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Our Earth

The Cave
Glacier Caving.jpg
Glacier Caving

Greenland Glacier Cave.jpg
Greenland Glacier Cave

Karst Cave, China.jpg
Karst Cave, China

Alaska Sandbar.jpg
Alaska Sandbar

Arctic Ocean Ripples.jpg
Arctic Ocean Ripples

Cape Cod Sunset.jpg
Cape Cod Sunset

Chandeleur Islands Coastline.jpg
Chandeleur Islands Coastline

Germany Sandbanks.jpg
Germany Sandbanks

Oregon Sea Stacks.jpg
Oregon Sea Stacks

Palau Wave.jpg
Palau Wave


本帖最後由 honorstrength 於 2012-6-15 22:22 編輯

Annular solar eclipse seen in the oil field of Lamesa, Texas.
Lamesa is one of the best places to view this event,
because annular eclipses occur when the sun is near the horizon

Esperanza Base, Antarctica.jpg
Esperanza Base, Antarctica

Gozo Island, Malta.jpg
Gozo Island, Malta

In the vicinity of Amankaragaj, Kostanay Province, Kazakhstan.jpg
In the vicinity of Amankaragaj, Kostanay Province, Kazakhstan

Mongolian Steppe.jpg
Mongolian Steppe

Mount Bromo, Indonesia.jpg
Mount Bromo, Indonesia

Petra, Jordan.jpg
Petra, Jordan

Sierra Madre Rainbow.jpg
Sierra Madre Rainbow

The village of Gásadalur and the island of Mykines in the background.jpg
The village of Gásadalur and the island of Mykines in the background

Tunnels Beach, Kaua'i, Hawaii.jpg
Tunnels Beach, Kaua'i, Hawaii

Vorderweidenthal a municipality in Südliche Weinstraße district, in Rhineland-Palatinate, Western Germany

有時會懷疑...地球屬於我們的嗎 ~哈~


International Space Station


ISS Construction.jpg
ISS Construction

ISS Over Earth.jpg
ISS Over Earth

ISS Over Miami, Florida.jpg
ISS Over Miami, Florida

ISS Spacewalk.jpg
ISS Spacewalk

Soyuz 13 Docked at ISS.jpg
Soyuz 13 Docked at ISS

Space Station Maintenance.jpg
Space Station Maintenance


Animal Fathers

African Lion.jpg
African Lion

Emperor Penguins.jpg
Emperor Penguins

Great Horned Owl.jpg
Great Horned Owl

Greater Flamingos.jpg
Greater Flamingos

Greater Rhea.jpg
Greater Rhea

Grizzly Bear.jpg
Grizzly Bear

Red Fox.jpg
Red Fox

Silverback Mountain Gorilla.jpg
Silverback Mountain Gorilla


Our Earth

Erosion(侵蝕) and Weathering(風化)

A thunderstorm does its part to shape Utah's Mussentuchit Badlands.jpg
A thunderstorm does its part to shape Utah's Mussentuchit Badlands

A waterfall fed by glacial runoff tumbles over sheer cliffs and into the turquoise water of Admiralty Inlet on Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada

Bernard Glacier.jpg
Bernard Glacier

Sandstone Swirls.jpg
Sandstone Swirls

Soil Erosion.jpg
Soil Erosion

the Plateaus (高原)
Dirty Devil River, Utah.jpg
Dirty Devil River, Utah

Monument Valley, Arizona.jpg
Monument Valley, Arizona

Simpson Desert, Australia.jpg
Simpson Desert, Australia

Sunrise warms the icy southern end of the Andes during a rare break in the weather
in Chile's Torres del Paine National Park

Utah's Little Grand Canyon.jpg
Utah's Little Grand Canyon



Bottlenose Dolphin and Calf.jpg

Beluga Whale(白鯨) Swimming.jpg
Beluga Whale(白鯨) Swimming

Gray Whale(灰鯨) in Grice Bay.jpg
Gray Whale(灰鯨) in Grice Bay

Humpback Whale(座頭鯨) Breaching.jpg
Humpback Whale(座頭鯨) Breaching

Killer Whale(虎鯨) Breaching.jpg
Killer Whale(虎鯨) Breaching

Sunlight Illuminates a Sperm Whale(抹香鯨).jpg
Sunlight Illuminates a Sperm Whale(抹香鯨)

Underwater View of a Young Blue Whale(藍鯨).jpg
Underwater View of a Young Blue Whale(藍鯨)

We were kayaking on the Icey Straits of Alaska near the entrance to Glacier Bay.jpg


whale song

Humpback Whale Song



本帖最後由 honorstrength 於 2012-6-28 21:55 編輯

Animal Pair Pictures

Polar Bear Cubs.jpg


Cheetahs, Kenya.jpg
Cheetahs, Kenya

Elephant Seals.jpg
Elephant Seals

Goat and Dog.jpg
Goat and Dog


King Penguins, Falkland Islands.jpg
King Penguins, Falkland Islands

Mallard Ducks.jpg
Mallard Ducks



Polar Bear Cub Resting With Its Mother.jpg
Polar Bear Cub Resting With Its Mother


Sea Lions.jpg
Sea Lions

West Highland White Terrier Puppies.jpg
West Highland White Terrier Puppies


The Earth


Kenya Plains.jpg
Kenya Plains

Lena River Delta, Russia.jpg
Lena River Delta, Russia

Arctic Highway.jpg
Arctic Highway

Snake River, Wyoming.jpg
Snake River, Wyoming


Climbers at K2.jpg
Climbers at K2

Mont Blanc.jpg
Mont Blanc

Mount Everest and Himalaya.jpg
Mount Everest and Himalaya

Mount Kinabalu, Malaysia.jpg
Mount Kinabalu, Malaysia

Nanga Parbat Summit.jpg
Nanga Parbat Summit

Earth From Space

Earth's Moon.jpg
Earth's Moon

This photo was the world's first view of Earth taken near the moon.jpg
This photo was the world's first view of Earth taken near the moon. It was snapped by the U.S. Lunar Orbiter I on August 23, 1966, when the spacecraft was just about to pass behind the moon on its 16th orbit.

