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本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2010-12-22 11:04 編輯

這個我持保留看法﹐記得以前常看電視時﹐傳教電視節目在週末非常盛行﹐尤其是星期天早上﹐左轉右轉好多臺都是。大部份是基督教的。多是這個調調。台灣也有拿去用的﹐像出名的700俱樂部。樂隊﹐歌手﹐見證﹐奇跡﹐哭天喊地 ....



最著名的案例是北卡羅來哪州 PTL 教會 (Praise The Lord) 的Jim Baker 牧師﹐舌璨蓮花﹐信徒捐獻收入豐厚的不得了﹐老先生老太太把遺產都捐給了教會﹐產業廣大到變成觀光景點﹐曾參觀過﹐開車一站一站的看﹐沒法用走的。牧師奢華到連自己家裡的狗舍都裝了冷暖氣。後來被調查抓去關。

We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


One famous "healing" which has been carefully investigated is the case of Mrs. Jean Neil. Many people have seen the video of her getting out of a wheel-chair and running around the stadium at meeting led by the German evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. This was investigated by Dr. Peter May, a GP and member of the General Synod of the Church of England.
His findings were reported in the Skeptic (organ of the UK Skeptics).

Peter May 醫生調查了這個療癒事件

Here is a summary of the report. [Any errors are mine. PAJ].

May found that Mrs. Neil was helpful and enthusiastic when he contacted her, and there is little doubt that her quality of life has improved greatly since the "healing". However May was unable to find any physical changes. His report lists each of the illnesses claimed by Mrs. Neil, and he found that they were either not recorded by doctors previous to the healing or that no physical change had taken place. It seems that the only change in Mrs. Neil was in her mental state. Before the healing she was depressed and introverted. Afterwards she became happy and outgoing.

他的報告列出了Mrs. Neil 聲稱的每一項病症﹐他發覺這些病症﹐要嘛在療癒前﹐醫生沒有記錄﹐要不就是沒有任何實質身體的改變。

A more sinister aspect of the story is the presentation of the Neil case in a video promoted by CfaN Productions. This represented Mrs. Neil before the healing as a "hopeless case", implied that she had a single serious illness rather than a series of less major ones, and included the false statement that she had been confined to a wheelchair for 25 years (in fact Mrs. Neil had used a wheelchair for about 15 months and could still walk, although with great difficulty).
A report on her spine was carefully edited to include statements about her new pain-free movement but to exclude the statement that there was no evidence of physical changes.

包含了假證詞說她被輪椅束縛了25年 (實際上Mrs. Neil只用了輪椅大約15個月﹐也仍然可以行走﹐雖然是很困難)

For the full report, see "The Skeptic" p9, vol. 5, no. 5, Sept. 91. Back issues are available from "The Skeptic (Dept. B), P.O. Box 475, Manchester, M60 2TH, U.K. Price UKL 2.10 for UK, UKL 2.70 elsewhere.

The video is entitled "Something to Shout About --- The Documentation of a Miracle". Presumably "CfaN Productions" is part of Bonke's organisation "Christ for all Nations" [does anyone have an address?]

We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


CNN NEWSROOM  Aired October 22, 2010 - 09:00   ET
CNN 新聞報導 2010 10月22日 美東時間 9點播出 (文字謄本)

PHILLIPS: Now, again, there's been no medical explanation of why she's able to walk now. Delia Knox didn't want to talk about what her doctor or physical therapist think, and she wouldn't go into detail about the medical condition that caused the paralysis. One skeptic says that maybe she could walk but just didn't before that revival.

現在﹐再一次﹐沒有醫學解釋為什麼她現在能走路。Delia Knox 不想談她的醫生或復健師的想法﹐也不願談造成她癱瘓的醫學狀況。有懷疑者認為也許她在療癒前就能走。

We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


本帖最後由 dkcapital 於 2010-12-22 14:14 編輯


若是見證神跡﹐更能借醫療記錄的前後比對來昭告天下﹐明確顯示上帝的偉大﹐幾個小時就能搞定的事情﹐為什麼迴避 ﹖


We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!


We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!

