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In fact 我只是個normal people,沒修行,沒信任何宗教,Reconnection 真是任何人都可以,那是與生俱來,只是被disconnect而已, 被誰disconnect ,我還是別講好了.我看完書後很認真的feel手中的感覺,真的被我感覺到了,雖然很弱,現在的我做了幾個p't後感覺強了100倍,當然Eric可能是我的幾千倍,他可以讓你的手放在他的雙手中,你的手指會不自主抽動,還有眼皮的不自主抽動....amazing.我自己被其他外國學員做reconnection healing 時,我反而沒甚麼感覺.但在被做reconnection 時feeling就strong. 我老婆倒是超級接受體,別人幫她做reconneciton healing 時眼皮跳的有夠誇張.但學回來後,我老婆反而手磁力"輸出"不多,但直覺便超強"intuition"......我們倆夫妻好像shoto了,,哈哈,想起來有點好笑.先前小灰心時突然也有想到eric書上說的, 治療好病患時別居功..因為我們只是傳導這個frequency,治療失敗時也沒好灰心的,傳導後沒療癒是病患的問題. So, 我莫名其妙去學了這東西...well真是莫名其妙,I don't know why,只是覺得要去學回來,機票花了14萬,學費12萬,住吃約4萬, 停了一星期工作無形損失了也不知多少...well,我把它share給大家...因為我是很喜歡share東西的人,我不信宗教,但宗教的doing good to people, helping people 是我很認同的.I share this information to all , 也不知對all 是good or bad.Anyway up to now, it is positive to learn this new frequency. Do no harm to anybody.有harm的話應該不會有那麼多人去學吧.荷蘭的課一堂有900人... however 我不知痔瘡那個阿姨是怎麼回事,but I think I'll figure out and tell every one.我不會一直寫有治療好的部份而不寫bad的部份.
接下來我會講reconnection 部份:reconnection 跟reconneciton healing 是不一樣的會有更不可思意的地方

宗教的人修形後會有DNA level的change ......就在那其他10股,Eric 有三股DNA..... 真不知是真是假


pic_axiatonal_lines_ex.gif 指導員說那位治療好26個cancer 的US doctor 也是暗暗做....怕大家不相信
好so Eric 之後找了那位gypsy woman問為甚麼會發生這些事在他身上.gypsy woman 建議他去看J.J Hurtak 的那本書.並且建議她做Reconnection.
Reconnection 和reconnection healing 不一樣在於reconnection是strongly connected to the earth and universe 的grid(meridian).人體,地球,宇宙都有自己的grid線.至於為何這gypsy woman為何會reconnection .....no body knows 以下為Reconnection 的線, 大家不要覺得這是亂畫.在南非時我問了先前我講過的倆位從南美來的倆位學員(一位是opera演唱者,復業是幫人家看前世今生,另一位是建築師,復業是算塔羅牌,倆位也在那剛認識,我和我老婆晚上沒事幹,就跑去她們的旅館讓她們算塔羅和看前世今生.之後再講...這一趟南非之旅真是驚奇之旅,簡直可以出書了),其中一個做完reconnection 後全身有到處線條從身體飛出去的感覺.....可能大家又會說瞎扯.....well, but I totally believe,晚點再講,我要睡午覺了, 晚一點我們再講Eric的reconnection 線的版本,因為Eric 學會後在用他的手找到不一樣的線條版本