The moon is caught between Earth and the space shuttle Discovery in this photo taken in 1988

Indian Ocean.jpg
Clouds ripple across the Indian Ocean in this photograph taken from the space shuttle Discovery in 1999.

Earth seems to fill the sky in this image taken by the crew of Apollo 17 in 1972. The picture marked the first time astronauts were able to photograph the south polar ice cap.


那黑白月右上角﹐不就有個 UFO 嗎 ﹖1966年 哈﹗
We will not go quietly into the night! We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on! We're going to survive!





this image at the Bosque del Apache NWR in New Mexico this last January.jpg
this image at the Bosque del Apache NWR in New Mexico this last January

a spring rain in the grasslands of northern Tehran.jpg
a spring rain in the grasslands of northern Tehran

Bering Sea, Alaska.jpg
Bering Sea, Alaska

Seagulls flying around the Statue of Liberty, New York city.jpg
Seagulls flying around the Statue of Liberty, New York city

A hare staring at the rising moon in Kimberley.jpg
A hare staring at the rising moon in Kimberley

Parque Nacional Izta-Popo, Mexico.jpg
Parque Nacional Izta-Popo, Mexico

On the way to Rinjani Peak in Lombok, Indonesia.jpg
On the way to Rinjani Peak in Lombok, Indonesia

Roman Amphitheater, Jordan.jpg
Roman Amphitheater, Jordan

This cute little guy stuffed his cheeks with bird seeds as much as he could, and he kept coming back for more. It was a lot of fun to watch

Rat Terrier-Mix Puppy.jpg
Rat Terrier-Mix Puppy


Aurora Pictures


a kaleidoscope of auroral colors paints the sky over Crater Lake, Oregon.jpg
a kaleidoscope of auroral colors paints the sky over Crater Lake, Oregon

An aurora flutters above the Sommarøy bridge on the island of Kvaløy in northern Norway during a week of intense solar activity

Aurora Borealis, Iceland.jpg
Aurora Borealis, Iceland

Blue, purple, and magenta auroras hang like curtains in the sky above Hutchinson, Minnesota, on Saturday

Green and pink javelins of light cut through the night sky above southern New Zealand late Saturday

Multihued auroras shimmer over Lake Superior in Michigan on Sunday.jpg
Multihued auroras shimmer over Lake Superior in Michigan on Sunday

Golden ribbons of auroral light dance over the Oreti River in southern New Zealand this weekend

Taken in Sweden on a night of spectacular aurora during February this year..jpg
Taken in Sweden on a night of spectacular aurora during February this year.

Deep purple light seems to bathe the Milky Way, as seen in a picture snapped in northern Michigan early Sunday morning


British Columbia, Canada.jpg
British Columbia, Canada

Chamonix, Haute Savoye, France.jpg
Chamonix, Haute Savoye, France

China Yunan Terraces.jpg
China Yunan Terraces

Eight miles WSW of Timberline Lodge, Mt Hood, Oregon.jpg
Eight miles WSW of Timberline Lodge, Mt Hood, Oregon

Flores, Azores, Portugal.jpg
Flores, Azores, Portugal

May 6, 2012, on the northeast shore of Saipan (Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands).
The full moon at its largest and closest to Earth (“supermoon”).

North of Colfax, Washington.jpg
North of Colfax, Washington

Sunset, Sri Lanka.jpg
Sunset, Sri Lanka

This huge mesocyclone supercell was near the Nebraska Kansas border on the night of June 22nd, 2012
What a stunning structure


本帖最後由 honorstrength 於 2012-7-7 00:02 編輯

Bottlenose Dolphin Peeking Above Water.jpg
Bottlenose Dolphin Peeking Above Water


An adult male lion rests in the African sun.
Only adult males have manes, ruffs of long, thick hair

Black-Browed Albatross.jpg
Black-Browed Albatross

Close-Up of Polar Bear Paws.jpg
Close-Up of Polar Bear Paws

Asian Lion.jpg
Asian Lion

Wings spread, this Adélie penguin waddles through an Antarctic colony.
Its black tail gives it a tuxedo-like appearance

Swan at Sunset.jpg
Swan at Sunset

Red-Tailed Hawk.jpg
Red-Tailed Hawk

This beautiful hawk was resting and protecting her egg, recently born and named Stormy.
Captured at Flamingo Gardens in Davie, Florida


http://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E5%A4% ... 9%87-062840251.html

太空站拍攝地球夜空 攝影師合成美麗影片!

NOWnewsNOWnews – 2012年7月23日 下午2:28


攝影師Knate Myers將這些照片作組合,製作成縮時攝影影片,並搭配電影《太陽浩劫》的音樂。

Knate Myers表示,這些照片都是ISS(International Space Station)太空站拍下的。他移除了影片的雜音,透過Photoshop修改部分照片,並使用 Sony Vegas製作影片。不少網友看了這段影片後,對大自然感到驚嘆。

之前有關太空的縮時攝影,由攝影師Tomislav Safundžić拍攝。


