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NASA SOHO 上的照片 看起來有修改的痕跡
but why??
lbboy 發表於 2010-9-28 19:41


要修改的目的為何?掩飾 UFO?若真的要修改,以 NASA 的資源來說,修的不留痕跡應該不是問題;該不會是修圖者另留伏筆(無言的抗議)?


The International Space Weather Initiative 數百位科學研究人員齊聚於埃及,研討如何應付逐漸增加的太陽 ...
sanmartin 發表於 2010-11-10 00:06


啟示錄 WiKi


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6 ... ure=player_embedded




Zetatalk 對目前在太陽附近成群不明物體的解釋...

ZetaTalk: Moons Astray

Recently the Internet was abuzz with images from NASA's Stereo Behind satellite, showing what is purported to be Earth-sized objects circling and close to the Sun. The assumption was made that these objects were circling the Sun, as the traditional trajectories of round-and-round or a comet trajectory slinging slowly past the Sun were assumed. What else is there? In man's limited knowledge, there is so much about Planet X that does not fit, does not have a slot. Thus the sling orbit of Planet X past the Sun, and the Moon Swirls of Planet X have no place in mankind's knowledgebase. Even when it is obvious. Planet X is in the vicinity. As the Winged Globe showing up on a C3 images demonstrate. As the Red Cross showing up on the Stereo Ahead images demonstrate. And as numerous Moon Swirls, compete with trailing red dust tails, demonstrate. These are a few examples that have given NASA fits, as they are tasked with denying the presence of Planet X in the inner solar system.

NASA's Stereo cameras overlap, recording the areas in front of the Sun, and this is where Planet X rides at present, slightly to the right of the Sun in the view from Earth. Thus, the corpus of Planet X appears on the Stereo Ahead images on rare occasions. But the Moon Swirls can waft a long distance from the corpus of Planet X, when hosed out from the magnetic N Pole of Planet X and caught in the turmoil of conflicting magnetic fields, and thus can cross over to the area visible to the Stereo Behind camera. This is what has been sighted. These moons of Planet X are not Earth sized, though many are larger than the Earth's Moon.

We have stated that under normal circumstances for Planet X and its entourage, the large Moons in the swirls are no further from Planet X than 5 million miles. Thus, at the moment of passage when the Earth is pulled toward Planet X so as to be as close as 14 million miles, these moons will not be a danger to Earth. The 5 million mile distance is true when Planet X is out in space, subject only to its own magnetic field, or standing upright in alignment with the Sun's magnetic field. But when Planet X is in the midst of a 270° roll it is at cross currents to the Sun's magnetic field, and is engaging the Earth's magnetic field into a merged field. Thus, on occasion, these moons are blown some distance from the corpus of Planet X, due to magneton crowding. This potential does not last, ending during the last weeks when the Earth begins to stop its rotation and be drawn toward Planet X to the point where it is only some 14 millions miles away. But in the meantime, mankind can have some heart-stopping moments. If you think the current situation is drama, just wait!

最近網路上議論紛紛,透過NASA人造衛星之Stereo Behind鏡頭所拍攝到的:太陽被成群的、地球般大小的不明物體所包圍。
基於人類有限的知識及對Planet X運行不足的認知,使得這些應該是源自Planet X軌道上的衛星群擺盪(Moon Swirls)而劃過太陽的現象,無法被認出而無地自容。
就算已經很明顯了,從C3影像上看到了有翅膀球體(winged globe),從Stereo ahead上看到了紅十字(Red cross),
還有這些足以媲美Planet X的紅塵拖尾(red dust tail)的衛星群的Moon Swirls擺盪現象,NASA還是因為少有前例可循而持續地否認Planet X已經存在內太陽系。

NASA的兩支交疊Stereo鏡頭,記錄著太陽前方的區域,而Planet X目前在太陽偏右方(從地球觀看角度),所以Planet X實體很少被拍到。
但從Planet X北極放出的衛星群moon swirls現象,卻可以綿延相當長,而跨過太陽前方被兩支Stereo鏡頭捕捉到。

目前Planet X及其附庸群,就算最大的衛星,應不致於擺盪超過主體Planet X 5百萬英哩之外。
即使地球將會被Planet X拉至最近約距離14百萬英哩左右,而這些受限在主體5百萬英哩內的擺盪衛星群,目前對地球應是無害的。
Planet X還在外太空,接下來將會是進入270度磁場中軸範圍內的太陽磁場線,而這些衛星群行為也將開始因為進入連結上太陽及地球的磁場融合範圍,
這些磁場效應應該不會持續很久,會結束在地球停止轉動的最後幾星期,而地球終將被拉至最近Planet X約14百萬英哩左右距離。

Moon Swirls 示意圖

Moon Swirls

Moon Swirls 2

很少見的 Lunar Swirls之NASA解釋

Red Cross

Region of overlap between NASA's two satellites stereo instruments

NASA Coverup