記得幫我做reconnection 的是一位南非的女士叫Bernadete Walther
共要做倆次且第一次和第二次相隔一天.每次45min-1hour,由於做之前我完全搞不懂甚麼叫reconnection.被叫著躺下眼睛不能張開,一開始實在沒感覺,幾10min後我開始覺得額頭frontal area 這個Walther好像在拿水彩筆在我frontal area畫橫線,且好像水彩筆太多水,水滴一直從frontal area 留到temporal area,隔沒多久,感覺連腳都有人在畫線,且有幾條是從頭畫到腳...偶而有突然的分散在不同身體的小點電到的感覺.第一次做完後,她問我how do I feel,我說你是不是拿筆在我頭上劃線, she said no, absolutely沒碰到我,我道是半信半疑...縱然我已經很相信,但again真是很難相信.做完第一次reconnection後隔日又做第二次,一開始就頭上有被劃線的感覺,我眼睛偷偷張開,看到Walther 的手離我頭上20-30 cm,"一支筆都沒有"......這是一生中從沒有的experience....very very special,第二次的reconnection甚至連"直線"都出現了.最後時做完,我竟聞到巧克力味道.....
接著就開始上Levell III seminar,Level III seminar就是在教如何幫別人做 reconnection.(Level III seminar前自己要先被有經驗的人做reconnetion)
So, reconnection 是連結到宇宙的where????事實上經過axiotonal line 後的reconenction 後的electromagnetic frequency它是一股來自第"五次元"的 energy,決對是有第五次元的當你也可以像我一樣,你一定會相信.So,我們說過axiiotonal line是人體連結外面的system,當這股frequency從axiotonal line(人體"外"的energy連結係統) 連到身體後 ,axiotonal line會和針灸的經絡line(人體內的energy連結係統) 會合在所謂的"spin point",然後frequency 會進入針灸的經絡line 此外也會進入每個cell的spin point而達到療癒,這股力量比針灸來的大的多效果也快多了.如果我們老祖先知道這外在axiotonal line而非單的內在針灸經絡線的話.....可能醫療系統會大改變

"The axiotonal lines lie along the acupuncture meridians and connect into some of them by means of the "spin points." Spin points are small spherical vortexes of electromagnetic energy that feel like they are on the skin surface. There are also spin points in every cell of the body. These cellular points emit Sound and Light frequencies which spin the atoms of the molecules in the cell at a faster rate. Through the increased molecular spin, Light fibers are created which set up a grid for cellular regeneration.

"The axial circulatory system was completely vestigial in the human species, due to the axiotonal lines being disconnected so that this game could be played. It is a fifth-dimensional energy system that connects the spin points on the skin surface to every spin point in every cell. It is a model for physical transmutation and it is being renewed now that the axiotonal lines are reconnected. The axial system pulses energy like the circulatory system pulses blood, but the axial system is basically electrical in nature, the the nervous system. The Overself sends energy into the axiotonal line, which then goes into the spin points on the surface of the skin, feeding the physical acupuncture meridians and then the axial system. As the axial system receives energy from the Overself, it recombines color and sound to realign the blood, lymph, endocrine, and nervous systems into the Divine Template, the Adam Kadmon. It also carries the energy from the Overself into the spin points inside the cells. This stimulates the spin points to emit Sound and Light to create a gridwork for the renewed evolution of humankind."


應該是說axiotonal line會帶進來axial and tonal 的information.而Reconnection healing只是治療,無法接收外來的資訊.接收universe的資訊?/甚麼資訊,老實講I don't know,我老婆接收最強,老是有小電流從腳流進來( Diabetes 前兆??哈哈)
但做完reconnection 後reconnection healing會加強.把thymoma治療有些成果後,我開始讓其他的護士小姐體驗,每個人感覺不同,有人覺得會麻,有人會像小電流,好像有人摸.有人看到紅光,白光,紫光..等.至於別人在南非幫我做reconnection healing我真的只感覺一小些小電流,不知是不是我太健康...
越有問題的人感覺越強,這是我目前的心得.So, level III就是在學如何幫別人家做reconnection.Eric 說她被gypsy woman 做reconnection 時gypsy woman 好像真的是用筆在身上劃線.之後Eric肯求gypsy woman 教他,但gypsy woman愛教不教的....好像只教一部份.之後Eric 就用他的手去身體上自己去感覺最strong的點..慢慢湊出他的reconnection line(即axiotonal line).Eric為了防止機密外洩,level III上課沒講義,完全自己要用手劃圖.
Axiotonal line 我用中文...免得被Eric XXX包括; 18點(臉部), 3 個前面線(frontal), 4個影子線, 9個交叉線,12個橫線, 21個校正點.........第二天會加入倒V線,三角形線,所羅門的seals 和橢圓線;這些就是所謂的axiotonal line.
回來台灣第一個被我做reconnection 的是我岳父,他很鐵齒.well,我是他女婿他也只好被我做.第一天我很緊張,岳父大人果然一點感覺也沒有.第二次我硬著頭皮把我岳父再叫我診所來做第二次,這次我做很慢.我岳父做到一半竟說,咦腳上有被劃線的感覺.
還有"點狀"被電的感覺.這就是我的第一次幫別人再連結.Reconnection 完後4-6月後根據指導人員說會有mental 上的change,甚麼change 我也在等著看. 會不會 change到去看psychi ??哈.至少我老婆做完就是常有小電流從腳跑進來,我只是偶而...so 每個人感覺不一樣.


