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其接觸事件的翻譯(似乎)取自"The Future Of Mankind" >>> http://www.futureofmankind.co.uk/Billy_Meier/Main_Page
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懷疑乃科學的基石, 驗證是真相的明燈.


回復 55# Daisy

E文: (Mu located where Gobi desert is, Greater-Atlantis located between Africa & America) who destroyed each other 11,498 years ago; Azores Islands are the only remainder of Greater-Atlantis.
[俺會這麼翻: Atlantis島被小游星撞毀後剩下Santorini--小Atlantis]

E文: [Acart] - planet in the next inhabited star system 5 light-years from Earth; different worlds in that system are inhabited by humans who differ little from Earth humans, though they are some years advanced (technologically & spiritually) beyond Earth humans, having already achieved space flight & visit Earth often; they have a space station mid-way between their world & Earth; they narcotize themselves for cosmic space flight due to severe pain associated with it; Akart, approximate size of Earth

[俺只讀到: Plejaren從未見過神, 但被Billy問到"誰"創造宇宙&人類時卻也不知.]

"The Future Of Mankind"影射不少個人見解卻未明註, 在這資訊充斥的時代任何小誤拗都可能被大作文章的.
懷疑乃科學的基石, 驗證是真相的明燈.


本帖最後由 hunray 於 2012-9-28 18:58 編輯

敝人不才 只敢彙整FIGU提供有附年代的資料.


http://hunray.99k.org/  (2006)

倘若有誤懇請提出; 不論是德-英-中文, 都得交叉比對.
懷疑乃科學的基石, 驗證是真相的明燈.


回復 64# sanmartin

- Children mainly immune, main hidden spreaders of disease.
- 兒童"大致上免疫", 卻是疾病主要的隱形傳播者.
- Actual incubation period up to four weeks to 3 months
- 實際潛伏期為四星期至3個月. (視情況而定,可從數小時到數年,視免疫系統的類型和狀況)

Excerpt from the official Contact Report 726 from November 12, 2019
Zeitzeichen No. 139

But if I may, I would like to return to the China epidemic, in relation to the pandemic and the secret laboratories where the virus escaped.
You told me that, because of the stupidity of the WHO and other responsible people around the world, a pandemic will be presumed for a long time only as a potential possibility, etc.
Also regarding the secret laboratories where the virus originated, which we indeed call ‘escaped’, it should at least be made clear that the Chinese government has nothing to do with it, nor with…
懷疑乃科學的基石, 驗證是真相的明燈.


本帖最後由 hunray 於 2020-4-11 13:09 編輯

回復 64# sanmartin
Billy Meier 從未說是 人工剪接成生物武器!! {宇宙部落youtuber會害人}
原文: 從一種禽類哺乳動物的病原體"突變"而來,也就是,馬蹄鼻蝠(rhinolophidae 菊頭蝠科)

which –in a secret laboratory –mutated from a pathogen of an avian mammal, that is to say horseshoe-nose bat (rhinolophidae)
9790307 (1).jpg
比對 新冠與SARS亞型, 基因序的大尺度結構有極高相似度, 與AIDS則相去甚遠!!
(很多物種都有共同片段; 人類與香蕉的基因有六成相同, 難到人就是由香蕉來的?!)

另外, 患者"呼吸"(非咳嗽)的傳播力, 冬天0.5米, 夏天1米.

: The breath-droplets of the human being, which must be mentioned again, always become visible when the moist-warm exhalation from the mouth meets the cold and moist ambient air. The reason for this is based on the physical characteristics of air, because it can only absorb a certain amount of water vapour and allow it to become visible. Warm air also absorbs moisture, indeed more than cool air, in which case the warm air exhaled from the mouth during warmer temperatures,in contrast to when it is colder temperature, spreads further and at the same time invisibly, namely up to about one (1) metre, which corresponds to about the outer limit of the exhalation.
懷疑乃科學的基石, 驗證是真相的明燈.


1.Billy"不做預言", 只有Plejaren的預見!
2.宇宙部落-Billy簡介 抄別人的 還要收費, 是不是太過份!
3.歐巴馬連任, 及希拉里落選, 讓美國國運 延續了數十年~
4.舊金山地震發生在 "汽車沒有後照鏡"的年代!
5.黃石公園火山爆發 在Billy死後!
6.非天災的未來事件 是會改變的!
懷疑乃科學的基石, 驗證是真相的明燈.

