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彩虹/怪雲 (改題)


Giant V-shaped Cloud forms on Camera in Chile, Similar in England – Oct. 1, 2011Posted on October 9, 2011 by the truth behind the scenes

English translate: : This video was recorded on October 1, 2011, on the beach of El Canelo, in Valparaiso, Chile.

I was filming the sunset when suddenly began to “emerge” this kind of arm of “smoke” from the horizon, left diagonally upward, seemed to leave just the sun, but after it “hide” on the horizon, this phenomenon continued to rise and growing.

After some minutes it did a breakthrough tour of about 45 ° to the opposite direction and continued to rise.

At first I thought it was a rocket or something similar, but I couldn’t see the tip or head generating of this smoke or fire trail, just did not have a body.
The phenomenon lasted about 40 minutes, then went vanishing the wake until dark.”


@@ 可是移動速度好慢

從海裡面出來 難道是USO??

可是USO本身的速度應該是280 時速 很快的

看不出來這是甚麼東西 好特別!!


哈哈   隱身系統故障....真的太好笑 = =  一個破展百出的UFO 慢速移動  還跑出光點 好像在搞笑似的....