從美國訂的Book of knowledge:Keys of Enoch今天送到..一本書加運費..台幣2100元..
....馬上番到3.17章....講到為何胚胎embryo是 C型.當然"C型"比較可裝在媽媽肚內,但是甚麼造成胚胎C型,就是Magnetic field磁場
In essence, man is a floating biologicl sub-system existing between Magnetic fields. The Magnetic fields "shape" the embryological lines of growth and correspond to magnetic grids delineated within the body.
These embryological lines are controlled by biochemical clocks within, in turn, are controlled by the magnetic resonance factors in the immediate universe.
學胚胎學時只知有幾個星期時會發育甚麼, 這應是biochemical clocks, 但是甚麼控制為何在第八週會出現甚麼器官,第九週出現甚麼器官.....
就是地球內"被設定"的"magnetic resonance"所造成.J.J Huratk 說要證明這點可以把胚胎發育的實驗帶到外太空,在沒上述地球內的magnetic resonance 影響下
這本書真是有趣,看到有趣的章節我會打出來,但那時在南非教我們的指導員,說這本書你如果還沒進化到某程度,你會看不懂某些章節..well interesting

J.J Hurtak說 DNA是我們人體的軟體(就像電腦的軟體),身體則像電腦的硬體


第三次做thymoma的病患,問她feeling,她說第二次做完後,痰有點黃回來.第二次做完覺得最舒服的心情變很好(那天在她的頭部最有感覺,反而肺部感覺沒第一次那麼感肺被打開的感覺),因為吃了倆三年的藥,連帶影響工作, 吃藥到有點depression,做完覺得很快樂(這應該是mental and spiritual的療癒)
第二次做完當天她女兒跟她說媽媽難得睡很沉(她跟她女兒睡一起),比較沒夜咳,但這一倆天痰又有點變黃,但仍是比以前好很多....這幾天一直想把reconnection 的頻率和針灸的線連貫,結果今天做肺部感覺更少...真是應驗了Eric講的,"""療癒者越去想控制這股力量,越沒治療效果,療癒者只是個媒介讓這股頻率經過我流到這病患,越去干預它,越沒治療效果"""",反而今天不經意突然在她的右腳有很強感覺,病患說感覺很強,因為她在右腳有將近4-5年的bursitis,感覺血流一直"一波一波"(真是奇怪的形容)衝向右腳的bursitis處,...本來今天"想"治她的肺反而治到腳去了....還是說肺已經差不多,第二次是治療精神方面,這次第三次這股頻率發現原來右腳還沒療癒到,so這次腳比較有感受....這股力量是有智慧選擇????先治最遭的.......
Eric說到最後他的治療philosophy是如果治好了,那也不是Eric的功勞,治沒好也不是Eric 的錯..這是股驚奇的治療力量.治療者只是這個治療程式的其中之一
Frequency + 治療者 + 病患 =療癒
這一倆天老婆也受不了,抓了倆個護理人員,倆個做完都很"快樂",但老婆幫人做完卻累累的.事實上在做reconnection 大部份時間要很專注. 第二,第三次我和thymoma一邊再連結一邊聊天....看來效果就好像差一點.第一次我是最專注在感覺再連結.....


