some of our own have started threads there only to have them immediately disappear and so they have started threads in a more discreet way and when the mods find them, off they come.

Please post also to any Christian sites you are aware of.  You must do this work, it is not truly all of our responsibility. We were only testing the waters on GLP so to speak.

This is enough for the time being, I will let Candace do her short portion to this.  Namaste, Esu, Visible Planetary Prince.

Candace: Rather than placing links to channelings here on this topic, please just write you won stuff and make a personal statement that you have been observing the satellite images and it seems there is plenty of oil left!  Just try to get people to think.  You could also explain that BP drilled 2 wells there, one a year ago, which is fine and that is used as a cover up with the cap story and the other one was the blow out and is not fixable, it's a big gaping whole.  If you start brining Esu and fleet into the picture, you are going to turn people off.  Try showing those at work the satellite images too.  Just pretend to be john Q concerned citizen expressing your confusion.

There is only one link you need and I think if I bookmarked it I will include also a video that has surfaced on the tale of two wells.  Someplace here I posted a link to a pdf file about the two wells that were drilled. One was done a year ago, and the other was scheduled to be drilled this winter with capping around April 20.   The "cap" they are covering in the media is nothing more than the cap that was on the first well.  These were exploratory wells and if they produced oil, they could be put into production when needed.  And that is also a new story now, they are saying BP will drill, drill, drill AGAIN in that region since it has produced!   And I bet a lot of people think this is just fine and the story serves to show that BP is responsible enough to drill again, lessons learned I suppose and that they can clean up any messes.  And of course, if BP is so comfortable about exploring there "again", then they are futher lying to the people to help them choose to stay there and face the methane eruption.  GAWD.

Here is the link to the satellite site: http://www.cstars.miami.edu/deepwaterhorizon/deepwater-horizon/deepwater-horizon

It opens to a page of thumbnails and you click on it and download the image to your computer, which you can then enlarge according to your operating system and browswer.  You can email these links of the pics that are particularly good if you wish to others.

Now, you will see that you can also click on something that says download KMZ.  IF you have google earth on your computer, it will open the image in google earth so you can locate it better than using an old atlas in your lap. Well that was the method I was using, because I didn't have google earth.  OK, now I DO thanks to a PUSHY friend!!!!!!  It wasn't so hard after all!  I didn't every realize that there is a free version of Google earth you can put on your computer.

However, when further exploring the website today, I discovered another feature. In the left menu, it says "spacial map".  Click on that!  The latest image comes up in google earth on the website. AND you can look up any day you wish to see all the images of that particular day. There is a pop down list of the images which are taken from several satellites. This is better than having google earth on your computer!  The maps are a little bigger and zoom really easily.

Always explore websites!  Ditto my forum.  I have been going here for a few weeks now and had not clicked on that feature.  I clicked on others, even the "download KMZ" which informed me I needed google earth probably, I don't remember now.

Here's a blog link that was finally on RMN's a couple days ago.  You could pass this around to show you aren't the only one that is "nuts."  But suggest to people that there are a lot more places with OIL that is visible. Remind them also that there is a LOT of oil not visible in deep water.


Ok, here's the link I hoped I had above: There is a little messed up dating, but it gets the point across. There have been others, but this is the only I think I have right now.  Seems like we have posted a video by somebody else at some point that covers the two wells.

The Tale of Two Wells


Now, this morning we had website issues again, and the forum was down and we couldn't post here , but that problem is now solved.  Our server is getting attacked a lot and also during certain times the internet is busy, and you may get that  message that your browser can't find us  ( or others of your favorite high use sites), so just come back and try a little later.  When the thugs are shoving automated hits of one sort or another at us, the server temporarily can get busy and be unavailable.





齊瑞爾:光子覆蓋在那整個情景之上以保護旅程,但不會更多參與。光子可以吸收石油,就像吸收你身體的水分一樣,但它不這樣做,因為它不能做任何在第三次元不應該做的事。你必須學到教訓。石油洩漏涉及一個課程計劃。 BP的人們今天就可以把石油止住。他們都知道怎麼做,卻不做,因為涉及大量金錢的利害攸關。這都是關於錢。所有新聞都集中到此石油洩漏,同時資金正被轉移。一旦資金完成轉移,他們就會奇蹟般地修復漏油。




美一海域 出現多物種集體遇難現象
中廣 更新日期:"2010/09/15 13:05"