舉例好了,如果Eric 手的振動頻率為5000. 從來沒接觸reconnection 時,一個人的頻率振動為"0",看完書振動頻率可達"20", 如果有接受過我的振動frequency大約可達60,但要從手上有輸出outputfrequency到可治療別人可能要有"200".今天有個朋友以為被我做過一次後,就可以像我一樣..no,no ..除非我像Eric 一樣有5000,可以直接把你的振動頻率直接由"0"加速到200.或者你去上他的課,很奇怪,倆天你就可以有輸出了,因為整體上課,頻率提高很快,非常快.一些佛教,基督教的修行者要修行很久才有的部份能力,Eric倆天就可以給你.....so again,這是人類與生俱來只是這種力量的連結斷了.
So,你到書店買再連結療癒的書,你只可讓你的頻率加快到20,而且還要1-2 wks後你才會有"小感覺",至於賣珠寶的朋友為何那麼快,她那一天被我做才不到20分鐘左右,手上就有小磁鐵力發出,大約有被我加速到90,...只能說是個人體質不同.(但我承認她的確是有點不一樣,她有修行)
Eric提到有一種叫"manifestator"的人,這種人第一次接觸到frequency就會手掌有出小血滴,和起水泡.這種是最利害的,可能第一次就會被加速到"5000"...well 你是不是這種人,你自己去買書看就知道了.
回到Chapte 3.17, 上次的是網路版,很少,這次我有書,我把詳細的打出來.J.J Hurtal在1973年寫這本書,他不是醫療人員,真不知他如何寫出這些東西,so如果相信J.J 的話,他真的被帶到宇宙的某個地方,被倆個不知道甚麼宇宙人告訴這些東西.
以下我儘量番意,有中文打錯,或英文打錯請見諒,或翻的不恰當, 沒空校正了
On this planet, acupuncture line can be acquired with "progressive" and "regressive" axiotonal line.Therefore, acupuncture,as used during the last 12,000years of evolutionary existance,was cut off from the progressive higher star programming channels. This caused the 12 biophysical meridians to be truncated from direct connection with the Overself.
人的針灸經絡線的能量注入可經由,可借由以下倆種axiotonal line而打通注入energy: 1. 進化式的axiotonal line
(這應該是最早的模式,一生下人類就有axiotonal line連結,可以打通體內
針灸經絡線 使訊息由宇宙直接傳遞到體內)和回朔式axtiotonal line
(好比宗教修行人,修行後自己連結axiotonal line,連結後宇宙訊息能量頻率再傳到針灸經絡線.
人類的針灸經絡線已被延用了1萬2年(看來J.J 也認為有Atlantis 古文明,和Lemurian古文明).但進化式的axiotonal line被切斷了,造成12條經絡線被切段(哪12條??沒寫)
至今,為了維持安基酸的功能, 的身體的運作模式仍停在分子生物學的層面,而只有少量的核磁共振形式的影響.如果要提升到較高能量模式的運作,
針灸經絡線一定要和axtiotonal line所相連
Until this time, the body has been left to work on molecular biological level with only limited magnetic resonance patterns to continue the functions of amino acids . In order to reconnect the biological interconnection with the higher energy plane serving higher evolutionary programming, the acupuncture lines of the old program have to be attached to new axiotonal line. This is the bringing togather of molecular biology with medical astronomy within programs of creation. This advancement requires acupuncture lines be extended to axiotonal line.
The axial line are part ofa fifth dimentional circulatory system combining color and sound, whish are usedto draw from the Overself the basic energy used for the renewing functions of the human evolutionary body.. hence, the axiotonal lines can be used for the complete regeneration of an organ.
Axial line是結和顏色和光的來自第五次元的能量循環係統.也是器官功能更新,身體進化的基本能量.
Medical astronomy, in conjunction with molecular biology(when dual communication link is regained),will allow the tRNA molecules to cause cells to alter their normal properties which will then receive the original genetic transmission, given through a "spin point" to a cell.
當天文醫學和分子生物一起可以使t-RNA 改變細胞的現在較差的性質進而接收最原始很久以前人類可以自己修護自己的基因訊息傳遞接收.
而這個細胞的訊息接受是經由spin point”旋轉點”傳到細胞內. Spin point旋轉點提供給細胞的是重生修復身體的最基本指令.能量經由spin point 後會產生blasterma(不知大家有沒有忘記唸胚胎學時有blasterm這東西裡面是一些人類的最原始細胞 之一),blasterma 的原始細胞再生成新器官.
These transmission at the spin points provides a regeneration instruction for the manufacture of enzymes adn proteins whish are the biuldings blocks for the new tissue or the new organ form. Projecting energy intothe spin point allows for the formationof a blasterma (mass of primitive type cells)that gives rise to the regenerated tissue.
Under present biological conditions, evolutionary development and living bodies from earliest inception follows unicellular semi-conductivity as a living piezoelectric matrix,

生物體從進化以來大多帶有,半導體的特性(piezoelectric…), 就因為有這種導電性質,我們的神經系統得正常功能.目前生物體內的訊息傳遞和控制(好比我們要舉手,先頭腦想,之後借由神經傳遞,手就舉起)
都是只局限在用神經的傳導電位actiona potential, 化學物質(好比賀爾蒙hormon)和DNA-RNA 系統.當有第五次元的系統結合針灸經絡線介入後,會改變原本的神經傳導action potential 電位的模式.即會有另一個新的神經傳導電位跑在”舊有”的傳導電位前.這個新電位會接手主控舊有體內的運作.
through stages which permit primitive basic tissue(glia,satellite and Schwann cekk)to be
be supportive to the neurones on the human system, where the primary source is electrical
The mechanisms of data transmission and control in living organisms have been basically limited to the neural action potential, chemical agent and the DNA-RNA systems.
The fifth circulatory system is connected with an internal current(working through the acupuncture lines )continually at work and available to shape the action potential system.This action potential system in the body, exists upon a substratum of direct current potentials which precede the action potentials of a mechanism of data transmission.. Thus the preexisting direct current potentials have original functions governing the functions which control the basic properties of living organisms.
this key gives the begining of an entirely new science called medical astronomy which allow the nodal of cell memory to be stinulated so that new limbs, organs and tissues fill the anatomical space of the body undergoing regeneration.The fifth circultory system is the model for the physical transmutation. The connecting points between this 5th circulatory system and the nodal point of cell memory are known as spin points.These points admit sound-light vibrations that change the spin of cell molecules to a fasterrate causing the formation of light microfibrils which then allow, in the abscence of membranes, the growth of a complete new tissue area or organ
掌控後,就是天文醫學的開始, 接下來會讓沉睡沒被發現的”記憶細胞結”被刺激生長,而有新組織和器官的產生.
第五次元的能量循環系統是一種能提供生理上變異模式. 第五次元的能量循環系統和記憶細胞結的相連處就是spin point 旋轉點.Spin point會使聲音-光的振動進來後進而改變細胞最小分子的振動加快.之後形成細小光纖,在不須要”膜”??的情況下造成新組織器官的重生.admin
文章: 229
註冊時間: 2010年 3月 24日 09:42
私人訊息Email發件人 admin


嗯,我也在觀查, 剛回台灣的時後大部份是我在幫人家做,我老婆沒做...幾天後老婆還真的感覺手上磁力變弱的感覺,但之後幫護士小姐做後感覺馬上回來.
根據Eric講說Reconnection 只要有做過一次(共倆天),就會永久連結
有固定的修練模式來加強它嗎? (eric 是如何達到2000的? )
1. 一直去"感覺"它, 收手左手在上,右手在下相隔10 cm ,
then 好像在拉手風琴一樣"輕微"的,"很慢"的右手往下,左手往上移動..就會有股 磁力
2. 如果任何人有興趣的話, 來找我,我幫你們entrainment,但請先看過書,也有嘗試自己去找過這股力量,才來找我. ht_lin6245@yahoo.com.tw
3. 有了reconnection ,對我們有什麼益處? 身體健康? 提升靈性? 幫助別人? 我才剛學 3 wks,我有沒有變更健康..I don't know(我大至上原本就勉強算健康), that's why 我 一直在找有病的人,看效果如何. 可以讓人做完後變"快樂",安全感,這點是我很sure的.至於疾病方面就看thymoma的可以好到那裡去.我有過自己的reconnection healing,真是不可思意,隔日起來精神的確舒服.但也不知是否為心裡作用.可惜這個自我的reconnection healing我只有達成過一次,之後我要再找那種竟界...但就一直找不到
接下來我可能會去治療multiple sclerosis 的一位病患....也不知能治療好到甚或程度


The book of knowledge,我建議別買...因為真的很"難"看懂,
事實上Chapter 3.17 還有二頁我沒打出來,因為講的太詳細....如果axiotonal line energy進來後如何造成新組織的產生....這不是"人"可寫出來的...看不懂.
J.J Hurtak 仍有10 個Chapter 未發佈,.....因為他說還"未到時間"公佈給人類看
Chapter 3.14 也是Eric說要看的....在講甚麼.....哇看不懂.....是有關金字塔的東西,為何金字塔,的形狀要如此,因為可以傳遞energy and information..他同時用天文學,物理學,哲學等的...全部參在理面...too hard to read.
可能因為太難懂, J,H hurtak 還出了另外解釋這本書的書
如果你真的開始讀我前一頁寫的那些書,那你已經走向探索個人內在內心的開始,不一定須要宗教,唸完你會覺得金錢是次要的, 雖然在現實社會仍重要.你會越來越去挖掘內在的你來這世上是要幹什麼.


我岳父的爸爸, 94歲牛皮癬,也是吃藥吃到怕,每個星期一次reconnection healing,目前共做三次, 右腳皮膚科醫師說有improve.但thymoma(事實上還有bronchiectasis)的卻又有點flare up,第一次效果不可思議,第二次,第三次我反而介入太多,反而沒做到肺部.她會回去照CXR...well, 我有叫她call片子for me.


好,很多人看到我po的一堆後,應比較可以接受Reconnection這東西(雖然沒接觸過的還是會有點懷疑).那現在我就可以繼續講reconnection healing還有一個更令人難相信的Distant healing,遠距療癒. 在物理學有一個model叫提勒-愛因斯坦模式,講到的是正負時空的概念.像我們活的的世界有具體的物質這是"正時空", 超越光速的能量則存在於"負時空"(好比"乙太"空間的頻率)

正時空的能量在本質上是"電性的", 因此正時空也是電磁輻射的領域 (
electromagnetic radiation )EM
負時空的能量在本質上是"磁性的" 因此負時空是磁電輻射的領域
Magnetoelectric radiation ME
熵entrope是甚麼??: 即energy傾向於沒有秩序,混亂熵值越高越"正"值越混亂,越不輕鬆,越不舒服.
Reconneciton healing再連結療癒的頻率frequency是屬於"負時空" ,且是有符合量子力學(力量隨著距離而增強)...後面這點我已體會到.
So distant healing 的一開始是類似自我healing,本來做reconneciton healing只有在手有磁力的感覺, 自我self-reconneciton healing則是讓磁力包住整個自己......這個我有感覺過一次....一種沒有感覺過的感覺. Distant healing則讓energy從手上更更擴大到遠方的某一人,of course 借由"觀想",so 倆人處在乙太世界??..I don't know,我還沒試過..因為self healing 已經很難.
Key of Enoch charper 3.14 就是在講這些...but我只看懂十分之一........3.17比較容易懂

懷疑宇宙間是否有某種物質在充滿著,就比如說是乙太(Ether;以太 ),能充當像太陽光一般在傳達到各處的一種介質,後來發現光可以不必依靠介質傳送.



而後,美國 芭芭拉.布萊蘭(Barbara Ann Brennan)的著作「手上的光(Hands oLight)」中,將人體的能量場分為七個層次,分別是為:

1. Etheric Body 乙太體

為顯現出我們人體的一個基本模式的生長藍圖,比如說 有些人在截肢之後,還會感覺這些肢體的存在,其實就是感覺到這些乙太體;一般相信,克裡安照相機(KirlianCamera) 所捕捉到的就是這個最基本的能量體.

2. Emotional Body 情緒體

這是由人體七重輪所散發出來的能量,隨著人的思想情緒心情,其顏色及結構會不斷變化;一般在觀看氣場,或是現代的氣場照相機(Aura Camera)所捕捉到的能量場,就是屬於這一層次.

3. Mental Body 理智體


4. Astral Body 星光體


5. Etheric Template 乙太模板體


6. Celestial Body 精妙體

此層次中所流露出來的是極為合諧的光芒,帶有宇宙中無限的大愛(Unconditional Love)與慈悲,也是在此可以經驗精神上的狂喜;在此是 純靈性的 非肉體的 非物質性的.

7. Ketheric Body (Casual Body) 因果體

人們累世累劫以來的記憶 經驗,就是儲存在這個層次裡面,一旦打開之後,就會經驗到不同的前世經驗;好處是從前的經驗 智慧可以累積下來,會變成一位有智慧的人;壞處是若心理建設不夠,此生的痛苦麻煩都還未清理完成,又有累世的痛苦麻煩一起來,反而造成過多的負擔,恐怕無法正常的工作生活,而提早結束此生生命


做完FACIAL PALSY左側PAROTID TUMOR S/P 切除後的顏面神經麻, S/P NERVE GRAFT FROM RIGHT SIDE FAILURE後再從LEFT LEG 的不知哪條NERVE再接到臉上. 做過復健科 和物理治療,..醫療人員都叫她別再治療...因MUSCLE都不動.
嚴格上講閉眼功能 算 FACIAL PALSY GRADE ii
眼睛以下到嘴角算 GRADE V到VI .
今天病患一開始就感覺麻,冷,她說好久沒感覺到臉部感覺了(不知到她cranial nerve V是不是也有問題),之後PT 的LEFT MASSECTOR MUSCLE 和嘴角MUSCLE 就一直不自主抖動.這已經是復健科 和物理治療用ELECTRICAL STIMULATION仍沒辦法達到地步.她left side facial muscle 應是快到denervation的地步, 接過來的nerve也沒function(她說一開始接nerve過來臉亂跳,之後醫師打steroid and anesthesia block..打久了..臉就不亂跳..but..臉也不動了...那是4-5年前的事了)


阿公的萬年牛皮癬..看來真的越來越改善: 以下是皮膚科醫師看了圖片後的見解:
"""""Scales of psoriatic plaques on both legs decreased over time. Besides, the erythema seems subsiding. Amazing !""""

I enjoyed having both of you in the Cape Town seminars - we are very happy to have Reconnective Healing Practitioners in Taiwan!

Please do not worry about the different feelings in your hands. You have not lost your connection to the Reconnection frequencies! People's bodies respond to these new frequencies in many different ways, and what you feel will probably change over time. Sometimes the feelings will be magnetic, sometimes hot, cold, tingling, pulsing, and many other feelings can happen. Sometimes you will not feel very much in your hands, but will feel something somewhere else in your body. Sometimes you will not have much physical feeling at all, but will simply have an inner knowingness that you are connected to the Reconnection frequencies.

Please trust yourself and know that you have the ability to do this work just as well as I can, or Eric can, or anyone else can.

You will gain more confidence as you have more experience. As we encouraged you in the seminar, please step out of your fears and into your Mastery. Enjoy bringing this wonderful Light and Information to the planet at this very important time!

Please let me know if you have other questions.

Many blessings,

她叫Karen是個律師,接觸reconneciton 後就不幹律師.....看到她的信我梢有安慰但的確這幾天感覺越來越弱,奇怪的是竟然"腳"會開始有磁力的感覺(就像手一樣的感覺).So,是整個磁力往手以外的地方平均化去了???....I don't know


最近做thymoma的或許因為我手上的感覺變弱了,一部份跑到腳去了,thymoma的最後這次感覺沒先前大,我叫她先看CXR的結果如何再看要不要繼續reconnection healing. pt 去Chest man那,結果要再2 wks 才可照CXR來比對上次照的CXR(11月照的)....,In fact 有點expect the result , but 想想...healing or not 也不是我能期望, well 有healing當然更好.w2 有同學來體驗一下reconnection healing, 老婆腳有感覺到,我同學則手有"脹脹"的感覺.事實上當frequency 從我流到pt 時就是小電流,和整個手掌"脹"的感覺和滿手磁鐵的感覺.that's all.到這一倆天好像手上感覺又回來6-7成....
明天會有一位thyroid cyst s/p aspiration 好幾次要來try看看reconnection healing....整體而言到現在我的感覺,和nerve system , immune related(牛皮癬..不是真正癬)..好像比較有效, lung infection 的....不知,要等到CXR出來再講.
還有一個multiple sclerosis未做..她在台南..傷腦筋...好遠
昨日看到Key of Enoch的其中一章....有趣, 我懶得翻譯了.
The key languages connecting mind-time warps to interconnecting civilizations and manifestations of higher evolution in our time-zone are Egyptian-Hebrew-Sanskrit-Tibetan-Chinese.以上是標題, 接下來是Enoch的解釋
we are told in this key that if we interconnect the languages of Egyptian(埃及話)-Hebew(希伯來話)-Sanskrit(印度話)-Tibetan(西藏)-Chinese(中國話), we will be mentally interconnected with civilization representing the Higher Evolution. Enoch carefully instructed me to use the languages of Egyptian and Chinese to unify all the biochemical languages working horizontally in the human body.At the same time I(當然指的是J.J Hurtak)was instructed to use Sanskrit and Tibetan fire letters to unify all the biochemical languages working vertically in the human body. Finally I was instructed to use Hebrew fire letters,sacred energy sounds and thought-forms of Light to connect with the intelligences of Pleiades(昂宿星人) and Orion (獵戶星), unifying all crystalline languages of the third eye so as to open the template of the mind for the Eternal light.
Enoch said that if all five languages were used simultaneously, they would activate the pictographic communication of the Brotherhood within the brain, They would create a mental time warps and quicken the Light body Overself to dome within the human vessel of consciousness experience.
These languages form a grid(好像宇宙任何萬物都有grid的劃分) connecting the Higher I AM consciousnes of Light with the human I AM consciousness of LIght through a cosmic light vibration.
Spiritual Man is to understand that this grid is formed by the languages which create horizontal(Egyptian-Chinese) and vertical
(Sanskrit(印度話)-Tibetan(西藏)energy pattern. These, in turn are activated by the divine vector(Hebew 希伯來話,猶太話) created by the focused Light force and by the imprinting of the divine fire letters(or energy sound) upon the vertical and horizontal grid.
These five languages connect the five biocomputer bodies of Man with five different energy spectrum as one unity , so that Man is able to expereince the past, present,and future of all light civilization that ahve lived upon the Earth. The Man is able to experience the nine time zones (地球有九種時空)of this planetary creation recognized as past-past, past-present,past-future,present-past,present-present,present-future,future-past,future-present,future-future
哇我們"中文"是其中之一, 接下來Enoch 花了六頁解釋如何用這五種language如何作用....but 我實在看不懂.如果這只是J.J HUrtak瞎編的,那他也實在編的真厲害.
好比西藏的: 嗡OM-瑪MA-尼NI-貝PE-美ME-吽HUM.帶有energy的幾個字....或者佛教徒唸"經文"..則可和宇宙溝通..和昂宿星人....,且到達別的層次,到不同的時間和空間之類的...............是不是這樣I don't knowadmin
文章: 229
註冊時間: 2010年 3月 24日 09:42
私人訊息Email發件人 admin


舉例好了,如果Eric 手的振動頻率為5000. 從來沒接觸reconnection 時,一個人的頻率振動為"0",看完書振動頻率可達"20", 如果有接受過我的振動frequency大約可達60,但要從手上有輸出outputfrequency到可治療別人可能要有"200".今天有個朋友以為被我做過一次後,就可以像我一樣..no,no ..除非我像Eric 一樣有5000,可以直接把你的振動頻率直接由"0"加速到200.或者你去上他的課,很奇怪,倆天你就可以有輸出了,因為整體上課,頻率提高很快,非常快.一些佛教,基督教的修行者要修行很久才有的部份能力,Eric倆天就可以給你.....so again,這是人類與生俱來只是這種力量的連結斷了.
So,你到書店買再連結療癒的書,你只可讓你的頻率加快到20,而且還要1-2 wks後你才會有"小感覺",至於賣珠寶的朋友為何那麼快,她那一天被我做才不到20分鐘左右,手上就有小磁鐵力發出,大約有被我加速到90,...只能說是個人體質不同.(但我承認她的確是有點不一樣,她有修行)
Eric提到有一種叫"manifestator"的人,這種人第一次接觸到frequency就會手掌有出小血滴,和起水泡.這種是最利害的,可能第一次就會被加速到"5000"...well 你是不是這種人,你自己去買書看就知道了.

至於這個狀態會自己變強 (經過修練),沒錯,越去感覺它越強還是會隨著時間自然越來越弱(不刻意作任何事的情形下)?應該不會,但有時會強有時弱,我上星期就變弱,昨日又變回來還是會保持目前狀態...以下的信我先前也有po過,這是我在南非學習時的指導員對我的回信

I enjoyed having both of you in the Cape Town seminars - we are very happy to have Reconnective Healing Practitioners in Taiwan!

Please do not worry about the different feelings in your hands. You have not lost your connection to the Reconnection frequencies! People's bodies respond to these new frequencies in many different ways, and what you feel will probably change over time. Sometimes the feelings will be magnetic, sometimes hot, cold, tingling, pulsing, and many other feelings can happen. Sometimes you will not feel very much in your hands, but will feel something somewhere else in your body. Sometimes you will not have much physical feeling at all, but will simply have an inner knowingness that you are connected to the Reconnection frequencies.

Please trust yourself and know that you have the ability to do this work just as well as I can, or Eric can, or anyone else can.

You will gain more confidence as you have more experience. As we encouraged you in the seminar, please step out of your fears and into your Mastery. Enjoy bringing this wonderful Light and Information to the planet at this very important time!

Please let me know if you have other questions.

你可以像下面的youtube再練....但要更慢的motion, 賣珠寶的可以,你也可以,但你會"很慢"
可能要1-2 months maybe ," find it, feel it and stretch it"就這三句話
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9vsZPcJ ... xt_from=PL

